
#5686. B&C の第60節 "Latin Influence of the Second Period" の第1段落を対談精読実況生中継しました[bchel][latin][borrowing][christianity][link][voicy][heldio][anglo-saxon][st_augustine][history][bede][link]


 今朝配信された Voicy heldio にて「#1270. 英語史の古典的名著 Baugh and Cable を読む (60-1) Latin Influence of the Second Period --- 対談精読実況中継」をお届けしています.英語史の古典的名著を読むシリーズはゆっくりと続いており,第60節まで進んできました.全部で264節ある本なので,まだまだ序盤戦ではあります.バックナンバー一覧は「#5291. heldio の「英語史の古典的名著 Baugh and Cable を読む」シリーズが順調に進んでいます」 ([2023-10-22-1]) よりご覧いただけます.
 ニッチなシリーズなので通常は Voicy heldio の有料配信としてお届けしているのですが,たまに一緒に精読してくださる方をお招きして「対談精読実況中継」をフリーでお届けしています.今回の精読会は,金田拓さん(帝京科学大学)に仕切っていただきまして,helwa リスナーを中心に7名の方々が対面で参加されました(lacolaco さんkagata さん藤原郁弥さんぷりっつさんLilimi さん小河舜さん).たいへん熱い読書会となりました.(なお,今回の精読会とほぼ同じメンバーで『英語語源辞典』の読書会もたまに開催しています.heldio より「#1266. chair と sit --- 『英語語源辞典』精読会 with lacolaco さんたち」をお聴きください.)
 今回の精読箇所は第60節 "Latin Influence of the Second Period: The Christianizing of Britain" です.古英語期におけるラテン語の影響について,イングランドのキリスト教化との関連で論じられています.3段落からなる節ですが,今回は1時間ほどかけて最初の1段落のみを超精読して終わりました(本シリーズの精度と速度のほどがわかるかと思います).以下に当該テキスト (Baugh and Cable, pp. 78--79) を掲載します.

60. Latin Influence of the Second Period: The Christianizing of Britain The greatest influence of Latin upon Old English was occasioned by the conversion of Britain to Roman Christianity beginning in 597. The religion was far from new in the island, because Irish monks had been preaching the gospel in the north since the founding of the monastery of Iona by Columba in 563. However, 597 marks the beginning of a systematic attempt on the part of Rome to convert the inhabitants and make England a Christian country. According to the well-known story reported by Bede as a tradition current in his day, the mission of St. Augustine was inspired by an experience of the man who later became Pope Gregory the Great. Walking one morning in the marketplace at Rome, he came upon some fair-haired boys about to be sold as slaves and was told that they were from the island of Britain and were pagans. "Alas! what pity," said he, "that the author of darkness is possessed of men of such fair countenances, and that being remarkable for such a graceful exterior, their minds should be void of inward grace?" He therefore again asked, what was the name of that nation and was answered, that they were called Angles. "Right," said he, "for they have an angelic face, and it is fitting that such should be co-heirs with the angels in heaven. What is the name," proceeded he, "of the province from which they are brought?" It was replied that the natives of that province were called Deiri. "Truly are they de ira," said he, "plucked from wrath, and called to the mercy of Christ. How is the king of that province called?" They told him his name was Ælla; and he, alluding to the name, said "Alleluia, the praise of God the Creator, must be sung in those parts." The same tradition records that Gregory wished himself to undertake the mission to Britain but could not be spared. Some years later, however, when he had become pope, he had not forgotten his former intention and looked about for someone whom he could send at the head of a missionary band. Augustine, the person of his choice, was a man well known to him. The two had lived together in the same monastery, and Gregory knew him to be modest and devout and thought him well suited to the task assigned him. With a little company of about forty monks Augustine set out for what seemed then like the end of the earth.

 本節と関連の深い hellog 記事や heldio コンテンツを数多く公開してきたので,以下にリンクを張っておきます.

[ hellog 記事 ]

 ・ 「#2902. Pope Gregory のキリスト教布教にかける想いとダジャレ」 ([2017-04-07-1])
 ・ 「#5526. Pope Gregory のダジャレの現場を写本でみる」 ([2024-06-13-1])
 ・ 「#5444. 古英語の原文を読む --- 597年,イングランドでキリスト教の布教が始まる」 ([2024-03-23-1])
 ・ 「#5450. heldio の人気シリーズ復活 --- 「ゼロから学ぶはじめての古英語 --- Part 4 with 小河舜さん and まさにゃん」」 ([2024-03-29-1])
 ・ 「#5476. 「ゼロから学ぶはじめての古英語」 Part 5 with 小河舜さん and まさにゃん」 ([2024-04-24-1])
 ・ 「#5497. 「ゼロから学ぶはじめての古英語」 Part 6 with 小河舜さん and まさにゃん」 ([2024-05-15-1])
 ・ 「#5514. 「ゼロから学ぶはじめての古英語」 Part 7 with 小河舜さん and まさにゃん」 ([2024-06-01-1])
 ・ 「#5527. 「ゼロから学ぶはじめての古英語」 Part 8 with 小河舜さん and まさにゃん and 五所万実さん」 ([2024-06-14-1])

[ heldio コンテンツ ]

 ・ 「#1030. 「はじめての古英語」生放送 with 小河舜さん&まさにゃん --- Bede を読む」
 ・ 「#1057. 「はじめての古英語」生放送 with 小河舜さん&まさにゃん --- Bede を読む (2)」
 ・ 「#1078. 「はじめての古英語」生放送 with 小河舜さん&まさにゃん --- Bede を読む (3)」
 ・ 「#1093.「はじめての古英語」生放送(第7弾) with 小河舜さん&まさにゃん --- Bede を読む (4)」
 ・ 「#1107. 「はじめての古英語」生放送(第8弾) with 小河舜さん&まさにゃん --- Bede を読む (5)」

 今後もこの精読シリーズは続いていきます.ぜひ Baugh, Albert C. and Thomas Cable. A History of the English Language. 6th ed. London: Routledge, 2013. を入手して,お付き合いいただければ.

Baugh, Albert C. and Thomas Cable. ''A History of the English Language''. 6th ed. London: Routledge, 2013.

 ・ Baugh, Albert C. and Thomas Cable. A History of the English Language. 6th ed. London: Routledge, 2013.

Referrer (Inside): [2025-01-01-1] [2024-11-24-1]

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