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2024-10-03 Thu

#5638. 形容詞補文として to 不定詞が続く6つのタイプ --- LGSWE より [infinitive][syntax][adjective][complementation][construction]

 「#5633. 形容詞補文として to 不定詞が続く7つのタイプ --- Quirk et al. より」 ([2024-09-28-1]) に引き続き,同構文について.別の文法書を参照すると,異なる分類がなされている.今回は LGSWE (= Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English) の § を参照した.ここでは問題の形容詞の意味にしたがって,6タイプが区別されている. Adjectives taking post-predicate to-clauses


- Only one adjectival predicate is notably common controling to-clauses in post-predicate position: (un)likely. This form occurs more than 50 times per million words in the LSWE Corpus.
- Other adjectival predicates occurring more than ten times per million words in the LSWE Corpus are: (un)able, determined, difficult, due, east, free, glad, hard, ready, used, (un)willing.
- Other adjectival predicates attested in the LSWE Corpus:
     Degree of certainty: apt, certain, due, guaranteed, liable, (un)likely, prone, sure
     Ability or willingness: (un)able, anxious, bound, careful, competent, determined, disposed, doomed, eager, eligible, fit, greedy, hesitant, inclined, keen, loath, obliged, prepared, quick, ready, reluctant, (all) set, slow, (in)sufficient, welcome, (un)willing
     Personal affective stance: afraid, amazed, angry, annoyed, ashamed, astonished, careful, concerned, content, curious, delighted, disappointed, disgusted, embarrassed, free, furious, glad, grateful, happy, impatient, indignant, nervous, perturbed, pleased, proud, puzzled, relieved, sorry, surprised, worried
     Ease or difficulty: awkward, difficult, easy, hard, (un)pleasant, (im)possible, tough
     Evaluation: bad, brave, careless, crazy, expensive, good, lucky, mad, nice, right, silly, smart, (un)wise, wrong
     Habitual behavior: (un)accustomed, (un)used

 ここでは,それぞれのタイプの形容詞が用いられる場合に to 不定詞がどのような意味役割を担っているのか,という点については触れられていない.しかし,LGSWE の続く箇所にさらなる解説があるので,ぜひご参照を.

 ・ Biber, Douglas, Stig Johansson, Geoffrey Leech, Susan Conrad, and Edward Finegan, eds. Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Harlow: Pearson Education, 1999.

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2024-09-30 Mon

#5635. easy-to-please 構文にみられる中動態的性質 [middle_voice][passive][voice][semantic_role][infinitive][syntax][adjective][complementation][construction][adverb]

 今回は,昨日の記事「#5634. eager-to-please 構文の古さと準助動詞化の傾向」 ([2024-09-27-1]) で触れなかったもう1つの構文,easy-to-please 構文について,その歴史的な特徴を考えてみます.
 Fischer et al. (171--72) によれば,easy-to-please 構文には (voice) に関わる重要な問題がつきまといます.

   The easy-to-please construction has undergone a number of changes. From around 1400, two slightly more complex variants of the construction are found. One has a stranded preposition in the subordinate clause, as in (28a). The other has a passive infinitive (28b).

(28) a þei fond hit good and esy to dele wiþ also
    'They found it good and easy to deal with as well.' (Curson(Trin-C)16557)
   b the excercise and vce [= 'use'] of suche ... visible signes [...] is good and profitable to be had at certein whilis [= 'times'] (Pecock,Represser,Ch.XX)

 (28a) はまさに現代の easy-to-please 構文ですが,(28b) は不定詞部分が to be had のように受動態となっている部分に注意が必要です.この違いは何なのでしょうか.この論点について,現代英語に引きつけて具体的に解説しましょう.現代の He is easy to please. において,文の主語 he と不定詞として現われる動詞 please の統語意味論的な関係は,"he is pleased" あるいは "someone pleases him" ということになります.前者をとれば,能動態ではなく受動態の解釈となりますが,不定詞として現われる動詞自体は受動態の標示を帯びていないために,形式と機能に食い違いが生じてしまっています.この態の観点からみると,上記の (28a) よりも (28b) のほうが理に適っているように思われますが,どうなのでしょうか.
 Fischer et al. (172) では,次のように議論が続きます.

The development in (28b) is reminiscent of that in the modal passive . . . , and some degree of mutual influence seems likely. Curiously, however, passive marking eventually became obligatory in the modal passive, but not so in the easy-to-please construction, where formal passives never became systematic and sometimes even disappeared again, as shown by the now-ungrammatical example in (29a). Fischer (1991: 175ff) suggests that formally passive infinitives tend to occur with easy-type adjectives when the relation between adjective and infinitive rather than between adjective and subjective is stressed (cf. 29a). In such cases, an adverb rather than an adjective is also often found, as in (29b).

(29) a when once an act of dishonesty and shame has been deliberately committed, the will having been turned to evil, is difficult to be reclaimed (1839, COHA)
   b Jack Rapley is not easily to be knocked off his feet (1819, Fischer ibid.)

From this, one might speculate that passive forms failed to fully establish themselves in this context because the meaning the construction conveys is not always purely passive. As (30) illustrates, the subject of many easy-to-please constructions combines both patient-like and agent-like qualities. While the subject undergoes the action, its intrinsic qualities also contribute to how that action unfolds. The construction could therefore be analysed as marking middle voice.

(30) more experienced opponents ... can sometimes be tricky to play against. (BNC)

 easy-to-please 構文と中動態という新たな関係が持ち上がってきた.

 ・ Fischer, Olga, Hendrik De Smet, and Wim van der Wurff. A Brief History of English Syntax. Cambridge: CUP, 2017.
 ・ Fischer, Olga. "The Rise of the Passive Infinitive in English". Historical English Syntax. Ed. D. Kastovsky. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1991. 141--88.

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2024-09-29 Sun

#5634. eager-to-please 構文の古さと準助動詞化の傾向 [infinitive][syntax][adjective][complementation][construction]

 昨日の記事「#5633. 形容詞補文として to 不定詞が続く7つのタイプ --- Quirk et al. より」 ([2024-09-28-1]) で「形容詞 + to 不定詞」の様々なパターンを確認しました.7タイプへの区分はかなり細かいものですが,ここでは Fischer et al. に従い,大雑把粗に2タイプに区分しましょう.標題にあるとおり,eager-to-please 構文と easy-to-please 構文の2種類です (170--71) .

In the so-called eager-to-please construction in (22a), the main clause subject functions also as agent-argument of the infinitive. In the easy-to-please construction, the main clause subject corresponds to the patient-argument of the infinitive. The easy-to-please construction is therefore somewhat reminiscent of the modal passive . . . expressing a passive-like meaning without passive marking.

(22) a [Eager-to-please construction]
    Andropulos was a bit reluctant to go (BNC)
   b [Easy-to-please construction]
    He was lying in wait in the hallway, where he was impossible to overlook (BNC)

 いずれの構文も歴史は古く,すでに古英語より文証されます (171) .

Both the eager-to-please construction and the easy-to-please construction were already available in OE, as shown in (24) and (25), respectively. . . .

(24) ic eom gearo to gecyrrenne to munuclicere drohtnunge
    I am ready to turn to monastic way-of-life (ÆCHom.I,35 484.251)
    'I am ready to turn to a monastic way of life.'
(25) ðis me is hefi to donne
    This to-me is heavy to do (Mart.5(Kotzor)Se.16,A.14)
    'This is hard for me to do.'

 おもしろいのは,前者の eager-to-please 構文は,古英語から安定的に文証されるのですが,後に法的な意味を帯びて,準助動詞へ発展したものが出てきていることです.Fischer et al. より続けて引用します (171) .

The eager-to-please construction has been essentially stable throughout the history of the language. It is interesting to note, however, that some adjectives in the construction developed into modal markers. A straightforward example is bound, originally meaning 'under a binding obligation' but now typically used to mark epistemic necessity.

 ここでは be bound to の例が示唆されていますが,ほかの箇所では be sure tobe certain to にも言及があります.昨日の記事の内容とあわせて,味わっていただければ.

 ・ Fischer, Olga, Hendrik De Smet, and Wim van der Wurff. A Brief History of English Syntax. Cambridge: CUP, 2017.

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2024-09-28 Sat

#5633. 形容詞補文として to 不定詞が続く7つのタイプ --- Quirk et al. より [adjective][complementation][infinitive][syntax][construction][semantics][helmate][helwa]

 Quirk et al. (1226--27; §16.75) に,"Adjective complementation by a to-infinitive clause" と題する項がある.

We distinguish seven kinds of construction in which an adjective is followed by a to-infinitive clause. They are exemplified in the following sentences, which are superficially alike:

  (i) Bob is splendid to wait.
 (ii) Bob is slow to react.
(iii) Bob is sorry to hear it.
 (iv) Bob is hesitant to agree with you.
  (v) Bob is hard to convince.
 (vi) The food is ready to eat.
(vii) It is important to be accurate.

In Types (i--iv) the subject of the main clause (Bob) is also the subject of the infinitive clause. We can therefore always have a direct object in the infinitive clause if its verb is transitive. For example, if we replace intransitive wait by transitive build in (i), we can have: Bob is splendid to build this house.
   For Types (v--vii), on the other hand, the subject of the infinitive is unspecified, although the context often makes clear which subject is intended. In these types it is possible to insert a subject preceded by for; eg in Type (vi): The food is ready (for the children) to eat.

 いずれの構文も表面的には「形容詞 + to 不定詞」と同様だが,それぞれに固有の統語的,意味的な特徴がある.要調査ではあるが,おそらく歴史的発達の経路も互いに大きく異なるものが多いだろう.
 目下 helwa リスナーからなる Discord 上の英語史コミュニティ内部における「ヌマる!英文法」チャンネルにて,He is sure to win the game. のような構文が話題となっている.この「sure + to 不定詞」の構文は,Quirk et al. によれば (iv) タイプに属するという.理解は必ずしもたやすくない.

 ・ Quirk, Randolph, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman, 1985.

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2024-05-26 Sun

#5508. be to do 構文の古英語での用法は原則として受動態的だった [be_to_do][syntax][infinitive][auxiliary_verb][oe][construction][latin][voice]

 一昨日の記事「#5506. be to do 構文は古英語からあった」 ([2024-05-24-1]) に引き続き be to do 構文の歴史について.
 この構文は古英語から観察されるが,伝統的な説として,ラテン語の対応構文のなぞりではないかという議論がある.その背景には,主にラテン語からの翻訳文献に現われること,そしてラテン語の対応構文と連動して受動態 (passive) の意味で用いられるのが普通であるという事実が背景にある.異なる説もあるので慎重に議論する必要があるが,ここではラテン語影響説を支持する Mustanoja (524--25) より,関連箇所を引用しよう.


   INFINITIVE WITH 'To' AS A PREDICATE NOMINATIVE (THE TYPE 'TO BE TO'). --- The construction to be to, implying futurity and often obligation (the infinitive being originally that of purpose), is comparatively infrequent in OE and early ME, but becomes more common in later ME and early Mod. E. It probably arose under Latin influence, the infinitive with to being used to render the Latin future participle (-urus) or gerundive (-ndus), as in wæron fram him ece mede to onfonne ('aeterna ab illo praemia essent percepturi') and he is to gehyrenne ('audiendus est'). In OE this infinitive occurs mostly in a passive sense (he is to gehyrenne; --- hu fela psalma to singenne synt 'quanti psalmi dicendi sunt'). This usage continues in ME and even today. ME examples: --- þi luve . . . oþer heo is to ȝiven allunge oþer he is for to sullen, oþer heo is for to reaven and to nimen mid strengþe (Ancr. 181); --- that ston was gretly for to love (RRose 1091). The periphrastic passive appears in the 14th century: --- þey beþ to be blamed (RMannyng HS 1546).
   In OE the predicative infinitive of this type is comparatively seldom found with an active meaning (wæron ece mede to onfonne 'aeterna praemia . . . essent percepturi'). This use continues to be rare in early ME, but becomes more frequent later in the period. In many instances the implication of futurity is faint or practically non-existent: --- þes fikelares mester is to wrien ant te helien þet gong þurl (Ancr. 36); --- al mi rorde is woning ant to ihire grislich þing (Owl&N 312); --- myn entencioun Nis nat to yow of reprehensioun To speke as now (Ch. TC i 685). In many instances, however, the implication of futurity is prominent: --- Crystes tresore, Þe which is mannes oule to save, as God seith in þe Gospel (PPl. B x 474); --- whan the sonne was to reste, so hadde I spoken with hem everichon (Ch. CT A Prol. 30). There are scholars who believe that this construction is used as a real future equivalent in late ME.


 ・ 「#3604. なぜ The house is building. で「家は建築中である」という意味になるのか?」 ([2019-03-10-1])
 ・ 「#3605. This needs explaining. --- 「need +動名詞」の構文」 ([2019-03-11-1])
 ・ 「#3611. なぜ He is to blame.He is to be blamed. とならないのか?」 ([2019-03-17-1])
 ・ 「#4104. なぜ He is to blame.He is to be blamed. とならないのですか? --- hellog ラジオ版」 ([2020-07-22-1])

 引用にもある通り,この be to do 構文は後に能動態的にも用いられるように拡張し,現在に至っている.

 ・ Mustanoja, T. F. A Middle English Syntax. Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, 1960.

Referrer (Inside): [2025-01-01-1]

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2024-05-24 Fri

#5506. be to do 構文は古英語からあった [be_to_do][syntax][infinitive][auxiliary_verb][oe][impersonal_verb][construction][grammaticalisation]

 英語には be to do 構文というものがある.be 動詞の後に to 不定詞が続く構文で,予定,運命,義務・命令,可能,意志など様々な意味をもち,英語学習者泣かせの項目である.この文法事項については「#4104. なぜ He is to blame. は He is to be blamed. とならないのですか? --- hellog ラジオ版」 ([2020-07-22-1]) で少し触れた.
 では,be to do 構文の歴史はいかに? 実は非常に古くからあり,古英語でもすでに少なくとも「構文の種」として確認される.古英語では高頻度に生起するわけではないが,中英語以降では頻度も増し,現代的な「構文」らしいものへと成長していく.近代英語にかけては,他の構文とタグも組めるほどに安定性を示すようになった.長期にわたる文法化 (grammaticalisation) の1例といってよい.
 先行研究は少なくないが,ここでは Denison (317--18) の解説を示そう.長期にわたる発達が手短かにまとめられている. BE of necessity, obligation, or future
This verb too is a marginal modal, patterning with a to-infinitive to express meanings otherwise often expressed by modals. For Old English see Mitchell (1985: §§934--49), and more generally Visser (1963--73: §§1372--83). One complication is that the syntagm BEON + to-infinitive is used both personally [158] and impersonally [159]:

[158] Mt(WSCp) 11.3
        . . . & cwað eart þu þe to cumenne eart . . .
        . . . and said are(2 SG) you(2 SG) that (REL) to come are(2 SG)
        Lat. . . . ait illi tu es qui uenturus es
        '. . . and said: "Are you he that is to come?"'

[159] ÆLS I 10.133
        us nys to cweðenne þæt ge unclæne syndon
        us(DAT) not-is to say that you unclean are
        'It is not for us to say that you are unclean.'

   In Middle and Modern English this BE had a full paradigm:

[160] 1660 Pepys, Diary I 193.7 (5 Jul)
        . . . the King and Parliament being to be intertained by the City today with great pomp.

[161] 1667 Pepys, Diary VIII 452.6 (27 Sep)
        Nay, several grandees, having been to marry a daughter, . . . have wrote letters . . .

[162] 1816 Austen, Mansfield Part I.xiv.135.30
        You will be to visit me in prison with a basket of provisions;

Visser states that syntagms with infinitive be are 'still current' (1963--73: §2135), but although there are a few relevant examples later than Jane Austen (1963--73: §§1378, 2135, 2142), most are of the fixed idiom BE to come, as in:

[163] But they may yet be to come.

 まとめると,be to do 構文は古英語からその萌芽がみられ,中英語から近代英語にかけておおいに発達した.一時は他の構文とも組める統語的柔軟性を獲得したが,現代にかけてはむしろ柔軟性を失い,統語的には単体で用いられるようになり,現代に至る.

 ・ Denison, David. English Historical Syntax. Longman: Harlow, 1993.

Referrer (Inside): [2025-01-01-1] [2024-05-26-1]

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2024-04-05 Fri

#5457. 主語をめぐる論点 [subject][terminology][semantics][syntax][logic][existential_sentence][construction][agreement][number][expletive]

 昨日の記事「#5456. 主語とは何か?」 ([2024-04-04-1]) に引き続き,主語 (subject) についての本質的な疑問に迫りたい.この問題を論じるに際し,まず用語辞典などに当たってみるのが良さそうだ.McArthur の項目を引用しよう.主要な論点が見えてくる.

SUBJECT [13c: from Latin subjectum grammatical subject, from subiectus placed close, ranged under]. A traditional term for a major constituent of the sentence. In a binary analysis derived from logic, the sentence is divided into subject and predicate, as in Alan (subject) has married Nita (predicate). In declarative sentences, the subject typically precedes the verb: Alan (subject) has married (verb) Nita (direct object). In interrogative sentences, it typically follows the first or only part of the verb: Did (verb) Alan (subject) marry (verb) Nita (direct object)? The subject can generally be elicited in response to a question that puts who or what before the verb: Who has married Nita?---Alan. Where concord is relevant, the subject determines the number and person of the verb: The student is complaining/The students are complaining; I am tired/He is tired. Many languages have special case forms for words in the subject, the subject requires a particular form (the subjective) in certain pronouns: I (subject) like her, and she (subject) likes me.

Kinds of subject. A distinction is sometimes made between the grammatical subject (as characterized above), the psychological subject, and the logical subject: (1) The psychological subject is the theme or topic of the sentence, what the sentence is about, and the predicate is what is said about the topic. The grammatical and psychological subjects typically coincide, though the identification of the sentence topic is not always clear: Labour and Conservative MPs clashed angrily yesterday over the poll tax. Is the topic of the sentence the MPs or the poll tax? (2) The logical subject refers to the agent of the action; our children is the logical subject in both these sentences, although it is the grammatical subject in only the first: Our children planted the oak sapling; The oak sapling was planted by our children. Many sentences, however, have no agent: Stanley has back trouble; Sheila is a conscientious student; Jenny likes jazz; There's no alternative; It's raining

Pseudo-subjects. The last sentence also illustrates the absence of a psychological subject, since it is obviously not the topic of the sentence. This so-called 'prop it' is a dummy subject, serving merely to fill a structural need in English for a subject in a sentence. In this respect, English contrasts with languages such as Latin, which can omit the subject, as in Veni, vidi, vici (I came, I saw, I conquered: with no need for the Latin pronoun ego, I). Like prop it, 'existential there' in There's no alternative is the grammatical subject of the sentence, but introduces neither the topic nor (since there is no action) the agent.

Non-typical subjects. Subjects are typically noun phrases, but they may also be finite and non-finite clauses: 'That nobody understands me is obvious'; 'To accuse them of negligence was a serious mistake'; 'Looking after the garden takes me several hours a week in the summer.' In such instances, finite and infinitive clauses are commonly post and anticipatory it takes their place in subject position: 'It is obvious that nobody understands me'; 'It was a serious mistake to accuse them of negligence.' Occasionally, prepositional phrases and adverbs function as subjects: 'After lunch is best for me'; 'Gently does it.'

Subjectless sentences. Subjects are usually omitted in imperatives, as in Come here rather than You come here. They are often absent from non-finite clauses ('Identifying the rioters may take us some time') and from verbless clauses ('New filters will be sent to you when available'), and may be omitted in certain contexts, especially in informal notes (Hope to see you soon) and in coordination (The telescope is 43 ft long, weighs almost 11 tonnes, and is more than six years late).

 続けて,擬似的な主語,いわゆる形式主語やダミーの主語と呼ばれるものが紹介される.そこでは there is の存在文 (existential_sentence) も言及される.この構文では there はテーマではありえないし,動作の行為者でもないので,あくまで文法形式のために要求されている主語とみなすほかない.

 ・ McArthur, Tom, ed. The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford: OUP, 1992.

Referrer (Inside): [2025-01-01-1] [2024-04-06-1]

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2024-04-04 Thu

#5456. 主語とは何か? [subject][terminology][semantics][syntax][logic][existential_sentence][inohota][youtube][voicy][heldio][construction][agreement][number][link]

 3月31日に配信した YouTube 「いのほた言語学チャンネル」の第219回は,「古い文法・新しい文法 There is 構文まるわかり」と題してお話ししています.本チャンネルとしては,この4日間で視聴回数3100回越えとなり,比較的多く視聴されているようです.ありがとうございます.
 There is a book on the desk. のような存在文 (existential_sentence) における there は,意味的には空疎ですが,文法的には主語であるかのような振る舞いを示します.一方,a book は何の役割をはたしているかと問われれば,これこそが主語であると論じることもできます.さらに be 動詞と数の一致を示す点でも,a book のほうが主語らしいのではないかと議論できそうです.
 これまで当たり前のように受け入れてきた主語 (subject) とは,いったい何なのでしょうか.考え始めると頭がぐるぐるしてきます.存在文の主語の問題,および「主語」という用語に関しては,heldio でも取り上げてきました.

 ・ 「#1003. There is an apple on the table. --- 主語はどれ?」
 ・ 「#1032. なぜ subject が「主語」? --- 「ゆる言語学ラジオ」からのインスピレーション」

 もちろんこの hellog でも,存在文に関連する話題は以下の記事で取り上げてきました.

 ・ 「#1565. existential there の起源 (1)」 ([2013-08-09-1])
 ・ 「#1566. existential there の起源 (2)」 ([2013-08-10-1])
 ・ 「#4473. 存在文における形式上の主語と意味上の主語」 ([2021-07-26-1])

 主語とは何か? 簡単に解決する問題ではありませんが,ぜひ皆さんにも考えていただければ.

Referrer (Inside): [2025-01-01-1] [2024-04-05-1]

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2023-08-01 Tue

#5209. 他動性 (transitivity) とは何か? (3) [transitivity][termonology][verb][grammar][syntax][construction][semantic_role][semantics]

 他動性 (transitivity) について,2回にわたって論じてきた.

 ・ 「#5202. 他動性 (transitivity) とは何か?」 ([2023-07-25-1])
 ・ 「#5204. 他動性 (transitivity) とは何か? (2)」 [2023-07-27-1]

 今回は Bussmann (494--95) の用語辞典より transitivity の項を引用する.

Valence property of verbs which require a direct object, e.g. read, see, hear. Used more broadly, verbs which govern other objects (e.g. dative, genitive) can also be termed 'transitive'; while only verbs which have no object at all (e.g. sleep, rain) would be intransitive. Hopper and Thompson (1980) introduce other factors of transitivity in the framework of universal grammar, which result in a graduated concept of transitivity. In addition to the selection of a direct object, other semantic roles as well as the properties of adverbials, mood, affirmation vs negation, and aspect play a role. A maximally transitive sentence contains a non-negated resultive verb in the indicative which requires at least a subject and direct object; the verb complements function as agent and affected object, are definite and animate . . . . Using data from various languages, Hopper and Thompson demonstrate that each of the factors listed above as affecting transitivity is important for making transivtivity through case, adpositions, or verbal inflection. Thus in many languages (e.g. Lithuanian, Polish, Middle High German) affirmation vs negation correlates with the selection of case for objects in such a way that in affirmative sentences the object is usually in the accusative, while in negated sentences the object of the same verb occurs in the genitive or in another oblique case.

 他動性とは,(1) グラデーションであること,(2) 言語によってその具現化の方法は様々であること,が分かってきた.理論的には,対格目的語を要求する,結果を表わす直説法の肯定動詞が,最大限に "transitive" であるということだ.

 ・ Bussmann, Hadumod. Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics. Trans. and ed. Gregory Trauth and Kerstin Kazzizi. London: Routledge, 1996.

Referrer (Inside): [2023-09-23-1]

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2023-07-27 Thu

#5204. 他動性 (transitivity) とは何か? (2) [transitivity][termonology][verb][grammar][syntax][construction][semantic_role][semantics][philosophy_of_language]

 「#5202. 他動性 (transitivity) とは何か?」 ([2023-07-25-1]) ひ引き続き,他動性 (transitivity) について.
 Halliday の機能文法によると,他動性を考える際には3つのパラメータが重要となる.過程 (process),参与者 (participant),状況 (circumstance) の3つだ.このうち,とりわけ過程 (process) が支配的なパラメータとなる.
 「過程」と称されるものには大きく3つの種類がある.さらに小さくいえば3つの種類が付け足される.それぞれを挙げると,物質的 (material),精神的 (mental),関係的 (relational),そして 行為的 (behavioural), 言語的 (verbal), 存在的 (existential) の6種となる.

Transitivity A term used mainly in systemic functional linguistics to refer to the system of grammatical choices available in language for representing actions, events, experiences and relationships in the world . . . .
   There are three components in a transitivity process: the process type (the process or state represented by the verb phrase in a clause), the participant(s) (people, things or concepts involved in a process or experiencing a state) and the circumstance (elements augmenting the clause, providing information about extent, location, manner, cause, contingency and so on). So in the clause 'Mary and Jim ate fish and chips on Friday', the process is represented by 'ate', the participants are 'Mary and Jim' and the circumstances are 'on Friday'.
   Halliday and Mtthiesen (2004) identify three main process types, material, mental and relational, and three minor types, behavioural, verbal and existential. Associated with each process are certain kinds of participants. 1) Material processes refer to actions and events. The verb in a material process clause is usually a 'doing' word . . .: Elinor grabbed a fire extinguisher; She kicked Marina. Participants in material processes include actor ('Elinor', 'she') and goal ('a fire extinguisher', 'Marina'). 2) Metal processes refer to states of mind or psychological experiences. The verb in a mental process clause is usually a mental verb: I can't remember his name; Our party believes in choice. Participants in mental processes include senser(s) ('I'; 'our party') and phenomenon ('his name'; 'choice'). 3) Relational processes commonly ascribe an attribute to an entity, or identify it: Something smells awful in here; My name is Scruff. The verb in a relational processes include token ('something', 'my name')) and value ('Scruff', 'awful'). 4) Behavioural processes are concerned with the behaviour of a participant who is a conscious entity. They lie somewhere between material and mental processes. The verb in a behavioural process clause is usually intransitive, and semantically it refers to a process of consciousness or a physiological state: Many survivors are sleeping in the open; The baby cried. The participant in a behavioral process is called a behaver. 5) Verbal processes are processes of verbal action: 'Really?', said Septimus Coffin; He told them a story about a gooseberry in a lift. Participants in verbal processes include sayer ('Septimus Coffin', 'he'), verbiage ('really', 'a story') an recipient ('them'). 6) Existential processes report the existence of someone or something. Only one participant is involved in an existential process: the existent. There are two main grammatical forms for this type of process: existential there as subject + copular verb (There are thousands of examples.); and existent as subject + copular verb (Maureen was at home.)


 ・ Pearce, Michael. The Routledge Dictionary of English Language Studies. Abingdon: Routledge, 2007.

Referrer (Inside): [2023-09-23-1] [2023-08-01-1]

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2023-07-25 Tue

#5202. 他動性 (transitivity) とは何か? [transitivity][termonology][verb][mood][grammar][syntax][construction]

 『新英語学辞典』 (1267) によると,他動性 (transitivity) は Halliday の文法理論における用語で,法 (mood) と主題 (theme) とともに Halliday 文法における3つの大きな体系網を構成する.他動性とは,他動詞 (transitive verb) と自動詞 (intransitive verb) の区別に対応する概念というよりも,むしろ節に参与する要素間の「関与性」ととらえるほうが適切だろう.
 例えば Sir Chirstopher Wren built this bridge. といった典型的な SVO の文においては,行為者,過程,目標の3者が互いに関与し合っており,他動的であるといわれる.しかし,これは単純で典型的な例にすぎない.いくつの参与者がどのように関与し合っているかのパターンは様々であり,細分化していくと最終的には一つひとつの個別具体的な過程を区別しなければならなくなるだろう.この細分化の尺度を delicacy と呼んでいる.他動性は,したがって,動詞がいくつの項を取り得るかという問題や,伝統文法における「文型」の話題とも関連してくる.
 英文法に引きつけて考えるために,Crystal の言語学辞典より transitivity を引いて,例とともに理解していこう.

transitivity (n.) A category used in the grammatical analysis of clause/sentence constructions, with particular reference to the verb's relationship to dependent elements of structure. The main members of this category are transitive (tr, trans), referring to a verb which can take a direct object (as in he saw the dog), and intransitive (intr, intrans), where it cannot (as in *he arrived a ball). Many verbs can have both a transitive and an intransitive use (cf. we went a mile v. we went), and in some languages this distinction is marked morphologically. More complex relationships between a verb and the elements dependent upon it are usually classified separately. For example, verbs which take two objects are sometimes called ditransitive (as opposed to monotransitive), as in she gave me a pencil. There are also several uses of verbs which are marginal to one or other of these categories, as in pseudo-intranstive constructions (e.g. the eggs are selling well, where an agent is assumed --- 'someone is selling the eggs' --- unlike normal intransitive constructions, which do not have an agent transform: we went, but not *someone went us). Some grammarians also talk about (in)transitive prepositions. For example, with is a transitive preposition, as it must always be accompanied by a noun phrase complement (object), and along can be transitive or intransitive: cf. She arrived with a dog v. *She arrived with and She was walking along the river v. She was walking along.


 ・ 大塚 高信,中島 文雄(監修) 『新英語学辞典』 研究社,1982年.
 ・ Crystal, David, ed. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. 6th ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2008. 295--96.

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2023-05-28 Sun

#5144. 英語史における内的所有構造の発展と「ケルト語仮説」 [celtic_hypothesis][celtic][borrowing][substratum_theory][syntax][construction][linguistic_area][welsh][cornish]

 「#5139. 英語史において「ケルト語仮説」が取り沙汰されてきた言語項」 ([2023-05-23-1]) で紹介した項目の1つに "Lack of external possessor construction" がある.現代英語には「外的所有構造」が欠けており,原則として「内的所有構造」 (internal possessor construction) のみがあるとされる.そして,後者の特徴はケルト諸語との言語接触によって誘引されたものではないかという仮説が唱えられている.
 内的所有構造とは my head のように,属格(所有格)により直接名詞を修飾して所有関係を示す構造のことである.一方,外的所有構造とは,*the head to me のような表現にみられるように,典型的には与格により間接的に名詞を修飾し,名詞句の外側から所有関係を示す構造のことである.
 現代英語では内的所有構造が原則だが,古英語ではむしろ外的所有構造がみられた.例えば,Hickey (499) は古英詩 Poem of Judith より以下の例を挙げている.

þæt him þæt heafod wand forð on ða flore
lit.: that him-DATIVE that head ...
'that his head rolled forth on the floor'

 Hickey (500) は,この仮説の解説を次のように締めくくっている.

This transfer did not affect the existence of a possessor construction, but it changed the exponence of the category, a frequent effect of language contact, especially in language shift situations.

 「#5134. 言語項移動の主な種類を図示」 ([2023-05-18-1]) の類型論でいえば,この場合の "transfer" は "Rearrangement" に該当するのだろうか.興味深い仮説ではある.

 ・ Hickey, Raymond. "Early English and the Celtic Hypothesis." Chapter 38 of The Oxford Handbook of the History of English. Ed. Terttu Nevalainen and Elizabeth Closs Traugott. New York: OUP, 2012. 497--507.

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2023-02-12 Sun

#5039. 多重否定の不使用は15--16世紀の法律文書から始まった [double_negative][construction][prescriptive_grammar][register][stigma]

 従来,2重否定 (double_negative) を含む多重否定は,18世紀の規範主義の時代に stigma を付され,その強力な影響が現代まで続いていると言われてきた.しかし,近年の研究の進展により,実際にはもっと早い段階から非標準的になっており,18世紀の規範文法はすでに行き渡っていた言語慣習にお墨付きを与えたにすぎないと解釈されるようになってきた.これについては「#2999. 標準英語から二重否定が消えた理由」 ([2017-07-13-1]) で触れた.
 多重否定構文が,意味として否定になるのか肯定になるのかが曖昧となり得るのであれば,コミュニケーション上支障を来たすだろう.一方,実際の対話においては文脈や韻律の助けもあり,それほど誤解が生じるわけでもない.しかし,なるべく曖昧さを排除したい「談話の場」で,かつ「書き言葉」だったら,どうだろうか.その典型が法律文書である.Rissanen (125) を引用する.

In the development of negative expressions legal texts may have offered an early model that resulted in the avoidance of multiple or universal negation in Late Middle and Early Modern English.
   In Late Middle English, multiple negation was still accepted and universal negation was only gradually becoming obsolete, possibly with the loss of ne. In the fifteenth century, the not . . . no construction . . . was still the rule . . . , but in the Helsinki Corpus samples of legal texts this combination does not occur even once, while the combination not . . . any . . . , can be found no less than eight times. In other contexts . . . multiple negation occurs even in the statutes, but the user of any is more common than in the other genres.
. . . .
   The same trend can be seen in sixteenth-century texts: the not . . . no type is avoided in the statutes while it is still an accepted minority variant in other text types. This is not surprising, since the tendency towards disambiguation and clarity of expression probably resulted in the avoidance of double negation in legal texts well before the normative grammarians started arguing about two negatives making one affirmative.

 Rissanen の同じ論文より「#1276. hereby, hereof, thereto, therewith, etc.」 ([2012-10-24-1]) も参照.

 ・ Rissanen, Matti. "Standardisation and the Language of Early Statutes." The Development of Standard English, 1300--1800. Ed. Laura Wright. Cambridge: CUP, 2000. 117--30.

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2023-01-20 Fri

#5016. 中英語の動名詞構文 there was ---ing 「---が行なわれた」 [gerund][construction][be][syntax][existential_sentence][bnc]

 「#4995. 動名詞構文 there is no ---ing 「---することはできない」は中英語期から」 ([2022-12-30-1]) は現代英語にも続く構文として知られているが,中英語には there was ---ing という興味深い構文が存在した.「---が行なわれた」「---というということが起きた」ほどの意味である.Mustanoja (576) にいくつか例が挙げられている.

The construction there was . . -ing is frequently used in ME for the expression of indefinite agency: --- þer was sobbing (Havelok 234); --- þer was sembling (Havelok 1018); --- thar wes oft bikkyring (Barbour ix 343); --- so greet wepyng was there noon, certayn, Whan Ector was ybroght, al fressh yslayn, To Troye, Allas, the pitee that was ther, Cracchynge of chekes, rentynge eek of heer (Ch. CT A Kn. 2831--4). A similar case is and thus the woful nyhtes sorwe To joie is torned on the morwe; Al was thonkinge, al was blessinge, Which erst was wepinge and cursinge (Gower CA ii 3317--18).

 動名詞で表わされる動作の行為者は不定であり,動作そのものに焦点を当てたい場合に用いる構文なのだろう.OED の -ing, suffix1 には特にこの構文に関する記述はなく,MED -ing(e (suf.(1)) にも言及がない.
 この構文は,現代でも特に目立った構文として言及されることはないものの,細々とは受け継がれているようだ.there is/was ---ing の例を BNCweb よりいくつか挙げてみよう.

 ・ 'Well, like I told the foreign gentleman, there was dancing in the sitting room, and this Mrs Heatherington-Scott she was dancing with Mr Merrivale.'
 ・ There is shooting almost daily in the capital as roaming snipers attack military checkpoints;
 ・ There was rationing at home and war in Ireland.
 ・ First there was cheering then jeering.
 ・ There was knocking on the front door.

 ・ Mustanoja, T. F. A Middle English Syntax. Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, 1960.

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2022-12-30 Fri

#4995. 動名詞構文 there is no ---ing 「---することはできない」は中英語期から [gerund][construction][negative][proverb][be][syntax][existential_sentence]

 昨日の記事「#4994. There is no accounting for tastes 「蓼食う虫も好き好き」」 ([2022-12-29-1]) で取り上げた諺は,よく知られた there is no ---ing 「---することはできない」の動名詞構文の例となっている.One cannot account for tastes.It is impossible to account for tastes. と言い換えられる意味だ.
 この諺は18世紀末に初出し,後期近代の比較的新しいものといえるが,there is no ---ing の動名詞構文そのものは,どのくらい古くまで歴史を遡れるのだろうか.OED の no, adj. によると,13世紀の修道女マニュアル Ancrene Riwle に初出する.構文としては it is no ---ing などの変異形もみられる (cf. 「#4790. therethey に相当する中英語の it の用法」 ([2022-06-08-1])) .以下 OED からの引用だが,構文上興味深い部分を赤で示してみた.

4. Modifying a verbal noun or gerund used as the predicate, denoting the impossibility of the action specified. Chiefly with non-referential there (also †it) as subject.

   [c1230 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Corpus Cambr.) (1962) 149 Hwen þe delit iþe lust is igan se ouerforð þet ter nere nan wiðseggunge ȝef þer were eise to fulle þe dede.]
   a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 23812 (MED) Quen we it proue þat es to late, Es þar na mending þan þe state.
   1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. ccclxxxvi. 657 It is no goynge thyder, without ye wyll lose all.
   1560 Bible (Geneva) Nahum iii. 19 There is no healing of thy wounde.
   a1593 C. Marlowe Edward II (1594) sig. D4v Cosin it is no dealing with him now.
   a1616 W. Shakespeare Two Gentlemen of Verona (1623) ii. i. 146 Val. No, beleeue me. Speed. No beleeuing you indeed sir.
   a1643 J. Shute Sarah & Hagar (1649) 108 So the people were so impetuously set upon their lusts, that there was no speaking to them.
   1719 D. Defoe Farther Adventures Robinson Crusoe 39 There was no keeping Friday in the Boat.
   1753 Gray's Inn Jrnl. No. 54 There is no going any where without meeting Pretenders in this Way.
   1820 W. Irving Sketch Bk. vii. 117 Do what they might, there was no keeping down the butcher.
   1849 W. M. Thackeray Pendennis (1850) I. xv. 138 There's no accounting for tastes, sir.
   1895 A. I. Shand Life E. B. Hamley I. ii. 21 There was no mistaking the meaning of the invitation, and there was no declining it.
   1954 A. Thirkell What did it Mean? 87 There would be no getting hold of the girls as the evenings got longer.
   1975 Times 6 Dec. 8/5 Try Village Prospects..R 3 again, I fear, but no avoiding it.
   2001 Financial Times 27 Jan. 8/4 There is no mistaking African anger at the external barriers they confront.

 古英語からすでに発達していた存在文 (existential_sentence) と,中英語期にようやく発達し始めた動名詞が,合体して生まれた構文といってよいだろう.存在文については「#1565. existential there の起源 (1)」 ([2013-08-09-1]) と「#1566. existential there の起源 (2)」 ([2013-08-10-1]),「#4473. 存在文における形式上の主語と意味上の主語」 ([2021-07-26-1]) を参照.

Referrer (Inside): [2023-01-20-1]

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2022-12-29 Thu

#4994. There is no accounting for tastes 「蓼食う虫も好き好き」 [proverb][gerund][construction]

 「#4992. absence 「不在」に関する英語の諺2つ」 ([2022-12-27-1]) で述べたとおり,スキマ時間に英語の諺辞典を A から順に読み進めている.読み始めて間もなく accounting をキーワードとする標記の有名な諺に出会った.「蓼食う虫も好き好き」,他人の好みを説明することはできない,とりわけ自分にとって魅力を感じない嗜好をもっている人の考えていることはわらかない,という教訓だ.ラテン語 de gustibus non est disputandum "There is no disputing about tastes" にきれいに対応する.
 ODP6 によると英語での初例は1794年となっている.

1794 A. Radcliffe Mysteries of Udolpho I. xi. I have often thought the people he disapproved were much more agreeable than those he admired; --- but there is no accounting for tastes. 1889 Gissing Nether World II. viii. There is no accounting for tastes. Sidney . . . not once . . . congratulated himself on his good fortune. 1985 R. Reeves Doubting Thomas iv. 'You're usually in here with a little guy, wears a rug. Looks like he gets his suits from Sears. Paisley ties. . . . There's no accounting for taste.' 2014 Spectator 13 Dec. 75 I read of an ornament which is 'a plywood cutout of a giant boiled egg', but there's no accounting for taste, even bad taste.

 近年では単数形(不可算名詞) taste を用いる例も多いようだ.語感としては,複数形の tastes の場合には,人々の嗜好がバラバラで多様であることをそのまま容認する感じ(相対主義)で,単数形の taste の場合には,自分の嗜好も含めて人間の嗜好というものは説明できないものだという達観した感じ(絶対主義)が強いように思われるが,どうだろうか.前文を受けて but の後に用いられることが多いようで,多かれ少なかれ「仕方がないね」という含意があるようだ.
 この諺の異形としては単純な Tastes differ もあり,こちらもほぼ同時期の19世紀初頭に初出している.

 ・ Speake, Jennifer, ed. The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs. 6th ed. Oxford: OUP, 2015.

Referrer (Inside): [2022-12-30-1]

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2020-12-28 Mon

#4263. XXX Made Easy というタイトル (1) [syntax][adjective][construction][flat_adverb][passive][participle]

 数週間前にゼミ生の間で盛り上がった話題を紹介したい.Time 誌The Best Inventions of 2020 に,圧力釜調理器 Chef iQ Smart Cooker という商品が取り上げられていたという.こちらのページでフィーチャーされているが,問題はそのタイトル "Meals Made Easy" である.これはどのような構文であり,どのような意味なのだろうか.
 では,改めて本題に.話し合いの結果,出された意見は様々だった.「簡単に作られた食事」という意味で easy は実は単純副詞 (flat_adverb) なのでないかという見解が出された一方,使役の make の受け身構文であり easy はあくまで形容詞として用いられており「簡単にされた食事」ほどであるという見方もあった.全体として「楽ちんご飯」ほどのニュアンスだろうということは皆わかっているけれども,文法的に納得のいく説明は難しい,といったところで議論が打ち止めとなった.
 結論からいえば,これは使役の make の受け身構文である.伝統文法でいえば第5文型 SVOC がベースとなっている.(This cooker) makes meals easy. ほどを念頭におくとよい.これを受け身にすると "Meals are made easy (by this cooker)." となる.タイトルとして全体を名詞句にすべく,meals を主要部として "Meals Made Easy" というわけだ.
 しかし,これではちょっと意味が分からないといえば確かにそうだ.make は「?を作る」の語義ではなく,あくまで使役の「?を…にさせる」の語義で用いられていることになるからだ.make meals 「食事を作る」ならば話しは分かりやすい(ただし,この collocation もあまりないようだ).だが,そうではなく make meals easy = cause meals to be easy という関係,つまり「食事を簡単にさせる」ということなのである.別の言い方をすれば meals = easy という関係になる.「食事」=「簡単」というのはどういうことだろうか.「食事の用意」=「簡単」というのであれば,とてもよく分かる.この点は引っかからないだろうか.
 実は XXX Made Easy という表現は,入門書や宣伝・広告などのタイトルに常用される一種の定型句である.日本語でいえば『○○入門』『誰でもわかる○○』『単純明快○○』といったところだ.XXX や○○には,スキル,趣味,科目,注目の話題など様々な語句が入る.BNCweb にて "made easy" を単純検索するだけでも,冗談めいたものから不穏なものまで,いろいろと挙がってくる.

 ・ Harvesting and storing made easy
 ・ Suicide made easy
 ・ Sheep counting made easy
 ・ Financial Analysis Made Easy
 ・ Mechanics Made Easy

 実際に出版されている本のタイトルでいえば,ボキャビルのための Word Power Made Easy もあれば,Math Made Easy などの学科ものも定番だし,Japanese cookbook for beginners: 100 Classic and Modern Recipes Made Easy のような料理ものも多い.AUSTRALIAN COOKBOOK: BOOK1, FOR BEGINNERS MADE EASY STEP BY STEP 辺りは構文が取りやすいのではないか.XXX Made SimpleXXX Simplified も探せば見つかる.
 上記より XXX や○○は「作る」 (make) 対象である必要はまったくない.むしろ何らかの意味で習得・克服すべき対象であれば何でもよい.ということで,"Meals Made Easy" も「お食事入門」≒「楽ちんご飯」ほどとなるわけである.

Referrer (Inside): [2020-12-29-1]

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2020-08-04 Tue

#4117. It's very kind of you to come.of の用法は歴史的には「行為者」 [preposition][syntax][infinitive][construction][adjective][semantics][passive]

 昨日の記事「#4116. It's very kind of you to come.of の用法は?」 ([2020-08-03-1]) の続編.共時的にはすっきりしない of の用法だが,歴史的にみるとおよそ解決する.今回は,この構文と of の用法について歴史的にひもといて行こう.
 OED の of, prep. によると,この用法の of は,"V. Indicating the agent or doer." という大区分の下で語義16に挙げられている.

16. Indicating the doer of something characterized by an adjective: following an adjective alone, as foolish, good, rude, stupid, unkind, wise, wrong (or any other adjective with which conduct can be described); †following an adjective qualifying a noun, as a cruel act, a cunning trick, a kind deed, an odd thing; †following a past participle qualified by an adverb, as cleverly managed, ill conceived, well done.
   Usually followed by to do (something), as in it was kind of you (i.e. a kind act or thing done by you) to help him etc., and less frequently by †that, both constructions introducing the logical subject or object of the statement, e.g. It was kind of him to tell me = His telling me was a thing kindly done by him.

 「行為者」の of といわれても,にわかには納得しがたいかもしれない.標題の文でいえば,確かに youcome の意味上の主語であり,したがって行為者ともいえる.しかし,それであれば for 句を用いた It is important for him to get the job. (彼が職を得ることは重要なことだ.)にしても,himget の意味上の主語であり行為者でもあるから,offor の用法の違いが出ない.2つの前置詞が同一の用法をもつこと自体はあり得るにせよ,なぜそうなるのかの説明が欲しい.
 OED からの引用に記述されている歴史的背景を丁寧に読み解けば,なぜ「行為者の of」なのかが分かってくる.この用法の of の最初期の例は,どうやら形容詞の直後に続くというよりも,形容詞を含む名詞句の直後に続いたようなのである.つまり,It's a very kind thing of you to come. のような構文が原型だったと考えられる.だが,この原型の構文も初出は意外と遅く,初期近代英語期に遡るにすぎない.以下,OED より最初期の数例を挙げておこう.

1532 W. Tyndale Expos. & Notes 73 Is it not a blind thing of the world that either they will do no good works,..or will..have the glory themselves?
a1593 C. Marlowe Jew of Malta (1633) iv. v 'Tis a strange thing of that Iew, he lives upon pickled grasshoppers.
1603 W. Shakespeare Hamlet iii. ii. 101 It was a brute parte of him, To kill so capitall a calfe.
1668 H. More Divine Dialogues ii. 383 That's a very odd thing of the men of Arcladam.
1733 J. Tull Horse-hoing Husbandry 266 Is it not very unfair of Equivocus to represent [etc.]?
1766 H. Brooke Fool of Quality I. iv. 145 Indeed, it was very naughty of him.

 最初の4例は「形容詞を含む名詞句 + of」となっている.of を "(done) by" ほどの「行為者の of」として読み替えれば理解しやすいだろう.ここで思い出したいのは,受け身の動作主を表わす前置詞は,現代でこそ by が一般的だが,中英語から初期近代英語にかけては,むしろ of が幅を利かせていた事実だ.当時は現代以上に of = "done by",すなわち「行為者の of」の感覚が濃厚だったのである(cf. 「#1350. 受動態の動作主に用いられる of」 ([2013-01-06-1]),「#1333. 中英語で受動態の動作主に用いられた前置詞」 ([2012-12-20-1]),「#2269. 受動態の動作主に用いられた byof の競合」 ([2015-07-14-1])).
 しかし,上に挙げた最後の2例については,すでに統語的省略が生じて「形容詞 + of」の構文へと移行しており,本来の「行為者の of」の感覚も薄れてきているように見受けられる.標題の構文は,原型の構文がこのように省略され形骸化しながらも,現代まで継承されてきたものにほかならないのである.

Referrer (Inside): [2022-01-09-1]

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2020-08-03 Mon

#4116. It's very kind of you to come.of の用法は? [preposition][syntax][infinitive][construction][adjective][semantics][apposition]

 標題のように,いくつかの形容詞は「of + 人」という前置詞句を伴う.

 ・ It's very kind of you to come. (わざわざ来てもらってすみません.)
 ・ It was foolish of you to spend so much. (そんなにお金を使って馬鹿ねえ.)
 ・ It was wrong of him to tell lies. (嘘をついて,彼もよくなかったね.)
 ・ It is wise of you to stay away from him. (君が彼とつき合わないのは賢明だ.)
 ・ It was silly of me to forget my passport. (パスポートを忘れるとはうかつだった.)

 典型的に It is ADJ of PERSON to do . . . . という構文をなすわけだが,PERSON is ADJ to do . . . . という構文もとることができる点で興味深い.たとえば標題は You're very kind to come. とも言い換えることができる.この点で,より一般的な「for + 人」を伴う It is important for him to get the job. (彼が職を得ることは重要なことだ.)の構文とは異なっている.後者は *He is important to get the job. とはパラフレーズできない.
 標題の構文を許容する形容詞 --- すなわち important タイプではなく kind タイプの形容詞 --- を挙げてみると,careful, careless, crazy, greedy, kind, mad, nice, silly, unwise, wise, wrong 等がある (Quirk et al. §§16.76, 16.82).いずれも意味的には人の行動を評価する形容詞である.別の角度からみると,標題の文では kind (親切な)なのは「来てくれたこと」でもあり,同時に「あなた」でもあるという関係が成り立つ.
 一方,上述の important (重要な)を用いた例文では,重要なのは「職を得ること」であり,「彼」が重要人物であるわけではないから,やはり両タイプの意味論的性質が異なることが分かるだろう.つまり,important タイプの for を用いた構文とは異なり,kind タイプの of を用いた構文では,kind of you の部分が you are kind という意味関係を包含しているのである.
 とすると,この前置詞 of の用法は何と呼ぶべきか.一種の同格 (apposition) の用法とみることもできるが,どこか納まりが悪い(cf. 「#2461. an angel of a girl (1)」 ([2016-01-22-1]),「#2462. an angel of a girl (2)」 ([2016-01-23-1])).「人物・行動評価の of」などと呼んでもよいかもしれない.いずれにせよ,歴史的に探ってみる必要がある.

 ・ Quirk, Randolph, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman, 1985.

Referrer (Inside): [2022-01-09-1] [2020-08-04-1]

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2020-01-23 Thu

#3923. 中英語の「?しながら来る」などの移動の様態を表わす不定詞構文 [infinitive][participle][syntax][construction][me]

 現代英語では「?しながら来る/行く」を意味する場合には,典型的に「come/go + 現在分詞」 が用いられる.移動動詞の後に現在分詞を添えて,移動の様態を示す用法である.以下に BNCweb からランダムに例を挙げよう.

 ・ Jack came rushing down from his room on the top floor and . . . .
 ・ The question came sneaking into her mind . . . .
 ・ She had contrarily thought that if he really cared he would have come running after her.
 ・ A great mammoth of an American truck went thundering past, forcing me on to the dirt shoulder.
 ・ He gulped and went rushing on.
 ・ . . . the crowd of silver helmets went flooding in pursuit, . . . .

 古英語期の特に韻文や,続く中英語の時代には,このような場合に現在分詞ではなく不定詞が用いられるのが一般的だった.とりわけ移動動詞として come が使われる場合に例が多くみられる.Mustanoja (536--37) より例を挙げよう.いずれも to を伴わない不定詞であることがポイントである.

 ・ þer comen seilien . . . scipes (Lawman A 25525)
 ・ þer com a wolf gon after þan (Fox & Wolf 108)
 ・ in him com ur Lord gon (Judas 25)
 ・ He comme flie too felde (Alis. Macedoine 995)
 ・ wiþ þat came renne sire Bruyllant (Ferumbras 2333)
 ・ nece, ysee who comth here ride (Ch. TC ii 1253)
 ・ on his hunting as he cam ride (Gower CA i 350)

 静止動詞というべき liestand にも類例がみられるが,これらの動詞については to を伴わない不定詞の例もあれば,to を伴う不定詞の例もみられる (Mustanoja 537) .この場合,不定詞は様態ではなく目的を表わす用法として解釈できる例もあり,両義的だ.

 ・ feowertene niht fulle þere læe þa verde þeos wederes abiden (Lawman A 28238)
 ・ ne þurve þa cnihtes . . . careles liggen slæpen (Lawman A 18653)
 ・ hu mynecene slapan liggen (Wint. Ben. Rule 63)
 ・ the fraunchise of holi churche hii laten ligge slepe ful stille (Pol. Songs 325)
 ・ þanne he lieþ to slepen, Sal he nevre luken þe lides of hise eȝen (Best. 15)
 ・ on a bed of gold she lay to reste Til that the hote sonne gan to weste (Ch. PF 265)
 ・ faire in the soond, to bathe hire myrily, Lith Pertelote (Ch. CT B NP 4457)
 ・ --- and in my barm ther lith to wepe Thi child and myn, which sobbeth faste (Gower CA iii 302)
 ・ ennȝless stanndenn aȝȝ occ aȝȝ To lofenn Godd (Orm. 3894)
 ・ --- he stood for to biholde (Ch. TC i 310)

 中英語後期になると「come + 不定詞」で様態を表わす用法は衰退していき,現代につらなる「come + 現在分詞」が取って代わるようになる.もっとも,後者の構文も古英語以来知られていないわけではなかったことを付け加えておきたい.

 ・ Mustanoja, T. F. A Middle English Syntax. Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, 1960.

Referrer (Inside): [2021-05-12-1]

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