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2023-08-01 Tue

#5209. 他動性 (transitivity) とは何か? (3) [transitivity][termonology][verb][grammar][syntax][construction][semantic_role][semantics]

 他動性 (transitivity) について,2回にわたって論じてきた.

 ・ 「#5202. 他動性 (transitivity) とは何か?」 ([2023-07-25-1])
 ・ 「#5204. 他動性 (transitivity) とは何か? (2)」 [2023-07-27-1]

 今回は Bussmann (494--95) の用語辞典より transitivity の項を引用する.

Valence property of verbs which require a direct object, e.g. read, see, hear. Used more broadly, verbs which govern other objects (e.g. dative, genitive) can also be termed 'transitive'; while only verbs which have no object at all (e.g. sleep, rain) would be intransitive. Hopper and Thompson (1980) introduce other factors of transitivity in the framework of universal grammar, which result in a graduated concept of transitivity. In addition to the selection of a direct object, other semantic roles as well as the properties of adverbials, mood, affirmation vs negation, and aspect play a role. A maximally transitive sentence contains a non-negated resultive verb in the indicative which requires at least a subject and direct object; the verb complements function as agent and affected object, are definite and animate . . . . Using data from various languages, Hopper and Thompson demonstrate that each of the factors listed above as affecting transitivity is important for making transivtivity through case, adpositions, or verbal inflection. Thus in many languages (e.g. Lithuanian, Polish, Middle High German) affirmation vs negation correlates with the selection of case for objects in such a way that in affirmative sentences the object is usually in the accusative, while in negated sentences the object of the same verb occurs in the genitive or in another oblique case.

 他動性とは,(1) グラデーションであること,(2) 言語によってその具現化の方法は様々であること,が分かってきた.理論的には,対格目的語を要求する,結果を表わす直説法の肯定動詞が,最大限に "transitive" であるということだ.

 ・ Bussmann, Hadumod. Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics. Trans. and ed. Gregory Trauth and Kerstin Kazzizi. London: Routledge, 1996.

Referrer (Inside): [2023-09-23-1]

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2023-07-27 Thu

#5204. 他動性 (transitivity) とは何か? (2) [transitivity][termonology][verb][grammar][syntax][construction][semantic_role][semantics][philosophy_of_language]

 「#5202. 他動性 (transitivity) とは何か?」 ([2023-07-25-1]) ひ引き続き,他動性 (transitivity) について.
 Halliday の機能文法によると,他動性を考える際には3つのパラメータが重要となる.過程 (process),参与者 (participant),状況 (circumstance) の3つだ.このうち,とりわけ過程 (process) が支配的なパラメータとなる.
 「過程」と称されるものには大きく3つの種類がある.さらに小さくいえば3つの種類が付け足される.それぞれを挙げると,物質的 (material),精神的 (mental),関係的 (relational),そして 行為的 (behavioural), 言語的 (verbal), 存在的 (existential) の6種となる.

Transitivity A term used mainly in systemic functional linguistics to refer to the system of grammatical choices available in language for representing actions, events, experiences and relationships in the world . . . .
   There are three components in a transitivity process: the process type (the process or state represented by the verb phrase in a clause), the participant(s) (people, things or concepts involved in a process or experiencing a state) and the circumstance (elements augmenting the clause, providing information about extent, location, manner, cause, contingency and so on). So in the clause 'Mary and Jim ate fish and chips on Friday', the process is represented by 'ate', the participants are 'Mary and Jim' and the circumstances are 'on Friday'.
   Halliday and Mtthiesen (2004) identify three main process types, material, mental and relational, and three minor types, behavioural, verbal and existential. Associated with each process are certain kinds of participants. 1) Material processes refer to actions and events. The verb in a material process clause is usually a 'doing' word . . .: Elinor grabbed a fire extinguisher; She kicked Marina. Participants in material processes include actor ('Elinor', 'she') and goal ('a fire extinguisher', 'Marina'). 2) Metal processes refer to states of mind or psychological experiences. The verb in a mental process clause is usually a mental verb: I can't remember his name; Our party believes in choice. Participants in mental processes include senser(s) ('I'; 'our party') and phenomenon ('his name'; 'choice'). 3) Relational processes commonly ascribe an attribute to an entity, or identify it: Something smells awful in here; My name is Scruff. The verb in a relational processes include token ('something', 'my name')) and value ('Scruff', 'awful'). 4) Behavioural processes are concerned with the behaviour of a participant who is a conscious entity. They lie somewhere between material and mental processes. The verb in a behavioural process clause is usually intransitive, and semantically it refers to a process of consciousness or a physiological state: Many survivors are sleeping in the open; The baby cried. The participant in a behavioral process is called a behaver. 5) Verbal processes are processes of verbal action: 'Really?', said Septimus Coffin; He told them a story about a gooseberry in a lift. Participants in verbal processes include sayer ('Septimus Coffin', 'he'), verbiage ('really', 'a story') an recipient ('them'). 6) Existential processes report the existence of someone or something. Only one participant is involved in an existential process: the existent. There are two main grammatical forms for this type of process: existential there as subject + copular verb (There are thousands of examples.); and existent as subject + copular verb (Maureen was at home.)


 ・ Pearce, Michael. The Routledge Dictionary of English Language Studies. Abingdon: Routledge, 2007.

Referrer (Inside): [2023-09-23-1] [2023-08-01-1]

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2023-07-25 Tue

#5202. 他動性 (transitivity) とは何か? [transitivity][termonology][verb][mood][grammar][syntax][construction]

 『新英語学辞典』 (1267) によると,他動性 (transitivity) は Halliday の文法理論における用語で,法 (mood) と主題 (theme) とともに Halliday 文法における3つの大きな体系網を構成する.他動性とは,他動詞 (transitive verb) と自動詞 (intransitive verb) の区別に対応する概念というよりも,むしろ節に参与する要素間の「関与性」ととらえるほうが適切だろう.
 例えば Sir Chirstopher Wren built this bridge. といった典型的な SVO の文においては,行為者,過程,目標の3者が互いに関与し合っており,他動的であるといわれる.しかし,これは単純で典型的な例にすぎない.いくつの参与者がどのように関与し合っているかのパターンは様々であり,細分化していくと最終的には一つひとつの個別具体的な過程を区別しなければならなくなるだろう.この細分化の尺度を delicacy と呼んでいる.他動性は,したがって,動詞がいくつの項を取り得るかという問題や,伝統文法における「文型」の話題とも関連してくる.
 英文法に引きつけて考えるために,Crystal の言語学辞典より transitivity を引いて,例とともに理解していこう.

transitivity (n.) A category used in the grammatical analysis of clause/sentence constructions, with particular reference to the verb's relationship to dependent elements of structure. The main members of this category are transitive (tr, trans), referring to a verb which can take a direct object (as in he saw the dog), and intransitive (intr, intrans), where it cannot (as in *he arrived a ball). Many verbs can have both a transitive and an intransitive use (cf. we went a mile v. we went), and in some languages this distinction is marked morphologically. More complex relationships between a verb and the elements dependent upon it are usually classified separately. For example, verbs which take two objects are sometimes called ditransitive (as opposed to monotransitive), as in she gave me a pencil. There are also several uses of verbs which are marginal to one or other of these categories, as in pseudo-intranstive constructions (e.g. the eggs are selling well, where an agent is assumed --- 'someone is selling the eggs' --- unlike normal intransitive constructions, which do not have an agent transform: we went, but not *someone went us). Some grammarians also talk about (in)transitive prepositions. For example, with is a transitive preposition, as it must always be accompanied by a noun phrase complement (object), and along can be transitive or intransitive: cf. She arrived with a dog v. *She arrived with and She was walking along the river v. She was walking along.


 ・ 大塚 高信,中島 文雄(監修) 『新英語学辞典』 研究社,1982年.
 ・ Crystal, David, ed. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. 6th ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2008. 295--96.

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