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Navigate - Papers

submitted to appear 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002


To view my publications by publication types, please see my CV.

Papers on this page are distributed as a service to the scholarly community to facilitate academic interaction. Please do feel free to email me if you want a copy of unlinked files. 

I realize that it is not optimal to put academic papers (usually written in English) and popular science essays (in Japanese) on this same page. Maybe I will find somebody to help me separate these into two pages. For now, please use your favorite search function to find what you need.

If you think that I publish a lot (and/or feel like you are not publishing as much as you should), check out this article about my rejection history.

submitted/in progress

川原繁人(2024)音韻論入門: 基礎から最適性理論とその先まで. 草稿.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Gakuji Kumagai (2024, submitted) Sound symbolism can count three segments (whereas phonological constraints presumably cannot).

Breiss, Canaan, Hironori Katsuda and Shigeto Kawahara (2024, resubmitted) Modeling frequency-conditioned paradigm uniformity in Japanese voiced velar nasalization.

Moon, Changyun, Shigeto Kawahara, Chuyu Huang, Chiyuki Ito and Gakuji Kumagai (2024, submitted) Two tense consonants do not block tensification in Korean: A rejoinder to Kim (2022).

Kawahara, Shigeto (2024) How Pokémonastics has evolved: Ver 2.1.


Stern, Michael, Jason Shaw and Shigeto Kawahara (2022) Assessing phonological control of parasagittal tongue shape in Japanese sibilants. Talk given at LSA 2022.

川原繁人(2024)生成AIおしゃべりアプリは 子どもにとって薬か毒か. 文化庁. 9月26日.

to appear/in press

Burroni, Francesco, Shigeto Kawahara and Jason Shaw (2024, to appear) Articulatory correlates of consonantal length contrasts: the case of Japanese mimetic geminates. JASA-EL.

Breiss, Canaan, Hironori Katsuda and Shigeto Kawahara (2024, to appear) Token frequency modulates optional paradigm uniformity in Japanese voiced velar nasalization. Phonology.


川原繁人・折田奈甫・桃生朋子(2025) 子ども向け生成AI搭載おしゃべりアプリの危険性について:言語学的・心理学的・認知科学的観点から. 慶應義塾大学言語文化研究所紀要 56: xxx-xxx.

川原繁人(2025) 音声会話型おしゃべりAIアプリの具体的分析〜〜Cotomoを検討例として〜〜. 『一冊の本 1月号』.

川原繁人(2025)文字は言語の本質ではない.『一冊の本 2月号』.


作:川原繁人・北山陽一 まんが:牧村久美.『絵本 うたうからだのふしぎ』. 講談社.

川原繁人 (2024) 歌手や声優になりたい人必見、音声学者が教える”声”の秘密. コクリコ.

北山陽一・川原繁人 (2024) ゴスペラーズ北山が教える面接で「失敗」しない方法 慶應大教授と意気投合した「スゴい」体のしくみ. コクリコ.

北山陽一・川原繁人 (2024) ゴスペラーズ「北山陽一」がこっそり受けた、慶応大「音声学」授業のスゴイ中身…歌手が「声」を自由に操れるワケ. 現代ビジネス.

川原繁人(2024)「あ」は「い」より大きい!? 身近で楽しい音声学. 大和書房. (2017年に出版された単行本の文庫版です。俵万智さんにより解説と書き下ろしのエッセイ付き)

川原繁人 (w/ 俵万智・Mummy-D・山寺宏一・川添愛)(2024) 『日本語の秘密〜言語学者、ことばの達人に会いにいく』. 講談社現代新書. サポートページ

川添愛・川原繁人・三木那由他 (2024) ChatGPTの発話の背後に人間はいるのか? 群像online.

川原繁人 (2024) お菓子の名前には本当に「パピプペポ」が似合うのか?. 群像.

(鼎談)上坂あゆ美・川原繁人・神門 AI時代の「言葉」. 月刊ブレーン2024年10月号.

川原繁人 (2024) 経験がひらめきを産む. Numero 11月号.

川原繁人 (2024) 自分事としての、あまりに自分事としての哲学(書評 :三木那由多『言葉の風景、哲学のレンズ』). 群像.

川原繁人 (2024) ポケモンを使って空気力学を教える〜文理の垣根を超えた言語研究の魅力〜. 大阪保険医雑誌.

北山陽一・川原繁人・古澤里菜(2024) . さだまさしのアクセント研究〜「秋桜」の順行・逆行分析から探る. さだまさし解体新書 ターヘル・サダトミア. 大和書房.

古澤里菜・浅野真菜・川原繁人(2024)城南海氏のこぶしの分布に関する考察:言語学的観点から. REPORTS of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies 55: 49-64.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Gakuji Kumagai (2024) The (non-)local nature of Lyman's Law revisited. Laboratory Phonology 15(1). dot: https://www.journal-labphon.org/article/id/10808/.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Gakuji Kumagai (2024) Japanese speakers can infer specific sub-lexicons using phonotactic cues. Linguistics Vanguard, https://doi.org/10.1515/lingvan-2024-0097. the published version (Open Access).

Cwiek Aleksandra et al. (5th among 13 authors) (2024) The alveolar trill is perceived as rough by speakers of different languages. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 156: 3468–3479. PDF.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2024) Review of Emergent Phonology (Diana Archangeli and Douglas Pulleyblank). Phonology. the published version.

川原繁人(2024)生成AIが言語習得に与え得る悪影響について.『一冊の本 7月号』.

川原繁人(2024)生成AIおしゃべりアプリは子どもにとって毒か薬か.『一冊の本 11月号』.


(聞き手)話題の人:KREVA--ラップで日本語の可能性を探究.『三田評論 7月号』.


遠藤歩華・古澤里菜・鎌野慈人・川原繁人・Jason Shaw (2024) 日本語wh構文におけるアクセントの実現についての追実験. 日本音声学会予稿集.


川原繁人 featuring Mummy-D・晋平太・TKda黒ぶち・しあ (2023)『言語学的ラップの世界』. 東京書籍. サポートページ.

川原繁人(2023)『なぜ、おかしの名前はパピプペポが多いのか? 言語学者、小学生の質問に本気で答える』(ディスカヴァー21). サポートページ.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Gakuji Kumagai (2023) Rendaku is not blocked by two nasal consonants: A reply to Kim (2022). Glossa 8(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/glossa.9550.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Gakuji Kumagai (2023) Lyman's Law can count only up to two. Laboratory Phonology 14(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/labphon.9335

Shaw, Jason and Shigeto Kawahara (2023) Limits on gestural reorganization following vowel deletion: The case of Tokyo Japanese. Laboratory Phonology 14(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/labphon.8543

Kilpatrick, Alexander, Aleksandra Ćwiek and Shigeto Kawahara (2023) Random forests, sound symbolism and Pokémon evolution. PlosOne 18(1): e0279350.

Kilpatrick, Alexander, Aleksandra Ćwiek, Eleanor Lewis and Shigeto Kawahara (2023) A cross-linguistic, sound symbolic relationship between bilabial consonants, voiced plosives, and Pokémon Friendship. Frontiers in Psychology. doi: doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1113143

Kumagai, Gakuji, Naoya Watabe and Shigeto Kawahara (2023) How Russian speakers express evolution in Pokémon names II: The effects of contrastive palatalization and name length. Journal of Phonetic Society of Japan 27(2): 64-72.

Sherwood, Stacey, Jason Shaw, Shigeto Kawahara, Robert Mailhammer and Mark Antoniou (2023) Variation, gender and perception: the social meaning of Japanese linguistic variables. Linguistics 61(4): 959-995.

Villegas, Julian, Kimi Akita and Shigeto Kawahara (2023) Psychoacoustic features explain subjective size and shape ratings of psuedo-words. Forum Acousticum: 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association.

Erickson, D. et. al. (the 5th among 10 authors) (2023) Cross cultural perception of valence and arousal. Proceedings of ICPhS.

成田広樹 @ 川原繁人研究会「チョムスキーについてとことん語ろう! . Voicy放送@ヒトがつくることば⇄ことばがつくるヒト(音声のみ):第一回第二回第三回。YouTube動画編第一回第二回第三回

小学生活の4年間ささげた中学受験 「惨敗」が教えてくれたこと. 毎日新聞オンライン.

川原繫人 (2023) 日本語ラップは言語芸術だ!――韻における母音、子音、音節構造の役割. kotoba.

川原繫人 (2023) 「日本語ラップ」は高度な知的遊戯. Voice.

川原繫人 (2023) 【言語学者・川原繁人のTHE CHANGE】. 双葉社THECHANGE.

俵万智×川原繁人 (2023) 歌人が見ている言葉の世界を、言語学者が覗いてみた. 現代ビジネス. 前編, 後編

川原繁人・古澤里菜(2023)城南海の「こぶし」の音声学的特徴と音譜上の分布について:『アイツムギ』と『あなたに逢えてよかった』をもとに. REPORTS of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies 54: 53-77.

Furusawa, Rina and Shigeto Kawahara (2023) A quantitative exploration of the kobushi technique by Minami Kizuki. ICU Working Papers in Linguistics 24.

熊谷学而・川原繁人(2023)音韻・形態構造およびアクセントの音象徴: 赤ちゃん用オムツの名前を題材とした事例研究. 音声研究 26(3): 97-108.

川原繁人 (2023) 音声学者が答える日本語の「なぜなぜ?どうして?」 国際交流基金日本語国際センター.

川原繁人 (2023) 言語は変化していくもの。省かれていく日本語の未来 大丸松坂屋百貨店WEBメディア「F.I.N」.

川原繫人 (2023) 音から考える日本語の特性. 季刊公募ガイド.

川原繁人・桃生朋子 (2023)最大エントロピー法. 『言語理論・言語獲得理論から見たキータームと名著解題』. 開拓社. pp. 46-47.

川原繁人・桃生朋子(2023)韻律構造の獲得. 『言語理論・言語獲得理論から見たキータームと名著解題』. 開拓社. pp. 6-7.


川原繁人 (2022)『音声学者、娘とことばの不思議に飛び込む~プリチュアからカピチュウ、おっけーぐるぐるまで~』. 朝日出版社. ISBN:978-4-255-01275-9. サポートページ.

川原繁人 (2022)『フリースタイル言語学』. 大和書房. サポートページ.

川原繁人 (2022)『言語学者、外の世界へ羽ばたく〜ラッパー・声優・歌手とのコラボからプリキュア・ポケモン名の分析まで〜』(リベラルアーツコトバ双書). 補足事項.

川原繁人×RHYMESTER (2022)【日本語ラップ論争は終了か?】言語学者 川原繁人×RHYMESTER Mummy-Dが日本語ラップの歴史を徹底解説

Kawahara, Shigeto, Misaki Kato and Kaori Idemaru (2022) Speaking rate normalization across different talkers in the perception of Japanese stop and vowel length contrasts. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, EL 2, 035204. Link to the article.

Kawahara, Shigeto, Jason Shaw, and Shinichiro Ishihara (2022) Assessing the prosodic licensing of wh-in-situ in Japanese: A computational-experimental approach. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 40(1): 103-122. ShareIt. the published version.

Ćwiek, Aleksandra et al. (7th among 22 authors) (2022) Bouba and kiki across the globe: Evidence for crossmodal correspondence in speakers of 25 different languages. Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B 377, 1841.

Kumagai, Gakuji and Shigeto Kawahara (2022) How Russian speakers express evolution in Pokémon names: An experimental study with nonce words. Linguistics Vanguard. the published version.

Breiss, Canaan, Hironori and Shigeto Kawahara (2022) A quantitative study of voiced velar nasalization in Japanese. UPenn Working Papers in Linguistics 27: 18-25.

熊谷学而・川原繁人(2022)赤ちゃん用オムツの名前におけるアクセントの音象徴. 日本音声学会予稿集.

川原繁人 (2022) 言葉のプロの力でJキャラの名前のヒミツに迫る特別企画!!. 『少年ジャンプ増刊号「ジャンプGIGA 2022 AUTUMN』.

川原繁人 (2022) 人ってどんなふうに言葉を覚えていくの?. 『母の友』.

川原繁人 (2022) 言語の多様性と向き合う〜『エリートと教養』の考察を通じて〜. 『ユリイカ』.

川原繁人 (2022) 言語芸術としての日本語ラップ〜その五つの理由〜. 『文學界』.

川原繁人 (2022) ことばという贈りもの. 『XD Magazine Vol.6』.

川原繁人 (2022)「声にだす言葉」. 雑誌『談』no.124. インタビュー.

川原繁人 (2022) 「言葉の中にある不思議に音でアプローチする音声学」. 慶應義塾大学季刊広報誌『塾』夏号. インタビュー.

川原繁人 (2022) プリキュアやポケモン 音声学で名前の秘密解明. 著者インタビュー. 週刊東洋経済. 10/1.

川原繁人 (2022)「言語学者とーちゃん、娘のお友達の名前を勝手に分析: ことばの迷い道」. 『月刊みんぱく』8月号.

桃生朋子・磯部美和・岡部玲子・川原繁人・小林ゆきの・皆川泰代(2022)「心の理論の発達」と「文脈に応じた発話行使能力」に関係に関する予備的調査. REPORTS of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies 53: 99-111.

「ウイルスに国境ない」コロナ情報、少数言語に翻訳 研究者ら協力. 朝日デジタル(取材協力).


Kawahara, Shigeto (2021) Testing MaxEnt with sound symbolism: A stripy wug-shaped curve in Japanese Pokémon names. Language 97(4): e341-e359. (Research Report). See also its direct source of inspiration.

Ćwiek, Aleksandra et al. (7th among 22 authors) (2021) Novel vocalizations are understood across cultures. Scientific Reports 11: 10108.

Kawahara, Shigeto, Gakuji Kumagai and Mahayana C. Godoy (2021) English speakers can infer Pokémon types using sound symbolism. Frontiers in Psychology 12: 648948.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Canaan Breiss (2021) Exploring the nature of cumulativity in sound symbolism: Experimental studies of Pokémonastics with English speakers. Laboratory Phonology 12(1).

Shaw, Jason and Shigeto Kawahara (2021) More on the articulation of devoiced [u] in Tokyo Japanese: effects of surrounding consonants. Phonetica 78(5/6): 467-513. the published version.

Vance, Timothy, Shigeto Kawahara and Mizuki Miyashita (2021) The diachronic origins on Lyman's Law: Evidence from phonetics, dialectology, and philology. Phonology. 38(3): 479-511.

Godoy, Mahayana C., André Lucas Mendes Gomes, Gakuji Kumagai & Shigeto Kawahara (2021) Sound symbolism in Brazilian Portuguese Pokémon names: Evidence for cross-linguistic similarities and differences. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 20(1).

Kawahara, Shigeto and Jeff Moore (2021) How to express evolution in English Pokémon names. Linguistics 59(3): 577-607.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2021) Pokémon meets psychology and linguistics: Experimental and theoretical exploration of the bouba-kiki effect. Phonological Studies 24: 77-84.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Gakuji Kumagai (2021) What voiced obstruents symbolically represent in Japanese: Evidence from the Pokémon universe. Journal of Japanese Linguistics 37(1): 3-24. Press release from the publisher.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Yu Tanaka (2021) Partially activated morpheme boundaries in Japanese surnames. Proceedings of NELS 52: 25-38.

Kilpatrick, Alexander, Shigeto Kawahara, Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen, Brett Baker & Janet Fletcher (2021) Japanese perceptual epenthesis is modulated by transitional probability. Language and Speech 64(1): 203–223.

Lee, Seunghun, Daehan Won, Shigeto Kawahara (2021) COVID-19 Myth Busters in World Languages: A case for broader impacts of linguistic research during the COVID-19 crisis. REPORTS of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies 52: 1-11.

Breiss, Canaan, Hironori Katsuda and Shigeto Kawahara (2021) Paradigm uniformity is probabilistic: Evidence from velar nasalization in Japanese. Proceedings of WCCFL 39.

川原繁人(2021) ウェブ連載@リベラルアーツ検定クイズ:言語学者、コロナ禍で自分の学問と向き合う(kotoba news)

川原繁人 (2021) ゴジラがコシラでない理由 面倒くさいと「強さ」に? 朝日新聞デジタル.

川原繁人 (2021) 響きで印象、性格も変わる!? 名づけと音の関係、ミキハウス特集記事.

川原繁人 (2021) 強い「ゴ」やさしい「パ」『リレーおぴにおん 声を感じて1 朝日新 聞』 7月1日朝刊.

川原繁人 (2021) ポケモン名分析から迫る言語起源の謎. 『XD Magazine Vol.3』.

川原繁人 (2021) 『子供の科学』11月号。「なぜ?なぜ?どうして?」回答。質問:人間の声が違うのはなぜ?

川原繁人 (2021)「制約は想像の母である:日本語ラップと大学教育」. 慶應義塾大学アート・センター『ARTLET』55号.

川原繁人 (2021)「絵本のことば 言葉のえほん〜こどものとも」. 福音館書店.

川原繁人 (2021) 書評 :グレッチェン・マカロック氏の『インターネットは言葉をどう変えたか デジタル時代の〈言語〉地図』(千葉敏生訳、フィルムアート社). 『週刊読書人』.

鼎談 w/ 晋平太・関根和生(2021) ラップはビジネス、教育に役立つのか? 『教養としてのラップ入門』. 開発社.

対談 w/ 細馬宏通 (2021) からだとなまえとオノマトペー声がひらく「言語芸術」の地平. 早稲田文学春号 pp.70-97.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2021) Phonetic bases of sound symbolism: A review. Ms.

Isobe, Miwa, Reiko Okabe, Yukino Kobayashi, Shigeto Kawahara, Tomoko Monou, Kazuhiro Abe, Rei Masuda, Saeka Miyahara and Yasuyo Minagawa (2021) Comprehension of Japanese passives: An eye-tracking study with 2-3-year-olds, 6-year-olds and adults. Proceedings of Experimental Psycholinguistics Conference 2019.

Erickson, Donna, Sayoko Takano, Yongwei Li, Jaiyin Gao, Shigeto Kawahara, Kerrie Obert, Kyoko Takahashi and Masato Akagi (2021) Source and filter contributions to voice quality differences. The 12th International Seminar on Speech Production. Proceedings of ISSP 2020.

川原繁人 (2021) 音象徴と言語学ー教育と研究. 日本認知言語学会論文集 21: 489-491.


Kawahara, Shigeto and Seunghun J. Lee (2020) Keio-ICU LINC 2020: Abstract booklet.

川原繁人・平田佐智子・桃生朋子(2020)IPAカード:楽しく学ぶ国際音声記号. 慶應義塾大学言語文化研究所.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2020) A wug-shaped curve in sound symbolism: The case of Japanese Pokémon names. Phonology 37(3):383-418.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2020) Sound symbolism and theoretical phonology. Language and Linguistic Compass 14(8): e12372.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2020) Teaching and learning guide for "Sound symbolism and theoretical phonology". Language and Linguistic Compass 14(8): e12376. Here is the link the published version.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2020) Review of Bodo Winter: Statistics for Linguists: An introduction using R. Phonology 37(3):507-514.

Kawahara, Shigeto, Mahayana C. Godoy and Gakuji Kumagai (2020) Do sibilants fly? Evidence from a sound symbolic pattern in Pokémon names. Open Linguistics 6(1): 386–400.

Uno, Ryoko, Kazuko Shinohara, Yuta Hosokawa, Naho Atsumi, Gakuji Kumagai and Shigeto Kawahara (2020) What’s in a villain’s name? Sound symbolic values of voiced obstruents and bilabial consonants. Review of Cognitive Linguistics.18(2): 428–457.

Godoy, Mahayana C., Neemias Silva de Souza Filho, Juliana G. Marques de Souza, Hális Alves, Shigeto Kawahara (2020) Gotta name'em all: an experimental study on the sound symbolism of Pokémon names in Brazilian Portuguese. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 49: 717–740. The link to the published version.

Kawahara, Shigeto, Michinori Suzuki and Gakuji Kumagai (2020) Sound symbolic patterns in Pokémon move names. ICU Working Papers in Linguistics 10. Festschrift for Prof. Junko Hibiya in the occasion of her retirement from ICU: 17-30.

Shinohara Kazuko, Shigeto Kawahara and Hideyuki Tanaka (2020) Visual and proprioceptive perceptions evoke motion-sound symbolism: Different acceleration profiles are associated with different types of consonants. Frontiers in Psychology.

Kunzang Namgyal, George van Driem, Seunghun Julio Lee and Shigeto Kawahara (2020) A phonetic analysis of Drenjongke: A first critical assessment. Indian Linguistics 81(1-2): 1–14.

熊谷学而・川原繁人 (2020) 音象徴の抽象性:赤ちゃん用のオムツの名付けにおける唇音. 言語研究 157: 149-161.

川原繁人 (2020) プリキュア名と両唇音の音象徴 II: 実験的検証. 日本音声学会予稿集.

川原繁人・平田佐智子・桃生朋子(2020)IPAカード. REPORTS of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies 51: 37-45.

Kato, Misaki, Shigeto Kawahara and Kaori Idemaru (2020) Speaking rate normalization across different talkers in the perception of Japanese stop and vowel length contrasts. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2020.

Erickson, Donna, Shigeto Kawahara et al (2020) Cross cultural differences in arousal and valence perceptions of voice quality. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2020.

Braver, Aaron and Shigeto Kawahara (2020) Acoustics and perception of emphatic lengthening in English. Ms. Texas Tech and Keio.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2020) Cumulative effects in sound symbolism. Ms. Keio.


Hara, Yurie, Shigeto Kawahara and Seunghun Lee (eds.) (2019) ICU Working Papers in Linguistics 7: Festschrift for Professor Tomoyuki Yoshida on his 60th birthday.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2019) What's in a PreCure name? ICU Working Papers in Linguistics 7: Festschrift for Professor Tomoyuki Yoshida on his 60th birthday: 15-22. A simple illustration of the bootstrap analysis

川原繁人 (2019) プリキュア名と両唇音の音象徴. 日本音声学会予稿集.

熊谷学而・川原繁人 (2019) 音節構造から生じる音象徴:赤ちゃん用オムツの名前の分析. 日本音声学会予稿集.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Gakuji Kumagai (2019) Expressing Evolution in Pokémon Names: Experimental Explorations. Journal of Japanese Linguistics 35(1): 3-38.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Gakuji Kumagai (2019) Inferring Pokémon types using sound symbolism: The effects of voicing and labiality. Journal of Phonetic Society of Japan 23(2): 111-116.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2019) Teaching phonetics through sound symbolism. Proceedings of ISAPh.

Kawahara, Shigeto, Hironori Katsuda and Gakuji Kumagai (2019) Accounting for the stochastic nature of sound symbolism using Maximum Entropy model. Open Linguistics 5: 109-120.

熊谷学而・川原繁人 (2019) ポケモン名付けにおける母音と有声阻害音効果: 実験と理論からアプローチ. 言語研究 155: 65-99.


取材協力:イグノーベル賞を探せ!!、ケトル VOL50.

川原繁人(2019)研究・社会・学生・家族. 三田評論11月号.

Kawahara, Shigeto, Miwa Isobe, Yukino Kobayashi, Tomoko Okabe, Reiko Okabe, and Yasuyo Minagawa (2019) Acquisition of the takete-maluma effect by Japanese speakers. REPORTS of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies 50: 63-78.

Shaw, Jason and Kawahara, Shigeto (2019) Effects of Surprisal and Entropy on vowel duration in Japanese. Language and Speech. 62(1): 80-114. A link to the published version. Yale Daily News coverage. [xxx This paper was first made available ahead of print in 2017]

川原繁人 ・桃生朋子 (2019)「マイボイス」を使って音声学を教える有効性について:アンケート調査の報告. 音声研究 23(1): 22-25.

Zeebra × 川原繁人 (2019) 日本語ラップと言語感覚. 『mandala musica/マンダラ・ムジカ ― ―普遍学としての音楽へ』: .36-59(大人の事情で奥付は2018年3月)

Kilpatrick, Alexander, Shigeto Kawahara, Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen, Brett Baker and Janet Fletcher (2019) Japanese coda [m] elicits both perceptual assimilation and epenthesis. Proceedings of ISAPh.

Lee, Seunghun, Shigeto Kawahara, Céleste Guillemot & Tomoko Monou (2019) Acoustics of the four-way laryngeal contrast in Drenjongke (Bhutia): Observations and implications. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 23(1): 65-75.

Wilson, Ian, Donna Erickson, Shigeto Kawahara, and Tomoko Monou (2019) Acquiring jaw movement patterns in a second language: Some lexical factors. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Phonetic Society of Japan.

Shih, Stephanie, Jordan Ackerman, Noah Hermalin, Sharon Inkelas, Hayeun Jang, Jessica Johnson, Darya Kavitskaya, Shigeto Kawahara, Miran Oha, Rebecca L. Starre and Alan Yu (2019, submitted) Cross-linguistic and language-specific sound symbolism: Pokémonastics.



川原繁人 (2018) 『ビジュアル音声学』. 東京: 三省堂. 補足・教材.

Kawahara, Shigeto, Atsushi Noto, and Gakuji Kumagai (2018) Sound symbolic patterns in Pokémon names. Phonetica 75(3): 219-244. (This paper is Open Access.)

川原繁人・高田三枝子・松浦年男・松井理直(2018) 有声性の研究はなぜ重要なのか. 音声研究 22(2): 56-68. 

Kawahara, Shigeto, Miwa Isobe, Yukino Kobayashi, Tomoko Monou and Reiko Okabe (2018) Acquisition of sound symbolic values of vowels and voiced obstruents by Japanese children: Using a Pokémonastics paradigm. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 22(2): 122-130.

Shaw, Jason and Shigeto Kawahara (2018) Assessing surface phonological specification through simulation and classification of phonetic trajectories. Phonology 35(3): 481–522. Link to the published version.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Jason Shaw (2018) Persistence of prosody. Bennett, Ryan, Andrew Angeles, Adrian Brasoveanu, Dhyana Buckley, Shigeto Kawahara, Grant McGuire, and Jaye Padgett (eds.) Hana-bana: A Festshrift for Junko Ito and Armin Mester.

Shaw, Jason and Shigeto Kawahara (2018) Consequences of high vowel deletion for syllabification in Japanese. Proceedings of AMP 2017.

Shaw, Jason and Shigeto Kawahara (2018) The lingual gesture of devoiced /u/ in Tokyo Japanese. Journal of Phonetics 66: 100-118.

Shaw, Jason and Shigeto Kawahara (2018)The Role of Predictability in Shaping Human Language Sound Patterns. Linguistics Vanguard, special issue.

Shaw, Jason and Shigeto Kawahara (2018) Predictability and phonology: Past, present and future. Linguistics Vanguard 4(S2): 1-9.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Seunghun Lee (2018) Truncation in Message-Oriented Phonology: A case study using Korean vocative truncation. Linguistics Vanguard 4(S2): 1-8.

川原繁人 (2018) Science Column 3: なぜヒップホップのメッセージは胸を打つのか---1万分の1の奇跡がもたらす効果とは.『筋トレ×ヒップホップが最強のソリューションである』文響社.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2018) Phonology and orthography: The orthographic basis of rendaku and Lyman’s Law. Glossa 3(1). PDF.

Bennett, Ryan, Andrew Angeles, Adrian Brasoveanu, Dhyana Buckley, Shigeto Kawahara, Grant McGuire, and Jaye Padgett (2018) Hana-bana: A festschrift for Junko Ito and Armin Mester.

Hall, Erin, Peter Jurgec, and Shigeto Kawahara (2018) Opaque allomorph selection in Japanese and Harmonic Serialism: A reply to Kurisu (2012). Linguistic Inquiry 49(3): 599-610.

Lee, Seunghun, Hyun Kyung Hwang, Tomoko Monou, and Shigeto Kawahara (2018) The phonetic realization of tonal contrast in Dränjongke. Proceedings of TAL 2018: 217-221.

Lee, Seunghun and Shigeto Kawahara (2018) The phonetic structure of Dzongkha: A preliminary study. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 22(1): 13-20.

Funakoshi, Kenshi, Shigeto Kawahara and Christopher Tancredi (eds.) (2018) Japanese Korean Linguistics 24. Stanford: CSLI.

Kumagai, Gakuji and Shigeto Kawahara (2018) Stochastic phonological knowledge and word formation in Japanese. Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan 153: 57-83.

川原繁人・桃生朋子 (2018) 音象徴で言語学を教える: 具体的成果の紹介を通して. Southern Review 32: 3-14.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2018) Durational vowel-coda interaction in spontaneous Japanese utterances. Acoustical Science and Technology 39(2): 138-139.

Moore, Jeff, Jason Shaw, Shigeto Kawahara, & Takayuki Arai (2018) Articulation strategies for English liquids used by Japanese speakers. Acoustic Science and Technology 39(2): 75-83.

桃生朋子・川原繁人 (2018) マイボイスと大学言語学教育. REPORTS of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies 49: 97-107.

小林 ゆきの・磯部 美和・ 桃生 朋子・ 岡部 玲子・ 川原 繁人(2018) 幼児はポケモン名付けに音象徴を用いるか. 日本言語学会第155回全国大会予稿集.

Perkins, Jeremy, Seunghun Lee, Shigeto Kawahara and Tomoko Monou (2018) Consonants and tones: A view from two Tibeto-Burman languages. 日本言語学会第155回全国大会予稿集.

Kilpatrick Alexander, Shigeto Kawahara, Rikke L. Bundgaard-Nielsen, Brett J. Baker and Janet Fletcher1 (2018) Japanese vowel devoicing modulates perceptual epenthesis. Proceedings of SST 2018.


川原繁人 (2017) 『「あ」は「い」より大きい!?:音象徴で学ぶ音声学入門』. 東京: ひつじ書房. 補足・教材.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2017) Durational compensation within a CV mora in spontaneous Japanese: Evidence from the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142: EL143. A link to the published article

Erickson, Donna and Shigeto Kawahara (2017) In Memoriam: Osamu Fujimura. Phonetica. 74(4): I-IV.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Melanie Pangilinan (2017) Spectral continuity, amplitude changes, and perception of length contrasts. In H. Kubozono (ed.) Aspects of Geminate Consonants. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 13-33.

Kawahara, Shigeto & Michinao F. Matsui (2017) Some aspects of Japanese consonant articulation: A preliminary EPG study. ICU Working Papers in Linguistics II: 9-20.

川原繁人 (2017) ドラゴンクエストの呪文における音象徴: 音声学の広がりを目指して. 音声研究 21(2): 38-42.

Matsui, Mayuki, Yosuke Igarashi, and Shigeto Kawahara (2017) Acoustic manifestation of Russian word-final devoicing in utterance-medial position. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 21(2): 1-17.

遠藤希美・川原繁人・皆川泰代 (2017) 声楽的発声における母音知覚—基本周波数および声楽経験の影響—. 音声研究 21(2): 25-37.

川原繁人・桃生朋子 (2017) 音象徴の言語学教育での有効利用に向けて: 『ウルトラマン』の怪獣名と音象徴. 音声研究 21(2): 43-49.

Erickson, Donna, Kiyoshi Honda and Shigeto Kawahara (2017) Interaction of jaw displacement and F0 peak in syllables produced with contrastive emphasis. Acoustical Science and Technology 38(3): 137-146.

Kawahara, Shigeto, Donna Erickson, and Atsuo Suemitsu (2017) The phonetics of jaw displacement in Japanese vowels. Acoustical Science and Technology 38(2): 99-107.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2017) A bootstrap-based reanalysis of Zamma (2013). The R-code for bootstrapping. My humble obituary. REPORTS of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies 48: 221-225.

Matsui, Michinao (2017) (Translated by Shigeto Kawahara). On the input information of the C/D model for vowel devoicing in Japanese. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 21(1): 129-140.

川原繁人 (2017) 音そのものに意味はあるのか---ポケモンから考える「音とことばのふしぎな世界」. Wired. 記事へのリンク

川原繁人 (2017) 日本語ラップの韻分析再考二〇一七――言語分析を通して韻を考える――. 日本語学 36(11): 2-12.

(2017) ポケモン✖️言語学:身近なものを科学する。慶應義塾大学塾生新聞.

川原繁人 ・三間英樹 (2017) 生成音韻論における連濁の理論的分析. 『連濁の研究』. 開拓社. pp. 95-128.

川原繁人 ・竹村亜希子 (2017) 連濁の心理言語学的研究. 『連濁の研究』. 開拓社. pp. 129-145.

熊谷学而・川原繁人 (2017) 音象徴の抽象性:赤ちゃん用オムツのネーミングにおける唇音. 音声学会第31回全国大会予稿集. pp.49-54.

熊谷学而・川原繁人 (2017) ポケモンのネーミングにおける母音と有声阻害音の効果. 日本言語学会第155回全国大会予稿集. pp.127-132.

川原繁人・川原睦人・熊井 規 (2017) 声道模型における共鳴の有限要素法解析. 音声学会第31回全国大会予稿集. pp. 67-72.

Lee, Seunghun, Shigeto Kawahara, Haruka Tada and Hanna Kaji (2017) A preliminary acoustic study of tone in Dzongkha. 音声学会第31回全国大会予稿集. pp. 114-119.

Lee, Seunghun, Shigeto Kawahara, Hanna Kaji and Haruka Tada (2017) The acoustic manifestation of laryngeal contrasts in Dzongkha: A preliminary study. Proceedings of SICSS 2017.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2017) Opacity in Japanese. Ms. Keio.



川原繁人・荒井隆行・今関裕子・杉山由希子・本間武蔵・増田斐那子・松井理直・皆川泰代・吉村隆樹. 「マイボイス:難病患者様の失われる声を救う」2015年度日本音声学会学術研究奨励賞.

川原繁人・桃生朋子・皆川泰代 (2016) マイボイスと大学における音声学教育. 音声研究 20(3): 13-20.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2016) Japanese has syllables: A reply to Labrune (2012). Phonology 33(1): 169–194.
The link to the CUP site

Erickson, Donna, Chunyue Zhu, Shigeto Kawahara, and Atsuo Suemitsu (2016) Articulation, acoustics and perception of Mandarin Chinese emotional speech. Open Linguistics 2: 620–635.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2016) Japanese geminate devoicing once again: Insights from Information Theory. Proceedings of Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 8: 43-62.

Shinohara, Kazuko, Naoto Yamauchi, Shigeto Kawahara, and Hideyuki Tanaka (2016) Takete and maluma in action: A cross-modal relationship between gestures and sounds. PLOS ONE. Go to the publication page.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2016) The prosodic features of “tsun” and “moe” voices. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 20(2): 102-110.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2016) Psycholinguistic methodology in phonological research (pre-print version). Oxford Bibliography Online. For discussion on Japanese verbal paradigms, which I removed as per reviewer’s request, click here.The published version is available from here.

Erickson, Donna and Shigeto Kawahara (2016) Articulatory correlates of metrical structure: Studying jaw displacement patterns. Linguistics Vanguard 2: 103-118.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Shin-ichiro Sano (2016) /p/-driven geminate devoicing in Japanese: Corpus and experimental evidence. Journal of Japanese Linguistics 32: 57-77.

Takahashi, Chika and Shigeto Kawahara (2016) Can Japanese speakers compensate for coaritulation due to [l] and [r]? Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 8, Mie University.

川原繁人・本間武蔵・吉村隆樹・荒井隆行 (2016) マイボイス・プロジェクト—自分の声を大切に考えた人たちの物語—. 日本音響学会誌 72.10: 653-661. The English version, “MyVoice: Rescuing voices of ALS patients” Acoustical Science and Technology 37(5): 202-210.

川原繁人・桃生朋子・皆川泰代 (2016) マイボイスと大学における音声学教育. 音声学会全国大会予稿集.

川原繁人 (2016) 日本やアメリカにおける音声学教育. JMAC技術講演会予稿集.

松井理直・川原繁人・シャージェイソン (2016) EPG を用いた日本語歯茎促音の調音的特徴. 音声学会全国大会予稿集.

遠藤希望・川原繁人・皆川康代 (2016) 声楽的発声における母音知覚―基本周波数および声楽経験の影響―. 音声学会全国大会予稿集.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2016) Subsyllabic structures in Japanese child phonology: A preliminary study. In Phonological Society of Japan (ed.) Phonological Studies 19. Tokyo: Kaitakusha. pp.19-26. [This is a heavily re-written version of my 2005 term paper.]

Monou, Tomoko and Shigeto Kawahara (2016) The role of the Subset Principle in L2 acquisition: A case study of Japanese and Mandarin Chinese. REPORTS of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies 47: 113-141.

Shinohara, Kazuko and Kawahara, Shigeto (2016) A cross-linguistic study of sound symbolism: The images of size. The proceedings of BLS 36: 396-410. Berkeley Linguistic Society: Berkeley.

Braver, Aaron and Shigeto, Kawahara (2016) Incomplete neutralization in Japanese monomoraic lengthening. Proceedings of Phonology 2014. Online publication.

Braver, Aaron, Natalie Dresher and Shigeto, Kawahara (2016) The phonetics of emphatic vowel lengthening in English. Proceedings of Phonology 2014. Online publication.

The rendaku book. I didn’t edit it, but I was heavily involved with this research project. Kawahara, Shigeto (2016) Psycholinguistic studies of rendaku. In Timothy Vance and Mark Irwin (eds.) Sequential voicing in Japanese compounds: Papers from the NINJAL Rendaku Project. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 35-46. Get the flier of this book here

Kawahara, Shigeto and Hideki Zamma (2016) Generative treatments of rendaku. In Timothy Vance and Mark Irwin (eds.) Sequential voicing in Japanese compounds: Papers from the NINJAL Rendaku Project. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp.13-34.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Shin-ichiro Sano (2016) Rendaku and identity avoidance: Consonantal identity and moraic identity. In Timothy Vance and Mark Irwin (eds.) Sequential voicing in Japanese compounds: Papers from the NINJAL Rendaku Project. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp.47-55.

Shigeto Kawahara (2016) The phonetics of [voice] in singletons and geminates in Japanese: An acoustic and electroglottography study. Ms.



川原繁人 (2015) 「音とことばのふしぎな世界」. 岩波サイエンスライブラリー 244. 東京 : 岩波書店. 編集部宣伝. 補足・教材.

[An introductory phonetics textbook for a popular science series; introduction to phonetics without technical details.]

Kawahara, Shigeto (2015) Japanese /r/ is not featureless: A rejoinder to Labrune (2014) Open Linguistics 1: 432-443.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2015) The phonetics of geminates: An overview. “Geminate consonants across the world”, A satellite workshop for ICPhS 2015.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2015) Geminate devoicing in Japanese loanwords: Theoretical and experimental investigations. Language and Linguistic Compass 9(4): 168–182.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2015) Can we use rendaku for phonological argumentation? Linguistics Vanguard 1: 3-14. Go to theirwebsite.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2015) Comparing a forced-choice wug test and a naturalness rating test: An exploration using rendaku. Language Sciences 48: 42-47.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2015) Papers on geminate devoicing in Japanese. A collection of papers that I wrote about geminate devoicing in the past 10 years. (The last paper is to appear in Journal of Japanese Linguistics. See above for the revised version.)

Kawahara, Shigeto (2015) The phonetics of sokuon, obstruent geminates. In Haruo Kubozono (ed.) The Handbook of Japanese Language and Linguistics: Phonetics and Phonology. Mouton. pp. 43-73.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2015) The phonology of Japanese accent. In Haruo Kubozono (ed.) The Handbook of Japanese Language and Linguistics: Phonetics and Phonology. Mouton. pp.445-492.

Braver, Aaron and Shigeto, Kawahara (2015) Incomplete neutralization via paradigm uniformity and weighted constraints. Proceedings of North Eastern Linguistics Society 45. GLSA. pp.115-124.

Kawahara, Shigeto, Donna Erickson, and Atsuo Suemitsu (2015) Edge prominence and declination in Japanese jaw displacement patterns: A view from the C/D model. A special issue on the C/D model, Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 19(2): 33-43.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2015) The C/D model as a theory of the phonetics-phonology interface. A special issue on the C/D model, Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 19(2): 9-15.

Erickson, Donna and Shigeto Kawahara (2015) A practical guide to calculating syllable prominence, timing and boundaries in the C/D model.. A special issue on the C/D model, Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 19(2): 16-21.

川原繁人・本間武蔵・今関祐子・吉村隆樹・荻原萌・深澤はるか・増田斐那子・篠原和子・杉岡洋子・杉山由希子 (2015) マイボイス:言語学が失われる声を救うために. 日本音韻論学会 (編) 音韻研究 18. 東京:開拓社. pp.127-136.

Fukazawa Haruka, Shigeto Kawahara, Mafuyu Kitahara and Shin-ichiro Sano (2015) Two is too much: Geminate devoicing in Japanese. In Phonological Society of Japan (ed.) Phonological Studies 18. Tokyo: Kaitakusha. pp.3-10.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2015) A catalogue of phonological opacity in Japanese. REPORTS of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies 46: 145-174.

Kawahara, Shigeto, Kazuko Shinohara and Joseph Grady (2015) Iconic inferences about personality: From sounds and shapes. In Masako K. Hiraga, William J. Herlofsky, Kazuko Shinohara and Kimi Akita (eds.) Iconicity: East meets west. John Benjamins: Amsterdam. pp. 57-69.

Erickson, Donna, Jangwon Kim, Shigeto Kawahara, Caroline Menezez, Atsuo Suemitsu, Jeff Moore (2015) Bridging articulation and perception: The C/D model and contrastive emphasis. Proceedings of ICPhS 2015.

川原繁人・竹村亜希子 (2015) 連濁は音韻理論の問題か. 西原哲雄 (編) 現代の形態論と音声学・音韻論の視点と論点. 開拓社. pp. 212-235.



“FAJL7.” Kawahara, Shigeto and Mika Igarashi (2014) Proceedings of FAJL 7. MITWPL. Front Matters. Buy a copy.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Aaron Braver (2014) Durational properties of emphatically-lengthened consonants in Japanese. Journal of International Phonetic Association 44(3): 237-260. A link to the CUP page.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Kelly Garvey (2014) Nasal place assimilation and the perceptibility of place contrasts. Open Linguistics 1: 17-36.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Shin-ichiro Sano (2014) Identity Avoidance and Lyman's Law. Lingua 150: 71-77.

Hara, Yurie, Kawahara, Shigeto, and Yuli Feng (2014) The prosody of enhanced bias in Mandarin and Japanese negative questions. Lingua 150: 92-116.

Lee Sang-Im, Kawahara, Shigeto and Seunghun J. Lee (2014) The “whistled” fricative in Xitsonga: its articulation and acoustics. Phonetica 71(1): 51-80.

John Kingston, Kawahara, Shigeto, Della Chambless, Michael Key, Daniel Mash, and Sarah Watsky (2014) Context effect as auditory contrast. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 76(5): 1437-1464.

Syrett, Kristen and Kawahara, Shigeto (2014) Production and perception of listener-oriented clear speech in child language. Journal of Child Language 41: 1373 - 1389.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Shin-ichiro Sano (2014) Testing Rosen's Rule and Strong Lyman's Law. NINJAL Research Papers 7: 111-120.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Shin-ichiro Sano (2014) Identity avoidance and rendaku. Proceedings of Phonology 2013. Online publication.

Braver, Aaron and Kawahara, Shigeto (2014) Incomplete vowel lengthening in Japanese: A first study. Proceedings of the 31st meeting of West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. pp.86-95. Sommerville: Cascadilla Press.

Kawahara, Shigeto, Donna Erickson, Jeff Moore, Atsuo Suemitsu and Yoshiho Shibuya (2014) Jaw displacement and metrical structure in Japanese: The effect of pitch accent, foot structure, phrasal stress. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 18(2): 77-87.

Kawahara, Shigeto, Hinako Masuda, Donna Erickson, Jeff Moore, Atsuo Suemitsu and Yoshiho Shibuya (2014) Quantifying the effects of vowel quality and preceding consonants on jaw displacement: Japanese data. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 18(2): 54-62.

Erickson, Donna, Kawahara, Shigeto, J, Atsuo Suemitsu, Yoshiho Shibuya, and Mark Tiede (2014) Comparison of jaw displacement patterns of Japanese and American speakers of English: A preliminary report. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 18(2): 88-94.

Erickson, Donna, Kawahara, Shigeto, Jeff Moore, Atsuo Suemitsu, and Yoshiho Shibuya (2014) Metrical structure and jaw displacement: An exploration. Proceedings of Speech and Prosody 2014: 300-303.

Erickson, Donna, Kawahara, Shigeto, Jeff Moore, Caroline Menezes, Atsuo Suemitsu, Jangwon Kim and Yoshiho Shibuya (2014) Calculating articulatory syllable duration and phrase boundaries. Proceedings of The 10th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP): 102-105.

川原繁人 (2014) 強調形に現れる促音と有声性.日本音声学会全国大会ワークショップ予稿集 「有声促音の音声学的諸問題:地域変異と発話スタイルを中心に」.

篠原和子・川原繁人・本間武蔵 (2014) 身体としての言語 第28回人口知能学会全国大会. 2D5-OS-28b-3.

Takemura, Akiko, Itsue Kawagoe and Shigeto Kawahara (2014) The perception of gemination in English word-internal clusters by Japanese listeners: A case for phonetically-driven loanword adaptation. Proceedings of FAJL 7. MITWPL. pp. 227-237.


Kawahara, Shigeto and Shin-ichiroo Sano (2013) A corpus-based study of geminate devoicing in Japanese: Linguistic factors. Language Sciences 40: 300-307.

Sano, Shin-ichiroo and Kawahara, Shigeto (2013) A corpus-based study of geminate devoicing in Japanese: The role of the OCP and external factors. Journal of Linguistic Society of Japan (Gengo Kenkyuu). 144:103-118

Kawahara, Shigeto (2013) Testing Japanese loanword devoicing: Addressing task effects. Linguistics 51(6): 1271 – 1299.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2013) Emphatic gemination in Japanese mimetic words: A wug-test with auditory stimuli. Language Sciences 40: 24-35.

Coetzee, Andries and Kawahara, Shigeto (2013) Frequency biases in phonological variation. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 31(1): 47-89.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Aaron Braver (2013) The phonetics of emphatic vowel lengthening in Japanese. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics 3(2): 141-148. Open Access version.

Brent Berlin (2013) 動物名称にみられる共感覚的音象徴. 訳, 篠原和子・川原繁人. 篠原和子・宇野良子 (編) オノマトペ研究の射程ー近づく音と意味。pp. 17-42. ひつじ書房:東京。(若干のミスがありますので、 出版版を公開しますが、是非ご購入もご検討ください。)

篠原和子・川原繁人 (2013) 音象徴の言語普遍性:「大きさのイメージをもとに. 篠原和子・宇野良子 (編) オノマトペ研究の射程ー近づく音と意味。pp. 43-57. ひつじ書房:東京。(若干のミスがありますので、 出版版を公開しますが、是非ご購入もご検討ください。)

川原繁人 (2013) 日本語特殊拍の音響と知覚ー促音を中心としてー日本音響学会誌. 69(04): 191-196.

川原繁人 (2013)メイド文化と音声学.メイドカフェ批評.たかとら(編): 112-121. オリジナル原稿(専門的な議論あり), 編集済み原稿(新書風)

Shinohara, Kazuko and Kawahara, Shigeto (2013) The sound symbolic nature of Japanese maid names. The proceedings of JCLA 13. Japan Cognitive Linguistics Association. pp. 183-193.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2013) The phonetics of Japanese maid voice I: A preliminary study. 音韻研究 (Phonological Studies) 16: 19-28.

Monou, Tomoko and Kawahara, Shigeto (2013) The emergence of the unmarked in L2 acquisition: interpreting null subjects. Proceedings of the Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics (TCP) 14. pp.181-200. Tokyo: Hitsuji Shobo.

Deprez, Viviane, Kristen Syrett, and Kawahara, Shigeto (2013) The interaction of syntax, prosody, and discourse in licensing French wh-in-situ questions. Lingua 124: 4-19.



Kawahara, Shigeto (2012) Lyman's Law is active in loanwords and nonce words: Evidence from naturalness judgment studies. Lingua 122(11): 1193-1206.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Sophia Kao (2012) The productivity of a root-initial accenting suffix, [-zu]: Judgment studies. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 30(3): 837-857.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2012) Review of The Phonology of Japanese (by Laurence Labrune, 2012 Oxford University Press). Phonology . 29(3): 540-548. Get the PDF file.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Kazuko Shinohara (2012) A tripartite trans-modal relationship among sounds, shapes and emotions: A case of abrupt modulation. In. N. Miyake, D. Peebles and R. P. Cooper (eds.) The Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin: Cognitive Science Society. pp. 569-574. (There were some mistakes in the published version, which you can download from here)

Kawahara, Shigeto (2012) Acoustic bases of sound symbolism. Talk presented at Seoul National University.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2012) Amplitude changes facilitate categorization and discrimination of length contrasts. IEICE Technical Report. THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS, INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERS 112: 67-72.

Deprez, Viviane, Kristen Syrett, and Kawahara, Shigeto (2012) Interfacing information and prosody: French wh-in-situ questions. In I. France, S. Lusini and A. Saab. Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2010. John Benjamins: Amsterdam. pp. 135–154.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2012) 外来語有声促音の無声化‐理論的貢献‐. 音韻研究 (Phonological Studies) 15: 93-104.

Hara, Yurie and Kawahara, Shigeto (2012) The prosody of public evidence in Japanese: A rating study. Proceedings of the 29th meeting of West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. pp.353-361. Sommerville: Cascadilla Press.

Borowsky, Toni, Kawahara, Shigeto, Takahito Shinya, and Mariko Sugahara (eds.) (2012) Prosody Matters: Essays in honor of Elisabeth Selkirk. Equinox Publishing. London. The flier.

Review by S. Frota and M. Vigário (2013), Phonology 30. A CUP link to the article.
Review by M. Kitahara (2015), Studies in English Literature 56, pp.211-218.
Review by A. Hosseini (2014), English Linguistics.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2012) The intonation of nominal parentheticals in Japanese. In T. Borowsky, S. Kawahara, T. Shinya and M. Sugahara (eds.) Prosody Matters. Equinox: London. pp. 304-340.

Gallagher, Gillian, Peter Graff, Kawahara, Shigeto, and Michael Kenstowicz (eds.) (2012) Phonological Similarity: Perceptual and Articulatory Bases and Links to Grammatical Mechanisms. A special volume of Lingua 122(2).

Braver, Aaron and Shigeto, Kawahara (2012) Complete and incomplete neutralization in Japanese monomoraic lengthening. Ms., Rutgers University.



Kingston, John, Kawahara, Shigeto, Daniel Mash and Della Chambless (2011) Auditory contrast versus compensation for coarticulation: Data from Japanese and English listeners. Language and Speech. 54(4): 496-522.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2011) Japanese loanword devoicing revisited: A rating study. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 29(3): 705-723.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2011) Aspects of Japanese loanword devoicing. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 20(2): 169–194.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2011) Experimental approaches in theoretical phonology. In M. van Oostendorp, C. Ewen, E. Hume, and K.Rice (eds.) The Blackwell Companion to Phonology. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 2283-2303.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Kazuko Shinohara (2011) Phonetic and psycholinguistic prominences in pun formation: Experimental evidence for positional faithfulness. In M. den Dikken and W. McClure (eds.) Japanese/Korean Linguistics 18. Stanford: CSLI. pp.177-188.

Hara, Yurie, Kawahara, Shigeto, and Yuli Feng (2011) Emphatic stress as epistemic conflict: A case study of Mandarin Chinese. Proceedings of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 8: 13-26.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2011) Modes of phonological judgment. Ms., Rutgers University.



Kawahara, Shigeto (2010) Papers on Japanese imperfect puns. A collection of papers on imperfect puns

Kawahara, Shigeto and Kazuko Shinohara (2010) Calculating vocalic similarity through puns. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 13(3): 101-110.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Matt Wolf (2010) On the existence of root-initial-accenting suffixes: An elicitation study of Japanese [-zu]. Linguistics 48(4): 837-864. Eratta

Shinohara, Kazuko and Kawahara, Shigeto (2010) Syllable intrusion in Japanese puns, dajare. Proceeding of the 10th meeting of Japan Cognitive Linguistics Association. pp. 313-322.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Kelly Garvey (2010) Testing the p-map hypothesis: Coda devoicing. Ms. Rutgers University.



Kingston, John, Kawahara, Shigeto, Della Chambless, Daniel Mash and Eve Brenner-Alsop (2009) Contextual effects on the perception of duration. Journal of Phonetics. 37.3: 297-320.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2009) Faithfulness, correspondence, perceptual similarity: Hypotheses and experiments. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan. 13.2: 52-61.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Kazuko Shinohara (2009) The role of psychoacoustic similarity in Japanese puns: A corpus study. Journal of Linguistics. 45.1: 111-138.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2009) Probing knowledge of similarity through puns. In Takahito Shinya (ed.) Proceedings of Sophia University Linguistic Society 23. Tokyo: Sophia University Linguistics Society. pp.110-137. Errata

Kawahara, Shigeto and Yurie Hara (2009) Hiatus resolution in Hiroshima Japanese. In M. Abdurrahman, A. Schardl, and M. Walkow (eds.) Proceedings of NELS 38. pp. 475-486. Amherst: GLSA.

篠原和子・川原繁人(2009)音象徴の言語間比較:有声性のイメージに関する実験研究. Proceedings of Japan Cognitive Science Society.



Kawahara, Shigeto and Takahito Shinya (2008) The intonation of gapping and coordination in Japanese: Evidence for Intonational Phrase and Utterance. Phonetica 65.1-2: 62-105.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2008) Phonetic naturalness and unnaturalness in Japanese loanword phonology. Journal of East Asian Linguistics (JEAL) 17.4: 317-330.

Hara Yurie and Kawahara, Shigeto (2008) Deaccenting, MAXIMIZE PRESUPPOSITION, and evidential scale . In Proceedings of the fourth international conference on speech prosody.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2008) On the proper treatment of non-crisp-edges. In M. Endo, S. Jun, P. Sells, P.M. Clancy, S. Iwasaki, and S-O. Sohn (eds.) Japanese/Korean Linguistics 13. Stanford: CSLI Publications. pp. 55-67. [xxx this paper is old, originally presented in 2003.]

Kawahara, Shigeto, Kazuko Shinohara and Yumi Uchimoto (2008) A positional effect in sound symbolism: An experimental study. Proceedings of the 8th meeting of Japan Cognitive Linguistics Association. [xxx this paper is based on the BA thesis of the third author.]

Kawahara, Shigeto and Kazuko Shinohara (2008) A cross-linguistic study of sound symbolism: the case of voicing. A poster presented at Language, Communication, and Cognition. Brighton University.



Kawahara, Shigeto (2007) Half rhymes in Japanese rap lyrics and knowledge of similarity. Journal of East Asian Linguistics (JEAL) 16.2: 113-144. Eratta.

Gelbart, Ben and Kawahara, Shigeto (2007) Lexical cues to foreignness in Japanese. In Proceedings of Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 4: 49-60. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. Cambridge: MITWPL.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2007) Copying and spreading in phonological theory: Evidence from echo epenthesis. In University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics 32: Papers in Optimality III. 111-143. Amherst: GLSA.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2007) Sonorancy and geminacy . In University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics 32: Papaers in Optimality III. 145-186. Amherst: GLSA [This paper has been superseded by Kawahara, Pangilinan, and Garvey (2011) above.].



Kawahara, Shigeto (2006) A faithfulness ranking projected from a perceptibility scale: The case of [+voice] in Japanese. Language 82.3: 536-574.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2006) Mimetic gemination in Japanese: A challenge for Evolutionary Phonology. Theoretical Linguistics 32.3: 411-424.

Kawahara, Shigeto, Hajime Ono, and Kiyoshi Sudo (2006) Consonant co-occurrence restrictions in Yamato Japanese. Japanese/Korean Linguistics 14: 27-38. Stanford: CSLI Publications. Further info



Kawahara, Shigeto (2005) Voicing and geminacy in Japanese: An acoustic and perceptual study. In K. Flack and S. Kawahara (eds.) University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics 31: Papers in Experimental Phonetics and Phonology. pp. 87-120.

Potts, Christopher, and Kawahara, Shigeto (2005) Japanese honorifics as emotive definite descriptions. Proceedings of SALT 14: 253-270.

Kawahara, Shigeto and Kathryn Flack (eds.) (2005) University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics 31: Papers in Experimental Phonetics and Phonology. ISBN: 1-4196-0681-6. TOC

Kawahara, Shigeto (ed.) (2005) University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics 30: Papers on Prosody. ISBN: 1-4196-0680-8.



Kawahara, Shigeto (2004) Locality in echo epenthesis: Comparison with reduplication. Proceedings of the North East Linguistics Society 34: 295-309.

Shinya, Takahito, Elisabeth Selkirk and Kawahara, Shigeto (2004) Rhythmic boost and recursive minor phrase in Japanese. In Proceedings of the second international conference on speech prosody. 183-186.

Selkirk, Elisabeth, Takahito Shinya, and Kawahara, Shigeto (2004) Phonological and phonetic effects of minor phrase length on f0 in Japanese. In Proceedings of the second international conference on speech prosody. 345-348.



Kawahara, Shigeto (2003) On a certain kind of hiatus resolution in Japanese. Onin Kenkyuu [Phonological Studies] 6: 11-20. (Edited by Phonological Soceity of Japan. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.)

Kawahara, Shigeto, Kohei Nishimura, and Hajime Ono (2003) Unveiling the unmarkedness of Sino-Japanese. In Japanese/Korean Linguistics 12: 140-151. Stanford: CSLI.

Kawahara, Shigeto, Makoto Kadowaki and Kazuko Yatsushiro (2003) A gap in the interpretation of embedded tense in Japanese. In Snippets 7: 11-12.

Kadowaki, Makoto and Kawahara, Shigeto (eds.) (2003) Proceedings of NELS 33. ISBN: 1-4196-2201-3.



Kawahara, Shigeto (2002) Similarity among Variants: Output-Variant Correspondence. BA Thesis: International Christian University.

Kawahara, Shigeto (2002) Faithfulness among variants. In On-in-kenkyuu [Phonological Studies] 5: 47-54. (Edited by Phonological Society of Japan. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.) [A short summary of my BA thesis above]

Kawahara, Shigeto (2002) Aspects of Japanese hip-hop rhymes: What they reveal about the structure of Japanese. In Proceedings of Language Study Workshop.

Kaneko, Ikuyo and Kawahara, Shigeto (2002) Positional faithfulness theory and the emergence of the unmarked: The case of Kagoshima Japanese. In Akira Nakayama (ed.) ICU English Studies 11: 18-36.


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Layout design by Melanie Pangilinan.