You and the media

A           How big a part does the media play in your life? I would like everyone to make a media journal, so that we can find out and compare the way in which class members interact with the media.

Please download the form from Žö‹ÆŽx‰‡. On Monday, please use the form to record when, where and for how long you come into contact with media products.

              Note down:

              Record not only the media products that you choose to use, but also those that you see and hear around you, for example:

              How much time in total have you spent in contact with the media during this day?

              Why do you use the media in this way?

B           In class on Tuesday, there should be time for you to compare your diary with the diaries of other students and note the similarities and differences. To prepare for this, think about what the results of the comparison are likely to be.

              How much time do you expect other class members to spend in contact with the media?

              Do you expect other members of the class to use the media in the same way that you do? Why, or why not?

C           We will probably not have enough time to talk about this in class, but you might find it interesting to think about the number and different types of electronic media products you have at home, such as:

Who are the main users of each product?
Who controls their use?
Who pays for them?
Do conflicts arise over their use or cost?