1701 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 986 | renǒun (n.) Also renoun(n)e, renowun, rennoun(e, renon, rennone & (error) renonone; pl. renoun(e)s, etc. & rennons, renoums & (error) ronons. | I sy3e þat cyty of gret renoun, Jerusalem so nwe and ryally dy3t. |
1702 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 986 | citē (n.) Also citee, site, city, citty, sity, cete, sete. | I sy3e þat cyty of gret renoun, Jerusalem so nwe and ryally dy3t, As hit was ly3t fro þe heuen adoun. |
1703 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 988 | lighten (v.(2)) Also light(e, lightein, ligten, li3t(e(n, li3the, liht(e(n, licten, lithen, lithten, listen, līte & (S) lei3t & (early) lihtæn, liþte. Forms: sg. 3 lighteth, etc. & (early) lichteð, leoþtað; p. lighted(e, (error) lightd, etc. & light(e, li3t(e, li3th, liht(e, licte, liste, līte, (early) lichte; pl. lighten, li3ten, lihten, līten; ppl. i)lighted, li3ted, li3thed, ilihted & light(e, li3t(e, li3th, ligt, i)liht, lith. | I sy3e..Jerusalem so nwe and ryally dy3t, As hit was ly3t fro þe heuen adoun. |
1704 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 988 | adǒun (adv.) Also adune, adon(e. | I sy3e..Jerusalem..As hit was ly3t fro þe heuen adoun. |
1705 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 989 | gōld (n.) Also glod, gol, goud, gould, guld; (errors) golden, 3olde; (in cpds. only) golt-. | Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde bry3t. |
1706 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 989 | brennen (v.) Also brin(n)en & birn(en, bern(en, beornen, burne(n & bǣrnen, barnen, bearnen. Forms: sg. 3 brenneth, brinneth & bīrnis, bērn(e)th & bǣrneþ, bārn(e)ð; p. brend(e, brenned(e, brent(e, brinde, brinnede, brint(e, brand(e, brant & barnde, bearnde, bernde, birnde, burnde & (rare) born; ppl. brenned, i)brend, i)brent, brinned, brind, brint & branned, i)brand, ibrant & ibarnd, birnt, burnt. | Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde bry3t, As glemande glas burnist broun. |
1707 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 990 | glēmen (v.) Also gleamen, gleimen. | Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde bry3t, As glemande glas burnist broun. |
1708 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 990 | brǒun (adj.) Also brun(e, broyn, bruyn; (in cpds.) brombron-. | Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde bry3t, As glemande glas burnist broun. |
1709 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 990 | burnishen (v.) Ppl. burnished, -eshed, -ushed, -essed, burnisht, -esht, -usht, -ist, -est, ybornshed. | As glemande glas burnist broun. |
1710 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 992 | bantel (n.) | Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde bry3t..Wyth bantelez twelue on basyng boun, Þe foundementez twelue of riche tenoun. |
1711 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 992 | bāsing (ger.) Also baisen. | Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde bry3t..Wyth bantelez twelue on basyng boun. |
1712 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 992 | bǒun (adj.) Also būn, bound & bōn, boin, bone. | Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde..Wyth bantelez twelue on basyng boun [rime: renoun, adoun]. |
1713 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 993 | fǒundement (n.) Also foundment, foundament, fund-. | Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde bry3t..Þe foundementez twelue of riche tenoun. |
1714 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 993 | tenǒun (n.(2)) Also tenoune, tenon, (error) tenowre. | Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde..Þe foundementez twelue of riche tenoun. |
1715 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 994 | sēre-lēpes (adj.) Also serlipes, surlipis, -lepus, suirelepes, -lepus, (?error) surlepees. | Vch tabelment watz a serlypez ston. |
1716 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 994 | tāblement (n.) Also tabelment, tabil-, tabul- & (?error) tablemer. | I sy3e..Jerusalem..Vch tabelment [Vulg. Apoc.21.19: fundamenta muri civitatis] watz a serlypez ston. |
1717 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 997 | nemnen (v.) Also nemne, nemni, nemme(n, nem(e(n, nemenen, nemeni, nennen, nenen, neni, nempne(n, nempni, nempe, & (early) nemniæn, næmmie & (errors) nimphe, nompne, cp. nevenen v. & namen v. Forms: sg.3 nemneth, etc. & (early) namneth; pl. nemneth, etc. & (early) nemnað, nemniað, næmmeð; p. nemnede, etc. & nemmet, nemend, niempned, nempt, nempted & (early) nænnede, nemdæ, næmdest; ppl. nemned, etc. & inemned, inemmed, inemed, inemd, inemened, inempned, inempnet, inempde, nempt, inempted, & (early) inemnæd, inemnod, inamned, 3enemned, 3enamned, genamned, genæmd, & (late) namned. | Jhon..þise stonez in writ con nemme. |
1718 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 998 | tāle (n.) Also tal(le & (chiefly N) tail(e, (N) taille & (early infl.) talen; pl. tales, etc. & talus, (chiefly early) talen & (error) tateles. | As John þise stonez in writ con nemme, I knew þe name after his tale: Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme. |
1719 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 999 | jaspre (n.) Also jasper, jasporie. | Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme. |
1720 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1000 | bās(e (n.) Also bace, baas, bays, & basse. | Þe foundementez twelue..Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme Þat I on þe fyrst basse con wale..Saffer helde þe secounde stale. |
1721 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1000 | wālen (v.(1)) P.ppl. wāled, wālt, (16th cent.) wālit. | Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme Þat I on þe fyrst basse con wale. |
1722 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1001 | glenten (v.) Also gleint, (error) gleirtand. Forms: p. glent(e, glint, (late) glented; ppl. glent. | Jasper..glente grene in þe lowest hemme. |
1723 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1001 | hem (n.) Also heme, hemme, hemn(e. | Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme..He glente grene in þe lowest hemme Saffer helde þe secounde stale. |
1724 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1001 | loue (adj.) Also lou, logh(e, lo3(e, loewe, loe3, loew3, louwe, lough(e, lou3(e, louh(e, (early) loge, loh(e, (late) loe, love, (error) longh & (early) la3e, la3h(e, lag(e, lah(e, laig, laih & (chiefly N & NM) lau(e, lagh(e, laugh, (error) langh & lei, (early) laie, leahe, (error) lewe. Comp. louer(e, etc. & la3ghere & (early) lah3hre & (late) lawier. | Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme..He glente grene in þe lowest hemme. |
1725 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1002 | hōlden (v.(1)) Also hold(e, old(e, hoilde, houlde, holt(e, (error) hole & hāld(e(n, ald, halt(e, (early) haldan, -æn & hēld(e(n, hēld(e, heald(e(n, eald(en, (early) healdan, -æn, -on, hælden, -an & hielde, hialde, hyalde, hyealde, hyelden, (error) hilede & hūlde & (error) heolde. Forms: sg. 2 hōldest, etc. & holst, haldst, halds, halst; 3 hōldeth, etc. & holt, olt, halt(e, alt, helt, healt, (early) hælt & halth, halds; pl. (ind. & impv.) hōldeth, etc. & holt, halt(e, halds; p. hēld, ēld, hēlt, hēlede, heild, (error) hel & heold, hoeld, heuld, hueld, hūld, hūlt, hōld & hīld, hield & hōldede; sg. 2 hēlde & hēldest; ppl. hōld(e(n, ōlden, houlden, (?error) hoden & hāld(en, ālden & hēlden. | Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme Þat I on þe fyrst basse con wale..Saffer helde þe secounde stale. |
1726 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1002 | second (num.) Also secound(e, -und(e & (error) secoun; pl. secondes. | Saffer helde þe secounde stale. |
1727 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1002 | stāle (n.(3)) Pl. stāles, stailis, (early) stalen. | Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme Þat I on þe fyrst basse con wale; He glente grene in þe lowest hemme; Saffer helde þe secounde stale. |
1728 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1003 | wem (n.) Also wem(m)e, (N) wembe, wimbe & (early) wæmme, (SW or SWM) weom(me & (in place name) weni- & (error) wein; pl. wem(me)s, wimmis, (?error) wemense. | Jasper ... glente grene in the lowest hemme ... Þe calsydoyne þenne wythouten wemme In þe þryd table con purly pale. |
1729 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1003 | calcedoine (n.) Also calci-, calse-, calsi-, casse-, cas(s)i-, kassi-; -doni(e, -don(e, -down, -dun, -den, -dine. | Þe calsydoyne þenne wythouten wemme In þe þryd table con purly pale. |
1730 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1004 | pālen (v.(3)) Also palle. | Þe calsydoyne þenne wythouten wemme In þe þryd table con purly pale. |
1731 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1004 | pūrelī (adv.) Also purli, puerli, poreli, puirliche, puirlicle. | Þe calsydoyne þenne wythouten wemme In þe þryd table con purly pale. |
1732 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1004 | tāble (n.) Also tabel(e, tabil(le, tabul(le & (error) tablee; pl. tables, etc. & tabullus, tabel, tabil, (early) tablen & (errors) tablees, tabes. | I sy3e..Jerusalem..Vch tabelment watz a serlypez ston..Þe calsydoyne þenne wythouten wemme In þe þryd table con purly pale. |
1733 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1005 | emeraude (n.) Also -ade, -oude, -ode, -oide, -alde, -a(u)nd, -a(u)nt; amer-, esmer-. | Þe grene of scale. |
1734 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1005 | scāle (n.(1)) Also s(c)kale, scalle, (NEM) skail. | Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme..Þe emerade þe furþe so grene of scale. |
1735 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1006 | sardonix (n.) Also sardonise, sardenik, sardonice, sardinic, sardoniac. | Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme..Þe sardonyse þe fyfþe ston. |
1736 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1007 | rubī(e (n.) Also rubē, robi, ribi, ribē, rebē; pl. rubies, etc. & rubeus, robies, rebies. | Þe sexte þe rybe he con hit wale In þe Apocalyppce þe apostel John. |
1737 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1007 | sixt(e (num.) Also sixth(e, sixete, sixst, zixst, (K) zixt(e & sext(e, sexthe, sexith & (early SWM) siste, sæxte, (chiefly early SWM) seste, (early infl.) sixten, -an; for the spellings sexst, sexth see LALME 4.253-4. | Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme..Þe sexte þe rybe. |
1738 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1007 (2nd occurrence) | thē (def. art.) Also de, (chiefly N & NM) ye, (N & NM) 3e, (N) thi & (WM & early, chiefly sg. fem. & pl.) þeo, (early SWM sg. & pl.) þea, (early, chiefly SWM, sg. & pl.) þæ, (early sg. acc. fem.) þie & (chiefly after t, d, f, s) te, (before vowels & w) th-, (before a, e, st) t-, (before a, i) y- & (error) then. Contractions: there (the yere), þile (the while). For the spellings þhe, yhe see LALME 4.3. | Vch tabelment watz a serlypez ston..Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme..Þe sexte þe rybe. |
1739 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1009 | crisolīte (n.) Also crisolitus, crisolide, cresolite, grisolit, grisolet, sersolette. | 3et joyned John þe crysolyt, þe seuenþe gemme in fundament. |
1740 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1009 | joinen (v.(1)) Also join(e, joignen, juine, june(n, jonen, joni(on & (?errors) joien, jainen, junge. Forms: sg. 3 joineth, etc. & juint; p.ppl. i)joined, joinet, jjoined, iǧoined, iyoined, i)joigned, i)juined, juned, junet, joned, ǧenned & joint, joient, joiind. | 3et joyned John þe crysolyt, Þe seuenþe gemme in fundament. |
1741 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1011 | eightethe (ord. num.) Also eightthe, eighth(e, eighte, eght; aghthe, aght. | Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme..þe a3tþe þe beryl cler & quyt. |
1742 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1012 | nīnthe (num.) Also nineth(e, neinthe, neinethe, neienthe, ninteth, nineinthe & niethe, nithe, neghed, (early) ni3ethe, ni3othe, nigethe, nihethe, nih3ethe, noe3the, nei3d, (infl.) ni3odan & niend, nind(e, neind, nend, neinind, neint, ninte, nent(e, nighend, neghend(e, neighend, ne3ende, ni3ente, neghent, nihend, neuent, (early) ni3ende, ni3hende. | As Jhon þise stonez in writ con nemme, I knew þe name after his tale..Þe topasye twynne-how þe nente endent. |
1743 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1012 | twin(ne (num.) Also twine, twinni, tuin(ne, (error) tune. | In þe Apocalyppce þe apostel John..joyned..crysolyt, Þe seuenþe gemme in fundament; Þe a3tþe, þe beryl cler and quyt; Þe topasye twynne-how þe nente endent. |
1744 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1013 | crisopās(e (n.) Also crisopassus, crisophas, crisoprassus, crispassus, cersopas. | Þe crysopase þe tenþe is ty3t. |
1745 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1013 | tenth(e (num.) Also tent(e, tend(e, tennith, tennethe, tienthe, tiente, tiende, (N or NM) tēnd, teind(e & (early) teonðe, (infl.) tenðen & (in surname) tinte- & (?errors) tenteþ, tenteth, (errors) tenc, tendes, trenþe. | 3et joyned John þe crysolyt Þe seuenþe gemme in fundament..Þe crysopase þe tenþe is ty3t. |
1746 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1013 | tighten (v.(2)) Also ti3t, (N) teit; p. tight(e, ti3t(e, (N) thight; ppl. i)tight, tighte, i)ti3t, ti3te, ti3th, tiht, tith, (N) tithte, (SW) itei3t & (early) thit. | 3et joyned John þe crysolyt Þe seuenþe gemme in fundament..Þe crysopase þe tenþe is ty3t. |
1747 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1014 | ellēventhe (ord. num.) Also en(d)lefte, -leofte, ellefte; en(d)lefthe, ellefthe; enlevethe, ell-, aleveth; en(d)leventhe, el(l)eventhe; ellevent, elevend; elleven (before a noun beginning with a consonant). | Þe jacyngh Þe enleuenþe gent. |
1748 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1014 | ǧent (adj.) Also gente, ient, jent. | Þe crysopase þe tenþe is ty3t; Þe jacyngh þe enleuenþe gent. |
1749 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1014 | jacinct(e (n.) Also jacinkt(e, jasinkt, jacint, jacingh, jacin(c)tus. | As Jhon þise stonez..con nemme, I knew þe name..Þe jacyngh þe enleuenþe gent. |
1750 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1015 | ǧentīl (adj.) Also gentile, gentille, gentel(le, gentle, ientil(e, ientel, jentil(e, jentille, jentel & gantil, iantaile, jantil, jantel & gintil. Pl. ǧentīl & ǧentil(e)s. | Þe crysopase þe tenþe is ty3t..Þe twelfþe, þe gentyleste in vch a plyt, Þe amatyst purpre wyth ynde blente. |
1751 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1016 | amatist(e (n.) Also ametiste, amites, ametas(t, amatite, amacite, emastice, & (scribal blunder) amafissed. | Þe amatyst purpre wyth ynde blente. |
1752 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1016 | īnde (n.(2)) Also ind, hind(e, jnde, inda, hende. | Þe amatyst, purpre wyth ynde blente. |
1753 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1016 | purpur(e (adj.) Also purper, purpour, purpre, pourpre, porpere, porpre. | Þe twelfþe, þe gentyleste in vch a plyt, Þe amatyst purpre with ynde blente. |
1754 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1016 | blēnden (v.(2)) Also blinden & blonden. Forms: p. blende, blente; ppl. blend, blent, blended & blande. | Þe amatyst, purpre wyth ynde blente. |
1755 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1017 | bantel (n.) | Þe wal abof þe bantels bent O jasporye, as glas þat glysnande schon. |
1756 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1018 | glisnen (v.) Also glisnien, glisenen, gliss(e)nen, gles(s)enen & glistnen, glistenen. | O jasporye, as glas þat glysnande schon. |
1757 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1018 | jaspre (n.) Also jasper, jasporie. | Þe wal abof þe bantels bent O jasporye, as glas þat glysnande schon. |
1758 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1019 | dēvīsement (n.) | I knew hit by his deuysement In þe Apocalyppez. |
1759 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1022 | dēgrē (n.) Also degrece, degrie, digre, þegre, decre. Pl. degres, degrece, degreis, degrez, degreces. | Þise twelue degres wern brode & stayre; Þe cyte stod abof ful sware. |
1760 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1022 | steire (adj.) Also staire, (early) stæ3re. | Þise twelue degres wern brode and stayre; Þe cyte stod abof ful sware, As longe as brode, as hy3e ful fayre. |
1761 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1023 | abǒve(n (adv.) Also abufe(n, abuue(n, abowve; obove(n, obufe(n; abof, obof, aboyf; aboun(e, abown(e, aboon, oboun(e; abow, abo3e. | Þise twelue degres wern brode and stayre; Þe cyte stod abof ful sware. |
1762 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1023 | squār(e (adj.) Also scwar, sware, suare. | Þe cyte stod abof, ful sware, As longe as brode as hy3e, ful fayre. |
1763 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1023 | citē (n.) Also citee, site, city, citty, sity, cete, sete. | As John deuysed 3et sa3 I þare..Þe cyte stod abof ful sware..Þe stretez of golde as glasse al bare. |
1764 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1024 | alsō (adv.) Also alswo, alz(u)o; alswa, alsway, alsqua, alsa; elswa; alse, als, as. | Þe cyte stod abof ful sware, As longe as brode as hy3e ful fayre. |
1765 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1024 | brōd (adj.) Also brad, broid, (dat. early) braden. Forms: comp. brōder, brōdder(e, bradder(e. | Þe cyte stod abof ful sware, As longe as brode as hy3e. |
1766 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1025 | bār (adj.) Also ber, bear, bair. | Þe cyte stod abof ful sware..Þe stretez of golde as glasse al bare, Þe wal of jasper þat glent as glayre. |
1767 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1026 | glaire (n.) Also gleire, glaier, glei3ir & glare & glire. | Þe stretez of golde as glasse al bare, Þe wal of jasper þat glent as glayre. |
1768 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1026 | glenten (v.) Also gleint, (error) gleirtand. Forms: p. glent(e, glint, (late) glented; ppl. glent. | Þe wal of jasper þat glent as glayre. |
1769 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1027 | enǒurnen (v.) Also an-, enurnen. | Þe wonez wythinne enurned ware Wyth alle kynnez perre. |
1770 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1028 | al-kin(nes (adj. & (earlier) gen. phrase.) Also (gen. sg. phrase, chiefly in early texts) alles kinnes, ~ kunnes, ~ kennes; (gen. pl. phrase) alle kinne, ~ kunne, whence (later gen. pl. phrase) al-kin; alle kinnes, ~ kunnes, whence alkin(ne)s; alir-kin. | Wyth alle kynnez perre. |
1771 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1028 | repairen (v.) Also repair(e, repeir(e(n, repeier, repaier(en, repare(n; p. repairede, etc. & repairet; ppl. repaired(e, repairit, repeired. | Þe cyte stod abof..ful fayre..Þe wonez wythinne enurned ware Wyth alle kynnez perre þat mo3t repayre. |
1772 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1029 | hōlden (v.(1)) Also hold(e, old(e, hoilde, houlde, holt(e, (error) hole & hāld(e(n, ald, halt(e, (early) haldan, -æn & hēld(e(n, hēld(e, heald(e(n, eald(en, (early) healdan, -æn, -on, hælden, -an & hielde, hialde, hyalde, hyealde, hyelden, (error) hilede & hūlde & (error) heolde. Forms: sg. 2 hōldest, etc. & holst, haldst, halds, halst; 3 hōldeth, etc. & holt, olt, halt(e, alt, helt, healt, (early) hælt & halth, halds; pl. (ind. & impv.) hōldeth, etc. & holt, halt(e, halds; p. hēld, ēld, hēlt, hēlede, heild, (error) hel & heold, hoeld, heuld, hueld, hūld, hūlt, hōld & hīld, hield & hōldede; sg. 2 hēlde & hēldest; ppl. hōld(e(n, ōlden, houlden, (?error) hoden & hāld(en, ālden & hēlden. | Þenne helde vch sware of þis manayre Twelue forlonge space..of he3t, of brede, of lengþe. |
1773 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1029 | manēr (n.(1)) Also manar, manir & manour, manor, manoir, manair. | Þenne helde vch sware of þis manayre Twelue forlonge space. |
1774 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1029 | squār(e (n.) Also sware, squere, squir(e, squier, squiire, squi3er, sqire, skwire, suire, swier, swire, swirre; pl. squares, etc. & squar(e. | Þenne helde vch sware of þis manayre, Twelue forlonge space er euer hit fon, Of he3t, of brede, of lenþe, to cayre. |
1775 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1030 | furlong (n.) Also (rare) fur3- and furow-, forlong, -lang, -lung. Pl. furlong, -es. | Þenne helde vch sware of þis manayre, Twelue forlonge space er euer hit fon, Of he3t, of brede, of lenþe. |
1776 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1030 | spāce (n.) Also spas(e, (error) stace. | Þenne helde vch sware of þis manayre Twelue forlonge space..Of he3t, of brede, of lenþe to cayre. |
1777 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1034 | hāven (v.) Also have, ave(n, haf(e(n, haffe, haif, haw(e(n, (early) hafven, hafa, (late) ihave, (error) hove & habbe(n, abbe(n, habe(n, h)ab, (early) habban, habbæn, habbeon, 3ehabban, hebbe, hæbbe(n & han, an, hanne, ha, a, hai & halven, half(e; neg. nave, nabbe(n, næbbe. Forms: sg. 1 hāve, etc. & hās; neg. nāve, nāf(e, nabbe; sg. 2 h)āvest, h)āfest, hāves, hāvez, hafs, (early) hafast, hafust, hævest, hafvest, hæfvest, hafst & habbes, habbez & h)āst, haist, hēst, hās(e, ās, hasse, hātz & (early) hæhvest; neg. nāvest, nafst, nefst, nāst; sg. 3 h)āveth, hāved, h)āvet, h)āfeth, hāveht, h)āves, hāvez, hafs, (early) hāfað, hafæð, hæveð, hæfeð, hæfed, hæfet, hæfveð, hæfæð, hafð, hafd, hefð, hæfð, hæfd, hafh & habbes, habbez & h)āth, hād, haith, haeth, hāt, hēth, hēt, haght, ha3t, ha3th, hās(e, ās, hasse, haes, hātz & (?errors) hat3, ha3, he3; neg. nāveth, nāfeth, nāved, nāvet & (early) nafæð, nafð, næfð, nābit; pl. (including impv.) hāv(e(n, hāf(e(n, haffe, hāveth, hāves, hāfez & habben, haben, h)abbeth, habeth, h)abbet, habbez, (early) habbaþ, habbæð, habbeoð & h)ān, hā, a, hāth, haght, haht, hās(e, ās, hais, hātz, (errors) hathes, hases & half(e, helveþ; neg. nāve, nabbe, nabbeth, nabbed, nabbet, (early) nabbæð, nabbeoð, næbbæð; ppl. hāving(e, etc. & (pl.) awends; p. h)āved(e, hevede, (early) hafede, hafvede, hefede, hefvede, hævede, hæfede, hæfvede, heovede & havde, hafd(e, afde, (early) h)efde, hæfde, h)eafde, heofde, hafte, hefte & h)adde, hād(e, ad, haid(e, hedde, hēd(e, (early) hædde & (early) hehde, hæhde, hæhvede; neg. nadde, nād(e, nhadde, nedde, (early) nevede, nefede, nævede, nafde, nefde, næfde, neafde; sg. 2 haddest, etc. & hādes, hādez, (early) hafdis; neg. naddest, etc.; ppl. i)hāved, āved, ihāvet, h)ihafd, ihēved & i)hād, i)hadde, jhād, hāde, i)hēd, ihēt, (early) ihæd. Contractions: inf. tave (= to have), tan, ta, taben (= to have ben), taclipsed, tadaued, tadwelled, tafalle, talived, hant (= han it); sg. 1 ichave, ichabbe, ic(h)chabbe, havi, habbich; neg. inabbe, navi, nabbi, nab(b)ich; sg. 2 havestu, hastou; neg. navestu, nevestu, nastou; pl. yave (= ye have), houwe (?= have we), havt (= have it); p. hefdich, haddich, had(d)estou, haddestu; neg. neddi, nefdich, nadestou, nede (= ne hadde he), nadda (= ne hadde heo). | Vch pane of þat place had þre 3atez. |
1778 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1034 | pān(e (n.) Also pain, pein, panne, (errors) paun, pawn. | Vch pane of þat place had þre 3atez. |
1779 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1034 | plāce (n.) Also plas(e, plasse, plasce, plache, plais & (Cornish) blas; pl. places, plases, etc. & plecis, plase. | Vch pane of þat place had þre 3atez, So twelue in poursent I con asspye. |
1780 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1035 | purseint (n.) Also pursaunt, poursent & purcinct(e. | Vch pane of þat place had þre 3atez, So twelue in poursent I con asspye. |
1781 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1036 | pīked (adj.) Also piket, picked, ipiked & peked. | Vch pane of þat place had þre 3atez, So twelue in poursent I con asspye, þe portalez pyked of rych platez. |
1782 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1036 | plāt(e (n.) Also plait(e, plete; pl. plates, etc. & plaithes & (chiefly early) platen. | Vch pane of þat place had þre 3atez..Þe portalez pyked of rych platez, And vch 3ate of a margyrye. |
1783 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1036 | portāl (n.) Also portelle, porttol. | Vch pane of þat place had þre 3atez..Þe portalez pyked of rych platez, & vch 3ate of a margyrye. |
1784 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1037 | marǧerī(e (n.) Also margirie, margari, marjori(e, marjari. | Vch 3ate of a margyrye, A parfyt perle. |
1785 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1038 | fāten (v.) | A parfyt perle þat neuer fatez. |
1786 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1038 | parfīt (adj.) Also parfi3t, parfight, parfith, parfiet, parfet(te, parfait & perfit, -fi3t, -fight, -fiht, -fith, -fet, -feth & (late) perfect & (errors) profit, profy3t; -- often in comp. & sup. | Vch pane of þat place had þre 3atez..And vch 3ate of a margyrye, A parfyt perle þat neuer fatez. |
1787 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1039 | plīen (v.(2)) Also pli(e, pleie. | Vch scrypture a name con plye Of Israel barnez. |
1788 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1039 | scriptūr(e (n.) Also scriptour, schripture. | Vchon in scrypture a name con plye Of Israel barnez. |
1789 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1040 | dāte (n.(2)) | Vchon in scrypture a name con plye, Of Israel barnez, folewande her datez; Þat is to say, as he byrþ-whatez. |
1790 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1040 | bārn (n.) Also bearn, bern, baren, -in, -on. Pl. bārnes, bērns; (early) bearn(en; (Orm.) bærn, barrness. | Vchon in scrypture a name con plye Of Israel barnez folewande her datez. |
1791 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1041 | birth(e (n.) Also (early) bird(e, burd(e; burth(e, borþ; berth(e; (late) brith, breth, byrd; in early cpds. also bur-. | Vchon [3ate] in scrypture a name con plye Of Israel barnez, folewande her datez, þat is to say, as her byrþ whatez; þe aldest ay fyrst þeron watz done. |
1792 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1041 | whāte (n.) Also what, wate, quate, (16th cent.) qwate & (early) hwate, (SW) 3wate. | Vchon in scrypture a name con plye Of Israel barnez, folowande her datez ... Þat is to say, as her byrþ-whates. |
1793 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1042 | ōld(e (n.) | Vchon in scrypture a name con plye Of Israel barnez, folewande her datez..Þe aldest ay fyrst þeron watz done. |
1794 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1043 | lēmen (v.(2)) Also lem(e, leiman, leomen, lumen, (error) lemnande ppl. | Such ly3t þer lemed in alle þe stratez, Hem nedde nawþer sunne ne mone. |
1795 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1043 | light (n.) Also lighte, li3t(e, lij3t, li3ht(e, li3th, ligt(te, ligth, liht(e, lith(e, litht, līte, lit(te, (early) lichte, lict, licth, liste, (errors) licch, li3st, ligh & leght, leight, lei3t, lei3th, (early) leoht, leocht, loht. | Such ly3t þer lemed in alle þe stratez, Hem nedded nawþer sunne ne mone. |
1796 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1043 | strēt(e (n.(2)) Also strette, stred(e, strat(e, (16th cent.) streit(e & strēt(e & (early) stræte, (infl.) streten & (in names or cpds.) streð, strata, strad(e, straite, stre-, stra-, ster(te)-; pl. stretes, etc. & stret, (early) strete(n, strede, straten, stræt(e(n, strætte. | Such ly3t þer lemed in alle þe stratez. |
1797 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1043 | swich (adj.) Also swiche, swihche, swhiche, sqwiche, swilc, swilk(e, swiulc, swil, swik, swhi(l)k, squilk(e, swech(e, schwe(s)che, swelk, squech, swoch, (K) zuich(e, zueche & s(c)hich, shoch, scoche, shuch(e, schusche, schuich, schuilk, (N)schilke & sich(e, sech(e, sec, soch(e, soiche, souche, such(e, sucche, suc, suich(e, (chiefly N or NM) silk(e, sik(e, (N)silc, sulk, (K infl.) sucher & (early) swicche, swic(e, swics, svich, swilch(e, swilce, suwilk, swecche, suweche, swulc, sug, (SW or SWM) swuch(e, swucche, swuc, swuhc, swulch(e, swulke, shwuche, schuch(e, schuc, schuuich, scuche, sulche, sulc, sulke, secc, selk & (early infl., chiefly dat.) swilcen, swilcere, (SWM) swulc(c)here, swulcere, sulchere, soc(c)here, solchere & (early acc.) swichne, suicchne, swilcne, (SW or SWM) swuchne, swulcne, swulne, sulcne, sochne & (?errors) shch, sywch, (error) swedche; pl. (early) swilcen, (SWM) swulchen & (early infl.) swilcere, (dat.) swicum. For forms schch, sche(ch(e, scht, schut(e, scwche, selk, sewyche, sic, squike, sswiche, suchet, sucht(e, suhc, suhe, sutche, syge see LALME 4.17-19. | Such ly3t þer lemed in alle þe stratez, Hem nedde nawþer sunne ne mone. |
1798 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1044 | nēden (v.(2)) Also ned(e, neid. Forms: sg.3 nēdeth, etc. & neded, nēdi3t & (WM & SW) neodeth, neodes, nudeth & (errors) neþes, nededeþ; p. nēded(e, nēdit, nēdut, neodede & nēdde; ppl. nēded. | Such ly3t þer lemed in alle þe stratez, Hem nedde nawþer sunne no mone. |
1799 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1045 | hāven (v.) Also have, ave(n, haf(e(n, haffe, haif, haw(e(n, (early) hafven, hafa, (late) ihave, (error) hove & habbe(n, abbe(n, habe(n, h)ab, (early) habban, habbæn, habbeon, 3ehabban, hebbe, hæbbe(n & han, an, hanne, ha, a, hai & halven, half(e; neg. nave, nabbe(n, næbbe. Forms: sg. 1 hāve, etc. & hās; neg. nāve, nāf(e, nabbe; sg. 2 h)āvest, h)āfest, hāves, hāvez, hafs, (early) hafast, hafust, hævest, hafvest, hæfvest, hafst & habbes, habbez & h)āst, haist, hēst, hās(e, ās, hasse, hātz & (early) hæhvest; neg. nāvest, nafst, nefst, nāst; sg. 3 h)āveth, hāved, h)āvet, h)āfeth, hāveht, h)āves, hāvez, hafs, (early) hāfað, hafæð, hæveð, hæfeð, hæfed, hæfet, hæfveð, hæfæð, hafð, hafd, hefð, hæfð, hæfd, hafh & habbes, habbez & h)āth, hād, haith, haeth, hāt, hēth, hēt, haght, ha3t, ha3th, hās(e, ās, hasse, haes, hātz & (?errors) hat3, ha3, he3; neg. nāveth, nāfeth, nāved, nāvet & (early) nafæð, nafð, næfð, nābit; pl. (including impv.) hāv(e(n, hāf(e(n, haffe, hāveth, hāves, hāfez & habben, haben, h)abbeth, habeth, h)abbet, habbez, (early) habbaþ, habbæð, habbeoð & h)ān, hā, a, hāth, haght, haht, hās(e, ās, hais, hātz, (errors) hathes, hases & half(e, helveþ; neg. nāve, nabbe, nabbeth, nabbed, nabbet, (early) nabbæð, nabbeoð, næbbæð; ppl. hāving(e, etc. & (pl.) awends; p. h)āved(e, hevede, (early) hafede, hafvede, hefede, hefvede, hævede, hæfede, hæfvede, heovede & havde, hafd(e, afde, (early) h)efde, hæfde, h)eafde, heofde, hafte, hefte & h)adde, hād(e, ad, haid(e, hedde, hēd(e, (early) hædde & (early) hehde, hæhde, hæhvede; neg. nadde, nād(e, nhadde, nedde, (early) nevede, nefede, nævede, nafde, nefde, næfde, neafde; sg. 2 haddest, etc. & hādes, hādez, (early) hafdis; neg. naddest, etc.; ppl. i)hāved, āved, ihāvet, h)ihafd, ihēved & i)hād, i)hadde, jhād, hāde, i)hēd, ihēt, (early) ihæd. Contractions: inf. tave (= to have), tan, ta, taben (= to have ben), taclipsed, tadaued, tadwelled, tafalle, talived, hant (= han it); sg. 1 ichave, ichabbe, ic(h)chabbe, havi, habbich; neg. inabbe, navi, nabbi, nab(b)ich; sg. 2 havestu, hastou; neg. navestu, nevestu, nastou; pl. yave (= ye have), houwe (?= have we), havt (= have it); p. hefdich, haddich, had(d)estou, haddestu; neg. neddi, nefdich, nadestou, nede (= ne hadde he), nadda (= ne hadde heo). | Of sunne ne mone had þay no nede. |
1800 | c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10) | 1045 | nēd(e (n.(1)) Also nethe, nidde & (K) neade & (K & early SEM) nied(e & (early SM & S) nod(e & (SWM & SW & early) neod(e & (SWM & SW) nud(e & (early SWM) neoth, neot, neate; pl. nedes, etc. & (early SWM) neden, neoden. | Of sunne ne mone had þay no nede; Þe self |