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word_class - hellog〜英語史ブログ

最終更新時間: 2025-03-09 09:00

2025-03-05 Wed

#5791. "word class" (語類)は OED によると1882年初出 [oed][pos][terminology][linguistics][category][morphology][inflection][word_class][loan_translation][german]

 昨日の記事「#5790. 品詞とは何か? --- OED の "part of speech" を読む」 ([2025-03-04-1]) などで触れてきたが,品詞 (pos) と重なりつつも,もっと緩い括りである語類 (word_class) について OED を引いてみた.

A category of words of similar form or syntactic characteristics; esp. a part of speech.

1882 A root is an abstraction of all word-classes and their differences. (E. Channing, translation of A. F. Pott in translation of B. Delbrück, Introd. Study Language v. 74.
1914 Other word classes which are not expressed by formational similarity. (L. Bloomfield, Introduction to Study of Language iv. 109)
1924 We have a great many words which can belong to one word-class only: admiration, society, life can only be substantives [etc.]. (O. Jespersen, Philosophy of Grammar iv. 61)
1953 The so-called parts of speech (still more inappropriately word-classes) are classes of stem-morpheme. (C. E. Bazell, Linguistic Form vi. 76)
1998 All of the general properties shared by whole word classes..are assumed to be within the competence of the grammar rather than of the lexicon. (Euralex '98 Proceedings vol. I. ii. 261)

 初出は1882年で,歴史的には新しい.語源欄にはドイツ語 Wortklasse (1817) のなぞりとの示唆もある.

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