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clang_association - hellog〜英語史ブログ

最終更新時間: 2025-03-27 07:16

2021-10-08 Fri

#4547. clang association [semantic_change][synonym][psycholinguistics][terminology][etymology][semiotics][pun][clang_association]

 英語史の古典的著書といってよい Algeo and Pyles を読んでいて,語の意味変化 (semantic_change) の話題と関連して clang association という用語を知った.もともとは心理学の用語のようだが「類音連想(連合),音連合」と訳され,例えば clingring のように押韻するなど発音が似ている語どうしに作用する意味的な連想のことをいうようだ.いくつかの英語学用語辞典を引いても載っていなかったので,これを取り上げている Algeo and Pyles (233--34) より引用するほかない.

   Sound Associations
   Similarity or identity of sound may likewise influence meaning. Fay, from the Old French fae 'fairy' has influenced fey, from Old English fǣge 'fated, doomed to die' to such an extent that fey is practically always used nowadays in the sense 'spritely, fairylike.' The two words are pronounced alike, and there is an association of meaning at one small point: fairies are mysterious; so is being fated to die, even though we all are so fated. There are many other instances of such confusion through clang association (that is, association by sound rather than meaning). For example, in conservative use fulsome means 'offensively insincere' as in "fulsome praise," but it is often used in the sense 'extensive' because of the clang with full. Similarly, fruition is from Latin frui 'to enjoy' by way of Old French, and the term originally meant 'enjoyment' but now usually means 'state of bearing fruit, completion'; and fortuitous earlier meant 'occurring by chance' but now is generally used as a synonym for fortunate because of its similarity to that word.

 発音が近い単語どうしが,意味の点でも影響し合うというのは,記号論的にはもっともなことだろう.当然視しており深く考えることもなかったが,記号間の連携というのは,高度に記号を操ることのできるヒトならでは芸当である.ダジャレや,それに立脚するオヤジギャグを侮ることなかれ.立派な clang association なのだから.

 ・ Algeo, John, and Thomas Pyles. The Origins and Development of the English Language. 5th ed. Boston: Thomson Wadsworth, 2005.

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