A Pearl Glossary Derived from MED Entries: Page 18

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1701c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)986renǒun (n.) Also renoun(n)e, renowun, rennoun(e, renon, rennone & (error) renonone; pl. renoun(e)s, etc. & rennons, renoums & (error) ronons.I sy3e þat cyty of gret renoun, Jerusalem so nwe and ryally dy3t.
1702c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)986citē (n.) Also citee, site, city, citty, sity, cete, sete.I sy3e þat cyty of gret renoun, Jerusalem so nwe and ryally dy3t, As hit was ly3t fro þe heuen adoun.
1703c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)988lighten (v.(2)) Also light(e, lightein, ligten, li3t(e(n, li3the, liht(e(n, licten, lithen, lithten, listen, līte & (S) lei3t & (early) lihtæn, liþte. Forms: sg. 3 lighteth, etc. & (early) lichteð, leoþtað; p. lighted(e, (error) lightd, etc. & light(e, li3t(e, li3th, liht(e, licte, liste, līte, (early) lichte; pl. lighten, li3ten, lihten, līten; ppl. i)lighted, li3ted, li3thed, ilihted & light(e, li3t(e, li3th, ligt, i)liht, lith.I sy3e..Jerusalem so nwe and ryally dy3t, As hit was ly3t fro þe heuen adoun.
1704c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)988adǒun (adv.) Also adune, adon(e.I sy3e..Jerusalem..As hit was ly3t fro þe heuen adoun.
1705c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)989gōld (n.) Also glod, gol, goud, gould, guld; (errors) golden, 3olde; (in cpds. only) golt-.Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde bry3t.
1706c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)989brennen (v.) Also brin(n)en & birn(en, bern(en, beornen, burne(n & bǣrnen, barnen, bearnen. Forms: sg. 3 brenneth, brinneth & bīrnis, bērn(e)th & bǣrneþ, bārn(e)ð; p. brend(e, brenned(e, brent(e, brinde, brinnede, brint(e, brand(e, brant & barnde, bearnde, bernde, birnde, burnde & (rare) born; ppl. brenned, i)brend, i)brent, brinned, brind, brint & branned, i)brand, ibrant & ibarnd, birnt, burnt.Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde bry3t, As glemande glas burnist broun.
1707c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)990glēmen (v.) Also gleamen, gleimen.Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde bry3t, As glemande glas burnist broun.
1708c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)990brǒun (adj.) Also brun(e, broyn, bruyn; (in cpds.) brombron-.Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde bry3t, As glemande glas burnist broun.
1709c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)990burnishen (v.) Ppl. burnished, -eshed, -ushed, -essed, burnisht, -esht, -usht, -ist, -est, ybornshed.As glemande glas burnist broun.
1710c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)992bantel (n.)Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde bry3t..Wyth bantelez twelue on basyng boun, Þe foundementez twelue of riche tenoun.
1711c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)992bāsing (ger.) Also baisen.Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde bry3t..Wyth bantelez twelue on basyng boun.
1712c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)992bǒun (adj.) Also būn, bound & bōn, boin, bone.Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde..Wyth bantelez twelue on basyng boun [rime: renoun, adoun].
1713c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)993fǒundement (n.) Also foundment, foundament, fund-.Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde bry3t..Þe foundementez twelue of riche tenoun.
1714c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)993tenǒun (n.(2)) Also tenoune, tenon, (error) tenowre.Þe bor3 watz al of brende golde..Þe foundementez twelue of riche tenoun.
1715c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)994sēre-lēpes (adj.) Also serlipes, surlipis, -lepus, suirelepes, -lepus, (?error) surlepees.Vch tabelment watz a serlypez ston.
1716c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)994tāblement (n.) Also tabelment, tabil-, tabul- & (?error) tablemer.I sy3e..Jerusalem..Vch tabelment [Vulg. Apoc.21.19: fundamenta muri civitatis] watz a serlypez ston.
1717c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)997nemnen (v.) Also nemne, nemni, nemme(n, nem(e(n, nemenen, nemeni, nennen, nenen, neni, nempne(n, nempni, nempe, & (early) nemniæn, næmmie & (errors) nimphe, nompne, cp. nevenen v. & namen v. Forms: sg.3 nemneth, etc. & (early) namneth; pl. nemneth, etc. & (early) nemnað, nemniað, næmmeð; p. nemnede, etc. & nemmet, nemend, niempned, nempt, nempted & (early) nænnede, nemdæ, næmdest; ppl. nemned, etc. & inemned, inemmed, inemed, inemd, inemened, inempned, inempnet, inempde, nempt, inempted, & (early) inemnæd, inemnod, inamned, 3enemned, 3enamned, genamned, genæmd, & (late) namned.Jhon..þise stonez in writ con nemme.
1718c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)998tāle (n.) Also tal(le & (chiefly N) tail(e, (N) taille & (early infl.) talen; pl. tales, etc. & talus, (chiefly early) talen & (error) tateles.As John þise stonez in writ con nemme, I knew þe name after his tale: Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme.
1719c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)999jaspre (n.) Also jasper, jasporie.Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme.
1720c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1000bās(e (n.) Also bace, baas, bays, & basse.Þe foundementez twelue..Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme Þat I on þe fyrst basse con wale..Saffer helde þe secounde stale.
1721c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1000wālen (v.(1)) P.ppl. wāled, wālt, (16th cent.) wālit.Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme Þat I on þe fyrst basse con wale.
1722c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1001glenten (v.) Also gleint, (error) gleirtand. Forms: p. glent(e, glint, (late) glented; ppl. glent.Jasper..glente grene in þe lowest hemme.
1723c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1001hem (n.) Also heme, hemme, hemn(e.Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme..He glente grene in þe lowest hemme Saffer helde þe secounde stale.
1724c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1001loue (adj.) Also lou, logh(e, lo3(e, loewe, loe3, loew3, louwe, lough(e, lou3(e, louh(e, (early) loge, loh(e, (late) loe, love, (error) longh & (early) la3e, la3h(e, lag(e, lah(e, laig, laih & (chiefly N & NM) lau(e, lagh(e, laugh, (error) langh & lei, (early) laie, leahe, (error) lewe. Comp. louer(e, etc. & la3ghere & (early) lah3hre & (late) lawier.Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme..He glente grene in þe lowest hemme.
1725c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1002hōlden (v.(1)) Also hold(e, old(e, hoilde, houlde, holt(e, (error) hole & hāld(e(n, ald, halt(e, (early) haldan, -æn & hēld(e(n, hēld(e, heald(e(n, eald(en, (early) healdan, -æn, -on, hælden, -an & hielde, hialde, hyalde, hyealde, hyelden, (error) hilede & hūlde & (error) heolde. Forms: sg. 2 hōldest, etc. & holst, haldst, halds, halst; 3 hōldeth, etc. & holt, olt, halt(e, alt, helt, healt, (early) hælt & halth, halds; pl. (ind. & impv.) hōldeth, etc. & holt, halt(e, halds; p. hēld, ēld, hēlt, hēlede, heild, (error) hel & heold, hoeld, heuld, hueld, hūld, hūlt, hōld & hīld, hield & hōldede; sg. 2 hēlde & hēldest; ppl. hōld(e(n, ōlden, houlden, (?error) hoden & hāld(en, ālden & hēlden.Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme Þat I on þe fyrst basse con wale..Saffer helde þe secounde stale.
1726c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1002second (num.) Also secound(e, -und(e & (error) secoun; pl. secondes.Saffer helde þe secounde stale.
1727c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1002stāle (n.(3)) Pl. stāles, stailis, (early) stalen.Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme Þat I on þe fyrst basse con wale; He glente grene in þe lowest hemme; Saffer helde þe secounde stale.
1728c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1003wem (n.) Also wem(m)e, (N) wembe, wimbe & (early) wæmme, (SW or SWM) weom(me & (in place name) weni- & (error) wein; pl. wem(me)s, wimmis, (?error) wemense.Jasper ... glente grene in the lowest hemme ... Þe calsydoyne þenne wythouten wemme In þe þryd table con purly pale.
1729c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1003calcedoine (n.) Also calci-, calse-, calsi-, casse-, cas(s)i-, kassi-; -doni(e, -don(e, -down, -dun, -den, -dine.Þe calsydoyne þenne wythouten wemme In þe þryd table con purly pale.
1730c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1004pālen (v.(3)) Also palle.Þe calsydoyne þenne wythouten wemme In þe þryd table con purly pale.
1731c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1004pūrelī (adv.) Also purli, puerli, poreli, puirliche, puirlicle.Þe calsydoyne þenne wythouten wemme In þe þryd table con purly pale.
1732c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1004tāble (n.) Also tabel(e, tabil(le, tabul(le & (error) tablee; pl. tables, etc. & tabullus, tabel, tabil, (early) tablen & (errors) tablees, tabes.I sy3e..Jerusalem..Vch tabelment watz a serlypez ston..Þe calsydoyne þenne wythouten wemme In þe þryd table con purly pale.
1733c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1005emeraude (n.) Also -ade, -oude, -ode, -oide, -alde, -a(u)nd, -a(u)nt; amer-, esmer-.Þe emerade..so grene of scale.
1734c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1005scāle (n.(1)) Also s(c)kale, scalle, (NEM) skail.Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme..Þe emerade þe furþe so grene of scale.
1735c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1006sardonix (n.) Also sardonise, sardenik, sardonice, sardinic, sardoniac.Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme..Þe sardonyse þe fyfþe ston.
1736c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1007rubī(e (n.) Also rubē, robi, ribi, ribē, rebē; pl. rubies, etc. & rubeus, robies, rebies.Þe sexte þe rybe he con hit wale In þe Apocalyppce þe apostel John.
1737c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1007sixt(e (num.) Also sixth(e, sixete, sixst, zixst, (K) zixt(e & sext(e, sexthe, sexith & (early SWM) siste, sæxte, (chiefly early SWM) seste, (early infl.) sixten, -an; for the spellings sexst, sexth see LALME 4.253-4.Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme..Þe sexte þe rybe.
1738c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1007 (2nd occurrence)thē (def. art.) Also de, (chiefly N & NM) ye, (N & NM) 3e, (N) thi & (WM & early, chiefly sg. fem. & pl.) þeo, (early SWM sg. & pl.) þea, (early, chiefly SWM, sg. & pl.) þæ, (early sg. acc. fem.) þie & (chiefly after t, d, f, s) te, (before vowels & w) th-, (before a, e, st) t-, (before a, i) y- & (error) then. Contractions: there (the yere), þile (the while). For the spellings þhe, yhe see LALME 4.3.Vch tabelment watz a serlypez ston..Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme..Þe sexte þe rybe.
1739c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1009crisolīte (n.) Also crisolitus, crisolide, cresolite, grisolit, grisolet, sersolette.3et joyned John þe crysolyt, þe seuenþe gemme in fundament.
1740c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1009joinen (v.(1)) Also join(e, joignen, juine, june(n, jonen, joni(on & (?errors) joien, jainen, junge. Forms: sg. 3 joineth, etc. & juint; p.ppl. i)joined, joinet, jjoined, iǧoined, iyoined, i)joigned, i)juined, juned, junet, joned, ǧenned & joint, joient, joiind.3et joyned John þe crysolyt, Þe seuenþe gemme in fundament.
1741c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1011eightethe (ord. num.) Also eightthe, eighth(e, eighte, eght; aghthe, aght.Jasper hy3t þe fyrst gemme..þe a3tþe þe beryl cler & quyt.
1742c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1012nīnthe (num.) Also nineth(e, neinthe, neinethe, neienthe, ninteth, nineinthe & niethe, nithe, neghed, (early) ni3ethe, ni3othe, nigethe, nihethe, nih3ethe, noe3the, nei3d, (infl.) ni3odan & niend, nind(e, neind, nend, neinind, neint, ninte, nent(e, nighend, neghend(e, neighend, ne3ende, ni3ente, neghent, nihend, neuent, (early) ni3ende, ni3hende.As Jhon þise stonez in writ con nemme, I knew þe name after his tale..Þe topasye twynne-how þe nente endent.
1743c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1012twin(ne (num.) Also twine, twinni, tuin(ne, (error) tune.In þe Apocalyppce þe apostel John..joyned..crysolyt, Þe seuenþe gemme in fundament; Þe a3tþe, þe beryl cler and quyt; Þe topasye twynne-how þe nente endent.
1744c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1013crisopās(e (n.) Also crisopassus, crisophas, crisoprassus, crispassus, cersopas.Þe crysopase þe tenþe is ty3t.
1745c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1013tenth(e (num.) Also tent(e, tend(e, tennith, tennethe, tienthe, tiente, tiende, (N or NM) tēnd, teind(e & (early) teonðe, (infl.) tenðen & (in surname) tinte- & (?errors) tenteþ, tenteth, (errors) tenc, tendes, trenþe.3et joyned John þe crysolyt Þe seuenþe gemme in fundament..Þe crysopase þe tenþe is ty3t.
1746c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1013tighten (v.(2)) Also ti3t, (N) teit; p. tight(e, ti3t(e, (N) thight; ppl. i)tight, tighte, i)ti3t, ti3te, ti3th, tiht, tith, (N) tithte, (SW) itei3t & (early) thit.3et joyned John þe crysolyt Þe seuenþe gemme in fundament..Þe crysopase þe tenþe is ty3t.
1747c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1014ellēventhe (ord. num.) Also en(d)lefte, -leofte, ellefte; en(d)lefthe, ellefthe; enlevethe, ell-, aleveth; en(d)leventhe, el(l)eventhe; ellevent, elevend; elleven (before a noun beginning with a consonant).Þe jacyngh Þe enleuenþe gent.
1748c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1014ǧent (adj.) Also gente, ient, jent.Þe crysopase þe tenþe is ty3t; Þe jacyngh þe enleuenþe gent.
1749c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1014jacinct(e (n.) Also jacinkt(e, jasinkt, jacint, jacingh, jacin(c)tus.As Jhon þise stonez..con nemme, I knew þe name..Þe jacyngh þe enleuenþe gent.
1750c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1015ǧentīl (adj.) Also gentile, gentille, gentel(le, gentle, ientil(e, ientel, jentil(e, jentille, jentel & gantil, iantaile, jantil, jantel & gintil. Pl. ǧentīl & ǧentil(e)s.Þe crysopase þe tenþe is ty3t..Þe twelfþe, þe gentyleste in vch a plyt, Þe amatyst purpre wyth ynde blente.
1751c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1016amatist(e (n.) Also ametiste, amites, ametas(t, amatite, amacite, emastice, & (scribal blunder) amafissed.Þe amatyst purpre wyth ynde blente.
1752c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1016īnde (n.(2)) Also ind, hind(e, jnde, inda, hende.Þe amatyst, purpre wyth ynde blente.
1753c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1016purpur(e (adj.) Also purper, purpour, purpre, pourpre, porpere, porpre.Þe twelfþe, þe gentyleste in vch a plyt, Þe amatyst purpre with ynde blente.
1754c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1016blēnden (v.(2)) Also blinden & blonden. Forms: p. blende, blente; ppl. blend, blent, blended & blande.Þe amatyst, purpre wyth ynde blente.
1755c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1017bantel (n.)Þe wal abof þe bantels bent O jasporye, as glas þat glysnande schon.
1756c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1018glisnen (v.) Also glisnien, glisenen, gliss(e)nen, gles(s)enen & glistnen, glistenen.O jasporye, as glas þat glysnande schon.
1757c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1018jaspre (n.) Also jasper, jasporie.Þe wal abof þe bantels bent O jasporye, as glas þat glysnande schon.
1758c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1019dēvīsement (n.)I knew hit by his deuysement In þe Apocalyppez.
1759c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1022dēgrē (n.) Also degrece, degrie, digre, þegre, decre. Pl. degres, degrece, degreis, degrez, degreces.Þise twelue degres wern brode & stayre; Þe cyte stod abof ful sware.
1760c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1022steire (adj.) Also staire, (early) stæ3re.Þise twelue degres wern brode and stayre; Þe cyte stod abof ful sware, As longe as brode, as hy3e ful fayre.
1761c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1023abǒve(n (adv.) Also abufe(n, abuue(n, abowve; obove(n, obufe(n; abof, obof, aboyf; aboun(e, abown(e, aboon, oboun(e; abow, abo3e.Þise twelue degres wern brode and stayre; Þe cyte stod abof ful sware.
1762c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1023squār(e (adj.) Also scwar, sware, suare.Þe cyte stod abof, ful sware, As longe as brode as hy3e, ful fayre.
1763c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1023citē (n.) Also citee, site, city, citty, sity, cete, sete.As John deuysed 3et sa3 I þare..Þe cyte stod abof ful sware..Þe stretez of golde as glasse al bare.
1764c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1024alsō (adv.) Also alswo, alz(u)o; alswa, alsway, alsqua, alsa; elswa; alse, als, as.Þe cyte stod abof ful sware, As longe as brode as hy3e ful fayre.
1765c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1024brōd (adj.) Also brad, broid, (dat. early) braden. Forms: comp. brōder, brōdder(e, bradder(e.Þe cyte stod abof ful sware, As longe as brode as hy3e.
1766c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1025bār (adj.) Also ber, bear, bair.Þe cyte stod abof ful sware..Þe stretez of golde as glasse al bare, Þe wal of jasper þat glent as glayre.
1767c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1026glaire (n.) Also gleire, glaier, glei3ir & glare & glire.Þe stretez of golde as glasse al bare, Þe wal of jasper þat glent as glayre.
1768c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1026glenten (v.) Also gleint, (error) gleirtand. Forms: p. glent(e, glint, (late) glented; ppl. glent.Þe wal of jasper þat glent as glayre.
1769c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1027enǒurnen (v.) Also an-, enurnen.Þe wonez wythinne enurned ware Wyth alle kynnez perre.
1770c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1028al-kin(nes (adj. & (earlier) gen. phrase.) Also (gen. sg. phrase, chiefly in early texts) alles kinnes, ~ kunnes, ~ kennes; (gen. pl. phrase) alle kinne, ~ kunne, whence (later gen. pl. phrase) al-kin; alle kinnes, ~ kunnes, whence alkin(ne)s; alir-kin.Wyth alle kynnez perre.
1771c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1028repairen (v.) Also repair(e, repeir(e(n, repeier, repaier(en, repare(n; p. repairede, etc. & repairet; ppl. repaired(e, repairit, repeired.Þe cyte stod abof..ful fayre..Þe wonez wythinne enurned ware Wyth alle kynnez perre þat mo3t repayre.
1772c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1029hōlden (v.(1)) Also hold(e, old(e, hoilde, houlde, holt(e, (error) hole & hāld(e(n, ald, halt(e, (early) haldan, -æn & hēld(e(n, hēld(e, heald(e(n, eald(en, (early) healdan, -æn, -on, hælden, -an & hielde, hialde, hyalde, hyealde, hyelden, (error) hilede & hūlde & (error) heolde. Forms: sg. 2 hōldest, etc. & holst, haldst, halds, halst; 3 hōldeth, etc. & holt, olt, halt(e, alt, helt, healt, (early) hælt & halth, halds; pl. (ind. & impv.) hōldeth, etc. & holt, halt(e, halds; p. hēld, ēld, hēlt, hēlede, heild, (error) hel & heold, hoeld, heuld, hueld, hūld, hūlt, hōld & hīld, hield & hōldede; sg. 2 hēlde & hēldest; ppl. hōld(e(n, ōlden, houlden, (?error) hoden & hāld(en, ālden & hēlden.Þenne helde vch sware of þis manayre Twelue forlonge space..of he3t, of brede, of lengþe.
1773c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1029manēr (n.(1)) Also manar, manir & manour, manor, manoir, manair.Þenne helde vch sware of þis manayre Twelue forlonge space.
1774c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1029squār(e (n.) Also sware, squere, squir(e, squier, squiire, squi3er, sqire, skwire, suire, swier, swire, swirre; pl. squares, etc. & squar(e.Þenne helde vch sware of þis manayre, Twelue forlonge space er euer hit fon, Of he3t, of brede, of lenþe, to cayre.
1775c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1030furlong (n.) Also (rare) fur3- and furow-, forlong, -lang, -lung. Pl. furlong, -es.Þenne helde vch sware of þis manayre, Twelue forlonge space er euer hit fon, Of he3t, of brede, of lenþe.
1776c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1030spāce (n.) Also spas(e, (error) stace.Þenne helde vch sware of þis manayre Twelue forlonge space..Of he3t, of brede, of lenþe to cayre.
1777c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1034hāven (v.) Also have, ave(n, haf(e(n, haffe, haif, haw(e(n, (early) hafven, hafa, (late) ihave, (error) hove & habbe(n, abbe(n, habe(n, h)ab, (early) habban, habbæn, habbeon, 3ehabban, hebbe, hæbbe(n & han, an, hanne, ha, a, hai & halven, half(e; neg. nave, nabbe(n, næbbe. Forms: sg. 1 hāve, etc. & hās; neg. nāve, nāf(e, nabbe; sg. 2 h)āvest, h)āfest, hāves, hāvez, hafs, (early) hafast, hafust, hævest, hafvest, hæfvest, hafst & habbes, habbez & h)āst, haist, hēst, hās(e, ās, hasse, hātz & (early) hæhvest; neg. nāvest, nafst, nefst, nāst; sg. 3 h)āveth, hāved, h)āvet, h)āfeth, hāveht, h)āves, hāvez, hafs, (early) hāfað, hafæð, hæveð, hæfeð, hæfed, hæfet, hæfveð, hæfæð, hafð, hafd, hefð, hæfð, hæfd, hafh & habbes, habbez & h)āth, hād, haith, haeth, hāt, hēth, hēt, haght, ha3t, ha3th, hās(e, ās, hasse, haes, hātz & (?errors) hat3, ha3, he3; neg. nāveth, nāfeth, nāved, nāvet & (early) nafæð, nafð, næfð, nābit; pl. (including impv.) hāv(e(n, hāf(e(n, haffe, hāveth, hāves, hāfez & habben, haben, h)abbeth, habeth, h)abbet, habbez, (early) habbaþ, habbæð, habbeoð & h)ān, , a, hāth, haght, haht, hās(e, ās, hais, hātz, (errors) hathes, hases & half(e, helveþ; neg. nāve, nabbe, nabbeth, nabbed, nabbet, (early) nabbæð, nabbeoð, næbbæð; ppl. hāving(e, etc. & (pl.) awends; p. h)āved(e, hevede, (early) hafede, hafvede, hefede, hefvede, hævede, hæfede, hæfvede, heovede & havde, hafd(e, afde, (early) h)efde, hæfde, h)eafde, heofde, hafte, hefte & h)adde, hād(e, ad, haid(e, hedde, hēd(e, (early) hædde & (early) hehde, hæhde, hæhvede; neg. nadde, nād(e, nhadde, nedde, (early) nevede, nefede, nævede, nafde, nefde, næfde, neafde; sg. 2 haddest, etc. & hādes, hādez, (early) hafdis; neg. naddest, etc.; ppl. i)hāved, āved, ihāvet, h)ihafd, ihēved & i)hād, i)hadde, jhād, hāde, i)hēd, ihēt, (early) ihæd. Contractions: inf. tave (= to have), tan, ta, taben (= to have ben), taclipsed, tadaued, tadwelled, tafalle, talived, hant (= han it); sg. 1 ichave, ichabbe, ic(h)chabbe, havi, habbich; neg. inabbe, navi, nabbi, nab(b)ich; sg. 2 havestu, hastou; neg. navestu, nevestu, nastou; pl. yave (= ye have), houwe (?= have we), havt (= have it); p. hefdich, haddich, had(d)estou, haddestu; neg. neddi, nefdich, nadestou, nede (= ne hadde he), nadda (= ne hadde heo).Vch pane of þat place had þre 3atez.
1778c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1034pān(e (n.) Also pain, pein, panne, (errors) paun, pawn.Vch pane of þat place had þre 3atez.
1779c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1034plāce (n.) Also plas(e, plasse, plasce, plache, plais & (Cornish) blas; pl. places, plases, etc. & plecis, plase.Vch pane of þat place had þre 3atez, So twelue in poursent I con asspye.
1780c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1035purseint (n.) Also pursaunt, poursent & purcinct(e.Vch pane of þat place had þre 3atez, So twelue in poursent I con asspye.
1781c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1036pīked (adj.) Also piket, picked, ipiked & peked.Vch pane of þat place had þre 3atez, So twelue in poursent I con asspye, þe portalez pyked of rych platez.
1782c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1036plāt(e (n.) Also plait(e, plete; pl. plates, etc. & plaithes & (chiefly early) platen.Vch pane of þat place had þre 3atez..Þe portalez pyked of rych platez, And vch 3ate of a margyrye.
1783c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1036portāl (n.) Also portelle, porttol.Vch pane of þat place had þre 3atez..Þe portalez pyked of rych platez, & vch 3ate of a margyrye.
1784c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1037marǧerī(e (n.) Also margirie, margari, marjori(e, marjari.Vch 3ate of a margyrye, A parfyt perle.
1785c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1038fāten (v.)A parfyt perle þat neuer fatez.
1786c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1038parfīt (adj.) Also parfi3t, parfight, parfith, parfiet, parfet(te, parfait & perfit, -fi3t, -fight, -fiht, -fith, -fet, -feth & (late) perfect & (errors) profit, profy3t; -- often in comp. & sup.Vch pane of þat place had þre 3atez..And vch 3ate of a margyrye, A parfyt perle þat neuer fatez.
1787c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1039plīen (v.(2)) Also pli(e, pleie.Vch 3ate..in scrypture a name con plye Of Israel barnez.
1788c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1039scriptūr(e (n.) Also scriptour, schripture.Vchon in scrypture a name con plye Of Israel barnez.
1789c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1040dāte (n.(2))Vchon in scrypture a name con plye, Of Israel barnez, folewande her datez; Þat is to say, as he byrþ-whatez.
1790c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1040bārn (n.) Also bearn, bern, baren, -in, -on. Pl. bārnes, bērns; (early) bearn(en; (Orm.) bærn, barrness.Vchon in scrypture a name con plye Of Israel barnez folewande her datez.
1791c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1041birth(e (n.) Also (early) bird(e, burd(e; burth(e, borþ; berth(e; (late) brith, breth, byrd; in early cpds. also bur-.Vchon [3ate] in scrypture a name con plye Of Israel barnez, folewande her datez, þat is to say, as her byrþ whatez; þe aldest ay fyrst þeron watz done.
1792c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1041whāte (n.) Also what, wate, quate, (16th cent.) qwate & (early) hwate, (SW) 3wate.Vchon in scrypture a name con plye Of Israel barnez, folowande her datez ... Þat is to say, as her byrþ-whates.
1793c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1042ōld(e (n.)Vchon in scrypture a name con plye Of Israel barnez, folewande her datez..Þe aldest ay fyrst þeron watz done.
1794c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1043lēmen (v.(2)) Also lem(e, leiman, leomen, lumen, (error) lemnande ppl.Such ly3t þer lemed in alle þe stratez, Hem nedde nawþer sunne ne mone.
1795c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1043light (n.) Also lighte, li3t(e, lij3t, li3ht(e, li3th, ligt(te, ligth, liht(e, lith(e, litht, līte, lit(te, (early) lichte, lict, licth, liste, (errors) licch, li3st, ligh & leght, leight, lei3t, lei3th, (early) leoht, leocht, loht.Such ly3t þer lemed in alle þe stratez, Hem nedded nawþer sunne ne mone.
1796c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1043strēt(e (n.(2)) Also strette, stred(e, strat(e, (16th cent.) streit(e & strēt(e & (early) stræte, (infl.) streten & (in names or cpds.) streð, strata, strad(e, straite, stre-, stra-, ster(te)-; pl. stretes, etc. & stret, (early) strete(n, strede, straten, stræt(e(n, strætte.Such ly3t þer lemed in alle þe stratez.
1797c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1043swich (adj.) Also swiche, swihche, swhiche, sqwiche, swilc, swilk(e, swiulc, swil, swik, swhi(l)k, squilk(e, swech(e, schwe(s)che, swelk, squech, swoch, (K) zuich(e, zueche & s(c)hich, shoch, scoche, shuch(e, schusche, schuich, schuilk, (N)schilke & sich(e, sech(e, sec, soch(e, soiche, souche, such(e, sucche, suc, suich(e, (chiefly N or NM) silk(e, sik(e, (N)silc, sulk, (K infl.) sucher & (early) swicche, swic(e, swics, svich, swilch(e, swilce, suwilk, swecche, suweche, swulc, sug, (SW or SWM) swuch(e, swucche, swuc, swuhc, swulch(e, swulke, shwuche, schuch(e, schuc, schuuich, scuche, sulche, sulc, sulke, secc, selk & (early infl., chiefly dat.) swilcen, swilcere, (SWM) swulc(c)here, swulcere, sulchere, soc(c)here, solchere & (early acc.) swichne, suicchne, swilcne, (SW or SWM) swuchne, swulcne, swulne, sulcne, sochne & (?errors) shch, sywch, (error) swedche; pl. (early) swilcen, (SWM) swulchen & (early infl.) swilcere, (dat.) swicum. For forms schch, sche(ch(e, scht, schut(e, scwche, selk, sewyche, sic, squike, sswiche, suchet, sucht(e, suhc, suhe, sutche, syge see LALME 4.17-19.Such ly3t þer lemed in alle þe stratez, Hem nedde nawþer sunne ne mone.
1798c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1044nēden (v.(2)) Also ned(e, neid. Forms: sg.3 nēdeth, etc. & neded, nēdi3t & (WM & SW) neodeth, neodes, nudeth & (errors) neþes, nededeþ; p. nēded(e, nēdit, nēdut, neodede & nēdde; ppl. nēded.Such ly3t þer lemed in alle þe stratez, Hem nedde nawþer sunne no mone.
1799c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1045hāven (v.) Also have, ave(n, haf(e(n, haffe, haif, haw(e(n, (early) hafven, hafa, (late) ihave, (error) hove & habbe(n, abbe(n, habe(n, h)ab, (early) habban, habbæn, habbeon, 3ehabban, hebbe, hæbbe(n & han, an, hanne, ha, a, hai & halven, half(e; neg. nave, nabbe(n, næbbe. Forms: sg. 1 hāve, etc. & hās; neg. nāve, nāf(e, nabbe; sg. 2 h)āvest, h)āfest, hāves, hāvez, hafs, (early) hafast, hafust, hævest, hafvest, hæfvest, hafst & habbes, habbez & h)āst, haist, hēst, hās(e, ās, hasse, hātz & (early) hæhvest; neg. nāvest, nafst, nefst, nāst; sg. 3 h)āveth, hāved, h)āvet, h)āfeth, hāveht, h)āves, hāvez, hafs, (early) hāfað, hafæð, hæveð, hæfeð, hæfed, hæfet, hæfveð, hæfæð, hafð, hafd, hefð, hæfð, hæfd, hafh & habbes, habbez & h)āth, hād, haith, haeth, hāt, hēth, hēt, haght, ha3t, ha3th, hās(e, ās, hasse, haes, hātz & (?errors) hat3, ha3, he3; neg. nāveth, nāfeth, nāved, nāvet & (early) nafæð, nafð, næfð, nābit; pl. (including impv.) hāv(e(n, hāf(e(n, haffe, hāveth, hāves, hāfez & habben, haben, h)abbeth, habeth, h)abbet, habbez, (early) habbaþ, habbæð, habbeoð & h)ān, , a, hāth, haght, haht, hās(e, ās, hais, hātz, (errors) hathes, hases & half(e, helveþ; neg. nāve, nabbe, nabbeth, nabbed, nabbet, (early) nabbæð, nabbeoð, næbbæð; ppl. hāving(e, etc. & (pl.) awends; p. h)āved(e, hevede, (early) hafede, hafvede, hefede, hefvede, hævede, hæfede, hæfvede, heovede & havde, hafd(e, afde, (early) h)efde, hæfde, h)eafde, heofde, hafte, hefte & h)adde, hād(e, ad, haid(e, hedde, hēd(e, (early) hædde & (early) hehde, hæhde, hæhvede; neg. nadde, nād(e, nhadde, nedde, (early) nevede, nefede, nævede, nafde, nefde, næfde, neafde; sg. 2 haddest, etc. & hādes, hādez, (early) hafdis; neg. naddest, etc.; ppl. i)hāved, āved, ihāvet, h)ihafd, ihēved & i)hād, i)hadde, jhād, hāde, i)hēd, ihēt, (early) ihæd. Contractions: inf. tave (= to have), tan, ta, taben (= to have ben), taclipsed, tadaued, tadwelled, tafalle, talived, hant (= han it); sg. 1 ichave, ichabbe, ic(h)chabbe, havi, habbich; neg. inabbe, navi, nabbi, nab(b)ich; sg. 2 havestu, hastou; neg. navestu, nevestu, nastou; pl. yave (= ye have), houwe (?= have we), havt (= have it); p. hefdich, haddich, had(d)estou, haddestu; neg. neddi, nefdich, nadestou, nede (= ne hadde he), nadda (= ne hadde heo).Of sunne ne mone had þay no nede.
1800c1400 (?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1045nēd(e (n.(1)) Also nethe, nidde & (K) neade & (K & early SEM) nied(e & (early SM & S) nod(e & (SWM & SW & early) neod(e & (SWM & SW) nud(e & (early SWM) neoth, neot, neate; pl. nedes, etc. & (early SWM) neden, neoden.Of sunne ne mone had þay no nede; Þe self

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