
#3132. 暗号学と言語学 (2)[cryptology][linguistics][statistics][chaos_theory][information_theory]


 最近,言語学とカオス理論 (chaos_theory) について少し調べているが,フラクタル図形「マンデルブロー集合」 (Mandelbrot set) で知られる数学者 Benoît Mandelbrot (1924--2010) が,情報理論や言語学に関する論考を著わしていることを知った(「マンデルブロー集合」については「#3123. カオスとフラクタル」 ([2017-11-14-1]) を参照).
 Mandelbrot はその論考で,暗号学 (cryptology) と言語学の接点という話題にも触れている.本ブログでも「#2699. 暗号学と言語学」 ([2016-09-16-1]) の記事で,両分野の密接な関係について考えたことがあったので,ここで再び取り上げたい.その記事の第2段落で述べたことと Mandelbrot (552) の次の1節は,よく符合する.

. . . let us grant for the moment that the encoding and decoding machines may be as complicated as the designer may wish, and that the memory of the human links---using the common sense of the word "memory"---is unbounded. Under those ideal circumstances, it is obvious that any improvement of our understanding of the structure of language and of discourse will bring a possibility of improvement of the performance of the cryptographer or stenographer. For example, a knowledge of the rules of grammar will show that a given phrase will never be encountered in grammatically correct discourse; thus, if his employer were to speak only grammatical English, a stenographer would not need any special set of signs to designate the incorrect sentences. Similarly, a knowledge of the statistics of discourse will suggest that the "cliché" be represented by special short signs; in this way, the stenogram will be shortened and---since deciphering is very much helped by cliché---the code will be strengthened. That is, the ideal cryptographer and stenographer should make the utmost use of any available linguistic information.


 ・ Mandelbrot, Benoît. "Information Theory and Psycholinguistics." Scientific Psychology: Principles and Approaches. Ed. Benjamin B. Wolman and Ernest Nagel. New York: Basic Books, 1965. 550--62.

Referrer (Inside): [2020-03-13-1]

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