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2016-12-26 Mon

#2800. 学ぶべき英語変種は何か [elt][variety][ame][bre][americanisation][wsse][world_englishes][model_of_englishses]

 日本の英語教育では,アメリカ英語が主流となっている.20世紀後半からはアメリカの国力を背景に,世界的にもアメリカ英語の影響力が増し,アメリカ英語化 (americanisation) が進行してきたことは疑いえない(「#851. イギリス英語に対するアメリカ英語の影響は第2次世界大戦から」 ([2011-08-26-1]) を参照).しかし,一方で歴史的に培われてきた世界におけるイギリス英語の伝統も根強く,「#376. 世界における英語の広がりを地図でみる」 ([2010-05-08-1]) の地図でみたように,その効果はいまだ広範にして顕在である.
 このように,米英2大変種はしばしば対立して示されるが,今後発展していくと想定される英語の世界標準,いわゆる "World Standard (Spoken) English" (wsse) が,米英2大変種のいずれかに一致するということはないだろう.勢いのあるアメリカ英語がその中心となっていくだろうとは予想されるが,あくまでその基盤となるだろうということであり,その上に様々な独立変種あるいは混合変種の要素が加えられ,全体として混交・中和した新たな変種へと発展していくと予想される(関連して,「#426. 英語変種のピラミッドモデル」 ([2010-06-27-1]),「#1010. 英語の英米差について Martinet からの一言」 ([2012-02-01-1]) などの記事を参照).
 上の提案の妥当性を判断するのに,世界における英語使用の展望を要約した Baugh and Cable (394) の文章が参考になる.

The global context of English . . . makes the traditional categories [= American English and British English] more problematic and the choices more complex than they were previously perceived to be. American English may be the most prominent source of emerging global English, and yet it will be American English derancinated and adapted in a utilitarian way to the needs of speakers whose geography and culture are quite different. To the extent that Americans think about the global use of English at all, it is often as a possession that is lent on sufferance to foreigners, who often fail to get it right. Such a parochial attitude will change as more Americans become involved in the global economy and as they become more familiar with the high quality of literature being produced in post colonial settings. Many earlier attacks on American English were prompted by the slang, colloquialisms, and linguistic novelties of popular fiction and journalism, just as recent criticism has been directed at jargon in the speech and writings of American government officials, journalists, and social scientists. Along with the good use of English there is always much that is indifferent or frankly bad, but the language of a whole country should not be judged by its least graceful examples. Generalizations about the use of English throughout a region or a culture are more likely to mislead than to inform, and questions that lead to such generalizations are among the least helpful to ask. In the United States, as in Britain, India, Ghana, and the Philippines, in Australia and Jamaica, one can find plentiful samples of English that deserve a low estimate, but one will find a language that has adapted to the local conditions, usually without looking over its shoulder to the standards of a far-away country, and in so adapting has become the rich medium for writers and speakers of great talent and some of genius.


 ・ Baugh, Albert C. and Thomas Cable. A History of the English Language. 6th ed. London: Routledge, 2013.

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