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最終更新時間: 2024-09-26 20:11

2024-09-21 Sat

#5626. 古英語の sc の口蓋化・歯擦化 (2) [sound_change][phonetics][consonant][palatalisation][oe][digraph][spelling][alliteration][aelfric]

 以前に「#1511. 古英語期の sc の口蓋化・歯擦化」 ([2013-06-16-1]) で取り上げた話題.古英語の2重字 (digraph) である <sc> について,依拠する文献を Prins に変え,そこで何が述べられているかを確認し,理解を深めたい.Prins (203--04) より引用する.

7.16 PG sk

PG sk was palatalized:

1. In initial position before all vowels and consonants:
WS sčield A scčeld'shield'schild
sčēawian'to show'schouwen G schauen
sčendan'to damage'schenden

2. Medially between palatal vowels and especially when followed originally by i(:) or j:

þrysče 'thrush'
wysčean 'to wish'

3. Finally after palatal vowels:

æsč 'ash'
disč 'dish'
Englisč 'English'

 古英語研究では通常,口蓋化した <sc> の音価は [ʃ] とされているが,Prins (204) の注によると,本当に [ʃ] だったかどうかはわからないという.むしろ [sx] だったのではないかと議論されている.

Note 2. In reading OE we generally read sc(e) as [ʃ], but there is no definite proof that this was the pronunciation before the ME period (when the French spelling s, ss is found, and the spelling sh is introduced).
In Ælfric sc alliterates with sp, and st. So s must have been the first element. The second element cannot have been k, since Scandinavian loanwords (which must have been adopted in lOE) still have sk: skin, skill.
The pronunciation in OE was probably [sx]. Cf. Dutch schoon [sxo:n], schip [sxip], which in the transition period to eME or in eME itself, must have become [ʃ].

 ・ Prins, A. A. A History of English Phonemes. 2nd ed. Leiden: Leiden UP, 1974.

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