English Seminar γ‹‰@Autumn 2014: Studying the Media

Note: This syllabus is subject to alteration. Check this page regularly.

Office hours: I will see students by appointment. You can arrange an appointment either in person (in the classroom) or by e-mail.

Method of Evaluation
Attendance + preparation/participation 20%
First presentation 15%
Final presentation 20%
Term paper 25%
Short papers + vocabulary test(s) 20%

Note that each topic will involve:
1. Homework: reading relevant parts of the textbook with some summarizing/answering of questions/defining of keywords etc.; research into the topic and other forms of preparation; a writing task related to the topic.
2 General class work: activities based on homework; discussions.
3. Presentations on aspects of the media in Britain and Japan, followed by question and answer sessions.

For a sample vocabulary test, click here.

Topic Date/Class no.
Class Activities
(Alterations in
this colour)
Preparation for next class
Orientation Wed. 9/24
no. 1
Distribute schedule, record cards etc.
Skills introduced: Reading, Discussing

1. Buy the textbook and read Chapter 1
2. Download the questions from Žφ‹ΖŽx‰‡@and answer them.
3. Download the preferences form from Žφ‹ΖŽx‰‡ and fill it in.
4. Fill in the record card.
What is the media? Fri. 09/26
no. 2
Submit record card and preferences form.
Discuss chapter 1
Media journal
Read Chapter 2 (questions for period 4 ; questions for period 5)
The Language of the media  Wed. 10/02
no. 3
Discuss chapter 2 and media journals.
Activities: Choose and analyze an advertisement. Instructions: period 4 class, period 5 class.
Fri. 10/03
no. 4
Activities (analyzing advertisements)

Start reading Chapter 3 (Questions for period 4 ; questions for period 5.)
Wed. 10/08
no. 5
Finish analysis of advertisements
Explain short written assignment
Skills introduced: Academic writing (introductions and conclusions)

Short written assignment Deadlines: peer review, class no. 9; submission of first draft, class no. 10
Read Chapter 3 (Questions for period 4; questions for period 5.)

 The media and 'reality' 

Fri. 10/10
no. 6

Discuss Chapter 3
Skills introduced: Giving academic presentations
Prepare the stereotypes activity

Wed. 10/15
no. 7
Discussion about stereotypes
Read Chapter 4 (Questions for period 4; questions for period 5)
Who owns the media?   Fri. 10/17
no. 8
Discuss Chapter 4
Skills introduced: Writing a term paper
Carry out investigation of media ownership. For details, see here (period 4 class), or here (period 5 class).
Write your term paper plan (deadline 10/26)
Wed. 10/22
no. 9
Activity (Investigating media ownership)
Peer review of written assignment

Read Chapter 5 (questions for period 4 class, here; questions for period 5 class, here).
The media and us
Fri. 10/24
no. 10
Submit written assignment
Discuss Chapter 5
Prepare for Activity
Wed. 10/29
no. 11
Peer evaluation of term paper plans
Optional rewrite of term paper plan (deadline for submission: Class no. 11)
Fri. 10/31
no. 12

Presentations (First Session) Read the case-study chapter assigned to you. Guidelines for reading are here.
Case Study I
(Cinema) and and Case Study II (Music Industry)
Wed. 11/05
no. 13
Feedback on term paper plans.
Discuss chapter.

Prepare conclusions concerning what you talked about today.
Prepare activities: Period 4; Period 5
(If necessary, rewrite term paper plan)
Fri. 11/07
no. 14
Activities related to case study/studies
Skills introduced: How to use the Internet for research
Prepare for Activities:Period 4; Period 5

Summary (Deadline: Class no. 16)
Wed. 11/12
no. 15
Main task to be decided later.
Skills introduced: How to avoid plagiarism, and how to quote
Start reading the second case-study chapters as assigned. Fourth period students should look here; fifth period students should look here.
Start to work on term paper (deadline for first draft: Class no. 21)

Do plagiarism quiz
Fri. 11/14
no. 16
Presentations (Second Session)
Submit summaries
Prepare for activities and finish reading assigned chapter
Case Study III (Newspapers etc.) and Case Study IV (TV News) Wed. 11/26
Vocabulary test
Discuss chapter.
How to prepare for Class no. 17: period 4 class; period 5 class.
Fri. 11/28
no. 18


Prepare to compare news bulletins:
period 4; period 5
Wed. 12/03
no. 19
Comparing news bulletins
Skills introduced: Methods of Citation
Practice citation methods.
Fri. 12/05
no. 20
Presentations (Third Session)
Wed. 12/10
no. 21
Presentations (Fourth Session) Read the third case-study chapter assigned to you. Period 4 students should look here for instructions; period 5 students, here.
Case Study V (Media Technology) and Case Study VI (Advertising) Fri. 12/12
no. 22
Discuss chapters

Prepare for Activities
Wed. 12/17
no. 23

Click here to find out how to prepare for the activity.
Fri. 12/19
no. 24
Advertising Activity (ASA) Final preparations for first draft of term papers. For advice, click here. Remember to add citations.
. Wed. 12/24
no. 25
Peer evaluation of first drafts of term papers.
Skills introduced: How to turn a paper into a presentation.
Prepare final presentation.
Continue to work on your term paper during vacation
Wed. 1/07
no. 26
Term papers returned
1st session of final presentations
Read my comments on your term paper and start to prepare the final draft.
Fri. 1/09
no. 27
2nd session of final presentations Prepare questions about your term paper for the feedback session.
Fri. 1/16
no. 28
Feedback on term papers

Evaluation of the course
Finish preparing final draft of term paper (deadline to be decided).

To view the outline.
To view the guidelines.