一昨日の記事「#5763. 品詞とは何か? --- ただの「語類」と呼んではダメか」 ([2025-02-05-1]) で,"parts of speech" (品詞),"word-class" (語類),"form-class" (形式類)といった近似する用語群について考えた.アメリカ構造主義の旗手 Bloomfield は,代表的著書 Language (§12.11) にて,この3つを区別して考えている.
The syntactic form-classes of phrases . . . can be derived from the syntactic form-classes of words: the form-classes of syntax are most easily described in terms of word-classes. Thus, in English, a substantive expression is either a word (such as John) which belongs to this form-class (a substantive), or else a phrase (such as poor John) whose center is a substantive; and an English finite verb expression is either a word (such as ran) which belongs to this form-class (a finite verb), or else a phrase (such as ran away) whose center is a finite verb. An English actor-action phrase (such as John ran or poor John ran away) does not share the form-class of any word, since its construction is exocentric, but the form-class of actor-action phrases is defined by their construction: they consist of a nominative expression and a finite verb expression (arranged in a certain way), and this, in the end, again reduces the matter to terms of word-classes.
The term parts of speech is traditionally applied to the most inclusive and fundamental word-classes of a language, and then, in accordance with the principle just stated, the syntactic form-classes are described in terms of the parts of speech that appear in them. However, it is impossible to set up a fully consistent scheme of parts of speech, because the word-classes overlap and cross each other.
form-class は語句の統語的な役割に対応する単位,word-class はその form-class の典型的な主要部を示す語の属する語彙的な区分,parts of speech はその word-class の伝統的で基本的な型,ということになるだろうか.
あえてすっきりまとめるのであれば,それぞれ統語的単位,語彙的単位,語彙・統語・形態的単位といってよい.「品詞」 (parts of speech) は実用的な便利さゆえに広く用いられているが,実際には複合的(で意外と複雑)な単位ということになる.
・ Bloomfield, Leonard. Language. 1933. Chicago and London: U of Chicago P, 1984.
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