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昨日の記事「#1723. シップリーによる2重語一覧」 ([2014-01-14-1]) に引き続き,今度は Skeat の語源辞典 (748--51) に掲載されている2重語 (doublet) を一覧しよう.その前に,Skeat (748) の2重語の定義を掲げよう.
Doublets are words which, though apparently differing in form, are nevertheless, from an etymological point of view, one and the same, or only differ in some unimportant suffix. Thus aggrieve is from L. aggrauāre; whilst aggravate, though really from the pp. aggrauātus, is nevertheless used as a verb, precisely as aggrieve is used, though the senses of the words have been differentiated.
では,以下に645組の2重語一覧を掲げる.(なお,本ブログ右欄に「今日の doublet」コーナーを設けてみました.)
abbreviate | abridge |
abet | bet |
acajou | cashew |
adamant | diamond |
adventure | venture |
advocate | avouch, avow |
aggrieve | aggravate |
ait | eyot |
alarm | alarum |
allocate | allow |
ameer | emir, omrah |
amiable | amicable |
an | one |
ancient | ensign |
announce | annunciate |
ant | emmet |
anthem | antiphon |
antic | antique |
appal | pall |
appeal (sb) | peal |
appear | peer |
appraise | appreciate |
apprentice | prentice |
aptitude | attitude |
arc | arch |
army | armada |
arrack | rack, raki |
asphodel | daffodil |
assay | essay |
assemble | assimilate |
assess | assize (vb) |
assoil | absolve |
attach | attack |
attire | tire, tire |
bale | ball |
balm | balsam |
band | bond |
banjo | mandoline |
barb | bard |
base | basis |
bashaw | pasha |
baton | batten |
bawd | bold |
beadle | bedell |
beaker | pitcher |
beef | cow |
beldam | belladonna |
bench | bank, bank |
benison | benediction |
blame | blaspheme |
boil | bile |
boss | botch |
bough | bow |
bound | bourn |
bower | byre |
bowl | bull |
box | pyx, bush |
brave | bravo |
breve | brief |
brother | friar |
brown | bruin |
buff | buffalo |
cadence | chance |
caitiff | captive |
caldron, cauldron | chaldron |
caliber | caliver |
calumny | challenge |
camera | chamber |
cancer | canker |
cannon | canon |
caravan | van |
card | chart, carte |
case | chase, cash |
cask | casque |
castigate | chasten |
catch | chase |
cattle | chattels, capital |
cavalier | chevalier |
cavalry | chivalry |
cess | assess |
chaise | chair |
chalk | calx |
champaign | campaign |
channel | canal, kennel |
chant | cant |
chapiter | capital |
charge | cark, cargo |
chateau | castle |
cheat | escheat |
check (sb) | shah |
chicory | succory |
chief | cape |
chieftain | captain |
chirurgeon | surgeon |
choir | chorus, quire |
choler | cholera |
chord | cord |
chuck | shock, shog |
church | kirk |
cipher | zero |
cist | chest |
cithern | guitar, gittern, kit |
cive | chive |
clause | close (sb) |
climate | clime |
coffer | coffin |
coin | coign, quoin |
cole | kail |
collect | cull, coil (vb) |
collocate | couch |
comfit | confect |
commend | command |
commodore | commander |
complacent | complaisant |
complete (vb) | comply |
compost | composite |
comprehend | comprise |
compute | count |
conduct (sb) | conduit |
confound | confuse |
construe | construct |
convey | convoy |
cool | gelid |
corn | grain |
corn | horn |
coronation | carnation |
corral | kraal |
corsair | hussar |
costume | custom |
cot | cote |
couple (vb) | copulate |
coy | quiet, quit, quite |
coy | cage |
crape | crisp |
cream | chrism |
crease | crest |
crevice | crevasse |
crib | cratch |
crimson | carmine |
crop | coup |
crowd | rote |
crypt | grot |
cud | quid |
cue | queue |
curari | wourali |
curricle | curriculum |
curtle-axe | cutlass |
cycle | wheel |
dace | dart, dare |
dainty | dignity |
dame | dam, donna, duenna |
dan | don, domino |
dauphin | dolphin |
deck | thatch |
defence | fence |
defend | fend |
delay | dilate |
dell | dale |
demesne | domain |
dent | dint |
deploy | display, splay |
depot | deposit (sb) |
descry | describe |
desiderate | desire (vb) |
despite | spite |
deuce | two |
devilish | diabolic |
die | dado |
direct (vb) | dress |
dish | disc, desk, daïs |
disport | sport |
distain | stain |
ditch | dike |
ditto | dictum |
diurnal | journal |
doge | duke |
doit | thwaite |
dole | deal (sb) |
dominion | dungeon |
doom | -dom (suffix) |
dragon | dragoon |
dropsy | hydropsy |
due | debt |
dune | down |
eatable | edible |
éclat | slate |
elf | oaf, ouphe |
élite | elect |
emerald | smaragdus |
emerods | hemorrhoids |
employ | imply, implicate |
endow | endue, indue |
engine | gin |
entire | integer |
envious | invidious |
escape | scape |
eschew | shy (vb) |
escutcheon | scutcheon |
especial | special |
espy | spy |
esquire | squire |
establish | stablish |
estate | state, status |
estimate | esteem |
estop | stop |
estreat | extract |
etiquette | ticket |
example | ensample, sample |
exemplar | sampler |
extraneous | strange |
fabric | forge (sb) |
fact | feat |
faculty | facility |
fan | van |
fancy | fantasy, phantasy |
fashion | faction |
fat | vat |
fauteuil | faldstool |
fealty | fidelity |
feeble | foible |
fell | pell |
fester (sb) | fistula |
feud | fief, fee |
feverfew | febrifuge |
fiddle | viol |
fife | pipe, peep |
finch | spink |
finite | fine |
fitch | vetch |
flag | flake, flaw |
flower | flour |
flush | flux |
foam | spume |
font | fount |
force | farce |
foremost | prime |
foster | forester |
fragile | frail |
fray | affray |
fro | from |
frounce | flounce |
fungus | sponge |
furl | fardel |
gabble | jabber |
gad | ged |
gaffer | grandfather |
gage | wage |
gambado | gambol |
game | gammon |
gaol | jail |
garth | yard |
gear | garb |
genteel | gentle, gentile |
genus | kin |
germ | germen |
gig | jig |
gin | juniper |
gird | gride |
girdle | girth |
glamour | gramarye |
grain | corn |
granary | garner |
grece, grise | grade |
guarantee (sb) | warranty |
guard | ward |
guardian | warden |
guest | host |
guile | wile |
guise | wise |
gullet | gully |
gust | gusto |
guy | guide (sb) |
gypsy | Egyptian |
hackbut | arquebus |
hale | whole |
hamper | hanaper |
harangue | ring, rank, rink |
hash (vb) | hatch |
hatchment | achievement |
hautboy | oboe |
heap | hope |
heckle | hackle, hatchel |
hemi- | semi- |
hent | hint |
history | story |
hock | hough |
hoop | whoop |
hospital | hostel, hotel, spital, spittle |
hub | hob |
human | humane |
hyacinth | jacinth |
hydra | otter |
hyper- | super- |
hypo- | sub- |
illumine | limn |
inapt | inept |
inch | ounce |
indite | indict |
influence | influenza |
innocuous | innoxious |
invite | vie |
invoke | invocate |
iota | jot |
isolate | insulate |
jaggery | sugar |
jealous | zealous |
jinn | genie |
joint | junta, junto |
jointure | juncture |
jut | jet |
jutty | jetty |
ketch | catch |
label | lapel, lappet |
lac | lake |
lace | lasso |
lair | leaguer |
lake | loch, lough |
lateen | Latin |
launch, lanch | lance (vb) |
leal | loyal, legal |
lection | lesson |
lib | glib |
lieu | locus |
limb | limbo |
limbeck | alembic |
lineal | linear |
liquor | liqueur |
list | lust |
load | lode |
lobby | lodge |
locust | lobster |
lone | alone |
losel | lorel |
lurch | lurk |
madam | madonna |
major | mayor |
male | masculine |
malediction | malison |
mandate | maundy |
mangle | mangonel |
manœuvre | manure |
march | mark, marque |
margin | margent, marge |
marish | morass |
maul | mall |
mauve | mallow |
maxim | maximum |
mazer | mazzard |
mean | mesne, mizen |
memory | memoir |
mentor | monitor |
metal | mettle |
milt | milk |
minim | minimum |
minster | monastery |
mint | money |
mister | master |
mob | mobile, movable |
mode | mood |
mohair | moire |
moment | momentum, movement |
monster | muster |
morrow | morn |
moslem | mussulman |
mould | module |
munnion | mullion |
musket | mosquito |
naive | native |
naked | nude |
name | noun |
natron | nitre |
naught, nought | not |
nausea | noise |
neat | net |
nias | eyas |
noyau | newel |
obedience | obeisance |
octave | utas |
of | off |
onion | union |
oration | orison |
ordinance | ordnance |
orpiment | orpine |
osprey | ossifrage |
otto | attar |
ouch | nouch |
outer | utter |
overplus | surplus |
paddle | spatula |
paddock | park |
pain (vb) | pine |
paladin | palatine |
pale | pallid, fallow |
palette | pallet |
paper | papyrus |
parade | parry |
paradise | parvis |
paralysis | palsy |
parole | parable, parle, palaver |
parson | person |
pass | pace |
pastel | pastille |
pasty | patty |
pate | plate |
patron | pattern |
pause | pose |
pawn | pane, vane |
paynim | paganism |
peer | appear |
peise | poise |
pelisse | pilch |
pellitory | paritory |
penance | penitence |
peregrine | pilgrim |
peruke | periwig, wig |
pewter | spelter |
phantasm | phantom |
piazza | place |
pick | peck, pitch (vb) |
picket | piquet |
piety | pity |
pigment | pimento |
pike | peak, pick (sb), pique (sb), spike |
pippin | pip |
pistil | pestle |
pistol | pistole |
plaintiff | plaintive |
plait | pleat, plight |
plan | plain, plane, llano |
plateau | platter |
plum | prune |
poignant | pungent |
point | punt |
poison | potion |
poke | pouch |
pole | pale, pawl |
pomade, pommade | pomatum |
pomp | pump |
poor | pauper |
pope | papa |
porch | portico |
posy | poesy |
potent | puissant |
poult | pullet |
pounce | punch |
pounce | pumice |
pound | pond |
pound | pun (vb) |
power | posse |
praise | price |
preach | predicate |
premier | primero |
priest | presbyter |
private | privy |
probe (sb) | proof |
proctor | procurator |
prolong | purloin |
prosecute | pursue |
provide | purvey |
provident | prudent |
punch | punish |
puny | puisne |
purl | profile |
purpose | propose |
purview | proviso |
quartern | quadroon |
queen | quean |
raceme | raisin |
rack | wrack, wreck |
radix | radish, race, root, wort |
raid | road |
rail | rally |
raise | rear |
ramp | romp |
ransom | redemption |
rapine | ravine, raven |
rase | raze |
ratio | ration, reason |
ray | radius |
rayah | ryot |
rear-ward | rear-guard |
reave | rob |
reconnaissance | recognisance |
regal | royal, real |
relic | relique |
renegade | runagate |
renew | renovate |
reprieve | reprove |
residue | residuum |
respect | respite |
revenge | revindicate |
reward | regard |
rhomb, rhombus | rumb |
ridge | rig |
rod | rood |
rondeau | roundel |
rote | route, rout, rut |
round | rotund |
rouse | row |
rover | robber |
sack | sac |
sacristan | sexton |
saw | saga |
saxifrage | sassafras |
scabby | shabby |
scale | shale |
scandal | slander |
scar, scaur | share |
scarf | scrip, scrap |
scatter | shatter |
school | shoal, scull |
scot(free) | shot |
screen | shriek |
screed | shred |
screw | shrew |
scur | scour |
scuttle | skillet |
sect, sept, set | suite, suit |
sennet | signet |
separate | sever |
sequin | sicca |
sergeant, serjeant | servant |
settle | sell, saddle |
shammy | chamois |
shark | search |
shawm, shalm | haulm |
sheave | shive |
shed | shade |
shirt | skirt |
shrub | sherbet, syrup |
shuffle | scuffle |
sicker, siker | secure, sure |
sine | sinus |
sir, sire | senior, seignior, señor, signor |
size, size | assise |
skewer | shiver |
skiff | ship |
skirmish | scrimmage, scaramouch |
slabber | slaver |
sleight | sloid |
sleuth | slot |
slobber | slubber |
sloop | shallop |
snivel | snuffle |
snub | snuff |
soil | sole, sole |
soprano | sovereign |
sough | surf |
soup | sup |
souse | sauce |
spade | spade |
species | spice |
spell | spill |
spend | dispend |
spirit | sprite, spright |
spoor | spur |
spray | sprig, asparagus |
sprit | sprout (sb) |
sprout (vb) | spout |
spry | spark |
squall | squeal |
squinancy | quinsy |
squire | square |
stank | tank |
stave | staff |
steer | Taurus |
still | distil |
stock | tuck |
stove | stew (sb) |
strait | strict |
strap | strop |
stress | distress |
superficies | surface |
supersede | surcease |
suppliant | supplicant |
sweep | swoop |
tabor | tambour |
tache | tack |
taint | attaint |
tamper | temper |
tarpauling | tar |
task | tax |
taunt | tempt, tent |
tawny | tenny |
tease | tose |
tee | taw |
teind | tithe, tenth |
tend | tender |
tense | toise |
tercel | tassel |
thread | thrid |
thrill, thirl | drill |
tine | tooth |
tippet | tape |
tit | teat |
title | tittle |
to | too |
ton | tun |
tone | tune |
tour | turn |
tow | tug |
town | down |
track | trick |
tract | trait |
tradition | treason |
travail | travel |
treble | triple |
trifle | truffle |
tripod | trivet |
triumph | trump |
troth | truth |
tuck | tug |
tuck | touch |
tulip | turban |
tweak | twitch |
umbel | umbrella |
unity | unit |
ure | opera |
vade | fade |
vair | various |
valet | varlet |
vantage | advantage |
vast | waste |
vaward | vanguard |
veal | wether |
veldt | field |
veneer | furnish |
venew, veney | venue |
verb | word |
vermeil | vermillion |
vertex | vortex |
vervain | verbena |
viaticum | voyage |
viper | wyvern, wivern |
visor | vizard |
vizier, visier | alguazil |
vocal | vowel |
wain | wagon, waggon |
wale | weal |
wattle | wallet |
weet | wit |
whirl | warble |
wight | whit |
wold | weald |
yelp | yap |
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