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2023-12-20 Wed

#5350. the green-eyed monster にみられる名詞を形容詞化する接尾辞 -ed (3) [morphology][word_formation][compound][compounding][derivation][suffix][parasynthesis][adjective][participle][oed][conversion][johnson][coleridge]

 一昨日と昨日に引き続き,green-eyed のタイプの併置総合 (parasynthesis) にみられる名詞に付く -ed について (cf. [2023-12-18-1], [2023-12-19-1]) .
 OED-ed, suffix2 より意味・用法欄の解説を引用したい.

Appended to nouns in order to form adjectives connoting the possession or the presence of the attribute or thing expressed by the noun. In modern English, and even in Middle English, the form affords no means of distinguishing between the genuine examples of this suffix and those participial adjectives in -ed, suffix1 which are ultimately < nouns through unrecorded verbs. Examples that have come down from Old English are ringed:--Old English hringede, hooked: --Old English hócede, etc. The suffix is now added without restriction to any noun from which it is desired to form an adjective with the sense 'possessing, provided with, characterized by' (something); e.g. in toothed, booted, wooded, moneyed, cultured, diseased, jaundiced, etc., and in parasynthetic derivatives, as dark-eyed, seven-hilled, leather-aproned, etc. In bigoted, crabbed, dogged, the suffix has a vaguer meaning. (Groundless objections have been made to the use of such words by writers unfamiliar with the history of the language: see quots.)

 基本義としては「~をもつ,~に特徴付けられた」辺りだが,名詞をとりあえず形容詞化する緩い用法もあるとのことだ.名詞に -ed が付加される点については,本当に名詞に付加されているのか,あるいは名詞がいったん動詞に品詞転換 (conversion) した上で,その動詞に過去分詞の接尾辞 -ed が付加されているのかが判然としないことにも触れられている.品詞転換した動詞が独立して文証されない場合にも,たまたま文証されていないだけだとも議論し得るし,あるいは理論上そのように考えることは可能だという立場もあるかもしれない.確かに難しい問題ではある.
 上の引用の最後に「名詞 + -ed」語の使用に反対する面々についての言及があるが,OED が直後に挙げているのは具体的には次の方々である.

1779 There has of late arisen a practice of giving to adjectives derived from substantives, the termination of participles: such as the 'cultured' plain..but I was sorry to see in the lines of a scholar like Gray, the 'honied' spring. (S. Johnson, Gray in Works vol. IV. 302)

1832 I regret to see that vile and barbarous vocable talented..The formation of a participle passive from a noun is a licence that nothing but a very peculiar felicity can excuse. (S. T. Coleridge, Table-talk (1836) 171)

 Johnson と Coleridge を捕まえて "writers unfamiliar with the history of the language" や "Groundless objections" と述べる辺り,OED はなかなか手厳しい.

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2018-03-04 Sun

#3233. 英語自由化と英語相対化の19世紀 [standardisation][romanticism][history_of_linguistics][prescriptivism][historiography][wordsworth][coleridge]

 「#3231. 標準語に軸足をおいた Blake の英語史時代区分」 ([2018-03-02-1]) の記事で取りあげた,Blake による英語史区分の第6期(1798年?1914年)について考える.ロマン主義の起こりと第1次世界大戦に挟まれたこの時期は,標準英語を念頭においた英語史の観点からは,諸変種や方言的多様性が意識された時代といえる.19世紀が近づくと,18世紀の特徴だった堅苦しい規範主義の縛りからある程度解放されるようになり,自然にして自発的な言葉遣いが尊重され,非標準変種が見直される契機が生じた.英語自由化・英語相対化の思想が発現したといってよいだろう.新時代の到来を告げる狼煙が,象徴的に,Wordsworth and Coleridge による Lyrical Ballads (1798) の出版だった.Blake (13) 曰く,

This collection of poetry [= the Lyrical Ballads] attacked the idea of a prescriptive language for poetry and raised the concept that it should deal with 'the real language of men'. It was inspired in part by the French Revolution of 1789, which had called into question the very bases of the old order and its assumptions of regulation and conformity. This attitude gradually spilled over into language as well, for there seemed to be a profound attack on the nature of authority and the assumption that those at the top could dictate what was right and acceptable to the rest of society. While such attitudes did not change overnight, we can accept that there was a new spirit abroad which provides us with a convenient boundary in 1798.

 この1798年に始まり,第1次世界大戦の勃発した1914年までの時期は,長い19世紀と表現してもよいだろう.Blake によれば,この時代は,言語的にみて (1) 多様性と非標準変種の尊重,(2) 歴史的研究の興隆,という2点に特徴づけられる時代だという.それぞれの部分を引用しよう.

Firstly, the previous age had been concerned with regulating language and discovering the principles which underlined a language on the assumption that all languages followed the same structure. The nineteenth century was interested in the diversity of languages and varieties of language. The growth of the empire promoted interest in a whole range of languages other than the classical languages which had hitherto been the model for all linguistic structure. And scholars in England began to record the various regional dialects found in the United Kingdom. Whereas before these dialects may have been considered provincial and little more than barbarous, their use in poetry and the novel and the collections and studies based on these forms gradually meant that they were seen as real means of communication, even if they were not as socially acceptable as the standard. The respect for non-standard varieties increased, though this was a gradual process which even today has not made these dialects socially acceptable. One problem that such varieties faced, and still face, is that they do not usually exist in a regulated written form and thus may be regarded as inferior.

Secondly, the nineteenth century saw an enormous growth in the historical study of language. Many of the changes in English and its ancestors which will be outlined in the book were discovered in the nineteenth century. The development of the concept of a family tree for languages and the recognition that English was a Germanic language which belonged to the Proto-Indo-European family of languages (also known simply as Indo-European) were among the advances made at this time. Not unnaturally this put English and the classical languages into a different perspective. Their nature was not different from that of other languages, and English dialects could be regarded as closely related to standard English in origin and development; they had simply not been chosen to form the standard.


 ・ Blake, N. F. A History of the English Language. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1996.

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