Advice for the first drafts of term papers

The first drafts of your term papers are due on Tuesday 12/25. It is VERY important to submit a first draft. I will be able to give you advice about how to improve the paper that should help you to obtain a better grade. Please note the following:

1. You should submit the draft even if it is not complete. I will still be able to give you some advice.

2. If your draft is not complete, you should write the main points of the missing parts. This will help me to give you useful advice.

3. If you are having difficulty with one or two aspects of the paper, explain this. I should be able to give you advice about this.

4. The draft should include at least information about at least one of the books or other sources that you have been using. The information should be given in an appropriate way. (If you prefer, follow the advice given by either Professor Thomas or Professor Pellicano.)

4. I will return the drafts after the presentations on January 8. The last class, January 18, will be your opportunity to ask questions about my comments. I have not set the deadline for submitting the final version, but it will be around the time that the examinations start.

5. You should continue to work on your paper, and on your final presentation, during the winter break. Remember that you will probably have a lot of work to do for your other subjects once classes start again...