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2024-08-09 Fri

#5583. -ster はやはりもともとは女性を表わす語尾だったと考えられる? --- Fransson の反論 [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][by-name][occupational_term][suffix][etymology][word_formation][agentive_suffix][gender]

 連日の記事で表記の語尾をめぐる論争を紹介している.一昨日の「#5581. -ster 語尾の方言分布と起源論争」 ([2024-08-07-1]),および昨日の「#5582. -ster は女性を表わす語尾ではなかった? --- Jespersen 説」 ([2024-08-08-1]) に引き続き,今回は初期中英語期の姓 (by-name) を調査した Fransson による議論を紹介したい.Fransson は,-ster がもともと女性を表わす語尾だったとする通説に反論した Jespersen に対し,数字をもって再反論している.
 Fransson が行なったのは次の通り.まず調査対象となる時代・州の名前資料から -ester 語尾をもつ姓を収集し,その件数を数えた.結果,その姓を帯びた人々のうち77名が女性で242名が男性だと判明した.しかし,そもそも名前資料に現われる男女の比率は同じではない.女性は名前資料に現われる可能性が男性よりもずっと低く,実際に男女比は12:1の差を示す.この比をもとに,もし名前資料への出現が男女同数であったらと仮定すると,-ester 姓の持ち主の79%までが女性となり,男性は21%にとどまる.つまり,理論上 -ester 姓は女性に大きく偏っているとみなせる.
 地域差もあるようだ.Saxon では -ester 姓はとりわけ女性に偏っているが,Anglia では男性も少なくない.それでも,全体としてならしてみれば,-ester 姓と女性が強く結びついているということは言えそうである.Fransson はここまで議論したところで,通説を支持する暫定的な結論に至る.その箇所を引用しよう (44) .

With regard to the nature of the suffix -ester some elucidation can be obtained from the significations of the present surnames, especially of those that occur most frequently. The most common of them are the following (ranged after frequency; the figure denotes the number of persons that have been found bearing the surname): Bakestere 63, Litester 60, Webbester 47, Brewstere 33, Huckestere 10, Heustere 9, Blextere 8, Kembestere 7, Deyster 7, Sheppestere 7, Bleykestere 6, Thakestere 5, Combestere 5, Dreyster 5. All the trades denoted by these names --- with the only exception of Thakestere --- are of such a character that they can very well be supposed to have originally been carried out only (or almost only) by women. I think, therefore, that we are entitled to conclude that the words in -ester were at first used only of women, and that the old and general theory holds true. This ending, however, was also applied to men in OE, but that this happened so often as it really did, may be due to the fact that women do not appear as frequently as men in the OE sources.

 この後,Fransson (45) は,今回の調査結果から推論されたこの結論は決定的なものではないが,と念を押している.

 ・ Fransson, G. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350, with an Excursus on Toponymical Surnames. Lund Studies in English 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1935.

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2024-08-08 Thu

#5582. -ster は女性を表わす語尾ではなかった? --- Jespersen 説 [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][by-name][occupational_term][suffix][etymology][word_formation][agentive_suffix][gender]

 昨日の記事「#5581. -ster 語尾の方言分布と起源論争」 ([2024-08-07-1]) に引き続き,-ster の起源について.当該語尾がもともとは女性を表わす語尾だったという通説に対し,Jespersen は強く異を唱えた.実に10ページにわたる反論論文を書いているのだ.議論は多岐にわたるが,そのうちの論点2つを引用する.

The transition of a special feminine ending to one used of men also is, so far as I can see, totally unexampled in all languages. Words denoting both sexes may in course of time be specialized so as to be used of one sex only, but not the other way. Can we imagine for instance, a word meaning originally a woman judging being adopted as an official name for a male judge? Yet, according to N.E.D., deemster or dempster, ME dēmestre, is 'in form fem. of demere, deemer.' Family names, too, would hardly be taken from names denoting women doing certain kinds of work: yet this is assumed for family names like Baxter, Brewster, Webster; their use as personal names is only natural under the supposition that they mean exactly the same as Baker, Brewer, Weaver or Web, i.e., some one whose business or occupation it is to bake, brew or weave. (420)

There is one thing about these formations which would make them very exceptional if the ordinary explanation were true: in all languages it seems to be the rule that in feminine derivatives of this kind, the feminine ending is added to some word which in itself means a male person, thus princess from prince, waitress from waiter, not waitress from the verb wait. But in the OE words -estre is not added to a masculine agent noun; we find, not hleaperestre, but hleapestre, not bæcerestre, but bæcestre, thus direct from the nominal or verbal root or stem. This fact is in exact accordance with the hypothesis that the words are just ordinary agent nouns, that is, primarily two-sex words. (422)

 通説か Jespersen 説か,どちらが妥当なのかを検討するには,詳細な調査が必要となる.この種の問題が一般的に難しいのは,ある文脈において当該の語尾をもつ語の指示対象が女性だからといって,その語尾に女性の意味が含まれていると言い切れない点にある.語尾にはもともと両性の意味が含まれており,その文脈ではたまたま指示対象が女性だった,という議論ができてしまうのだ.
 多くの事例を集め,当該語尾の使用と,その指示対象の男女分布との相関関係を探るといった調査が必要だろう.実際に Jespersen 自身も,そのような趣旨で事例を提示しているのだが,その量は不足しているように思われる.

 ・ Jespersen, Otto. "A Supposed Feminine Ending." Linguistica. Copenhagen, 1933. 420--29.

Referrer (Inside): [2024-08-09-1]

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2024-08-07 Wed

#5581. -ster 語尾の方言分布と起源論争 [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][by-name][occupational_term][suffix][etymology][word_formation][agentive_suffix][productivity][gender]

 webster, baxter などの職業名や,spinster, youngster などの人名に現われる接尾辞 (agentive_suffix) について,以下の記事で取り上げてきた.

 ・ 「#2188. spinster, youngster などにみられる接尾辞 -ster」 ([2015-04-24-1])
 ・ 「#3791. 行為者接尾辞 -er, -ster はラテン語に由来する?」 ([2019-09-13-1])
 ・ 「#5520. -ester 語尾をもつ中英語の職業名ベースの姓」 ([2024-06-07-1])

 中英語期の職業名に現われる -ster の分布を探ると,イングランド全土に分布こそするが,アングリア地方(東部や北部)で高頻度であるという.この地域分布とも合わせて,そもそも当該語尾の起源が何であるかという論争がかつて起こった.現在の有力な説については,上記の過去記事で取り上げてきた通りだが,改めて Fransson による経緯の要約を読んでみよう (42) .

   It is true that the surnames in -ester occur in the whole of England, but with regard to their frequency there is a distinct difference. The case is that they chiefly belong to the Anglian counties; most instances have been found in Nf (over 100 inst.), Li, Y, La, and St, but many also in Wo and Ess. In the WS counties (Sx, Ha, So) these surnames occur very seldom; thus I have only found 3 inst. in So, 5 in Ha, and 11 in Sx.
   We now come to the difficult question whether the suffix -ester is a feminine ending or not. There has been no difference of opinion about this until recently, when Jespersen propounded an entirely new theory (Linguistica 420--429). According to the general view, -ester was originally a special feminine ending, which, however, was later applied to men as well as to women. This transition from fem. to masc. is usually explained through the supposition that the work that was at first done only by women, was later performed by men, too, and that the fem. denominations were transferred on men at the same time.

 従来問題なく受け入れられていた「通説」が,著名な英語史研究者の Jespersen によって批判され,新説が唱えられたのだという.これ自体が1930年代時点の話しなのだが,このような論争は私にとって大好物である.では,Jespersen の新説とは?

 ・ Fransson, G. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350, with an Excursus on Toponymical Surnames. Lund Studies in English 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1935.
 ・ Jespersen, Otto. "A Supposed Feminine Ending." Linguistica. Copenhagen, 1933. 420--29.

Referrer (Inside): [2024-08-09-1] [2024-08-08-1]

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2024-06-28 Fri

#5541. 中英語の職業名ベースの複合語の姓 [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][by-name][occupational_term][agentive_suffix][agentive_suffix][compound][suffix]

 目下,私が研究題目として掲げて注目している話題の1つが,現代英語の姓に連なる中英語の by-name である.その中でも職業名に由来する姓に関心を寄せている.
 Fransson (14--15) によると,職業名ベースの複合語となる姓が,中英語では存在感を示している.具体的には複合語の第2要素が著しい役割を果たしている.具体的には -maker, -man, -monger-, -wright の類いが典型だが,調べてみると他にもたくさんある.複合語の第2要素として典型的なものを Fransson の一覧より再掲しよう.

-BATOUR: Orbatour.
-BETER: Coperbeter, Flaxbeter, Goldbeter, Ledbeter, Wodebetere, Wolbetere.
-BIGGERE: Fetherbycger, Shoubiggere.
-BYNDER: Bokbynder.
-BREDERE: Haryngbredere.
-BREYDER: Lacebreyder.
-BRENNER: Askebrenner, Lymbrener.
-BREWERE: Alebrewere.
-BROCHER: Ploghbrocher.
-KARTERE: Heryngkartere.
-KERNERE: Smerekernere.
-CLEVER: Burdclever.
-DRAGHER: Wirdgragher.
-DRAPER: Lyndraper.
-FEUERE: Baiounsfeuere, Orfeuere.
-GRAVER: Orgraver, Selgraver.
-HEWERE: Bordhewere, Fleshhewere, Marlehewer, Silverhewer, Stonhewere, Vershewere.
-HOPER: Goldehoper.
-YETERE: Belleyetere, Bligeter, Brasyetere, Ledyetere, Pannegetter.
-LEGGER: Streulegger.
-LETER: Blodleter.
-LITTSTER: Corklittster.
-MAKER: Aketonmaker, Aruwemakere, Aunseremakere, Belgmakere, Bokmakere, Bordmakere, Botelmaker, Bowemakere, Callemaker, Candelmaker, Kelmaker, Chalunmaker, Chapemaker, Chesemakere, Clokkemaker, Cordemaker, Cottemakere, Delmaker, Dofkotemakere, Elymaker, Flourmakere, Gourdmaker, Hayremaker, Hodemaker, Lepmaker, Maltmakere, Medemaker, Meysemakere, Melemakere, Moldemaker, Netmaker, Oylemaker, Paniermaker, Potmaker, Pouchemaker, Pundermaker, Quyltmaker, Saucemaker, Seggemaker, Sheldmakere, Strengmakere, Walmakere.
-MAKESTERE: Kallemakestere.
-MAN: Butterman, Candelman, Capman, Chapman, Cheseman, Clothman, Elyman, Fetherman, Flaxman, Flekeman, Glasman, Hauerman, Honyman, Laxman, Lekman, Lynman, Meleman, Mustardman, Oilman, Pakeman, Panierman, Redman, Sakman, Saltman, Sherman, Syveman, Slayman, Smeremay, Tailman, Wademan, Waxman, Werkman.
-MARTER: Bukmarter.
-MONGERE: Bukmongere, Ketmongere, Chesemonger, Clothmangere, Cornmongere, Fethermongere, Fishmongere, Flaxmongere, Fleshmongere, Garlekmongere, Gosmanger, Heymongere, Henmongere, Heryngmongere, Hermonger, Horsmongere, Irmongere, Lusmonger, Madermanger, Maltmongere, Melemongere, Otmongere, Sklatemanger, Smeremongere, Taylmongere, Tymbermongere, Waxmongere, Whelmonger, Wolmongere, Wudemonger.
-MONGESTERE: Bredmongestere.
-POLLARE: Felpollare.
-SELLER: Clothseller.
-SLIPER: Swerdsliper.
-SMITH: Ankersmyth, Arowesmith, Balismith, Blakesmyth, Bokelsmyth, Boltsmith, Botsmith, Brounsmyth, Knyfsmith, Copersmith, Exsmyth, Goldsmyth, Hudsmyth, Ledsmyth, Lokersmyth, Loksmyth, Orsmyth, Schersmyth, Shosmyth, Watersmyth, Whelsmyth, Whitesmyth.
-SNITHER: Lakensnither.
-TAWYERE: Whittewere.
-TEWERE: Whittewere.
-THEKER: Ledtheker.
-TOWERE: Whittowere.
-WASHERE: Skynwashere.
-WEBBE: Poghwebbe, Sakwebbe.
-WIFE: Flaxwife, Silkwife.
-WYNDER: Flekewynder.
-WOMAN: Silkwoman.
-WRIGHT: Arkewright, Bordwright, Bowewright, Brandwright, Briggwright, Cartwright, Chesewright, Kystewright, Kittewright, Culewright, Detherwright, Glaswright, Hayrwright, Lattewright, Limwright, Nawright, Orewright, Ploghwright, Shipwright, Syvewright, Slaywright, Tywelwright, Tunwright, Waynwright, Whelwright, Whicchewright.
-WRYNGERE: Chesewryngere.

 関連して「#5520. -ester 語尾をもつ中英語の職業名ベースの姓」 ([2024-06-07-1]) などの記事も参照されたい.

 ・ Fransson, G. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350, with an Excursus on Toponymical Surnames. Lund Studies in English 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1935.

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2024-06-08 Sat

#5521. simpleton, singleton の -ton [suffix][onomastics][personal_name][name_project][by-name][toponymy][etymology][helkatsu][analogy][link][rifaraji]

 「#5461. この4月,皆さんの「hel活」がスゴいことになっています」 ([2024-04-09-1]) や「#5484. heldio/helwa リスナーの皆さんの「hel活」をご紹介」 ([2024-05-02-1]) などでご紹介した活動的なhel活実践者の1人 lacolaco さんが,note 上で「英語語源辞典通読ノート」という企画を展開されています.『英語語源辞典』(研究社,1997年)を通読しようという遠大なプロジェクトで,目下Aの項を終えてBの項へと足を踏み入れています.特におもしろい語源の単語がピックアップされており,とても勉強になります.
 lacolaco さんは,プログラマーを本業としており,Spotify/Apple Podcast/YouTube にて「リファラジ --- リファクタリングとして生きるラジオ」をお相手の方とともに定期的に配信されています.私自身は言語処理のために少々プログラムを書く程度のアマチュアプログラマーにすぎませんが,「リファクタリング」は興味をそそられる主題です.
 リファラジ最新回は6月4日配信の「#25 GoF③ Singleton パターンには2つの価値が混ざっている」です.プログラムのデザインパターンとしての「Singleton」が話題となっていますが,配信の9:00辺りで,そもそも singleton という英単語は何を意味するのか,とりわけ -ton の部分は何なのかという問いが発せられています.

 『英語語源辞典』には見出しが立っていなかったので,他の辞典等に当たってみました.ここでは OED より singleton NOUN2 の項目をみてみましょう.

1. Cards. In whist or bridge: The only card of a suit in a hand. Also attributive.
   1876 If..the lead is a singleton..it may be right to put on the ace. (A. Campbell-Walker, Correct Card Gloss. p. vi)


single adj. + -ton (in surnames with that ending). Compare simpleton n.

 問題の語尾の -ton については,OED は,姓にみられる接尾辞 -ton だろうと見ているようです.ここで simpleton を参照せよとあります.確かに singlesimple は究極的には同語根に遡るラテン借用語ですし,関連はありそうです.simpleton の語源欄をみてみましょう.

Probably < simple adj. + -ton (in surnames with that ending), probably originally as a (humorous) surname for a generic character (compare quot. 1639 and note at sense 1).

 地名に付される接尾辞 -ton の転用という趣旨のようです.この -ton は,古英語 tūn (囲われた土地)に由来し,現代の town に連なります (exx. Hampton, Newton, Padington, Princeton, Wellington) .ちなみに,地名に由来する姓は一般にみられるものです.
 この simpleton の初例は1639年となっており,まぬけな人物をからかって呼ぶニックネームとして使われています.

1. An unintelligent, ignorant, or gullible person; a fool.
   In quot. 1639 as a humorous surname for a character who gathers medicinal herbs and is also characterized as stupid, and so with punning reference to simple n. B.II.4a.

      1639 Now Good-man Simpleton... I see you are troubled with the Simples, you had not need to goe a simpling every yeare as you doe, God knowes you have so little wit already. (J. Taylor, Divers Crabtree Lectures 10)

 以上をまとめれば,simpleton という造語は単純まぬけの「単山さん」といったノリでしょうか.言葉遊びともいうべきこの語形成が,後に simple と同根関連語の single にも類推的に適用され,singleton という語ができあがったと想像されます.
 地名と関連して town, -ton については「#1013. アングロサクソン人はどこからブリテン島へ渡ったか」 ([2012-02-04-1]),「#1395. up and down」 ([2013-02-20-1]),「#5304. 地名 Grimston は古ノルド語と古英語の混成語ではない!?」 ([2023-11-04-1]) を参照.
 なお,やはりhel活実践者であるり~みんさんも,リファラジからの singlton 語源問題について,こちらの note コメントで反応されています.

Referrer (Inside): [2025-01-01-1]

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2024-06-07 Fri

#5520. -ester 語尾をもつ中英語の職業名ベースの姓 [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][by-name][occupational_term][suffix][etymology][word_formation][agentive_suffix][latin][productivity]

  標記の行為者接尾辞 (agentive_suffix) について「#2188. spinster, youngster などにみられる接尾辞 -ster」 ([2015-04-24-1]) や「#3791. 行為者接尾辞 -er, -ster はラテン語に由来する?」 ([2019-09-13-1]) で取り上げてきた.-ster はもともと女性の行為者接尾辞だったといわれるが,実はこれについては論争もあり,問題含みの形態素である (Fransson 42--45) .
  中英語の職業名ベースの姓を広範に調査した Fransson もこの件について議論している.問題の核心に迫るには,まずは記述が重要であるとして,Fransson はイングランド各地より -ester 語尾をもつ42個の姓を集めた.列挙すると以下の通り (41) .

Bakestere, Blacchester, Blakestere, Bleykestere, Blextere, Bredmongestere, Brewstere, Kallemakestere, Capiestere, Cardestere, Kembestere, Combestere, Corklittster, Cuppestere, Deyster, Dreyster, Fullester, Girdelester, Heustere, Huckestere, Litester, Lokyestere, Madster, Maltestere, Mongestere, Quernestere, Ridelestere, Ropestere, Scherestere, Semester, Sewstere, Sheppestere, Sopestere, Tannestere, Thakestere, Touestre, Upholdestere, Wadester, Webbester, Whelster, Wyggester, Wollestere


 ・ Fransson, G. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350, with an Excursus on Toponymical Surnames. Lund Studies in English 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1935.

Referrer (Inside): [2024-08-07-1] [2024-06-28-1]

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2024-06-02 Sun

#5515. 中英語の職業一覧(に近いもの) --- Fransson の著書の目次より [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][by-name][occupational_term][me][toc]

 本ブログででは,「名前プロジェクト」 (name_project) の一環として,中英語の職業名ベースの姓について,多くの記事を書いてきた.主に依拠してきた先行研究は Fransson による Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350 である.20世紀前半の古い研究だが,この分野の研究としては今でも最も充実した文献の1つである.実際,この研究書の目次を再現するだけで,中英語の職業(名)の幅がおおよそ知られるといってよい.Fransson (5--7) を再現してみよう.

      A. Scope and Aim. Explanatory Notes
      B. A Short Survey of Middle English Surnames
         1. The Rise of Surnames
         2. Surnames in Latin and French
         3. Classification of Surnames
      C. Surnames of Occupation
         1. Surname and Trade. A Comparison
         2. Specialized Trades
         3. Names not Found in NED. Antedating
      D. The Heredity of Surnames
      E. Two Suffixes of Obscure History
         1. The Ending -ester
         2. The Ending -ier
      A. Merchant, Dealer
      B. Pedlar, Hawker, Barterer
      A. Miller, Sifter
      B. Corn-Monger, Meal-Monger
      C. Baker, Maker or Seller of Bread
      D. Cook, Sauce-Maker
      E. Maker or Seller of Cheese or Butter
      F. Maker or Seller of Spices, Garlics, Oil
      G. Maker or Seller of Salt, Soap, Candles, Wax
      H. Butcher, Poulterer
      I. Seller of Fish
      J. Brewere, Vintner, Taverner
      A. Manufacturers of Cloth
         1. Flax-Dresser, Comber, Carder
         2. Spinner, Roper
            a. Spinner, Winder and Packer of Wool
            b. Maker of Ropes, Strings, Nets
         3. Weaver or Seller of Cloth
            a. Weaver, Webster
            b. Maker or Seller of Woollen Cloth
            c. Maker or Seller of Linen or Hempen Cloth
            d. Maker or Seller of Silk, Pall, Curtains
            e. Maker of Sacks, Bags, Pouches
            f. Maker of Quilts, Blankets, Mats
            g. Felt-Maker, Worker in Horsehair
         4. Fuller, Teaseler, Shearman
         5. Dyer and Bleacher of Cloth
            a. Dyer, Lister
            b. Dyer with Woad, Cork, Madder
            c. Blacker, Bleacher, Washer
      B. Manufacturers of Clothes
         1. Tailor, Renovator of Old Clothes
         2. Maker of Cowls, Jackets, Pantaloons
         3. Maker or Seller of Hats, Caps, Hoods, Plumes
      A. Tanner, Skinner, Currier
      B. Saddler, Girdler
      C. Furrier, Glover, Purse-Maker
      D. Maker of Bellows or Bottles
      E. Parchmenter, Bookbinder, Copyist
      F. Shoemaker, Cobbler
      A. Goldsmith, Gilder
      B. Coiner, Seal-Maker, Engraver
      C. Maker of Clocks
      D. Copper-Smith, Brazier, Bell-Founder
      E. Tinker, Pewterer, Plumber
      F. Blacksmith, Shoeing-Smith
      G. Locksmith, Lorimer
      H. Needler, Nailer, Buckle-Maker
      I. Maker or Furbisher of Armour
      J. Maker of Military Engines, Swords, Knives
      K. Maker of Bows or Arrows
      A. Sawyer, Maker of Laths or Boards
      B. Carpenter, Joiner
      C. Maker of Carts, Wheels, Ploughs
      D. Maker of Ships, Boats, Oars
      E. Maker of Coffers, Boxes, Organs
      F. Turner, Maker of Spoons, Combs, Slays
      G. Cooper, Hooper
      H. Maker of Baskets or Sieves
      I. Maker of Hurdles or Palings
      J. Maker of Spades or Besoms
      K. Maker of Charcoal, Potash, Tinder
      A. Mason, Plasterer, Painter
      B. Thatcher, Tiler, Slater
      A. Miner, Quarrier, Stone-Cutter
      B. Lime-Burner, Tile-Maker
      C. Potter, Glazier
      A. Physician, Surgeon, Veterinary
      B. Barber, Blood-Letter
      A. Surnames Ending in -er
      B. Surnames Ending in -man
A list of Compound Surnames
Index of Surnames


 ・ Fransson, G. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350, with an Excursus on Toponymical Surnames. Lund Studies in English 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1935.

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2024-05-18 Sat

#5500. 中英語の職業名ベースの姓の分類 [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][by-name][occupational_term][address_term]

 職業名ベースの姓については,これまで occupational_term の記事群で取り上げてきた.Fransson (27--28) が一般的な分類を与えているので,そちらを掲げておきたい

1. dignitaries and officers
   1. Sheriff, mayor, judge, clerk, etc.
   2. Military officers
   3. Ecclesiastical officers
2. occupations belonging to the country
   1. Agricultural occupations
   2. Pastoral occupations
   3. Forestal and venary occupations
3. those who manufacture or sell different articles

 1つめの「高位」の職業名は,そのまま呼称・尊称 address_term ともなり得る場合が多いことに注意を要する.2つめは農業・牧畜・林務・狩猟に関する「田舎」の職業である.3つめがおおよそ都市と商業の職業であり,職業名ベースの姓としてこれまで取り上げてきた例のほぼすべてがここに属する.

 ・ Fransson, G. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350, with an Excursus on Toponymical Surnames. Lund Studies in English 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1935.

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2024-05-16 Thu

#5498. 中英語期で最もよくある職業名ベースの姓は何? [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][by-name][occupational_term][ranking][voicy][heldio]

 Fransson (33) が,中英語期の職業名ベースの姓をめぐる研究において,調査資料のなかで100回以上現われる姓 (by-name) を抜き出し,そのランキングを25位まで挙げている.中英語の綴字で示そう.

 ・ Taillour (仕立屋)
 ・ Chapman (行商人)
 ・ Marescal (馬丁)
 ・ Carpenter (大工)
 ・ Mason (石工)
 ・ Smyth (鍛冶屋)
 ・ Coke (料理人)
 ・ Coupere (おけ屋)
 ・ Tannere (なめし皮職人)
 ・ Fullere (縮絨工)
 ・ Turnour (旋盤工)
 ・ Milner (粉屋)
 ・ Muleward (粉屋)
 ・ Keu (料理人)
 ・ Mouner (粉屋)
 ・ Bakere (パン屋)
 ・ Barber (床屋)
 ・ Ferrour (鍛冶屋)
 ・ Pottere (陶器職人)
 ・ Coliere (石炭商)
 ・ Mercer (服地屋)
 ・ Feuere (鍛冶屋)
 ・ Skynnere (皮職人)
 ・ Deyer (染物屋)
 ・ Leche (医者)

 英語本来語のものもあればフランス語由来のものもある.現代でも広く用いられている名前もあれば,そうでもないものもある.英語でも日本語でも時代によって人気のある first name が移り変わってきたことはよく知られているが,姓にも通時的な分布の変化があるのだろうか.中英語期は姓が導入され固まった時代ではあるが,特にその前期には,まだ流動的な代物にすぎなかったということも考え合わせたい.
 なお,今回の話題については,すでに先日の5月11日の Voicy 「英語の語源が身につくラジオ (heldio)」配信回にて取り上げている.「#1076. 「中英語の職業名の姓」人気ランキング」をお聴きいただければ.

 ・ Fransson, G. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350, with an Excursus on Toponymical Surnames. Lund Studies in English 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1935.

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2024-05-12 Sun

#5494. 中英語期には同じ職業を表わすにも様々な名前があった [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][by-name][occupational_term][morphology][word_formation][compound][compounding][derivation][suffix]

 中英語期の職業名を帯びた姓 (by-name) について調べている.Fransson や Thuresson の一覧を眺めていると,同一の職業とおぼしきものに,様々な呼称があったことがよく分かってくる.とりわけ呼び方の種類の多いものを,ピックアップしてみた.確認された初出年代と当時の語形を一覧してみよう.

 ・ チーズを作る(売る)人 (Fransson 66--67): Cheseman (1263), Cheser (1332), Chesemakere (1275), Chesewright (1293), Chesemonger (1186), Furmager (1198), Chesewryngere (1281), Wringer (1327)
 ・ 織り手,織工 (Fransson 87--88): Webbe (1243), Webbester (1275), Webbere (1340), Weuere (1296)
 ・ 小袋を作る人 (Fransson 95--96): Pouchemaker (1349), Poucher (1317), Pocheler, Poker (1314)
 ・ 金細工職人 (Fransson 133--34): Goldsmyth/Gildsmith (125), Gilder/Golder (1281), Goldbeter (1252), Goldehoper (1327)
 ・ 車(輪)大工 (Fransson 161--62): Whelere (1249), Whelster (1327), Whelwright (1274), Whelsmyth (1319), Whelemonger (1332)
 ・ ブタ飼い (Thuresson 65--67): Swynherde (1327), Swyneman (1275), Swyner (1257), Swyndriuere (1317), Swon (c1240)
 ・ 猟師 (Thuresson 75--76): Hunte (1203), Hunter (1301), Hunteman (1235)


 ・ Fransson, G. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350, with an Excursus on Toponymical Surnames. Lund Studies in English 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1935.
 ・ Thuresson, Bertil. Middle English Occupational Terms. Lund Studies in English 19. Lund: Gleerup, 1968.

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2024-05-08 Wed

#5490. なぜ職業名を表わす姓の種類は近代英語期にかけて減少したのか? [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][by-name][me][mode][occupational_term]

 「#5488. 中英語期の職業名(を表わす姓)の種類は驚くほど細分化されていて多様だった」 ([2024-05-06-1]) および「#5489. 古英語の職業名の種類は中英語と同じくらい多様だったか否か」 ([2024-05-07-1]) を受けての話題.前者の記事で,中英語期には多様だった職業名が,近代英語期にかけて種類を減らしていった事実に触れた.
 同様に,職業名を表わす姓 (by-name) も,近代英語期にかけて種類を減らしていったという.これはなぜだろうか.Fransson (32) によれば,"by-name" が世襲の "family name" へ発展していく際に,一般的で短めの職業名が選択されたからではないかという.

As regards surnames of occupation we can notice that they become less specialized towards the end of the period, and if we examine rolls after 1350, we shall be surprised at the rarity of specialized names as compared with the earlier period. The reason for this has nothing to do with what has been said above about trades; it is connected with the heredity of surnames, which now begins to become prevalent. The specialized surname of occupation coincided with the trade of a person and, as a rule, does not seem to have been hereditary, which is probably due to its length and to the fact that it very easily calls to mind the trade itself. The surnames that became hereditary were usually short and denoted common trades, e.g. Smith, Cook, Tailor, Turner, etc.; it is almost exclusively names of this kind that one finds in later rolls. It is true that there are surnames of the specialized type that have survived to modern times, e.g. Arrowsmith, Cheesewright, but they are probably very rare; they owe their existence to the fact that the corresponding trade has died out or that the corresponding substantive has become extinct and its signification been forgotten, e.g. Billiter (= ME Belleyetere), Jenner (= ME Gynour), etc.

 本来的には個人に属していた by-name が家に属する family name へ発展していくにつれて,硬直化し多様性が失われたということだろう.時代は多様性の中世から画一性の近代へと変化していった,とも議論できそうだ.

 ・ Fransson, G.
Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350, with an Excursus on Toponymical Surnames''. Lund Studies in English 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1935.

Referrer (Inside): [2025-01-01-1]

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2024-05-07 Tue

#5489. 古英語の職業名の種類は中英語と同じくらい多様だったか否か [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][by-name][doublet][me][oe][anglo-saxon][norman_conquest][occupational_term]

 昨日の記事「#5488. 中英語期の職業名(を表わす姓)の種類は驚くほど細分化されていて多様だった」 ([2024-05-06-1]) の内容から,新たな疑問が浮かんでくる.先立つ古英語期には,職業名の種類は中英語期と同じくらい細分化されていて多様だったのだろうか? あるいは,もっと貧弱だったのだろうか.これは言語の話題にとどまらず,文化の問題,アングロサクソン文明のトピックとなる.
 昨日も参照した Fransson (31) は,おそらく古英語期には職業名はもっと貧弱だったろうと推測している.もっと言えば,多くの職業とその名前は,ノルマン征服 (norman_conquest) の影響のもとに,イングランド/英語にもたらされたのだろうと考えている.

Did this specialization exist before the Middle English period? The trade-names that are recorded in the Old English literature have been collected by Klump (Die altengl. Handwerkernamen). It is noteworthy that these are comparatively few in number; they are chiefly general names of trades, usually not specialized. A great number of the names in the present treatise are not represented there. To infer from this that all these did not exist in OE, is of course premature. The case is that we have no documents from that time in which trade-names are common. Much speaks in favour of the opinion, however, that many names of occupation did not come into existence until after the Norman conquest.

 古英語に多くの職業名が文証されないということは,古英語に多くの職業がなかったことを必ずしも意味するわけではない.しかし,Fransson の見立てでは,そのように解釈してよいのではないかということだ.

 ・ Fransson, G. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350, with an Excursus on Toponymical Surnames. Lund Studies in English 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1935.

Referrer (Inside): [2024-05-08-1]

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2024-05-06 Mon

#5488. 中英語期の職業名(を表わす姓)の種類は驚くほど細分化されていて多様だった [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][by-name][doublet][me][occupational_term]

 中英語の職業名を帯びた姓 (by-name) について調べていると,当時の職業の細分化されている様に驚く.こんなに細かく職業が分かれているのかと圧倒されると同時に,種類の多さに驚嘆せざるを得ないのだ.
 例えば Fransson (30) の研究によると,調査したサンプルのうち「布」産業に関する職業名に対応する姓は,なんと165種類あるという.「染め物屋」関連や「織物」業界も多く,後者と関連して25の姓がみつかるという.「冶金」方面にも108の姓が見出され,「物作り」や「物売り」も予想されるとおり種類が豊富で,関連付けられた姓は107に及ぶという.
 おもしろいことに,次の近代英語の時代には,ここまでの職業名の細分化や多様性は確認されないという.諸々の事情で通時的な比較は必ずしも単純ではないものの,Fransson (31) は "we can say that --- with the exception of modern factories -- specialization of trades was considerably greater in the Middle Ages than in modern times." と結論づけている.
 では,なぜ中英語期には職業(名)がこのように細分化されているのだろうか.Fransson (31) は,次の4点ほどを指摘し,議論している.

 (1) 中世の技術の著しい発展(製品改良の欲求と,そのための競争ゆえ)
 (2) 職業の名前について英語名と対応するフランス語名が併存していることが多く,一見して名前の種類が豊富に見えることが多い
 (3) ある職業名を帯びた人物が,狭い意味でその職業だけに従事していたわけではない,という事情がある.例えば girdler は「ガードル職人」だが,実際にはガードルだけを作っているわけではなく,同時に他の製品も作っていることが多い.つまり,広く金属製品の職人でもあった.
 (4) 上記と関連して,本業とともにマイナーな副業を営んでいた場合,後者の名前を姓として採用するほうが,姓としては識別能力が高いだろう.Blodleter 「瀉血人」(=床屋)や Vershewere 「韻文刻み」(=石切り)などが,そのような例に当たる.


 ・ Fransson, G. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350, with an Excursus on Toponymical Surnames. Lund Studies in English 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1935.

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2024-04-26 Fri

#5478. 中英語における職業を表わす by-name とともに現われる定冠詞や前置詞とその脱落 [article][preposition][onomastics][personal_name][name_project][methodology][eme][by-name][latin][french][evidence][translation][me_dialect][sobokunagimon][occupational_term]

 英語の姓には,原則として定冠詞 the の付くものがない.また,前置詞 of を含む名前もほとんどない.この点で,他のいくつかのヨーロッパ諸語とは異なった振る舞いを示す.
 しかし歴史を振り返ると,中英語期には,職業名などの一般名詞に由来する姓は一般名詞として用いられていた頃からの惰性で定冠詞が付く例も皆無ではなかったし,of などの前置詞付きの名前なども普通にあった.中英語期の姓は,しばしばフランス語の姓の慣用に従ったこともあり,それほど特別な振る舞いを示していたわけでもなかったのだ.
 ところが,中英語期の中盤から後半にかけて,地域差もあるようだが,この定冠詞や前置詞が姓から切り落とされるようになってきたという.Fransson (25) の説明を読んでみよう.

   Surnames of occupation and nicknames are usually preceded by the definite article, le (masc.) or la (fem.); the two forms are regularly kept apart in the earlier rolls, but in the 15th century they are often confused. Those names in this book that are preceded by the have all been taken from rolls translated into English, and the has been inserted by the editor instead of le or la. The case is that the hardly ever occurs in the manuscripts; cf the following instances, which show the custom in reality: Rose the regratere 1377 (Langland: Piers Plowman 226). Lucia ye Aukereswoman 1275 1.RH 413 (L. la Aukereswomman ib. 426).
   Sometimes de occurs instead of le; this is due to an error made either by the scribe or the editor. The case is that de has an extensive use in local surnames, e.g. Thom. de Selby. Other prepositions (in, atte, of etc.) are not so common, especially not in early rolls.
   The article, however, is often left out; this is rare in the 12th and 13th centuries, but becomes common in the middle of the 14th century. There is an obvious difference between different parts of England: in the South the article precedes the surname almost regularly during the present period, while in the North it is very often omitted. The final disappearance of le takes place in the latter half of the 14th century; in most counties one rarely finds it after c1375, but in some cases, e.g. in Lancashire, le occurs fairly often as late as c1400. De is often retained some 50 years longer than le: in York it disappears in the early 15th century, in Lancashire it sometimes occurs c1450, while in the South it is regularly dropped at the end of the 14th century.

 歴史的な過程は理解できたが,なぜ定冠詞や前置詞が切り落とされることになったのかには触れられていない.検討すべき素朴な疑問が1つ増えた.名前における前置詞については「#2366. なぜ英語人名の順序は「名+姓」なのか」 ([2015-10-19-1]) で少しく触れたことがある.そちらも参照されたい.

 ・ Fransson, G. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350, with an Excursus on Toponymical Surnames. Lund Studies in English 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1935.

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2024-04-22 Mon

#5474. 中英語における職業を表わす by-name の取り扱い (3) --- フランス語形の干渉 [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][methodology][eme][by-name][latin][french][evidence][translation][occupational_term]

 昨日の記事「#5473. 中英語における職業を表わす by-name の取り扱い (2) --- ラテン語形の干渉」 ([2024-04-21-1]) に続き,今回は英語の by-name に対するフランス語形からの干渉について.Fransson (24--25) より引用する.

   Besides in English, surnames also occur very frequently in French; I have made a calculation and found that one third of the surnames of occupation treated in this book is of French origin. The reason for this is to be found in the predominating position that the French language had during this period. French was spoken by all educated people, and English by the lower classes. Those who spoke French had, of course, surnames in French, and probably also used the French forms of English names when speaking with each other. It is possible, too, that those people who spoke English were influenced by this and used the French forms of their names, which, of course, were finer. During this period a large number of French names came into the language, and a great many of these have survived to the present day, whereas the corresponding substantives have often died out.
   There is also another reason, however, for the frequent occurrence of French names; the case is that the scribe often translated English names into French, especially in early rolls. These translations, which are most common in assize rolls, are principally due to the fact that the court proceedings were generally held in French. I have found some instances in which both the English and French forms occur of the same person's surname, e.g.: Humfrey le Syur 1270 Ass 144, H. le Sawyere ib. 139 (So). --- Ric. le Charpentir 1327 SR 211, R. le Wryth 1332 SR 96 (St).


 (1) 英単語として取り入れられておらず,生粋のフランス単語の使用例である
 (2) 英単語として取り入れられているが,ここではフランス単語の使用例である
 (3) 英単語として取り入れられており,ここでは英単語の使用例である

 (1) であると確信をもって述べるためには,当時の英語文献のどこを探しても,英単語として取り込まれている形跡がないことを示す必要がある.しかし,今後の調査によって英単語として取り込まれている形跡が1例でも見つかれば,確信が揺らぐことになろう.
 (2) か (3) のケースでは,英単語として取り入れられていることは確認できたとしても,当該箇所におけるその単語が,フランス語単語として使用されているのか,あるいは英単語として使用されているのかを判別するのは難しい.というのは,その語形はフランス語の語形かフランス語に由来する語形かであり,いずれにせよきわめて似ているからである.

 ・ Fransson, G. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350, with an Excursus on Toponymical Surnames. Lund Studies in English 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1935.

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2024-04-21 Sun

#5473. 中英語における職業を表わす by-name の取り扱い (2) --- ラテン語形の干渉 [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][methodology][eme][by-name][latin][french][evidence][translation][occupational_term][occupational_term]

 「#5470. 中英語における職業を表わす by-name の取り扱い」 ([2024-04-18-1]) で,英語の by-name の取り扱いの難しさは,ラテン語やフランス語からの干渉にあることを紹介した.今回はラテン語との関わりについて,Fransson (23--24) を引用して事情を解説したい.

   The medieval rolls were written in Latin, and Christian names and surnames were also, when practicable, often translated into Latin. This was especially the case in the early Middle Ages (12--13th cent.), and surnames in English are therefore rarely met with so early. The surnames that appear in Latin are chiefly those names that are in common use, e.g. Carpentarius, Cissor, Cocus, Faber, Fullo, Marescallus, Medicus, Mercator, Molendinarius, Pelliparius, Pistor, Sutor, Tannator, Textor, Tinetor. The surnames, however, that were rare and difficult to translate, e.g. Wirdragher, Chesewright, Heyberare, Geldehirde, generally occur in English, even in early rolls.
   In the 14th century these translations gradually pass out of use, and the native or French form becomes predominant. Thus, for instance, there is a considerable difference between SR [= Lay Subsidy Rolls] 1275 and SR 1327 (Wo); in the former there are a large number of names in Latin, but in the latter there are hardly any translations at all.
   There surnames in Latin seem to have had some influence on the later development; the case is that some of them still exist as surnames, e.g. Faber, Pistor, Sutor.


 ・ Fransson, G. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350, with an Excursus on Toponymical Surnames. Lund Studies in English 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1935.

Referrer (Inside): [2024-04-22-1]

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2024-04-20 Sat

#5472. 中英語期に英語人名へ姓が導入された背景 (3) [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][norman_conquest][sociolinguistics][by-name][german]

 「#5346. 中英語期に英語人名へ姓が導入された背景」 ([2023-12-16-1]) と「#5451. 中英語期に英語人名へ姓が導入された背景 (2)」 ([2024-03-30-1]) に続き,この話題についての第3弾.昨日の記事「#5471. 中英語の職業 by-name 研究の価値」 ([2024-04-19-1]) で引用・参照した Fransson が,"The Rise of Surnames" と題する節でこの問題を取り上げている.古英語から初期中英語にかけて surname (あるいは by-name)の使用が一般化してきた経緯と背景を読んででみよう (20--21) .

   In Old English times people generally had only one name, the Christian name, and there were a great many such names. But already during this period the need of a second name began to be felt, and a number of such names have been delivered to us . . . . How common these by-names were, is impossible to decide, as we have not sufficient material for this. What we especially want are rolls or books containing the names of the lower people. It is possible, therefore, that by-names were in fairly common use at the end of the Old English period. In the Charters, however, people usually appear without any second names throughout the period.
   In Domesday Book there are many instances of second names, but most persons still appear with a Christian name only. In the beginning of the Middle English period the development advances rapidly, and in the documents from this time second names become more and more common; in the 13th century one rarely finds a person mentioned only by his Christian name.
   The reason why the need of second names became stronger after the conquest is that Christian names were completely changed. Most of those that existed in Old English died out, and instead the Christian names of the Normans came into common use, but there were not so numerous. Thus there were only about 25 male names that were common: it is true that others existed, but they rarely occurred. Within the same village, therefore, one very often meets with persons who have the same Christian name. Owing to this an extra name was required to distinguish such persons; the next stage was to give other persons, too, a second name.
   The Normans had second names when they came to England, and these were added to those that already existed, thus accelerating the development.

 先の記事で触れたのとおおよそ同じ点が指摘されている.ノルマン征服後,洗礼名が英語系からノルマン系に置き換わったが,後者の種類が貧弱だったことが大きく影響している.ある村をランダムに取り上げた調査によると,Willelmus (7回),Robertus (5回),Johannes (3回),Ricardus (3回),Radulphus (3回),Adam (3回),Petrus (3回)等の状況である (Fransson 21fn) .
 ちなみに,姓を付す慣習の発達は,イングランドでは上記の通り初期中英語期のことだったが,ドイツではもっとずっと遅く,地域によっては14世紀まで稀だったというから驚きだ (Fransson 20fn) .改めてノルマン征服の大きな効果を感じさせる.

 ・ Fransson, G. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350, with an Excursus on Toponymical Surnames. Lund Studies in English 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1935.

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2024-04-19 Fri

#5471. 中英語の職業 by-name 研究の価値 [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][eme][by-name][occupational_term]

 昨日の記事「#5470. 中英語における職業を表わす by-name の取り扱い」 ([2024-04-18-1]) に続く話題.中英語の職業 by-name の分野で影響力のある単著を出した Fransson によると,同分野を研究する意義は多岐にわたる (18--19) .

The value of an investigation such as the present one is manifold. Besides explaining modern surnames, as has already been mentioned, it gives us many new words not previously found and furthermore early and often numerous instances of other common or rare words. By means of these early examples new light is not seldom thrown on the etymology, and the signification may sometimes be altered. In contradistinction to the literature of this period, the time and the place of the occurrence of each instance of a surname are well fixed, and thus the material gives a contribution to Middle English phonology. This material has hitherto not been used by linguists, but it is of the greatest value for the determination of the extension of the different dialects, as the same word can be followed in the different parts of England; there is hardly any other material that can be compared with that of surnames in this respect. --- The distribution is also shown not only of surnames, but also of the various names that a trade may have; the case is that a trade often had different names in different parts of England. Last, but not least, the civilization of this period is elucidated; we are informed what trades existed, how common they were in relation to each other, in what parts of England they flourished, and how specialized they were.


 ・ 現代の by-name を説明する
 ・ 新語の発見,あるいはすでに知られている語の早期の文証例の発掘が見込める
 ・ 早期の例を通じて,語源や語義の理解が深まることがある
 ・ 生起例の時期と場所が分かっているので,中英語の音韻論研究に寄与する
 ・ 同一の名前が異なる方言に現われるので,中英語方言研究に資する
 ・ 同一の職業名も異なる地域で異なる呼ばれ方をするので,やはり中英語方言研究に貢献する
 ・ 当時の職業文化が明らかになる


 ・ Fransson, G. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100--1350, with an Excursus on Toponymical Surnames. Lund Studies in English 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1935.

Referrer (Inside): [2024-04-20-1]

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2024-04-18 Thu

#5470. 中英語における職業を表わす by-name の取り扱い [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][methodology][eme][by-name][latin][french][med][evidence][loan_word][occupational_term]

 「#5452. 英語人名史における by-namefamily name の違い」 ([2024-03-31-1]) などで取り上げてきた,英語人名を構成する by-name の歴史研究について.初期中英語期に by-name を付ける慣習が徐々に発達していたとき,典型的な名付けのパターンの1つが職業名 (occupational terms) を利用するものだった.この方面の研究は,尽くされてはいないものの,それなりに知見の蓄積がある.Clark (294--95) は,カンタベリーにおける by-name を調査した論文のなかで,文証された by-name の解釈にまつわる難題に触れている.証拠をそのまま信じることは必ずしもできない理由が多々あるという.

The simplest of these Canterbury surnames offer supplementary records, mainly antedatings, of straightforward occupational terms. Yet all is not wholly straightforward. To begin with, we cannot be sure whether the occupational terms used in administrative documents were in fact all current as surnames, that is, in daily use among neighbours, or whether some were supplied by the scribes as formal specifiers, just as occupations and addresses are in legal documents of the present day. Nor can we be sure in what form neighbours would have used such terms as they did. With those examples that are latinized --- a proportion varying in the present material from three-quarters to nine-tenths --- scribal intervention is patent, although sometimes reconstruction of the vernacular base seems easy (such forms, and other speculative cases, are cited in square brackets). With those given in a French form matters are more complex. On the one hand, scribes had a general bias away from English and towards French, as though the latter were, as has been said, 'a sort of ignoble substitute for Latin'; therefore, use of a French occupational term guarantees neither its currency in the English speech of the time nor, alternatively, any currency of French outside the scriptorium: in so far as such terms appear neither in literary sources nor as modern surnames MED is justified in excluding them. On the other hand, many 'French' terms were adopted into English very early; use of these would by no means imply currency of French as such, either in the community at large or in the scriptorium itself.

 職業を表わす by-name は,そもそも文献学的に扱いにくい素材なのである.そして,これは職業を表わす by-name に限らず,中英語の固有名全般に関わる厄介な事情でもある.

 ・ Clark, Cecily. "Some Early Canterbury Surnames." English Studies 57.4 (1976): 204--309.

Referrer (Inside): [2024-04-21-1] [2024-04-19-1]

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2024-03-31 Sun

#5452. 英語人名史における by-namefamily name の違い [onomastics][personal_name][name_project][terminology][by-name]

 昨日の記事「#5451. 中英語期に英語人名へ姓が導入された背景 (2)」 ([2024-03-30-1]) その他の記事で説明抜きに使ってきた英語人名史上の by-name という用語について,一言述べておきたい.
 現代英語人名の first name, middle name, family name (あるいは last name, surname などとも)の区別はよく知られている.日本語母語話者にとって middle name (中間名)は比較的馴染みが薄いが,family name は「姓」(上の名前),first name は「名」(下の名前)として,対応物があるので理解しやすい.
 一方,英語人名史の文脈において,特に古英語期や中英語期における人名を論じる文脈において使われる by-name は,文字通りには「準ずる名前;2次的な名前」ほどの意味であり,first name だけでは識別力が弱い場合に付け加える補足的な名前をさす.ある意味では by-name は,現代の family name に対応する機能をもっているとはいえる.しかし,歴史的な観点からは,by-namefamily name は一応のところ区別しておいたほうがよい.
 この用語の問題について,Clark (567) に耳を傾けよう.

Although this generalised by-naming was what underlay the development of family naming, the two types of system must not be confused; for a by-name works differently from a family name. A by-name is literally descriptive (and therefore often translatable) and, in actual usage, applies only to one specific individual (to say which is not in the least, however, to deny the existence of conventional stocks of such descriptive phrases). It is, therefore, unstable and thus interchangeable with other formulations, as context or even whim might dictate, so that one and the same man might be specified in documents either as 'John son of William' or as 'John the tanner', probably according to whether his inheritance or his trade was in question, and might also perhaps have been known among his cronies as 'John with the beard' . . . . Such literal and shifting descriptions were no more than embryonically onomastic; and some of the more elaborate thirteenth-century formulas, such as Robertus filius Simonis ad crucem de Wytherington, were hardly even that. Yet, by showing how identity was being defined, even these artificial formulas contribute to onomastic history; and they may be supposed to have reflected, albeit distantly, everyday naming practices.


 ・ Clark, Cecily. "Onomastics." The Cambridge History of the English Language. Vol. 2. Ed. Olga Fischer. Cambridge: CUP, 1992. 542--606.

Referrer (Inside): [2025-01-01-1] [2024-04-18-1]

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