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heathenism - hellog〜英語史ブログ

最終更新時間: 2025-03-27 07:16

2023-09-04 Mon

#5243. 異教時代の古英語地名 [oe][toponymy][anglo-saxon][christianity][name_project][onomastics][history][chronology][heathenism]

 Hough (98) によると,キリスト教化する以前のイングランドの古英語地名に,異教の神や寺院などの名前が用いられているものがあるという.このようなケースでは,それだけ古い土地であると解釈してよさそうだ.

Also indicative of early settlement are place-names referring to religious or other customs that were later superseded. Place-names referring to Anglo-Saxon paganism represent an early stratum which must pre-date the conversion to Christianity around 627. In England they fall into two main groups: those containing the names of pagan gods, and those containing a word for a heathen shrine or temple. Examples of the former are Tysoe (Tiw + OE hōh 'heel; hill-spur'), Wensley (Woden + OE lēah 'wood, clearing'), Thursley (Thunor + OE lēah 'wood, clearing', and Friden (Frig + denu 'valley'); examples of the latter are Harrow (OE hearg 'temple') and Weeford (OE wēoh 'shrine' + ford 'ford). The absence of either type from the corpus of Old English place-names in Scotland is usually taken to indicate that the Anglo-Saxons did not move north until after the conversion to Christianity, although this has been challenged on the grounds that pagan names are also absent from large areas of England . . . .


 ・ Hough, Carole. "Settlement Names." Chapter 6 of The Oxford Handbook of Names and Naming. Ed. Carole Hough. Oxford: OUP, 2016. 87--103.

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