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2025-01-29 Wed

#5756. Oxford Bibliographies の Linguistics の項目 [oxford_bibliographies][bibliography][linguistics][link]

 閲覧は購読者限定となるが,Oxford Bibliographies の Linguistics の項に集積されている書誌がきわめて秀逸である.すでに以下の記事で触れてきた.

 ・ 「#4631. Oxford Bibliographies による意味・語用変化研究の概要」 ([2021-12-31-1])
 ・ 「#4634. Oxford Bibliographies による英語史研究の歴史」 ([2022-01-03-1])
 ・ 「#4742. Oxford Bibliographies による統語変化研究の概要」 ([2022-04-21-1])
 ・ 「#5124. Oxford Bibliographies による文法化研究の概要」 ([2023-05-08-1])

 今回は Linguistics の項の配下の全書誌について,開閉できる一覧と,各書誌へのリンクを張っておきたい.研究・学習のお供にどうぞ.

+ Linguistics

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2023-05-08 Mon

#5124. Oxford Bibliographies による文法化研究の概要 [bibliography][syntax][grammaticalisation][language_change][oxford_bibliographies]

 文法化 (grammaticalisation) は,いまや言語学の主要な領域を占めている.本来は言語史,歴史言語学,言語変化研究の文脈から現われてきた概念だが,現在では認知言語学やコーパス言語学とも結びつき,広く文法を扱う研究において一大潮流を形成している.文法化の具体的事例は,形態論,統語論,意味論でカバーされるものが多いものの,しばしば音韻論,語用論,語法研究など各種方面へはみ出していくので,ある意味では1つの言語学とみなしてもよいほどである.
 Oxford Bibliographies は,各分野の専門家が整理した書誌を定期的にアップデートしつつ紹介してくれる重要なリソースだが,そこに "Grammaticalization" の項目も立てられている.D. Gary Miller と Elly van Gelderen による選書で,最終更新は2016年,最終レビューは2022年となっている.書誌の全文にアクセスするにはサブスクライブが必要である.ここでは,A4で印刷すると13ページほどにわたる書誌の冒頭部分 "Introduction" のみを引用しておく.  *

The essence of grammaticalization is the evolution of a lexical category to a grammatical one or of a hybrid/functional category to another grammatical category. The first involves changes such as that of the verb have from "possess" to the marker of the perfect tense. The second involves changes such as that of to from a preposition (a hybrid category in English) to an infinitive marker or such as that of a demonstrative (e.g., the Latin ille 'that') to a definite article (the Italian il, the Spanish el, and so on). These changes have attracted attention for hundreds of years and are very well known. More recently, additional conditions and stipulations have been placed on this leading idea, but the essence remains the same.

 Oxford Bibliographies の紹介シリーズの hellog 記事として,以下も参照.

 ・ 「#4631. Oxford Bibliographies による意味・語用変化研究の概要」 ([2021-12-31-1])
 ・ 「#4634. Oxford Bibliographies による英語史研究の歴史」 ([2022-01-03-1]) も参照.
 ・ 「#4742. Oxford Bibliographies による統語変化研究の概要」 ([2022-04-21-1])

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2022-04-21 Thu

#4742. Oxford Bibliographies による統語変化研究の概要 [hel_education][history_of_linguistics][bibliography][syntax][grammaticalisation][generative_grammar][language_change][oxford_bibliographies]

 分野別に整理された書誌を専門家が定期的にアップデートしつつ紹介してくれる Oxford Bibliographies より,"Syntactic Change" の項目を参照してみた(すべてを読むにはサブスクライブが必要).Acrisio Pires と David Lightfoot による選書で,最終更新は2013年,最終レビューは2017年となっている(そろそろ更新されないかと期待したい).  *
 英語史の分野では統語変化研究が非常に盛んであり,我が国でも先達のおかげで英語統語論の史的研究はよく進んでいる.しかし,学史を振り返ってみると,統語変化研究の隆盛は20世紀後半以降の現象といってよく,それ以前は音韻論や形態論の研究が主流だった.1950--60年代の生成文法の登場と,それに触発されたさまざまな統語研究のブームにより,英語史の分野でも統語への関心が高まってきたのである.21世紀に入ってからは,とりわけ文法化 (grammaticalisation) が注目され,統語変化研究は新局面に突入した.上記の "Syntactic Change" の項のイントロダクションより引用する.

Linguistics began in the 19th century as a historical science, asking how languages came to be the way they are. Almost all of the work dealt with the changing pronunciation of words and "sound change" more broadly. Much attention was paid to explaining why sounds changed the way they did, and that involved developing ideas about directionality. Work on syntax was limited to compiling how different languages expressed clause types differently, notably Vergleichende Syntax der Indogermanischen Sprachen, by Berthold Delbrück. With the greatly increased attention to syntax in the latter half of the 20th century, approaches to syntactic change were enriched significantly. Most of the work on change, both generative and nongenerative, continued the 19th-century search for an inherent directionality to language change, now in the domain of syntax, but other approaches were developed seeking to understand new syntactic systems arising through the contingent conditions of language acquisition.

 Oxford Bibliographies からの話題としては,「#4631. Oxford Bibliographies による意味・語用変化研究の概要」 ([2021-12-31-1]) と「#4634. Oxford Bibliographies による英語史研究の歴史」 ([2022-01-03-1]) も参照.

Referrer (Inside): [2025-01-29-1] [2023-05-08-1]

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2022-01-03 Mon

#4634. Oxford Bibliographies による英語史研究の歴史 [hel_education][history_of_linguistics][bibliography][oxford_bibliographies]

 分野別に整理された書誌を専門家が定期的にアップデートしつつ紹介してくれる Oxford Bibliographies より,"History of the English Language" の項目を参照してみた(すべてを読むにはサブスクライブが必要).主に英語の統語論の歴史を研究している Ans van Kemenade と Bettelou Los による選で,最新の更新は2019年7月11日となっている.  *

The study of the history of the English language has a long and rich tradition, starting with a range of editions of important Old and Middle English texts in the middle of the 19th century, many of which are still available as reprints from the early English Text Society . . . . The linguistic study of the history of English took off in the 20th century with a range of traditional grammars usually concerned with the phonology and morphology of Old and Middle English and a further range of detailed studies of the language of particular texts and of particular dialects areas. Since the 1970s and in the wake of the development of functionalist and formalist models of language structure, language use, and diachronic change, the various historical stages of English and the diachronic changes in the domains of phonology, morphology, syntax, and pragmatics have also become a favorite playground of historical linguists. The study of these aspects has been greatly enhanced by the recent boost of computerized corpora, including text corpora as well as corpora enriched with various types of linguistic information. The history of English in all its breadth has thus become a field of study that draws both on rich documentation and on linguistic and methodological sophistication.

 新年に英語史を学び始めたい方,あるいはさらに学び続けたい方は,英語史学習・研究のための一般的書誌として,ぜひ「#4358. 英語史概説書等の書誌(2021年度版)」 ([2021-04-02-1]),「#4557. 「英語史への招待:入門書10選」」 ([2021-10-18-1]) をご参照ください.後者については Voicy ラジオ版の「対談 英語史の入門書」も聴いてみてください.意欲がわいてくると思います.

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2021-12-31 Fri

#4631. Oxford Bibliographies による意味・語用変化研究の概要 [hel_education][history_of_linguistics][bibliography][semantic_change][semantics][pragmatics][oxford_bibliographies][onomasiology]

 分野別に整理された書誌を専門家が定期的にアップデートしつつ紹介してくれる Oxford Bibliographies より,"Semantic-Pragmatic Change" の項目を参照した(すべてを読むにはサブスクライブが必要).この分野の重鎮といえる Elizabeth Closs Traugott による選で,最新の更新は2020年12月8日となっている.副題に "Your Best Research Starts Here" とあり入門的書誌を予想するかもしれないが,実際には専門的な図書や論文も多く含まれている.  *

Semantic change is the subfield of historical linguistics that investigates changes in sense. In 1892, the German philosopher Gottlob Frege argued that, although they refer to the same person, Jocasta and Oedipus's mother, are not equivalent because they cannot be substituted for each other in some contexts; they have different "senses" or "values." In contemporary linguistics, most researchers agree that words do not "have" meanings. Rather, words are assigned meanings by speakers and hearers in the context of use. These contexts of use are pragmatic. Therefore, semantic change cannot be understood without reference to pragmatics. It is usually assumed that language-internal pragmatic processes are universal and do not themselves change. What changes is the extent to which the processes are activated at different times, in different contexts, in different communities, and to which they shape semantic and grammatical change. Many linguists distinguish semantic change from change in "lexis" (vocabulary development, often in cultural contexts), although there is inevitably some overlap between the two. Semantic changes occur when speakers attribute new meanings to extant expressions. Changes in lexis occur when speakers add new words to the inventory, e.g., by coinage ("affluenza," a blend of affluent and influenza), or borrowing ("sushi"). Linguists also distinguish organizing principles in research. Starting with the form of a word or phrase and charting changes in the meanings of that the word or phrase is known as ???semasiology???; this is the organizing principle for most historical dictionaries. Starting with a concept and investigating which different expressions can express it is known as "onomasiology"; this is the organizing principle for thesauruses.

 意味・語用変化の私家版の書誌としては,3ヶ月ほど前に「#4544. 英単語の意味変化と意味論を研究しようと思った際の取っ掛かり書誌(改訂版)」 ([2021-10-05-1]) を挙げたので,そちらも参照されたい.

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