
#5633. 形容詞補文として to 不定詞が続く7つのタイプ --- Quirk et al. より[adjective][complementation][infinitive][syntax][construction][semantics][helmate][helwa]


 Quirk et al. (1226--27; §16.75) に,"Adjective complementation by a to-infinitive clause" と題する項がある.

We distinguish seven kinds of construction in which an adjective is followed by a to-infinitive clause. They are exemplified in the following sentences, which are superficially alike:

  (i) Bob is splendid to wait.
 (ii) Bob is slow to react.
(iii) Bob is sorry to hear it.
 (iv) Bob is hesitant to agree with you.
  (v) Bob is hard to convince.
 (vi) The food is ready to eat.
(vii) It is important to be accurate.

In Types (i--iv) the subject of the main clause (Bob) is also the subject of the infinitive clause. We can therefore always have a direct object in the infinitive clause if its verb is transitive. For example, if we replace intransitive wait by transitive build in (i), we can have: Bob is splendid to build this house.
   For Types (v--vii), on the other hand, the subject of the infinitive is unspecified, although the context often makes clear which subject is intended. In these types it is possible to insert a subject preceded by for; eg in Type (vi): The food is ready (for the children) to eat.

 いずれの構文も表面的には「形容詞 + to 不定詞」と同様だが,それぞれに固有の統語的,意味的な特徴がある.要調査ではあるが,おそらく歴史的発達の経路も互いに大きく異なるものが多いだろう.
 目下 helwa リスナーからなる Discord 上の英語史コミュニティ内部における「ヌマる!英文法」チャンネルにて,He is sure to win the game. のような構文が話題となっている.この「sure + to 不定詞」の構文は,Quirk et al. によれば (iv) タイプに属するという.理解は必ずしもたやすくない.

 ・ Quirk, Randolph, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman, 1985.

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