A Pearl Glossary Derived from MED Entries: Page 17

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1601c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)928bihōven (v.) Forms: sg. 3 bihōveth, -hōfeð, biōueð, (rare) bihēveð; p. bihōvede, -hōfede, -hōde. Northern (& NM): pr. bōs(e, būs(e; p. bōd(e, būd(e, (rare) būst(e.A gret cete, for 3e arn fele, Yow by-hod haue.
1602c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)929jeuel (n.) Also jeuelle, jeuwel, jeueal, jeowele, jiwol, jowel(le, jowaile, joel, joiel, juel(le, jual, juwel, jwel(le, juyelle, yewel, yowel, gewel, giwel. Pl. jeuelles, jūels, jewelx, jǒuelx, joiax, joiaus, jūelx & (errors) iowes, ǧiuwes.So cumly a pakke of joly juele Wer euel don schulde ly3 þeroute.
1603c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)929jolī (adj.) Also jolie, golli, yoli(e & jolīf(e, jolive, jolef & joili.So cumly a pakke of joly juele Wer euel don schulde ly3 þeroute.
1604c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)929pak(e (n.) Also pac, pakke, pack(e, pek, pekke.So cumly a pakke of joly juele Wer euel don schulde ly3 þeroute.
1605c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)929cǒmlī (adj. & n.) Also comeli(ch, cumli, kumelich. Comp. cǒm(e)loker; sup. cǒm(e)līest, cǒmlokest.So cumly a pakke of joly juele.
1606c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)930līen (v.(1)) Also lie, li(n, ligh, li3(e(n, lig(e(n, lik(k)en, li33e, liǧǧe(n, luǧǧen & (early) licgen, li3ge & (error) linggen. Forms: sg. 2 līst, liǧǧest; sg. 3 līth, liǧǧeth, etc. & līth3, lihþ, liht, li3t, liit & (early) līd; pl. līen, liǧǧeþ, etc. & (early) liǧǧet, liǧǧeoð; p. lei(e, lei3(e, leghe, le3, lai(e, līe & (early) leai(e, læi(e, læ3, læg, læi3e, la33 & (error) leþ; pl. leie(n, lei3en, leigen, līen, līhe(n, loin, etc. & liǧǧeden & (early), lē3en, lægen, læien, lāgon; ppl. i)leie(n, i)lei(n, eleine, leine, i)lai(e, lain(e, ilei3e(n, lei3en, līen(e, līn(e, līe, ilī, līgen, loi(n, liǧǧen & (early) ilæien.So cumly a pakke..Wer euel don schulde ly3 þeroute.
1607c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)931gēlen (v.(1))And by þyse bonkez þer I con gele..To loke on þe glory of þys gracous gote.
1608c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)932abǒute(n (adv.) Also abute(n, abote(n, abou3te(n, abought; obout(e, obut(e; (early) onbutan, an-.I se no bygyng nawhere aboute.
1609c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)932nō-whēr (adv.) Also nō-whēr, nowhere, nowhar(e, nowhore, nawher(e, (early) nohwer(e, nohware, noþware, nahwær, (late) noewhere, (errors) nouþer, nowehere, nouhewere & (N, NM, & EAnglian) noquer(e, noquar, naquer, naquar & nower(e, nowar(e, nouer, nowor, nowre, nour(e, nawer(e, naure & nouwher, nouwhore, nouware, (early SWM) nouhwer, nouhwar(e, (early SEM) nauhwer & noghwhere, noghwere, nogwer, no3where, no3whar, no3her, nohwhar, nagher(e, noughwher(e, nougher(e, nou3wher(e, nou3whare, nou3wer(e, nou3ere, nouhwhere & (with doubled 2nd element, chiefly N) nourwhare, -quar(e, nourewhare, -quare, nouerwhare, -ware, nourware, nouerewhare, norwhare, norgware, naurquar, naure-quare, -quere.I se no bygyng nawhere aboute.
1610c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)932bigginge (ger.) Also bugging. Pl. biggin(g)s.I se no bygyng nawhere aboute.
1611c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)933al-ōn(e (adv. & adj.) Also allon(e, al(l)an(e, allaine, allein.I se no bygyng nawhere aboute. I trowe, alone 3e lenge and loute To loke on þe glory of þys gracous [!] gote.
1612c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)933lēnǧen (v.) Also lēngen, leng(e, lengh(en & ling(e, lienge. P.ppl. i)lēnǧed, ilēngd.3e lenge and loute To loke on þe glory of þys gracous gote.
1613c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)933lǒuten (v.(2)) Also luten, lutten, lutie(n.I se no bygyng nawhere aboute; I trowe alone 3e lenge and loute To loke on þe glory of þys gracous gote.
1614c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)934glōrīe (n.) Also glori, gloire, (error) gleyre.To loke on þe glory of þys grac[i]ous gote.
1615c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)934gōt(e, gǒute (n.)By þyse bonkez þer I con gele..To loke on þe glory of þys grac[i]ous gote.
1616c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)934grāciǒus (adj.) Also grac(i)eux, graco(u)s, grati(o)us, & gracewis, & gracivose.3e lenge and loute To loke on þe glory of þys gracous gote.
1617c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)935līing(e (ger.(1)) Also lienge, ligging(e, liging(e & (early) liggunge.If þou hatz oþer lygyngez stoute, Now tech me to þat myry mote.
1618c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)935stǒut(e (adj.) Also stoutte, stoud(e, stought, stou3t(e, stut(te, (in surnames) stute, stou- & (errors) strout, strought.As 3e are maskelez vnder mone, Your wonez schulde be wythouten mote..And by þyse bonkez þer I con gele I se no bygyng nawhere aboute..If þou hatz oþer lygyngez stoute, Now tech me to þat myry mote.
1619c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)937Jūdē (n.) Also judi, judea.That mote þou menez in Judy londe.
1620c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)937lōnd (n.) Also londe, lont, land(e, laund(e, laind, lend & (?error) longde & (early) loand, leond, lænde, lon & (early pl. dat.) londen, londum & (cpds. only) -lound, -lone, lan-, -langd. Pl. lōndes, etc. & lond(e & (gen. pl.) londe.That mote þou menez in Judy londe.
1621c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)937mēnen (v.(1)) Also mēn(e, meanen, meine(n, mennen, manen & (early) mǣnen, mæinen & (error) meonen. Forms: sg.3 meneth, etc. & menyht; p. mēnede, etc. & mēnt(e, mant & (error) maute; ppl. mēned, etc. & mēnte.That mote þou menez in Judy londe..Þat is þe cyte þat þe Lombe con fonde.
1622c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)937mōte (n.(1)) Also mot, moite.That mote..in Judy londe..is þe cyte þat þe Lombe con fonde.
1623c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)938spēken (v.) Also spek(e, spekon, speak(e, speck(e(n, speche(n, speiken, spieke(n, spake, (N) spec & (early) spece(n, specan, specon, specæn, spæ(c)ken, spæcan, (SWM) speoken & (early infl.) spekene, specene, specane, (SWM) speokene & (?error) specende, (errors) spke, skeke. Forms: sg.1 spēke, etc. & (early) spēca, specce; sg.2 spēkest, etc. & spēke, spēxt(e, spēxst, spēcth, spēkt, (early) spæcst; sg.3 spēketh, etc. & spēkth, spēk(k)et, spēki3t, spēcth, spēchut, (early) spēked, spēcað, spæcð & (error) spekyrus; pl. spēken, etc. & spēki, (early) spēket, spēcon, spēcað, spēcæð, spǣkæð, spǣcæð, (sbj.) spēca; p. spēk(e, spēc, spōke, spāk(e, spākke, spack(e, spāc & (early) spēked, spæc(e, (Orm.) spæke, (?error) space; pl. spēk(e(n, spēked, spieke, spōke(n, spāk(e(n, spākun, (N) spāce & (early) spēcað, spēcon, spǣken, spǣcen, spǣcon, spǣcan; ppl. spēke(n, spōk(e(n(e, spōkun, spāk(e. Contractions: spekestou, spekstu (spekest thou).Þat specyal spyce þen to me spakk, 'Þat is þe cyte þat þe Lombe con fonde.'
1624c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)939fōnden, -ien (v.) Also vond(i)en, fanden, faunden. Ppl. i-)fōnded, fonde, fonte.Þat is þe cyte þat þe Lombe con fonde To soffer inne.
1625c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)939fǒunden (v.(2)) Also funden, fonden. Forms: p. fǒundede, fǒunde; ppl. i-)fǒunded, i-)fǒunde(n (partly confused with ppl. of fīnden).Þat is þe cyte þat þe Lombe con fonde.
1626c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)939citē (n.) Also citee, site, city, citty, sity, cete, sete.Þat is þe cyte þat þe Lombe con fonde To soffer inne..Þe olde Jerusalem.
1627c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)940for (prep.) Also vor, ver, fur.To soffer inne sor for manez sake.
1628c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)940understōnden (v. )Also understond(e, understont, understounde, understand(e(n, understaunde, undurstond(e, undrestond, unþerstonde, unþerstand, unþurstonde, onderstonde, onderstand(e, oundirstond, hunderstonde, honderstonde, hounderstonde, (early infl.) understondenne, understanden(n)e & (?errors) underston, undurston, oundyrston, wonderstande, (errors) undestonde, undistonde, urdenstonden; sg.2 undirstondest, etc. & onderstans, (early) understanst, (?error) understancst; sg.3 understondeth, etc. & understondi(3)t, understant, onderstant, (early) understond, understont & (error) undestont; pl. understonden, etc. & (early) understant & (error) undestonden; ppl. understonding(e, etc. & (?error) stondyng; p. understod(e, undrestode, onderstod(e, hounderstod, (chiefly N) understud(e & (error) understo; ppl. understond(e(n, iunderstonde(n, understounde, understoud(e, understand(e(n, iunderstande, undurstonde, undrestoud, undrestand(e, onderstonde, ounderstonde, hunderstand, (N) unþerstandan, (early) undeirstonden & understonded, iundirstonded, understandid(e & (?error) underston, (error) ondestonde. Contractions: undirstondest(h)ou, undirstondou, undirstandestou (understondest thou).Þat is þe cyte þat þe Lombe con fonde To soffer inne sor for manez sake, Þe olde Jerusalem, to vnderstonde.
1629c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)941jolī (adj.) Also jolie, golli, yoli(e & jolīf(e, jolive, jolef & joili.Thys Jerusalem Lombe hade neuer pechche Of oþer huee bot quyt jolyf [rime: ryf, wyf, stryf, fyf, þryf].
1630c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)941ōld(e (adj.) Also oulde, ole, olle, hold(e, wold(e, nold(e, (N) āle, aulde, (early, N, or NM) āld(e, hald(e, (SW) yōlde, yhold, yolle, (SE) aude, (K) ald(e, yalde & ēld(e, elle, held(e, (N) eild(e, (early SW) 3ēlde, (K) eald(e, yealde, (pl.) yealden & (early SW) ūlde & (early) æld(e, eald(e, heald(e, eolde, (sg. gen.) ældes, ealdes, (sg. dat.) alden, aldan, ealden, ealdan, ealdon, (sg. acc.) ealdne, ældan, (pl.) olden, alden, ælden & (error) fold. Comp. ōlder, ōldre, (early or NWM) ālder, āldre & ēlder(e, ēldre, hēldere, hēldre, ēlther(e, (N) eilder, pl. ēldrin, ēldern, (SWM or SW) eoldere, heoldre & (SWM or SW) ūld(e)re, hūldere, (SW) īldre, īlthere & (early) ælder, ældre, ealdre, eældre & (error) lyþere. Sup. ōldest(e, (N & NM) āldest(e, (WM) āldust & ēldest(e, ēldes, hēldest(e, ēlthest, nēldest, (sg. gen.) ēldestes, (N) eildest, (early SWM) ēlduste, ēldost(e, (early SW) ēldost(e, eoldoste & (SWM) uldest(e, huldest & (early) ældest(e, ealdeste, ildeste, ilste, (infl.) ildestan & (from comp.) heldruste, (SW) ilderest. In contractions: thold, tholthe (the old); thalde, talde (the alde); theld (the eld); thelder (the elder).Þat is..Þe olde Jerusalem to vnderstonde; For þere þe olde gulte watz don to slake.
1631c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)942gilt (n.(1)) Also gilth, 3ilt & gult, guilt, guld & gelt, gelth. Pl. giltes, etc. & (early) gulten.Þere þe olde gulte watz don to slake.
1632c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)942ōld(e (adj.) Also oulde, ole, olle, hold(e, wold(e, nold(e, (N) āle, aulde, (early, N, or NM) āld(e, hald(e, (SW) yōlde, yhold, yolle, (SE) aude, (K) ald(e, yalde & ēld(e, elle, held(e, (N) eild(e, (early SW) 3ēlde, (K) eald(e, yealde, (pl.) yealden & (early SW) ūlde & (early) æld(e, eald(e, heald(e, eolde, (sg. gen.) ældes, ealdes, (sg. dat.) alden, aldan, ealden, ealdan, ealdon, (sg. acc.) ealdne, ældan, (pl.) olden, alden, ælden & (error) fold. Comp. ōlder, ōldre, (early or NWM) ālder, āldre & ēlder(e, ēldre, hēldere, hēldre, ēlther(e, (N) eilder, pl. ēldrin, ēldern, (SWM or SW) eoldere, heoldre & (SWM or SW) ūld(e)re, hūldere, (SW) īldre, īlthere & (early) ælder, ældre, ealdre, eældre & (error) lyþere. Sup. ōldest(e, (N & NM) āldest(e, (WM) āldust & ēldest(e, ēldes, hēldest(e, ēlthest, nēldest, (sg. gen.) ēldestes, (N) eildest, (early SWM) ēlduste, ēldost(e, (early SW) ēldost(e, eoldoste & (SWM) uldest(e, huldest & (early) ældest(e, ealdeste, ildeste, ilste, (infl.) ildestan & (from comp.) heldruste, (SW) ilderest. In contractions: thold, tholthe (the old); thalde, talde (the alde); theld (the eld); thelder (the elder).Þere þe olde gulte watz don to slake.
1633c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)943lighten (v.(2)) Also light(e, lightein, ligten, li3t(e(n, li3the, liht(e(n, licten, lithen, lithten, listen, līte & (S) lei3t & (early) lihtæn, liþte. Forms: sg. 3 lighteth, etc. & (early) lichteð, leoþtað; p. lighted(e, (error) lightd, etc. & light(e, li3t(e, li3th, liht(e, licte, liste, līte, (early) lichte; pl. lighten, li3ten, lihten, līten; ppl. i)lighted, li3ted, li3thed, ilihted & light(e, li3t(e, li3th, ligt, i)liht, lith.Þe nwe [Jerusalem]..ly3t of Godez sonde.
1634c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)943sōnd(e (n.) Also sound, (N) sant, saind, (chiefly N & early) sānd(e, (early SWM) sunde & sende & (error) sooude; pl. sondes, etc. & (K) zondes, (early) sonden, sandon, (early SWM) sonten.Þe olde Jerusalem..þere þe olde gulte watz don to slake, Bot þe nwe, þat ly3t of Godez sonde, Þe apostel in Apocalyppce in theme con take.
1635c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)944tāken (v.) Also tak(e, takon, takke, tac, tacke, thake, (early) tacen, tæcen & , (chiefly N) , tān(e & (?error) toke, (error) tate. Forms: sg.3 tāketh, etc. & tāket, tākit, tāki3t, tākitz, tākth, tāth, tākus, tāce, (chiefly N) tās(e, (NWM) tōtz; pl. tāken, etc. & tākene, tākun, tākuth, (chiefly N) tās(e, (NWM) tā(n & teken & (error) tatel; impv. tāk(e, etc. & tākight, (NWM) tātz; pl. tāketh, etc. & (?error) tokeþe; ppl. tāking(e, etc. & tākingge; p.sg.1 or 3 tōke, tōk, toek, tōc, tock, toch, tog, touk, (chiefly N)tūk(e, (early SWM) tohc & & tākid, tōkede & (?error) tek; pl. tōke(n, tōk, etc. & tōkon, (early) tōcan, (early SWM) tocken & teken & tākede & (error) stok; ppl. tāke(n, tāk, tāken(n)e, tākine, tākein, tākon, tākun, thāken, tōke(n, tōk & tāne, tān, (chiefly N & NEM) tain(e, (chiefly N) tōne, tōn, (N) toine, tene & tāked & (error) takykyne. Contractions: takestou (takest you), taket (take hit).Bot þe nwe [Jerusalem]..Þe apostel in Apocalyppce in theme con take.
1636c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)944tēme (n.(2)) Also theme, time.Bot þe nwe, þat ly3t of Godez sonde, Þe apostel in Apocalyppce in theme con take.
1637c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)945lōmb (n.) Also lombe, loumbe, lamb(e & lomp(e, loumpe, lamp & lom, lam(e, lamme & (error) lonb. Pl. lōmbes, etc. & lōmber, lōmeber, lamber, lambur, lambre, lamer & lambres & lambren, lambron, lambroun, lambern, lamborn & lōmb.Þe Lompe þer wythouten spottez blake Hatz feryed þyder hys fayre flote.
1638c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)945spot (n.(1)) Also spot(t)e, spoth, spōt(e, spout & (assimilated to 2nd element in place name) spof-; pl. spot(te)s, spotten.Þe Lompe þer wythouten spottez blake Hatz feryed þyder hys fayre flote.
1639c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)946ferien (v.) Also verien. Ppl. feried, ifered, ifæred.Þe Lombe..Hatz feryed þyder hys fayre flote.
1640c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)947flāke (n.(1)) Also flauke, flagge, flage.Þe Lombe þer wythouten spottez blake..& as hys flok is wythouten flake, So is hys mote wythouten moote.
1641c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)947as (conj.) Also alswo, also, als(w)a, alse, als, ase, os.As hys flok is wythouten flake, So is hys mote wythouten moote.
1642c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)948mōt (n.(1)) Also mote, mothe, mouthe; pl. motes & (rarely) moten.As hys flok is wythouten flake, So is hys mote wythouten moote.
1643c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)948-9mōte (n.(1)) Also mot, moite.As hys flok is wythouten flake, So is hys mote wythouten moote. Of motes two to carpe clene And Jerusalem hy3t boþe.
1644c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)949clēne (adv.) Also clone.Of motes two to carpe clene.
1645c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)950hōten (v.(1)) Also hāt(e(n, hatte(n, hot(e, oten, (early) hoaten & hight(e(n, hi3t(e, hiht(en, higt(e(n, hi3th, heght(e(n, heighte, hith, hit(e(n, (early) hæhte, hahte & hēt(e(n, hette(n, heit, haite, (early) hæten, heot. Forms: sg. 2 hōtest, hātest, h)attest, hattes & hightest, hihtest, hītest & hētes, hettest & hōte, hight, hi3t; sg. 3 hōteth, hōtheth, hāteth, h)atteth, hattit, hattiht, (early) hātað, hāted & hōt, hotte, hāt(e, hatte & hightes, hithtis, hītus & hight(e, hi3t(e, hiht(e, hicht, heght, heighte, hei3te, heith, hīth, hīt(e, (early) hæhte & hēteth, hētes, haites, (early) hæteð, hætað & hēt, hette, heite, hait; p. hight(e, hi3t(e, hiht(e, higte, hi3ht, hicht, hicte, hi3th(e, higth(e, hi3thte, hieght, hie3te, hiegt, heght(e, heghut, he3t(e, heht(e, hecht(e, height(e, hei3t(e, heiht(e, hei3the, heith(e, hīth(e, hīt(e, (early) hæhte, heahte, hahte, haihte, (pl.) ihæhten, (?errors) huchte, heþte, heiste & hēt(e, hette, heit(e, (early) hæt(e, heot(e, hiet, (?error) hutte & hōt(e, hāt & hōted, higtid, hēted, h)atte, hætte; ppl. i)hōte(n, i)ōten, hihōte, ihotte, i)hāte(n, hatte(n, (early) 3ehōte(n, 3ehōtan, ihoaten, 3ehāten, gehāten, gehāton & i)hight, highte, i)hi3t, hi3te, ahi3t, hiht, heght, he3t, height, hei3t, hīth(e, hīte & hēt(e, hette, hēton, heit(en & hōted. Contractions: sg. 2 hattou, hattestou, hettestou; p. sg. 2 hettestou.Motes two..And Jerusalem hy3t boþe.
1646c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)950nō-the-lēs(se (adv.) Also -las, notholes, noutheles, noethelesse & natheles(se, -las, nathles, nautheles, nadleez & (early) nathelæs & (early SWM & SW) notheleas, neotheles, -las & (error) natherles.Of motes two to carpe clene, And Jerusalem hy3t boþe nawþeles.
1647c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)951mēnen (v.(1)) Also mēn(e, meanen, meine(n, mennen, manen & (early) mǣnen, mæinen & (error) meonen. Forms: sg.3 meneth, etc. & menyht; p. mēnede, etc. & mēnt(e, mant & (error) maute; ppl. mēned, etc. & mēnte.Jerusalem..Þat nys..no more to mene Bot `cete of God', oþer `sy3t of pes'.
1648c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)951nō-mōre (n.) Also nō-mōre, no mor, namore, (early & N) na mare, (N) na mar.Þat nys to yow no more to mene Bot cete of God.
1649c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)951 (verbal particle) Also ta, ti, tu, tho, thu, (chiefly early) te & (before vowels) t; for the form tor (before a vowel) see LALME 4.49.Jerusalem..nys to yow no more to mene Bot 'cete of God.'
1650c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)952pēs (n.) Also pēs, pese, pece, pez, peas(e, peace, peax, peaxce, peaix, peis(e, peice, peix, pais(e, paix, peos & (in surname) paies.Jerusalem..nys to yow no more to mene Bot `cete of God' oþer `sy3t of pes'.
1651c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)952citē (n.) Also citee, site, city, citty, sity, cete, sete.Jerusalem hy3t boþe nawþeles: Þat nys to yow no more to mene Bot `cete of God', oþer `sy3t of pes'; In þat on oure pes watz mad at ene.
1652c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)953ēne (adv.)Jerusalem..In þat on oure pes watz mad at ene.
1653c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)953māken (v.(1)) Also mak(e, mac, macke, maki(e(n, maki3e(n & (N & NM) maike, ma, mai & (early) macen, macian, macie, makian, make3en, machiæ, to makiende & (?error) meke. Forms: sg. 1 māk(e & (late N) mākes; sg. 2 mākest, (sEM) mākst, (N & NM) mākes, mās(e, māce; sg.3 māketh, māked, māket, mākight, māki3t, māki3th, (sEM) mākth, mācth, (chiefly N & NM) mākes, mākez, māketz, mākz, (nWM, ?error) mēkes, (error) mak & māth, (chiefly N & NM) mās(e, māce, mātz & (early) māceð, mācað, mākæð, mākad, (error) mākeiþ; pl. ind. māketh, māket, māken, etc. & māth, (nWM) mān & (chiefly N & NM) mākes, mākez, mās(e & (early) mākeith, māciæð; pl. impv. māketh, mākieth, (N & NM) mākes & (early) mākiet; p. māked(e, māket, mākked, (error) make & mād(e, mādde, (esp. S & SM) maude, (chiefly N & NM) maid(e & (early) makode, macod(e, macede, machede; sg. 2 mākedes(t & mādes(t; pl. mākeden, etc. & (?error) mēden; ppl. māked, māket & mād(e, mādde, (chiefly N & NM) maid(e & (early) mācod, māced & (?errors) māke(n, māden. Contractions: madam (made hem), madim (made him), makestou (makest thou).In þat on [Jerusalem] oure pes watz mad at ene; Wyth payne to suffer, þe Lombe hit chese.
1654c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)954pein(e (n.) Also peini, peigne, peien, pene, pain(e, paigne, pan(e, (Cornish) beyn, (sg. gen., error) peimis; pl. peines, etc. & (errors) peymys, painnens, poynt.Wyth payne to suffer, þe Lombe hit chese.
1655c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)955glēnen (v.) Also clene. P. ppl. iglened.In þat oþer [Jerusalem] is no3t bot pes to glene.
1656c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)956relēs (n.(2)) Also relese, relesse, releise, relece, releas, releace, relesh(e, releische.In þat oþer is no3t bot pes to glene Þat ay schal laste wythouten reles.
1657c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)957prēssen (v.) Also pres(se, prese(n, prece(n, presein, prease, prise. Forms: sg.3 prēsseth, etc. & prēceth, prēces; pl. prēs(s)eth, etc. & preiseth; p. pressed(e, etc. & presedde, preced, precedde, pres(s)et, prest(e, preised, praised, priset; ppl. pressed, etc. & pres(s)et, prēst, ipressed.Þat is þe bor3 þat we to pres.
1658c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)957burgh (n.(1)) Also burh, burch, burc, bure(g)h, buruh, burwe, -ewe, -owe; bour(g)h; bor(g)h, borogh, -ugh, -ough, borwe, -ewe, -owe, boru; byr(i)g, biri, buri, beri (orig. gen. & dat.). Pl. burwes, etc., (early) buri(3e, burh3en.Þat is þe bor3 þat we to pres Fro þat oure flesch be layd to rote.
1659c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)958leien (v.(1)) Also lein(e, lei(e, leige(n, le3e, lei3en, lain(e, lai(e, lae, , leǧ(ǧe(n, leggie, leghen, leiche, lecchen. Forms: sg. 2 leiest, etc. & lēst; 3 leieth, etc. & leiet, leuth & (early) leid, le3ð, le3eþ; pl. leǧǧe(n, lein(e, etc. & (early) leǧǧeoð, leǧeþ; p. leid(e, etc. & leǧed, lēde, lade & (early) le3de, leaide, læide(n, læ3de; pl. leide(n, etc. & laidon & (early) leidon, lægdon, læ3don; ppl. leid(e, etc. & leiit, lēd, lait & (early) le33d, læide & (error) leind.Þat is þe bor3 þat we to pres Fro þat oure fresth [read: flesch] be layd to rote.
1660c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)958rōten (v.(1)) Also rot(e, roton, rotte, roti(e(n, rotee, (N) roit(e, rotti, rotiinne & (early) roti3en, rotihin; sg.3 roteth, etc. & rotuth, (early) roties; p. rotede, etc. & rodede; ppl. roted(e, iroted, i)rotet, rotude, rotted, roded, rodded & roten, roton & (early error) roteð.Þat is þe bor3 þat we to pres Fro þat oure flesch be layd to rote.
1661c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)959encrēsen (v.) Also encressen, in-.Þer glory & blysse schal euer encres To þe meyny þat is wythouten mote.
1662c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)959glōrīe (n.) Also glori, gloire, (error) gleyre.Þer glory and blysse schal euer encres To þe meyny þat is wythouten mote.
1663c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)961mai (n.(1)) Also maie & (early) ma3, mai3 & (in cpd.) ma-.`Motelez may,'..Þen sayde I to þat lufly flor..`let me se þy blysful bor.'
1664c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)961mōtelēs (n.) Also motles.Motelez may so meke & mylde..let me se þy blysful bor.
1665c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)962flǒur (n.(1)) Also flur, flor, flouer, floer, floyer. Pl. floures, flours, flowers.Þen sayde I to þat lufly flor.
1666c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)963biglī (adj.)Motelez may so meke & mylde..Bryng me to þat bygly bylde, & let me se þy blysful bor.
1667c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)963bīld(e (n.) Also buld(e, bielde, beld(e, beylde.Bryng me to þat bygly bylde [rime: mylde] And let me se þy blysful bor.
1668c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)965shēlden (v.) Also sheld(e, chelde, (N) sceild & shild(e(n, (N) child(e, (SW & K) ssilde, (K) silten, (chiefly early) scild(e(n, (chiefly early SEM) sild(e(n & shuld(e(n, sholde, (chiefly SW) ssuld(e, (early SW) sculde(n & (error) schide; sg.3 shildes, etc. & (early) scildæþ, shilt; p. (early SWM) sheldede, scelde, shilde, scilde; ppl. shelded(e, shilded, (SEM) shilt.Þat God wyl schylde; Þou may not enter wythinne hys tor.
1669c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)965shēne (adj.) Also shen(ne, shein, chene, shine, shin(ne, shone, (N & early) scen(e & shēne & (early) sene, scone, (SWM) sceone, suene & (in place names) sen-, sein-, shend(e-, sin(e-, sind- & (early error) scæn; comp. shenre.Þat schene sayde..Þou may not enter.
1670c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)966mouen (v.(3)) Also mou(e, moun, moven, mouwe(n, mou3e(n, muge(n, mughe, (early) mu3he(n & mai & (error) mught. Forms: sg.1 & 3. mai, mei, maie, ma3, maj, me3, mæi(e, mæ3, mæig, maig, meih, ma3e, ma3æ, mage, mahe, mau(e, ma, mou(e, mo3e & mu3e, muge, muhe, muwe; sg.2. might, mi3t(e, migt, miht, micht, mikt, mixt, mitht, mist(e, mi3th, migth, mith, mīt, (errors) mi3, mytd & maght, maht, macht, māt(e, maight, mai3t(e, maiht, meiht, mait, maith, maucht, mauth & mught & mihst, mai3st, maist(e, mast(e, meist, (error) meih & mai(e, mo3e; pl. mou(e(n, moun, mo3e(n, mogen, mohe, mough, mou3e, mo(n & mau(e(n, ma3e(n, ma3on, ma3a, magen, magon, mahe(n, maven, mæuen, mæ3e(n, ma(n & mǒuwe(n, muwe(n, mu3e(n, mugen, muhe(n, mūen, muh3e, mu3hen, mwue, mwe, & mai, mei & moueth & (followed by pron. subject, examples chiefly early) mou(e yē, mou3e wē, mahe wē, mahe yē, ma3e wē, ma3e yē, maue wē, maihe yē, mū3e wē, mū3e yē, mu3he wē, mu3he yē, muhe yē, muwe wē, muwe yē, (late) moy yē; p. might(e, mi3t(e, migt(e, miht(e, mih3t, micht(e, mikte, mict(e, mixte, mist(e, mihste, mithte, mi3th(e, migth, micthe, mith(e, mitte, mit(e, mit3, (errors) mgthe, my3ite, migh, my3, mi3tb & maght, mahte, machte, mæchte, meghte, mehte, maiste, mast, mait & moght, mo3t, moht(e, mocht, motht, moth, mought, mou3t, mouht(e, moucte, moughth, moucthe, mouth(e, mout(e, (error) moxist & mught, mu3t, muhte, muchte; p.sg.2. mightest, mi3test, mihtest, mictest, mistest, mithtest, mithest, mitest, mihstist, mi3tes, mihtes, mittes & mi3t, mist & mahtest, machtest & mo3tes, muhtest, muhtes & moght, moht; pl. followed by pron. subject: mihte wē, mihte yē; ppl. (all after 1300) might, imi3t, mithe, moght, mou3t, moute, moued, moue, mon. Contractions: pr.sg.1. ma3i, mahich (= mai ich); sg.2. mi3tou(3, mahtu, maihtou, mahitou, maitou, mittu (= might thou), maistou(e, maisthou (= maist thou); sg.3. mait (= mai hit); pl. mouwe, muwe (= mouen we), imugon (= ye mouen); p. mihtich, mihti, mictich, mitti, mahtich (= mighte ich); mahtu (= mighte thou), mightestou, mi3testou, mihtestu (= mightest thou); mihti, michti (= mighten he pron.pl.); mighter (= mighte ther).Þou may not enter wythinne hys tor, Bot of þe Lombe I haue þe aquylde For a sy3t þerof.
1671c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)966tǒur (n.(1)) Also toure, tower(e, towour, tor(e, thour & (chiefly early or N) tur(e, (early) turre & (error) coure; pl. toures, etc. & tourres, tourse, (early) turas & (?error) towre.'Let me se þy blysful bor'..'Þou may not enter wythinne hys tor.'
1672c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)967aquīlen (v.) Ppl. (from OF) aquīlē.Þou may not enter wythinne hys tor, Bot of þe Lombe I haue þe aquylde [rime: schylde] For a sy3t þerof þur3 gret fauor.
1673c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)968sight(e (n.) Also si3t(e, si3tte, si3ght, si3ht(e, sigt(e, sig3t, siht(e, sih3t, sichte, sitht(e, sith(e, sit(e, sigth(e, sigðhe, si3th(e, (K) zi3the & sie3t, siet, se3t(e, sei3t, sei3the, seit(e & (early) sihð, sihþe, sih3eðe, siðhðe, sichðe, sihde, sicte, siste, suhðe, seght, sehte, seihtþe, seisþe & (?errors) shy3te, shitht, ssyht, (errors) sighe, siðen, silk, sygh; pl. sightes, etc. & sei3tus, (early) sihðen.Bot of þe Lombe, I haue þe aquylde For a sy3t þerof þur3 gret fauor.
1674c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)969ǒutwith (adv.) Also oute-, ut-, utewið, -wit, -wid.Vtwyth to se þat clene cloystor Þou may, bot inwyth not a fote.
1675c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)969cloistre (n.) Also cloister, cleister (?) & clōstre, clōster.Þou may not enter wythinne hys tor..Vtwyth to se þat clene cloystor Þou may, bot inwyth not a fote.
1676c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)970inwith (adv.)Vtwyth to se þat clene cloystor Þou may, bot inwyth not a fote.
1677c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)971vigǒur (n.) Also vigoure, vigor(e, (in surnames) vigur, viger; pl. vigoures, (error) viours.Vtwyth to se þat clene cloystor Þou may, bot inwyth not a fote; To strech in þe strete þou hatz no vygour Bot þou wer clene wythouten mote.
1678c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)973mōte (n.(1)) Also mot, moite.Þou may not enter wythinne hys tor, Bot..I haue þe aquylde For a sy3t þerof..to se þat clene cloystor..If I þis mote þe schal vnhyde.
1679c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)973shulen (v.(1)) Forms: sg.1 & 3 shal(e, shalle, shel(e, shul(e, shulle, shol(le, shille, shinne, chal(le, chul, (S) ssal, swal, sse(l, (early) scal, scæl, sceal, sceæl, scule, scyle & sal(le, sāle, sel, sul(e, sil, (early) sæl, seal, sol & (late EM) xal(e, xul, zal & (errors) sha, schle, schchl, shab, schalt, schulen, salch, psal; sg.2 shalt(e, shald, shelt, shult, sholt, chalt, shalst, shat, (S) ssalt, sselt, (early) scalt, scald, scælt, scealt, sceald, scelt & salt(e, salth, xalt, (early) sald, sælt, silt(h, solt & shal(le, shāle, shul(e, shōle, shel, (K) ssel, (early) scal, sceole, scule & sal(le, sāle, (early) sule & (late EM) xul & (errors) schlat, sselelt, ichalt; pl. shul(l)en, shuln(e, shul(l)eth, shulle, shul(e, sholle(n, sholleth, shol(e(n, sholi, shǒul(l)e, shal(le, shāle, shele(n, shelle, sculle, scollen, scal(e, chul, chǒulle, chal(le, (chiefly S) ssul(le, ssule(n, ssolle(n, ssolleth, ssal, ssel, (early) scullen, scullan, sculeð, scule(n, sculan, sculon, scylan, scylon, sceole(n, sceolon, scelen, scæl, sceæl & sul(e, solen, sal(le, sāle, zal, (early) sulle(n, swul(l)en, sulen, suleth, solle(n, solleth, sol & (chiefly late) shun(e, shone, shin(e, shinne, (late) xul(lin, xal(n, xun & (errors) schulien, schlen, scuhlen, shoren, shalt, scha, sculled, sa, seal; p.sg.1 & 3 shold(e, sholte, shuld(e, shǒulde, shelde, shild, shud(e, shid(e, sculde, chold(e, chuld, chǒulde, (S) ssold(e, ssode, (early) sheolde, sc(e)olde & suld(e, sold(e, sud, (N) suuld, sǒuld, sald(e, (early) silde & (chiefly late EM) xold, xuld(e & (errors) schulen, fulde, isceolde, psuld, sclulde; p.sg.2 sholdest, shǒuldest, shuldes(t, suldes(t, xuldist, shudest, shost, shust, (SW) ssost, (S) ssoldest, (early) scoldest, sculdest & shold(e, shuld(e, solde, solt, suld, sǒulde, (late EM) xuld(e & (error) scodeldest; p.sg.sbj. sholden, (early SW) scolden, sculden, seolden; p.pl. shold(e(n, shulden(e, shuld(e, shilde, shoden, shodo, shuden, shid, sculde, choldin, chuld, (S) ssolde(n, (early) scolde(n, scoldan, sculden, sceolde(n, sceoldon, sceoldan, (early SW) swulden & sold(e(n, suld(e(n, (N) sǒuld, (late) xuldin, xuld(e. Contractions: pr.sg.1 ichelle, is (ichshal); sg.2 shaltou, shalstou, saltou(e, sheltou, (early SWM) scaltou, saltu, seltu (shal thou); pl. (early K) sollie (shal ye) & saltai (shal thei); p.sg.2 sholdestou, shuldestou (sholdest thou). See LALME 4.37-43 for additional forms, including: sg.1 & 3 sh3al, s3al, scel, sa, xa; sg.2 xat, yat; pl. shan, shen, shil(le, shuel, s3ol(le, s3ulle(th, cholleth, chun; p.sg.1 & 3 shod(e, shoud, s3old(e, ssulde, suolde, xud(e; pl. shelde(n, should(e, sald, soulde, xhuld.If I þis mote þe schal vnhyde, Bow vp towarde þys bornez heued.
1680c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)973unhīden (v.) Also unhid(e, unhede; p.ppl. unhid(de, unhide, (early) unhed.I þis mote þe schal vnhyde ... and I anendez þe on þis syde Schal sve, tyl þou to a hil be veued.
1681c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)974hēd (n.(1)) Also hēd, hēdde, hād(e, head, heid, hiede, hide, het & hēved, hēved, hēvēd, hāved, hevod, heveð, hefed, hewed, heaved, heaveð, eaved, heafod, heafoð, heafad, hæved, hæfed, hæfved, hafed, haphed, hafved, heofod, hived & hevet, hefet, heavet, hæfet, havet & hēfd(e, hevd, efd, heafd(e, hæfd(e, heifd, hafd(e, hifde & (in place names) -ed, -ide & (errors) heried, hevesde. Pl. hēdes, etc. & hēveden, heaveden, heafden, haveden, hafden, (in place name) havedenes & (early) heaved, heafde.Bow vp towarde þys bornez heued.
1682c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)974up (adv.) Also up(p)e, op(pe, ope, oup, ap, hup(pe, hoppe, hep.Bow vp towarde þys bornez heued.
1683c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)974bǒurn(e, burn(e (n.) Also burn(e, born(e, boerne, buerne.Bow vp towarde þys bornez heued.
1684c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)975anent(es (prep.) Also onefent, (early) onevent; anempt(es, anem(p)st; onent(es, onence, onon(t, anundes; anen, anend(es, anintice, anens(t, anence; enent(es, enens; inent(es, inence.Bow vp towarde þys bornez heued, And I anendez þe on þis syde Schal sve.
1685c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)976seuen (v.(1)) Also seu(e, seuwe, seui(n, sieu(en, siu(e(n, siueie, siui(en, sou(e(n, suie(n, suin(e, suwe(n, suwie, su(e(n, suee, suhen, souen & (errors) sawe, fewe. Forms: sg.3 seueth, etc. & suit; p. seuede, etc. & seuet, suet, suit; pl. seueden, etc. & seuoden, ceued, suden & (error) siwenden; ppl. seued, etc. & iseued, seuot, sieuit, isiued(e. Contraction: seuestou (seuest thou).Bow vp towarde þys bornez heued, And I anendez þe on þis syde Schal sve.
1686c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)976wēven (v.(2)) Also weve, wefe & wēve; p. weved(e, etc. & weft, (NWM) waft(e, (early) wefde; ppl. i)weved, veved, (early SW or SWM) weaved, weavet, weaven.I anendez þe on þis syde Schal sve, tyl þou to a hil be veued.
1687c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)978launce (n.) Also launs(e, lance. Pl. launces, etc. & (early) launcene & (in sense 2 only) la(u)nce.Þen wolde I no lenger byde, Bot lurked by launcez so lufly leued.
1688c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)978lēven (v.(2)) Also levi(e, lēf. Forms: p. lēvet; ppl. i)lēved, lēvet, ilēveod, leaved.Þen wolde [I] no lenger byde, Bot lurked by launcez so lufly leued.
1689c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)978lǒvelī (adv.) Also loffeli, lofveliche, (error) lovefly & luveli, luvelike, luffeli, (error) luueke.Þen wolde I no lenger byde Bot lurked by launcez so lufly leued.
1690c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)978lurken (v.) Also lurk(e, lorke(n.Þen wolde [I] no lenger byde, Bot lurked by launcez so lufly leued.
1691c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)980blishen (v.) Also blissen, blushen, bloshen, blussen. P. blisht, blist.I asspyed And blusched on þe burghe.
1692c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)981kēven (v.)I..blusched on þe burghe..By3onde þe brok fro me warde keued, Þat schyrrer þen sunne wyth schaftez schon.
1693c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)981-ward (suf.) Also -warde, -wart, -war(e, -werd(e, -wert, -word(e, -vard(e, -ard(e, -art, -rt & (early) -warð(e, -weard(e, -wærd, (infl.) -wardan, -wearden, -weardan, -weardæn, -weardon, -weardre, (acc.) -weardne, -werdne & (error) -wd; pl. -wardes, (early) -wearde(n, -weardæn.I asspyed And blusched on þe burghe ... By3onde þe brok fro me warde keued.
1694c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)982shaft(e (n.(2)) Also ssaft(e, chaft(e, saft, shaf(e, sheft(e, (early) scaft, scæft, sceaft & (in place names) shatp-, s(h)ieft-, seft-, sheb-; pl. shaftes, etc. & shaft(e & (errors) shaffetes, schaftetes.Þe brok fro me warde keued, Þat schyrrer þen sunne wyth schaftez schon.
1695c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)982shīnen (v.) Also shin(e, shinne(n, (SW & K) ssine & (early) scine(n, sinen & (error) swyne. Forms: sg.3 shīneth, etc. & shīni3t, shīnigt, shīnetht, (K) ssinth & (early) scīnð, scīnæð, sīnð & (error) suiniz; pl. shīnen, etc. & (early) scīnæð & (error) shynygh; ppl. shīning(e, etc. & shīnant, (errors) shying, shinige, schonyng, schinide & (comp.) shīninger(e, shīnendere; p. shōn(e, shoen, sōn, shōnne, chāne, (SW) ssōn, (N & early) shān(e, scān, (N) shaine, scain & shīned(e, shīnde, shīnned, shīnet, (SW) ssīnde & (early) scōn, scean; pl. shīneden, etc. & scīnde, (early) shīnden & shīn(e(n & shōne(n, (chiefly N) shāne, (N) scān; ppl. i)shīned, (N) shāne, (early) sīnen.Þe brok..schyrrer þen sunne wyth schaftez schon.
1696c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)982shīr(e (adv.) Also chire; comp. shir(r)er.Þe brok..schyrrer þen sunne wyth schaftez schon.
1697c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)982sǒnne (n.) Also son(e, sunne, sun(e, (K) zonne, (SWM) zunne & (early) sunna, sunnæ, sinne, (infl.) sunnan, sunnen, sunnæn, seonnen, sinnan, (gen.) sunne, sunnæ & so3ne, ?sōne, (N) soen & (?error) soune; pl. sonnes, etc. & sonnen.Þe brok..schyrrer þen sunne wyth schaftez schon.
1698c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)983faciǒun (n.) Also fassioun, faschyoun; faccioun, faction; fas(s)oun, facune.Þe burghe..Þat schyrrer þen sunne wyth schaftez schon. In þe Apokalypce is þe fasoun preued.
1699c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)984dēvīsen (v.) Also devicen, divisen.In þe Apokalypce is þe fasoun preued, As deuysez hit þe apostel Jhon.
1700c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)985-6sēn (v.(1)) Also sēen, se, sse, sei(e, sein, sēin, sei3en, sē3e, sai(e & , sie(n, sīe(n, sīhe, (K) & (chiefly early and W) seo(n, son, so(e, suen & (infl.) zienne, (early) seonne, siene, sēnde & (error) seme. Forms: sg.1 , sēn, scē, seis, sēghe, seo, ; sg.2 sēs(t, etc. & , sēxt, sixt, sikst, (early) sicst, sixst, sichst & sie, seo, suxst, suxt, sucst; impv. , sēn, sēs, seo, seh, seith; sg.3 sēth, etc. & sēuth, (early) sihð, sicð, sikþ, si3kz & sēt, sēsse, cēs, sē3t, siht, si3th, zi3t, zi3th, zikth, sucth, suchth, suk, (early) suþ; pl. sēn(e, sēth(e, etc. & , sīhe, seo, seowe & (?errors) zye3, soe3; impv. sēth, etc. & sēit; p.sg.1 or 3 se3(e, ze3e, se3he, se3gh, segh(e, segh3, sech, (early) seh(e, seh3 & sei3(e, sei3h, seigh(e, seih(e, seich & sai3, saih(e, saiw, saic, (early) sai3h & sī3(e, sīgh(e, sīh(e & sa3(e, sagh(e, sagh3e, sag, sach, sach3, (early) sah, sæ3e, sæh, seah & sau3(e, saugh(e, sauh(e, saugwe, sauwh, sauwe, sau(e, sāwe & sō3, sough, sou, sōwe, sugh & , sei(e, sai(e, , sīe, sue & sei3th, seith, sīth & sēght, seight, saght, saught, sagt, sōght & (?errors) sedd, seyde, (error) sen; sg.2 sē3e, sēghe, sēh(e & sei3(e, seih & sī3(e, sīgh & sagh & sau3, saugh, sauh(e, sāwe & sōgh, sōge, sōwe, soie & , sei(e, sai, sie & sēst, sei3est, seist, saiest, sī3est, sau3(e)st, sāwest & (?error) sein; pl. sē3(e(n, zē3en, sēghe(n, sēn(e, sewe(n, (early) sēgen, sēhe(n, sēh3e(n & sei3(e(n, seigh, seih, seien, sein(e, saien, sain & sī3(e(n, sīgh(e(n, sī3h, sīhe(n, sīen & sa3(e, sagh(e, (early) sæ3he(n, sæ3e, sægon, seagon & sau3(en, saugh, sauh, sau(e, scau, sawe(n, (early) sāwon & so3e, sōgen, sou, sōwe(n & seon & , sei(e, sai(e, , sie, seo, & (?error) sight; ppl. sēn(e, sein(e, seien, sei3en(e, cēne, (early) se3hen, sehen(e, sehne, segon, sægon & sain(e, sīne, sonne, sōgen, sōwen & sēnene & , sei(e, sei3e, sai(e, sīe, sau, sawe & (?errors) seuene, swane, sayde, (error) sent; comp. (early) sēnre, sēnure. Contractions: sestou(e, seistou, sextou, sixtou, suxtou (sest thou); sehte (error for sehste, = sest thou). Cp. isen v.(1).As John þe apostel hit sy3 wyth sy3t, I sy3e þat cyty..Jerusalem.

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