言語学と「ミーム」 (meme) について,マクロの観点から「#3188. ミームとしての言語 (1)」 ([2018-01-18-1]) や「#3189. ミームとしての言語 (2)」 ([2018-01-19-1]) で話題にしてきた.
もともと meme という英単語は,上記の過去記事で紹介しているようにイギリスの進化生物学者 Richard Dawkins の造語である.OED によると1976年に初出している.生物学用語としての meme が文化的な派生義を経て,第2語義として,すなわち "An image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations. Also with modifying word, as internet meme, etc." として用いられた初例は1998年の次の文である.
1998 The next thing you know, his friends have forwarded it [sc. an animation of a dancing baby] on and it's become a net meme. (Sci. & Technol. Week (transcript of CNN TV programme) (Nexis) 24 January)
現代では,日々ネット上で数々のミームが蔓延しては死滅していっている.Crystal (97) より,linguistic memes の解説を読んでみよう.
The word meme was introduced in 1976 by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in Chapter 11 of The Selfish Gene as a shortened form of mimeme, from a Greek word meaning 'that which is imitated'. As Dawkins put it: 'I want a monosyllable that sounds a bit like "gene". I hope my classicist friends will forgive me if I abbreviate mimeme to meme.' The word echoes the -eme suffix used in linguistics (phoneme, morpheme, etc), but lacks its notion of minimal contrastivity. A meme is a unit of cultural transmission which spreads throughout a population and which can persist for a considerable time. Dawkins illustrated from tunes, ideas, fashions in clothing, ways of making pots or of building arches, and --- of relevance to this book --- catch phrases.
The notion has achieved great prominence as a result of the Internet, which promotes the rapid spread of images and text, while at the same time allowing a potentially infinite number of variations. Most are photos with superimposed captions (similar to speech bubbles) that have humorous or satirical intent, though many convey messages of political or social seriousness, and some try to express notions of philosophy.
For a meme to work, it has to be unique, distinctive, and consistent --- something that is easily achievable using language. The chief linguistic feature is the use of nonstandard forms --- in earlier developments such as text messaging, chiefly deviant spelling; in more recent varieties, deviant grammar. Among the best-known inventions are Leetspeak, LOLcats, Doge, and Doggolingo (pp. 458--9). But standard English can also be a fruitful memic source, as the examples below illustrate.
No language domain is sacrosanct, and political correctness is conspicuous by its absence. Y U NO uses upper-case textese (p. 455) to parody the simplified speech of foreign learners, using a sketch of a character from a Japanese manga series: its memic origin began with I TXT U / Y U NO TXT BAK!? Ermahgerd shows a young woman holding several books from the children's horror fiction series Goosebumps; the name is a version of 'Oh my God', as spoken by someone with a speech impediment; it is also known as Gersberms and Berks (books).
There are hundreds of meme wannabes on the Internet now, all hoping (but few achieving) a permanent place in language history. Some sites provide instruction in 'how to create your own meme'. We must expect a significant increase in the amount of linguistic idiosyncrasy both on and off the web now, srsly.
・ Crystal, D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. 3rd ed. CUP, 2018.
Ritt (37--38) は,物議を醸しかねない "selfish sounds" の言語観に基づいて,言語変化を次のように解説している.非常に丁寧な解説ではある.
What is usually called 'Old English' represents a heterogeneous (yet most probably inherently ordered) pool of competences 'in' Old English. These competences will each have been different from one another, but will have shared a sufficient number of properties for making communication among 'Old English' speakers possible. 'Present Day English' represents another pool of competences, once again heterogeneous in an orderly way. Importantly, the mix of competence properties that characterises the pool constituting 'Present Day English' differs considerably from the mix of properties that characterises the 'Old English' competence pool. Some properties that can be found in one pool are absent in the other, and of those which are present in both some will be distributed differently. We assume that these differences are due to 'language change'. This implies that some causal link can be established between the 'Old English' competence pool on the one hand and the 'Present Day English' pool on the other. Most probably, such a link is established via behavioural and textual manifestations of language, as well as by competences of 'intermediate' stages of English. It is supposed that temporally later competences assume their characteristic properties by interpreting the textual output produced on the basis of earlier competences. Linguistic change happens because later competences do not always appear to assume quite the same properties as earlier competences. Thereby, the mix of properties that characterises the competence pool of a speech community is continually altered --- albeit only slightly --- as one new competence after the other assumes first its adult, and ultimately its final state. At the same time earlier competences are continually removed from the pool as the speakers who host them die. Over time, these processes may amount to such differences as those which distinguish 'Present Day English' from 'Old English'. This, then, is what we refer to when we say that 'Old English' has become, or changed into 'Present Day English'.
Ritt は「言語能力素の一溜まりが宿主である話者に寄生している」という言語観をもっている.ここから,言語変化についても独特な見方をもつに至った.言語項を "meme" に見立てる Neo-Darwinian 的な言語観については,以下の記事も参考にされたい.
・ 「#1402. 英語が千年間,母音を強化し子音を弱化してきた理由」 ([2013-02-27-1])
・ 「#1403. drift を合理的に説明する Ritt の試み」 ([2013-02-28-1])
・ 「#3215. ドーキンスと言語変化論 (1)」 ([2018-02-14-1])
・ 「#3216. ドーキンスと言語変化論 (2)」 ([2018-02-15-1])
・ 「#3217. ドーキンスと言語変化論 (3)」 ([2018-02-16-1])
・ Ritt, Nikolaus. Selfish Sounds and Linguistic Evolution: A Darwinian Approach to Language Change. Cambridge: CUP, 2004.
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