Media Studies 2010 Period 5 class, Chapter 6 onwards:

For Friday, December 10

First look quickly through both Chapter 7 and Chapter 10. What sort of information does each one contain? Which looks the most interesting? Why?

The following students should read Chapter 7:
The following students should read Chapter 10:
As before, please be ready to explain in your words:

1. The main idea of each section of the chapter. (You will need to take notes in your words in order to do this...)

2. The differences and similarities between the situations described in the book and the situation in Japan.

In addition:

a) Is Peter Wall always "objective"? Can you detect any cases where he is suggesting his preference for one particular view?

b) This edition of the book was published in 2007. What changes, if any, should Peter Wall make to bring these chapters of the book up to date? What reasons are there for your opinion?

c) Are there any points that you find difficult to understand? (Ask about these before I ask you!)

d) Are there any points that you would like to discuss further?
For Tuesday, November 16

First look quickly through both Chapter 8 and Chapter 12. What sort of information does each one contain? Which looks the most interesting? Why?

The following students should carefully read the sections on newspapers and comics in Chapter 8: .

The following students should carefully read the section on magazines in Chapter 8, and Chapter 12: .

As before, please be ready to explain in your words:

1. The main idea of each section of the chapter.

2. The differences and similarities between the situations described in the book and the situation in Japan.

In addition:

a) Is Peter Wall always "objective"? Can you detect any cases where he is suggesting his preference for one particular view?

b) Are there any points that you find difficult to understand? (Ask about these before I ask you!)

c) Are there any points that you would like to discuss further?

(For Tuesday November 2)

Read either Chapter 6 or Chapter 9 and be ready to explain the following in your own words:

1. The main idea of each section of the chapter.

2. The differences and similarities between the situations described in the book and the situation in Japan.

In addition:

a) Is Peter Wall always "objective"? Can you detect any cases where he is suggesting his preference for one particular view?

b) Are there any points that you find difficult to understand? (Ask about these before I ask you!)

c) Are there any points that you would like to discuss further?