「#2469. アジアの英語圏」([2016-01-30-1]) に引き続き,今回はアフリカの英語圏の人口統計について.Gramley (307, 309, 311) の "Anglophone Southern African countries", "Anglophone West African countries", "Anglophone East African countries" の表を掲載しよう. * *
country | significant UK contact | colonial status | independence | total population | English speakers | |
percentage | total number | |||||
Botswana | 19th century | 1885 | 1966 | 1,640,000 | --38% | 630,000 |
Lesotho | protectorate | 1966 | 1,800,000 | --28% | 500,000 | |
Malawi | 1878 | 1891 | 1964 | 13,000,000 | --4% | 540,000 |
Namibia | 1878 | 1920 (S. Afr.) | 1990 | 1,800,000 | --17% | > 300,000 |
South Africa | 1795 | 1795 | 1910 | 47,850,000 | > 28% | 13,700,000 |
Swaziland | 1894 | 1902 (UK) | 1968 | 1,140,000 | --4.4% | 50,000 |
Zambia | 1888 | 1924 | 1953, 1964 | 13,000,000 | --15% | --2,000,000 |
Zimbabwe | 1890 | 1923 | 1953, 1980 | 13,300,000 | --42% | 5,550,000 |
Cameroon | 1914 | 1916 | 1960 | 18,500,000 | --42% | 7,700,000 |
Gambia | 1661, 1816 | 1894 | 1965 | 1,700,000 | --2.3% | 40,000 |
Ghana (formerly gold coast) | 1824, 1850 | 1874, 1902 | 1957 | 23,480,000 | --6% | 1,400,000 |
Liberia | USA 1822 | none | 1847 | 3,750,000 | --83% | 3,100,000 |
Nigeria | 1851 | 1884, 1900 | 1960 | 148,000,000 | --53% | 79,000,000 |
Sierra Leone | 1787 | 1808 | 1961 | 5,800,000 | --83% | 4,900,000 |
Kenya | 1886 | 1895, 1920 | 1963 | 39,000,000 | --9% | 2,700,000 |
Tanzania | 1880s | 1890, 1920 | 1961 | 42,000,000 | --11% | 4,000,000 |
Uganda | 1860s | 1888, 1890 | 1962 | 31,000,000 | --10% | 2,500,000 |
In most of these countries a kind of indigenization or nativization is currently taking place, a process in which the domains of the language are expanding and in which increasingly endonormative standards are becoming established for usages which were once stigmatized as mistakes. This is opening the way to wider use of English in creative writing and to the institutionalization of local forms in schools, the media, and government . . . . English may well still be far from being a language of the emotions among the vast majority of its users; indeed, the institutionalization of English may be making it ever more difficult for those without English to close the social gap between "the classes and the masses." All the same, English is more and more firmly a part of everyday linguistic experience.
これら "New Englishes" の使用に関する歴史社会言語学的な事情については「#1255. "New Englishes" のライフサイクル」 ([2012-10-03-1]) を参照されたい.また,アフリカの英語圏のいくつかの地域については,「#343. 南アフリカ共和国の英語使用」 ([2010-04-05-1]),「#412. カメルーンの英語事情」 ([2010-06-13-1]),「#413. カメルーンにおける英語への language shift」 ([2010-06-14-1]),「#514. Nigeria における英語の位置づけ」 ([2010-09-23-1]) で取り上げてきたので,そちらをご覧ください.Gramley の英語史概説書のコンパニオンサイトより,こちらの解説PDFファイルのなかの "colonial expansion into West Africa" の記事も有用.
・ Gramley, Stephan. The History of English: An Introduction. Abingdon: Routledge, 2012.
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