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2013-01-24 Thu

#1368. Fennell 版,英語史略年表 [timeline][history][historiography]

 「#777. 英語史略年表」 ([2011-06-13-1]) では,Crystal 版の英語史略年表を掲載したが,今回は Fennell 版を再現する.Fennell では各章の最初に対象となっている時代に関する年表が載せられており,以下はそれをほぼ忠実に編集したまでで,細かくは整理していない.Fennell の著書の題名から予想されるとおり,社会史的な側面が強く反映されている年表である.

8000 BC   Hunter groups move into Lapland
7000 BC   Wheat, barley and pulses cultivated from Anatolia to Pakistan; goats and pigs domesticated
7000 BC   Farming developed on Indian subcontinent; barley main crop
6500 BC   Adoption of farming in Balkan region; beginning of the European Neolithic spread of domestic animals, probably from Anatolia
6200 BC   Farming villages established in the west and central Mediterranean
5200 BC   First farmers of central Europe spread northwest as far as the Netherlands
4500 BC   Cattle used as plough animals in lower Danube region
4500 BC   First megalithic tombs built in western Europe
4400 BC   Domestication of horse on Eurasian Steppes
4200 BC   Earliest copper mines in eastern Europe
4200 BC   Agriculture begins south of the Ganges
3800 BC   Ditched enclosures around settlements in western Europe, forming defended villages
3500 BC   New faming practices: animals increasingly used for traction, wool and milk; simple plough (ard) now used in northern and western Europe
3250 BC   Earliest writing from western Mesopotamia: pictographic clay used for commercial accounts
3200 BC   First wheeled vehicles in Europe (found in Hungary)
3100 BC   Cuneiform script developed in Mesopotamia
3000 BC   Construction of walled citadels in Mediterranean Europe and development of successful metal industry
2900 BC   Appearance of Corded Ware pottery in northern Europe
2500 BC   Bell beakers found in western Europe, often associated with individual burials
2500 BC   Development of urban civilization in the Indian Plain
2500 BC   Earliest syllabic script used in Sumerian literature
2300 BC   Beginning of full European Bronze Age
2000 BC   Fortified settlements in east and central Europe point to increasing social and economic pressures
1900 BC   Cretan hieroglyphic writing
1850 BC   Horses used for the first time to pull light carts in the western Steppes
1650 BC   Linear A script (Crete and the Cyclades)
1650 BC   City-states of central Anatolia unified to form the Hittite kingdom with a strongly fortified capital at Boğazköy
1400 BC   Linear B script (mainland and islands of Greece)
1400 BC   Development of pastoral nomadism on the Steppes: cattle herded from horseback
1300 BC   Westward spread of urnfield cemeteries
1200 BC   Collapse of Hittite empire
1000 BC   Hillforts in Western Europe
1000 BC   Full nomadic economy on the Steppes based on rearing horses, cattle and sheep
850 BC   First settlement at Rome; cluster of huts on Palatine Hill
800 BC   Establishment of culture north and east of Alps --- first stage of Celtic Iron Age (Hallstatt)
800 BC   Rise of Etruscan city-states in central Italy
800 BC   Rise of cities and states in Ganges Valley supported by rice farming
750 BC   First Greek alphabetic inscription
750 BC   Ironworking spreads to Britain
750 BC   Earliest Greek colonies set up from western Mediterranean to the eastern shores of the Black Sea
690 BC   Etruscan script developed from Greek
600 BC   Trade between Celts north west of Alps and Greek colonies of the west Mediterranean; rich wagon burials attest to wealth and power of Celtic elite
600 BC   Latin script
600 BC   Central lowlands of northern Europe first settled
600 BC   First Greek coins
480 BC   2nd stage of European Bronze Age (La Tène)
480 BC   Emergence of classical period of Greek arts and architecture
480 BC   City-states reach height of importance
460 BC   Parchment replaces clay tablets for Aramaic administrative documents
450 BC   Athens, the greatest Greek city-state, reaches the peak of its power
400 BC   Carthage dominates the west Mediterranean
390 BC   Celts sack Rome
334 BC--329 BC   Alexander the Great invades Asia Minor, conquers Egypt and Persia and reaches India; Hellenism established in Asia
331 BC   Alexandria founded
250 BC   Brahmin alphabetic script in India
250 BC   All of peninsular Italy controlled by Rome
206 BC   Rome gains control of Spain
146 BC   Romans destroy the Greek states but Greek culture still important and Greek artists brought to Rome
146 BC   Roman destruction of Carthage
55 BC   Julius Caesar attempts to invade Britain
27 BC   Augustus sole ruler of Roman empire
43--50   Emperor Claudius invades Britain
50   Rome largest city in the world --- population 1 million
117   Roman empire reaches its greatest extent
125   Hadrian's Wall built
285   Administrative separation of eastern and western halves of Roman empire
313   Edict of Milan: toleration of Christianity in Roman empire
330   Constantine founds Constantinople as new eastern capital of the Roman empire
410   Sack of Rome by Visigoths leading to collapse of western Roman empire
410   Romans withdraw from Britain
429   German (Vandal) kingdom in north Africa
449   Angles, Saxons and Jutes invade Britain
597   St Augustine introduces Christianity to the English
787   Scandinavian invasions begin
793   Sacking of Lindisfarne
878   King Alfred defeats the Danes at Eddington
878   Treaty of Wedmore
899   King Alfred dies
1016   Danish King Cnut rules England
1042   Accession of Edward the Confessor to the English throne
1066   Battle of Hastings; Norman Conquest
1095   First Crusade
1170   Assassination of Thomas à Becket
1204   King John loses lands in Normandy
1259--1265   The Barons' War
1337--1453   The Hundred Years War
1340--1400   Geoffrey Chaucer
1346   Battle of Crecy
1346   Battle of Poitiers
1348--1351   The Black Death
1362   Parliament opened in English
1362   The Statute of Pleading (English becomes the official language of legal proceedings)
1381   The Peasants' Revolt
1415   Battle of Agincourt
1476   Caxton introduces the printing press
1489   French no longer used as the language of Parliament
1509   Henry VIII ascends the throne
1534   Act of Supremacy
1536   Small monasteries dissolved
1536   Statute incorporates all of Wales with England
1539   English translation of Bible in every church
1547   Edward VI
1553   Mary Tudor
1554   Mary marries Philip of Spain
1558   Elizabeth I
1559   Act of Supremacy restores laws of Henry VIII
1574   First company of actors; theatre building begins
1577   Sir Francis Drake plunders west coast of South America
1584   Colonists at Roanoke
1600   British East India Company founded
1600   Population of England c.2.5 million
1603   James I
1605   Barbados, West Indies, claimed as English colony
1606   Virginia Company of London sends 120 colonists to Virginia
1607   Jamestown, Virginia, is established by London Co. as the first permanent English settlement in America
1611   King James Bible
1616   Death of Shakespeare
1620   The Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth Rock on the Mayflower
1621   English attempt to colonize Newfoundland and Nova Scotia
1625   Charles I
1627   Charles I grants charter to the Guiana Company
1633   English trading post established in Bengal
1637   English traders established in Canton
1639   English established at Madras
1642--1646   Civil War
1646   English occupy the Bahamas
1648   Second Civil War
1649   Cromwell invades Ireland
1649   Charles I beheaded
1649   Charles II
1649   Commonwealth established
1653   Cromwell becomes Lord Protector
1655   English capture Jamaica
1660   Charles II restored to throne
1663   Charles II grants charter to Royal African Company
1668   British East India Company gains control of Bombay
1670   English settlement in Charles Town, later Charleston, South Carolina
1680--1689   Welsh Quakers settle in large numbers in Pennsylvania
1680--1689   First German immigrants in America
1684   Bermudas become Crown Colony
1689   William and Mary proclaimed king and queen in England and Ireland
1690   Calcutta founded
1690   Population of England c.5 million
1700   Population of England and Scotland 7.5 million
1707   Union of England and Scotland as Great Britain
1707   British land in Acadia, Canada
1710   English South Sea Company founded
1727   George II
1729   North and South Carolina become Crown Colonies
1729   Benjamin and James Franklin publish 'The Pennsylvania Gazette'
1744   Robert Clive arrives at Madras
1756--1763   The French and Indian War in North America
1759   British take Quebec from the French
1760   George III
1762   British capture Martinique, Grenada, Havana and Manila
1765--1947   British Raj in India
1770   James Cook discovers Botany Bay, Australia
1774   Parliament passes the Stamp Act, unifying the colonies against the British
1775   The East India, or Tea, Act prompts the Boston Teat Party
1775--1783   American War of Independence
1776   American Declaration of Independence
1776   The Revolutionary War begins
1778   Cook discovers Hawaii
1783   The Treaty of Paris successfully ends the Revolution
1783   British recognize US independence
1784   Pitt's India Act: East India Company under government control
1786   Penang ceded to Great Britain
1789   George Washington inaugurated as first US President
1790   The first penal colony established in Sydney, Australia
1795, 1806   British forces occupy Cape of Good Hope
1800   British capture Malta
1803   The Louisiana Purchase doubles the size of US territory
1810   British seize Guadeloupe
1811   British occupy Java
1812--1814   War of 1812 between the USA and Britain
1819   Florida purchased by the USA from Spain
1819   British settlement established in Singapore by East India Company
1822   English becomes the official language of the Eastern Cape of South Africa
1822   Liberia founded --- Africa's oldest republic
1824   Erie Canal opens, strengthening east-west trade, but increasing the isolation of the south
1824   British take Rangoon, Burma
1828   The Baltimore and Ohio Railway opens
1832   Britain occupies the Falkland Islands
1837   Queen Victoria
1837   The electric telegraph demonstrated by Samuel Morse
1840   New Zealand becomes an official colony
1840   Penny post introduced in Britain
1842   Hong Kong ceded to Great Britain
1848   Gold discovered in California
1849   Gold Rush
1851   Victoria, Australia, proclaimed separate colony
1852   New constitution for New Zealand
1858   Powers of East India Company transferred to British Crown
1860   Kowloon added to British territories in South-East Asia
1861   Civil War begins with the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter
1861   British Colony founded in Lagos, Nigeria
1863   Emancipation of the slaves is proclaimed, as of 1 January
1865   General Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox
1865   President Lincoln is assassinated, five days later
1867   Alaska is purchased from Russia, becoming the 49th state in 1959
1867   Federal Malay States become a Crown Colony
1869   The first transcontinental railroad is completed
1876   Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone
1877   Edison invents the phonograph
1878   David Hughes invents the microphone
1879   London opens its first telephone exchange
1884   Papua New Guinea becomes British protectorate
1885   Britain established protectorate over Northern Bechuanaland, Niger River Region and southern New Guinea, and occupies Port Hamilton, Korea
1886   First Indian National Congress meets
1887   First Colonial Conference opens in London
1888   Cecil Rhodes granted mining rights by King of Matabele
1890   Rhodes becomes Premier of Cape Colony
1893   Uganda united as British protectorate
1893   USA annexes Hawaii
1895   Marconi invents radiotelegraphy
1895   Auguste and Louis Lumière invent the motion-picture camera
1895   British South Africa Company territory south of the Zambezi River becomes Rhodesia
1898   America receives Guam and sovereignty over the Philippines
1898   New Territories leased by Britain from China for 99 years
1899   First magnetic sound recordings
1899--1902   Boer War
1900   R. A. Fessenden transmits the human voice via radio waves
1900   British capture Bloemfontein, relieve Mafeking, annex Orange Free State and Transvaal and take Pretoria and Johannesburg Commonwealth of Australia created
1901   Marconi transmits radiotelegraph messages from Cornwall to New Zealand
1901   End of Queen Victoria's reign
1903   Ford Motor Company founded
1903   Orville and Wilbur Wright make the first successful manned flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
1903   British conquer northern Nigeria
1907   New Zealand becomes a dominion within the British Empire
1908   Union of South Africa established
1908   Henry Ford introduces the mass-produced Model T
1914   Panama Canal opened
1914--1918   World War I
1916   USA purchases Danish West Indies (Virgin Islands)
1917   USA purchases Dutch West Indies
1919   League of Nations founded
1920   Gandhi emerges as leader of India
1920   Kenya becomes British colony
1921   British Broadcasting Corporation founded
1921   First Indian Parliament meets
1924   The National Origins Act marks the official end of large-scale immigration to America; from this point on numbers are restricted and quotas are introduced
1924   British Imperial Airways founded
1925   John Logie Baird transmits a picture of a human face via television
1928   John Logie Baird demonstrates first colour television
1929   Teleprinters and teletypewriters first used
1929   First scheduled TV broadcasts in Schernectedy, New York
1929   First talking pictures made
1936   BBC London television service begins
1938   Lajos Biró invents the ball-point pen
1939--1945   World War II
1942   First computer developed in the United States
1942   Magnetic recording tape invented
1944   First telegraph line used between Washington and Baltimore
1945   United Nations founded
1946   Chester Carlson invents Xerography
1946   Philippines become independent from the United States
1947   Transistor invented at Bell Laboratories
1947   India proclaimed independent
1948   Peter Goldmark invents the long-playing record
1951   Colour TV introduced into USA (15 million TV sets in USA)
1952   Accession of Queen Elizabeth II
1957   Common Market established by Treaty of Rome
1957   Malaysian independence
1958   First stereophonic recordings
1962--1975   Uganda, Kenya, Zambia (Northern Rhodesia), Malawi, Malta, Gambia, Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), Guyana, Mauritius, Nigeria, Bahamas, Papua New Guinea all become independent of Great Britain
1965   Atlantic cable completed
1968   Intelsar communication satellite launched
1989   South Africa desegregated
1997   Hong Kong rule returns to China

 ・ Crystal, David. The English Language. 2nd ed. London: Penguin, 2002.
 ・ Fennell, Barbara A. A History of English: A Sociolinguistic Approach. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2001.

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2012-12-20 Thu

#1333. 中英語で受動態の動作主に用いられた前置詞 [preposition][passive][timeline]

 中英語で動作主を示すのに用いられた前置詞には,by, from, mid, of, with があった.すべてが同じような頻度で用いられていたわけではなく,時代により盛衰が見られた.
 古英語では,主として from が,またしばしば of が動作主を表わすのに用いられていた.このうち from は14世紀まで使用されたが,後に廃れていった.一方,of は古英語の終わりから中英語にかけて著しく伸張し,1600年辺りまでは最も広く用いられた.次に現代英語に連なる by をみてみると,動作主を示す用法は,古英語でもそれらしき例があったと指摘されてはいるが,はっきりしない(下の Mustanoja からの3番目の引用を参照).動作主の by が中英語で例証されるようになるのは14世紀終わりからであり,15--16世紀にかけて拡大し,of と肩を並べるほどになる.そのほか,動作主の前置詞としてはそれほど目立たないが,13世紀より文証される with や初期中英語で散見される mid の例もある.

       1000      1100      1200      1300      1400      1500      1600      1700
from :************************************** - - -
of   :*************************************************************** - - -
bi   : - - -                                    *******************************
with :                        - - *** - -
mid  :                   - - *** - -

 Mustanoja より,各前置詞の関連する記述箇所を引用しておこう.

From its function to indicate a person as a source of an action, first as a giver or sender, from develops into a preposition of agency in OE. In this function it occurs down to the 14th century: --- he wæs gehalgod to biscop fram þone ærcebiscop Willelm of Cantwarabyri (OE Chron. an. 1129); --- I . . . am sett king from hym upon Sion (Wyclif Ps. ii 6; am maad of hym a kyng, Purvey). (385--86)

To express agency of is used less frequently than from in OE, but it begins to gain ground towards the end of this period and becomes the most popular preposition expressing agency in connection with a passive verb down to c 1600. It is possible that this use of of has been promoted by the influence of OF de. Examples: --- ich wolde þet heo weren of alle alse heo beoþ of ou iholden (Ancr. 21); --- is alle biset of helle muchares (Ancr. 67); --- if he wolde be slayn of Symkyn (Ch. CT A Rv. 3959); --- enformed whan the kyng was of that knyght (Ch. CT F Sq. 335). (397)  

Wülfing II, p. 338, quotes a doubtful OE instance of be denoting agency with a passive verb, and R. Gottweiss (Anglia XXVIII, 1905, 353--4) calls attention to what he calls 'signs of the use of be with the passive' in Ælfric's homilies. BTS, be 20, quotes an example from the OE Gospel of St Luke (þa þing þe be him wærun gewordene 'quae febant ab eo,' ix 7). Cf. active cases like þat was agan þære bi þan kaisere (Lawman A 27982). Unambiguous ME instances where by indicates the agent of a passive verb occur from the end of the 14th century on (I praye Jhesu shorte hir lyves That wol nat be governed by hir wyves, Ch. CT D WB 1262; --- ne hadde he ben holpen by the steede of brass, Ch. CT F Sq. 666). This use becomes increasingly common in the 15th and 16th centuries. In the Cloud (MSS of the early 15th---early 16th century) of is a little more frequently used to denote agency than by. It may be assumed that the use of by to indicate the agent of a passive expression is promoted by the influence of French par. (374--75)

With begins to occur as a preposition of agency in the 13th century: --- heder was þat mayde brouȝt With marchaundes þat hur had bouȝt (Flor. & Bl. 408); --- he was with þe prestes shrive (Havelok 2489); --- and with twenty knyghtes take, O persone allone, withouten mo (Ch. CT A Kn. 2724). (420)

. . . instrumental mid is occasionally used to express agency in early ME: --- a lefdi was þet was mid hire voan biset at abuten (Ancr. 177). (394)

 ・ Mustanoja, T. F. A Middle English Syntax. Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, 1960.

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2012-11-02 Fri

#1285. FLASHで英語史略年表 [timeline][history][flash][web_service][world_languages][loan_word][link]

 マンチェスター大学の発信する,子供向け教育コンテンツを用意しているこちらのサイトのなかに,Timeline of English Language なるFLASHコンテンツを発見した.粗い英語史年表で,あくまで導入的な目的での使用を念頭に置いたものだが,話の種には使えるかもしれないので紹介しておく.

 ・ World Language Map
 ・ Borrowing Game

 簡易年表ということでいえば,A brief chronology of English なるものを見つけた.本ブログ内では,timeline を参照.

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2011-06-13 Mon

#777. 英語史略年表 [timeline][history][historiography]

 英語史年表は,どの概説書にも記載があるしオンラインでも見つけられる(例えば英語の歴史年表―前史・古英語期)が,本ブログとしての版も作成してゆこうと考えている.たたき台として,Crystal (298--300) の略年表を再現したものを掲げておく.その他,直接間接に英語史に関連する年表は timeline を参照.

449   Invasion by Angles, Saxons, and Jutes
450--480   Earliest runic inscriptions in Old English
597   Augustine brings Christianity to Kent
680   Approximate earliest date for the composition of Beowulf
700   Approximate dating of earliest Old English manuscripts
735   Death of the Venerable Bede
787   Viking raids begin
871   Alfred becomes King of Wessex
886   Danelaw boundaries settled
950--1000   Approximate dates of the main Old English poetry collections
1016--1042   Cnut and his sons reign
1066   Norman Conquest
1150--1200   Earliest texts in Middle English
1171   Henry II's invasion of Ireland
1204   France reconquers Normandy
1250--1300   Edward I's campaigns against the Welsh and Scots
1362   English first used at the opening of Parliament
1375--1400   Chaucer's main works written
1384   Wyclif's translation of the Bible
1400--1450   The Great Vowel Shift
1400--1600   Main period of older Scots literature
1476   Introduction of printing
1475--1650   Renaissance loan words into English
1549   Book of Common Prayer written
1560--1620   English plantation settlements in Ireland
1584   Roanoke settlement in America
1590--1616   Shakespeare's main works written
1600   East India Company established trading posts in India
1603   Act of Union of the crowns of England and Scotland
1604   Publication of Robert Cawdrey's A Table Alphabeticall
1607   First permanent English settlement in America
1609   First English settlement in the Caribbean
1611   Authorized Version of the Bible
1619   Arrival of first African slaves in North America
1620   Arrival of the Pilgrim Fathers in America
1623   First Folio of Shakespeare's plays published
1627   British established in Barbados
1655   British acquire Jamaica from Spain
1707   Union of the Parliaments of England and Scotland
1712   Jonathan Swift's proposal for an English Academy
1713   British control in eastern Canada recognized
1721   Publication of Nathaniel Bailey's Universal Etymological English Dictionary
1755   Publication of Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language
1762   Publication of Robert Lowth's Short Introduction to English Grammar
1765--1947   British Raj in India
1776   American independence declared
1780--1800   First wave of emigration to Canada from the USA
1783   Loss of American colonies of Britain
1788   Establishment of first penal colony in Australia
1791   Establishment of Upper and Lower Canada
1794   Publication of Lindley Murray's English Grammar
1800--1910   Main period of European emigration to the USA
1802   Ceylon and Trinidad ceded to Britain
1803   Act of Union between Britain and Ireland
1806   British control established in South Africa
1808   Sierra Leone made colony
1814   Tobago, Mauritius, St Lucia and Malta ceded to Britain
1816   Colony of Bathurst (Gambia) established
1819   British established Singapore
1828   Publication of Noah Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language
1840   Official colony established in New Zealand
1842   Hong Kong ceded to Britain
1861   Lagos (Nigeria) established as colony
1865--1900   Movement of blacks to northern parts of the USA after the American Civil War
1867   Independence of Canada
1874   Gold Coast (Ghana) established as colony
1884--1928   Publication of the Oxford English Dictionary
1888--1894   British protectorates established in Kenya, Zanzibar, Uganda
1901   Independence of Australia
1907   Independence of New Zealand
1910   Union of South Africa established
1919   Tanganyika ceded to Britain
1922   Partition of Northern Ireland and Eire
1922   Establishment of the BBC
1925   Afrikaans given official status in South Africa
1931   British Commonwealth recognized
1947   Independence of India
1948   Independence of Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
1957   Independence of Ghana
1957--63   Independence of Malaysia
1960   Independence of Nigeria
1940--1975   Main period of immigration to Britain from Europe, Caribbean and Asia
1961   Independence of Sierra Leone and Cyprus
1962   Independence of Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda
1963   Independence of Kenya
1964   Independence of Tanzania, Malawi, Malta, Zambia
1965   Independence of The Gambia, Singapore
1966   Independence of Guyana, Botswana, Lesotho, Barbados
1968   Independence of Mauritius, Swaziland, Nauru
1970--1984   Independence of possessions in Caribbean and Pacific
1972   Independence of Bangladesh
1972   First network e-mail sent
1975   Independence of Papua New Guinea
1977   Voyager spacecraft leaves with English message
1984   Independence of Brunei
1986   Independence of Marshall Islands
1988   CD-ROM of the Oxford English Dictionary
1990   Independence of Namibia
1991   Independence of the Federated States of Micronesia
1991   Implementation of the World Wide Web
1994   Independence of Palau
2000   Oxford English Dictionary goes online

 ・ Crystal, David. The English Language. 2nd ed. London: Penguin, 2002.
 ・ 寺澤 芳雄,川崎 潔 編 『英語史総合年表?英語史・英語学史・英米文学史・外面史?』 研究社,1993年.

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2011-05-18 Wed

#751. 地球46億年のあゆみのなかでの人類と言語 [timeline][writing][homo_sapiens][anthropology][origin_of_language][grammatology]


02/17 -- 03/04巨大ないん石が地球に落ちて海が蒸発,その後ふたたび海ができる
06/24 -- 07/09この間のどこかで,大規模な氷河時代
09/27 -- 10/29ロディニア超大陸の時代
10/30 -- 11/13この間のどこかで,大規模な氷河時代
11/25 -- 11/27植物の上陸
12/15 -- 12/26恐竜の繁栄
12/31 12:34:26人類の誕生
12/31 23:37:08ホモサピエンスの誕生
12/31 23:48:34言語の発生
12/31 23:58:03ラスコーの壁画
12/31 23:59:18印欧祖語の時代
12/31 23:59:22インダス文字の起源
12/31 23:59:23エジプト文字の起源
12/31 23:59:25メソポタミア文字の起源
12/31 23:59:36漢字,ヒッタイト文字の起源
12/31 23:59:42マヤ文字,古代ペルシャ文字の起源
12/31 23:59:44古代インド文字の起源
12/31 23:59:48英語の起源
12/31 23:59:56近代英語の始まり

 小学館の図鑑『地球』で「地球のあゆみをふりかえる」 (8--9) を眺めていて,この中に言語の歴史を入れたらどうなるかと戯れにこの年表を作ってみたにすぎないのだが,結果として考えさせられる教訓的な年表となった.

 ・ 丸山 茂徳 他(監修) 『地球』 小学館の図鑑 NEO 第10巻,小学館,2007年.

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2009-09-05 Sat

#131. 英語の復権 [me][history][reestablishment_of_english][timeline][monarch]

 ノルマン人の征服 ( Norman Conquest ) 以降,中英語の前半は,イングランドはフランス語の支配に屈していた.庶民の言語である英語はいわば地下に潜っていたが,13世紀辺りから徐々に英語の復活劇が始まる.だが,フランス語支配の時代に蓄えられた多くの遺産をすべてひっくり返すには,相当な時間とエネルギーが必要だった.例えば,法的文書の英語義務化は18世紀になってようやく施行された.英語の復権は,実に長い道のりだったわけである.

12--13世紀英語の文学作品などが現れ始める( Layamon's Brut, The Owl and the Nightingale, Ancrene Wisse, etc. )
1258年Simon de Monfort の反乱(政府機関へのフランス人の登用に対する抗議.英語の回復も強く要求される.その結果,Henry III は布行政改革の宣言書をラテン語,フランス語だけでなく英語でも出すこととなった.)
1272年Edward I がイングランド王として初めて英語を使用する
1337年Edward III,フランスの王位継承権を主張し百年戦争が始まる( ? 1453年 )
1348--50年最初のペストの流行( 1361--62, 1369, 1375年にも流行.黒死病については[2009-08-24-1]を参照.)
1350年代Higden's Polychronicon で,上流貴族の子弟にとってもすでに英語が母語となっていたことが示唆される
1363年法廷での使用言語が英語となる (ただし,記録はラテン語)
1381年Peasants' Revolt
1399年英語を母語とする最初の王 Henry IV 即位
1414年Henry V がイングランド王として初めて英語で手紙を書く(政府内でも英語の使用が奨励される)
1539年Great Bible が王により初めて公認される(保守的な宗教の世界でも英語の使用が認められるようになる)

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2009-06-08 Mon

#41. 言語と文字の歴史は浅い [timeline][writing][homo_sapiens][anthropology][origin_of_language][grammatology]

 約50万年前に Homo erectus から Homo sapiens が分かれたが,頭蓋骨の形状から,彼らは言語を話さなかったようだ.約10万年前から,頭蓋骨の形状が現代の我々のものに類似してきたようで,恐らく言語の発生もこのくらいだろうと考えられる.一方,文字の発生は,現在確認されている最も古いもので,ようやく5500年ほどを遡れるくらいである.

Homo erectus の発生2,000,000
Homo sapiens の発生500,000

以下の円グラフは,Homo sapiens の歴史50万年における言語と文字の歴史の長さの割合を示したものである.文字の歴史は何とも浅い.

Timeline of Human Language and Writing

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2009-05-16 Sat

#18. 英語史をオンラインで学習できるサイト [link][timeline][hel_education]

 今回はちょっとしたサイトの紹介だけ.BBC の Ages of English Timeline は,FLASH により遊び感覚で英語史の要点を学べる.

Referrer (Inside): [2016-10-19-1] [2013-02-03-1]

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