Media Studies 2014 Chapter 3

Some questions should be answered by all students, some by members of a particular group, or groups. As you will probably notice, these are the same groups as last time, but in class you will be in a group with one member of A, and one or two members of B, C, and D. (If necessary, I will give people time to meet as A, B, C and D briefly in order to cover any difficult points...)


Answer in English. You do not have to write whole sentences, but use your own words. Do NOT just copy from the text.

1. Before you read this chapter, watch a TV news bulletin. What is your attitude to the news that has been reported? For example, do you accept that you have been shown the 'truth'? ALL

2. Think of positive and negative ways in which the following could be represented. If possible, explain how this has been done by giving actual examples, for instance from advertisements or movies:

a) a bottle of whisky GROUP A; b) a hamburger GROUP B; c) nuclear power GROUP C; d) the police GROUP D; e) a career woman ALL; f) a Muslim ALL

3. Explain the meaning of the following:

a) a detailed still-life (p.35) GROUP A

b) out of step with (p.41) GROUP B

c) bias (p.41) ALL

d) gender equality (p.43) ALL

e) ethnic minority background (p.45) ALL

f) propaganda (p.45) ALL

g) a so-called 'broken home' (p.45) GROUP C

h) people with disabilities (p.47) GROUP D

4. In your view, is the account on p.37 an objective representation of how TV news stories are edited? ALL

5. What does Peter Wall say about journalists and women's appearance? What is the situation in Japan? GROUPS A and C

6. Peter Wall claims that there have been changes in the way in which men and women are represented in TV advertisements in the UK.
a) Summarize what the changes are and why they have occurred. ALL

Compare the situation in the UK with that in Japan. ALL

7. What is a stereotype? What are their good and bad points? ALL

What are the main characteristics of the following  stereotypes?

a) Americans (in the Japanese media) GROUPS A and B

b) Arabs (in the Japanese media) GROUPS C and D

c) Japanese (in the non-Japanese media) ALL

8. What does Peter Wall say about stereotypes of young people in the UK? Compare the situation in the UK with that in Japan. GROUPS B and D

9. Think about the questions given at the end of the chapter in connection with the news bulletin you watched before reading. Has your attitude to the news bulletin changed? Why, or why not? (If possible, watch Kurosawa Akira's famous film, Rashomon.) ALL