How to fill in your record card

Please note that I will not pass on personal information, such as your e-mail address, to anyone else. You do not need to write down your e-mail address if you do not want to. However, if I have this information, it will make it easy for me to contact you.


Your name in 漢字

a photograph
(passport size)
Your name in ローマ字
Your student number
Your e-mail address (optional)



1. Have you ever lived in an English-speaking environment? Yes/No
If you answered 'Yes', fill in a), b) and c) below.
a) Where were you? (For example: New York, attending an American school; Indonesia, attending an international school; London, attending a Japanese school) b)How old were you when you left Japan? c)How long did you stay abroad?
2. Where did you study English before coming to Keio? (Give the name of your high school and any juku etc.; if you had a 家庭教師, write "private tutor".)
3. Have you attended any other English classes in the Economics Faculty? Yes/No
If you answered 'Yes', fill in a), b) and c) below.

b) Instructor

c) Topic

d) Grade (optional)

4. Your strong points in English (For example, are you good at reading English?)

5. Your weak points in English (For example, do you find it difficult to read English?)

6. Your goals in this course

7. Your interests/ambitions