英国ルネサンス期の17世紀には,ラテン語やギリシア語を中心とする諸言語から大量の語彙が借用された.この経緯については,これまで「#478. 初期近代英語期に湯水のように借りられては捨てられたラテン語」 ([2010-08-18-1]),「#114. 初期近代英語の借用語の起源と割合」 ([2009-08-19-1]),「#1226. 近代英語期における語彙増加の年代別分布」 ([2012-09-04-1]) などの記事で様々な角度から取り上げてきた.この時代には,しばしば「同じ語」が異なった接尾辞を伴って誕生するという現象が見られた.例えば,すでに1586年に discovery が英語語彙に加えられていたところに,17世紀になって同義の discoverance や discoverment も現われ,短期間とはいえ競合・共存したのである(関連して,「#3157. 華麗なる splendid の同根類義語」 ([2017-12-18-1]) も参照).
以下は,Bauer (186) が OED から収集した,17世紀に初出する動詞派生名詞の組である.
abutment | abuttal | |
bequeathal | bequeathment | |
bewitchery | bewitchment | |
commitment | committal | committance |
composal | compositure | |
comprisal | comprisement | comprisure |
concumbence | concumbency | |
condolement | condolence | |
conducence | conducency | |
contrival | contrivance | |
depositation | depositure | |
deprival | deprivement | |
desistance | desistency | |
discoverance | discoverment | |
disfiguration | disfigurement | |
disproval | disprovement | |
disquietal | disquietment | |
dissentation | dissentment | |
disseveration | disseverment | |
encompassment | encompassure | |
engraftment | engrafture | |
exhaustment | exhausture | |
exposal | exposement | exposure |
expugnance | expugnancy | |
expulsation | expulsure | |
extendment | extendure | |
impartment | imparture | |
imposal | imposement | imposure |
insistence | insisture | |
interposal | interposure | |
pretendence | pretendment | |
promotement | promoval | |
proposal | proposure | |
redamancy | redamation | |
renewal | renewance | |
reposance | reposure | |
reserval | reservancy | |
resistal | resistment | |
retrieval | retrievement | |
returnal | returnment | |
securance | securement | |
subdual | subduement | |
supportment | supporture | |
surchargement | surchargure |
Individual ad hoc decisions on relevant forms may or may not be picked up widely in the community. . . . [I]t is clear from the history which the OED presents that the need of the individual for a particular word is not always matched by the need of the community for the same word, with the result that multiple coinages are possible.
・ Bauer, Laurie. "Competition in English Word Formation." Chapter 8 of The Handbook of the History of English. Ed. Ans van Kemenade and Bettelou Los. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2006. 177--98.
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