Media Studies, Chapter 5 (Period 5 class)

Because this chapter is so long, I will divide it into sections. Everyone should read the whole chapter quickly, paying attention to the various headings and trying to find the main points, but without looking for details or looking up vocabulary. Then you should carefully read and answer questions for the sections assigned to your group.

Groups A, B, C and D (in other words, everyone) should read and answer questions on pp.64 to 68 + the chart explaining the BBFC certification symbols.
Groups A and B should read and answer questions on pp. 69 to 73, and pp. 82 to the end of the chapter.
Groups C and D should read and answer questions on pp. 74 to 82.

Shingo Taisuke Kojiro Gen
Yutaro A. Jun'ya Tetsuya Hiroki
Karen Yutaro F. Eri Mayuko
Takahiro Hayao Daun Kentaro
Masashi Naoya Hiroto

Here are the questions. Answer them in English. You do not have to write whole sentences, but use your own words. Do NOT just copy from the text.

1. Before you read this chapter, think about the questions at the end of the first paragraph. In your opinion, 'who is in control': the media companies and/or their products, or the audience (us)? ALL

2. Explain the meaning of the following:

a) terrestrial channels (p.66) C

b) local councils (p.66) D

c) brainwashing (p.69) B

d) the hypodermic model (p.71) A

 3. Summarize the explanation of the "effects debate" on pp. 64-66. How objective is Peter Wall in his portrayal of the debate? Can you tell which side he supports? Why do you think this? ALL

4. On p.69, there is a table showing the British Board of Film Classification certification.

a) Do you think that such systems are necessary? What could be done instead? Be ready to explain your answer. A and D

b) What is the situation in Japan? Are you satisfied with the Japanese system, or do you have improvements to suggest? Be ready to explain your answer. B and C

 5. Is audience segmentation taking part in Japan? Support your answer with examples. A

 6. What types of programmes involving audience participation are popular in Japan? B

 7. a) What is the hypodermic model, and what is Peter Wall's attitude to it (pp. 70-71 A and B, 74-75 C and D)?

b) What is your view? Be ready to explain your answer. ALL

8. Explain the meaning of the following:

a) what they get out of them (p.77) C

b) tailor programmes to the needs of the audience (p.82) D

c) audience consumption patterns (p.85) A and B

9. What are the main features of the 'uses and gratifications' approach (pp.76-77). C and D
After C and D have explained this approach to A and B in class, everyone should discuss whether they find it more, or less, convincing than the hypodermic model. Give the main reasons for your points of view.

10. a)Peter Wall gives an explanation of the concept of social class and a table describing six categories.  Do you think that Japanese audiences could be divided in this way? Why, or why not? C

b) What psychographic category do you belong to? Do you think that this way of dividing audiences could be used in Japan? Why, or why not?D

c) What way(s) of dividing audiences are most appropriate for the Japanese situation? Be ready to give your reasons. C and D

11. Explain what a family drama about a divorce might focus on if the audience was positioned with:

a) the husband (who is having an affair with his wife's best friend) C

b) the wife (who finds out about the affair when she finds a tie belonging to her husband at her best friend's apartment) D

12. a) Summarize the ways in which technological developments have changed the way in which people use television sets. A and B

b)In your opinion, have television, and the various other ways in which television sets can be used, led to 'a breakdown in communication' within families, or would it be truer to say that it 'provides material for family members to talk about' (p.83)? Why? A and B

After the class discussions about the chapter we will return to the questions at the end of the first paragraph of this chapter. Has your opinion changed at all? Why, or why not?