堀田 隆一(慶應義塾大学)
「hellog~英語史ブログ」: http://user.keio.ac.jp/~rhotta
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英語は現代世界において最も有力な言語です.しかし,英語の世界的拡大の結果,通常私たちが学んでいる「標準英語」以外にも様々な英語が発達しており,近年はその総体を「世界(諸)英語」 “World Englishes” と呼ぶことが増えてきました.
世界の様々な英語の例 (#4590):
Hey up, where’s tha been? They’ve been looking all over for thee.
Lorimer haed aye been interestit in the Scots leid (syne he wis a bairn o nine year auld he haed written doun Scots wirds an eedioms) an his kennin o the strauchles o minority leids that he got frae his readins o the nautral press durin the Weir led him tae feel that something needit daein tae rescue the Scots laid.
em i tok se papa i gat sik [“he said that the father was sick”]
Jan bin go wok a hospital [“John would have worked at the hospital”]
nóu wants dér wáz, a úol wíč liedi lív, had wán són, níem av wiljəm. [“Once upon a time there was an old witch, who had a son whose name was William.”]
I seen my baby girl. I knowed it was her. She look just like me and my daddy.
Now me and E. speaks English. And when we went one day to a workshop — and uh, most of the teachers there were Africaans — and we were there; they were looking at us like that you know. And I asked E., “Why’s this people staring at us?” She said, “No, I don’t know.”
Igbo girls are hardworking, smart, successful and independent so ain’t nuffin wrong in them lookin for a hardoworkin, successful man. if u ain’t gats the money, they aint gon want u cos u below their level of achievement.
However, as Hong Kong is going through an economic down turn recently, we shall have to see. . . Last year we have raised more than two million Hong Kong Dollars.
The tans [= military unit] use to stay in Sarangoon.
堀田による「連載 現代英語を英語史の視点から考える」の第2回「なぜ3単現に -s を付けるのか? ――変種という視点から」より:
GloWbE (= Corpus of Global Web-Based English) に含まれる20変種は赤字で示す:
全体的傾向3点 (#4506):
注目すべき共通点 — “angloversals”: