Study Skills Spring 2015

Class 07: Wed. 2nd (room# J411), Fri. 2nd (room# J611)
Class 02: Wed. 4th (room# J444), Fri. 4th (room# J414)

Syllabus: (Tbk: Study Skills for College English; WE: Writing Essays)
Classroom Tasks Homework
#1  Goals and Structure of the course; Outlines (Tbk pp.4-5, 9-11, 13, 49-50) Read Tbk pp. 13-14 (Using dictionaries, E-E dictionaries), p. 51-52, 55-57.
Bring an E-E dictionary for Session 2.
Start looking for interesting news stories.
[For information in Japanese about how university students can use the Internet, books and journals when writing essays and preparing presentations, see this page.]
Preview of the Writing and Reading Sections
@ Overall goals of the writing and reading sections (Tbk pp. 13, 49-50)
A Go over WE p. v, Introduction (p. 3)
Preview of the Presentation Section (Tbk p.69)
A) Body language: Posture and eye contact (Tbk pp. 70-71)
B) Self-introduction Speech (1 min.) (Tbk p. 72)
Part I Writing and Reading: Paragraph Writing & Paraphrasing
#2 Effective Reading and Dictionary Use Read WE p.v, Unit 1 and Unit 2.
Do #2, Unit 2 (p. 13).
"p.v" means "page v", = page 5 in roman numerals. Page v is the page with the heading "To the Student" just after the contents page.
"Do #2" means do Exercise 2 of Unit (Chapter) 2 (at the top of p. 13).
@ Two rules for effective reading
A Effective reading in two steps; Exercise R-1
B Dictionary use (Tbk pp. 13-14, 55); Do Activity 1-4 (pp. 56-57)
#3 Choosing and narrowing a topic; Brainstorming; Paragraphs; Topic Sentences Review WE Units 1 & 2. Download "Good and bad topic sentences" and "Brainstorming 1 (unedited)" and "Brainstorming 2 (edited)".
Read WE Unit 3 pp. 17-22 add do #3, #4, #6 (a. and c.), # 8, #10 (
a., c., d.).
Read Tbk pp. 57-61 (Paraphrasing).
@ Go over WE, p.v, Introduction (p.3)
A Go over WE Unit 1, pp. 5-8, do #1-5 (selectively)

B Go over Unit 2 pp. 11-14, do #2 and #3-6 (selectively)
#4 Paragraph development; Format and Structure Checklists; Paraphrasing Do Exercise W-1 ("Honda,"Tbk pp. 21-22).
Read WE Unit 5, do #1, #2, #8, #13.

Optional: Preparation in advance for Class #6: Read WE Unit 4 p.30 and do #10; read Tbk pp.25-27, 62-63
@ Format Checklist (Tbk pp. 15-17); Tips for formatting (Tbk pp. 18-19)
A Go over WE Unit 3
B Structure Checklist (Tbk p. 20)
C Paraphrasing (Tbk, pp. 57-61); Do Exercise R-2
#5 Opinion paragraph; Spelling and Grammar Checklist; Introduction to summary writing Write an opinion paragraph (due session 7).
Begin Exercise R-3(1) (Tbk p. 63), by finding the main idea and supporting points.
Read WE Unit 4 p.30 and do #10
Read Tbk pp.25-27,
@ Review of HW: Tbk Exercise W-1"Honda" (submit)
A Go over WE Unit 5 pp. 33-35, review exercises, and do #4
B Spelling and Grammar Checklist (Tbk p. 23)
C Explain paragraph homework
#6 Producing a summary; Transitions (Connectors) For Class no. 7:
@ Do Exercise W-3 "London" (Tbk p. 28).
Read WE Unit 11 and do #1 b), c), #2, #5.
AComplete your opinion paragraph. Make sure that you use transitions where appropriate.

@ Go over "Writing summaries" (Tbk pp. 62-63) and complete Exercise R-3(1).
A Practice identifying TS, SS and CS and producing outlines.
B Transitions (Connectors): Go over WE Unit 4 p. 30, do #10; Tbk pp. 25-27.
C Do Tbk Exercise R-3 (2).
#7 Unity and coherence Do WE 11, Ex. 6 if this was not done in class.
Read WE Unit 6, do #3 and 4 (comparison/contrast).
Download "Study Skills Readings 1 from 授業支援 and write an outline and summary for passage no. 1 . Be ready to submit this in Class #8. (If you want do outlines and summaries of more of the passages on the sheet please do so. However, do not start passages 8 and 9 yet.
Optional rewrite of first draft of paragraph:
If you wish to rewrite your paragraph after the peer-edit, tell me, and put the first draft and the rewrite in the box at the Raiosha reception desk on Monday 5/11, 10:00-17:00.
@ Peer-edit and turn in opinion paragraph (Note optional rewrite)
A Go over WE Unit 11: Unity and coherence, do #6
B Unity and Coherence Checklist (Tbk p. 24); Do Exercise W-2
C Review Tbk Exercise W-3 "London"
#8 Other Ways of Organizing Paragraphs: Comparison/Contrast; Summary writing Possible answers to London (SS Tbk, pp. 28-29).
Read WE Unit 7 (problem/solution) pp. 50-53 and do #1, #2, #4, #5 and #9.
Summary homework 2, deadline Session #9
(Do an outline and summary of London, using the online version above, and do no. 2 in the Readings handout.)
For a simple English-language explanation of ";" and ":", please visit this page from the University of Victoria's study zone. (After reading the page, you can go on to an online test.)
For my version of summary no. 1 from the handout,
click here.
@ Go over EW 11 #6?; Unit 6, review #3 and #4, do #2, #6, and #7
A Look briefly at London (SS Tbk, pp. 28-29)
BPeer evaluation of summaries and further summarizing practice
#9 Other Ways of Organizing Paragraphs: Problem/Solution; Summary writing (longer passages) For model summaries of "The Beginning of the University Year", "London", and no. 2 from the handout, click here.
Summary homework 3, deadline Session #10: Please summarize "Chinese Medicine" (WE, p. 79).
@ Go over WE Unit 7. Do #10 in groups.
A Peer evaluation of summaries.

B Summarizing passages of more than one paragraph.
#10 Review Rewrite paragraph for Session# 12.
For model answers to the homework summaries, click here.
Summary homework 4, deadline Session #15:
If you got mainly "Poor" for your summary homework, please do WE p. 13 b), p.48, and p.99. USE YOUR OWN WORDS! If you got mainly "Fair"/ "Good"/ "Excellent", please do WE p. 99, then do at least one from 5-7 on the handout, and then 8 and 9. USE YOUR OWN WORDS!
Preparation for the next class:
A Review Tbk pp. 69-71 and read pp. 73-77.
B Use p. 72 in the SS textbook to prepare a self-introduction speech in which you give your name and your future plans and goals. Practice giving the speech with suitable posture and good eye contact.
Begin to think of a topic for the Final Presentation and the essay.
(You could research an issue related to a news story that interests you...) [If you have not already looked at the advice available here, please do so now!]
@ Paragraphs returned; feedback and instructions concerning rewrite assignment
A Summary exercise(s) (Submit.)
B Brief introduction to essay writing: Review the skills learned in Part 1 and link them to Parts II and III
Part II Presentation Skills
#11 Introduction to effective presentation skills Prepare News Story speech, using the instructions and worksheet from  授業支援システム, for rehearsal in Session 12 andPerformance in Session 13.

YOU SHOULD FIND A NEW NEWS STORY, not the one that you wrote your opinion paragraph about. (However, you can use the "new" news story as material for your final presentation and essay.)

A) Review posture and eye contact and do self-introduction speeches.
B) Gestures and voice control.
For an example of the use of gestures and voice control, watch this video of Steve Jobs, although he is using gestures appropriate to a large audience. This one does not have a Japanese translation, but his message is fairly simple. For a more formal speech by Bill Gates, see here. (He begins to speak after 3:00 minutes have passed.) For an example of a woman, and a speech in a more formal setting, here isChristine Lagarde, President of the International Monetary Fund. (She starts speaking after around 3.20 minutes.) Notice how she glances occasionally at her notes but does not just read them. (There is a transcript of the prepared speech here, but she does not follow it completely.) This is a less formal example of a speech by top Google executive Susan Wojcicki. Note how she recovers from a mistake.
C) Use of prompt cards/
D) Observing time limits.
E) Overcoming fear.
F) Preparing News Story Speech (1-1.5 min.)
#12 Rehearsal of News Story Speech Use the feedback from your rehearsals to improve your performance.
(Submit both the corrected first draft and the rewrite of the paragraph.)
A) Rehearsal and feedback in small groups
B) 2nd rehearsal and feedback, in different groups
C) Submit rewrites of opinion paragraphs (and the first draft)

#13 Performance of News Story Speech (1-1.5 min) Please read pp. 79-84, 93-94 of the SS textbook.
Start to think of a topic for your Final Presentation. (Note that your topic can be related to your news story.)
Wed. 6/03 A) Individual perfomances of News Story Speech
B) Feedback on News Story speeches
#14 Introduction to Persuasive Speech (3-3.5 min.) (Final Presentation) Prepare visual aid (for in-class presentation practice).
Fill inWorksheet 3 (TWO topics) (Tbk pp. 93-94)
A) Introduction (Tbk p. 81)
B) How to choose your topic (Tbk p. 79); Worksheet 3 (p. 82, pp. 93-94)
C) Distinguishing between facts and opinions (Tbk pp. 79-80)
D) Explaining visual aids (Tbk pp. 83-84)
E) Individual feedback on News Story speeches
For more detailed feedback, click here.
#15 Preparing Persuasive Speech, Step 1
Summary homework 5, deadline Session #19.
If you have not done summaries for 8 and 9 on the handout, do these now. If you have already done these, download SS Readings 2 from 授業支援 and do 1, 2, and more if you like.

Use the feedback on Worksheet 3 to rethink or refine your topic.
Start research for evidence to support your main idea.
A) Choosing a topic (peer review using Worksheet 3); submit Worksheet 3
B) Practice explaining visual aids
C) Do Tbk W-2 (p. 24); peer edit and submit summaries
#16 Preparing Persuasive Speech, Step 2 Do further research for your supporting points and fill in Worksheet 4 (Tbk p. 95).
Make a copy of Worksheet 4 to submit to the instructor.
A) Worksheet 3 returned.
B) Making a speech plan (Worksheet 4) (Tbk p. 95)
C) Discuss with a partner where you will find evidence for your supporting points.
#17 Preparing Persuasive Speech, Step 3 Fill in Worksheet 5 (Tbk pp. 97-98) and make a copy to submit to the instructor.
Prepare for in-class rehearsal of the introduction.

I have added some more summaries to the model answers page. Click here.
A) Peer review Worksheet 4 and submit copy to instructor.
B) Organizing a speech (Worksheet 5) (Tbk pp. 97-98)

C) Transitions (Connectors) (Tbk p. 80, pp. 86-88)

D) Making a short persuasive speech for practice (group work)
#18 Preparing Persuasive Speech, Step 4 Complete preparations for persuasive speech, including making visuals, and rehearse in preparation for in-class rehearsal in Session# 22.
Read Tbk pp. 32-33, 46-47 + at least the first example of an essay (pp.34-36); also, WE pp. 56-60, 63-64, 68.
A) Worksheet 4 returned.
B) Peer review Worksheet 5 and submit copy to instructor
C) Practice making the introduction (in small groups)
Part III Writing and Reading: Essay Writing and Documentation
#19 Essay Writing (1) Write an essay (deadline: Session# 22).
Make an outline and bring it to Session# 20; also bring research materials (to practice your reference list).
Read WE Unit 10, pp. 71-76; Tbk pp. 33, 41-44; 57-61.
Final summary homework: If you have not yet done so, download SS Readings 2 from 授業支援. Do 1 and 2. If you have already done 1 and 2, do at least 3 and 4. Deadline Class # 25.
(For model answers to summaries of previous homeworks, click here.
@ Differences between presentations and essays (Tbk pp. 46-47, 32-40)Tbk pp. 32-22, WE pp. 56-57).
A Thesis statements (WE pp. 58-62).
B Outlines (WE pp. 63-64, 68).
CExplain essay assignment; explain Essay Writing Checklist (Tbk p. 31).

D Peer review and submit Summary Homework 5. (For model answers to summaries of previous homeworks, click here.
#20 Essay writing (2) Bring your essay draft to the essay workshop.
If necessary, use instructor's feedback on Worksheet 5 to improve the structure/visuals etc. of your final presentation.
@ Introduction & conclusion of an essay (WE Unit 10, pp. 71-76; Tbk p. 33).
A How to avoid plagiarism; quoting and paraphrasing (Tbk pp. 41-42, 57-61)
B Making a reference list (Tbk pp. 42-44); practice making a reference list
C Peer review of outlines
D Return Worksheet 5
#21 Essay writing (3) Finish your essay (for peer-editing in Session# 22). Remember to add references.
@ Essay Writing Checklist (Tbk p. 31)
AEssay workshop
#22 Peer editing of essay; Rehearsal for Final Presentations Use the feedback from your rehearsals to improve your performance.
Practice summarizing.
Optional rewrite of first draft of essay:
f you wish to rewrite your first draft after the peer-editing, please tell me, and bring the first draft and the rewrite to Session #23.
@ Peer-edit and turn in essay (Optional rewrite).
A) Rehearse persuasive speech in small groups, with feedback.
B) Practice displaying your visual aids.
#23 Final Presentation I (Persuasive Speech) (3-3.5 min.)
The timetable for Class 07 is here.
The timetable for Class 02 is here.
If you have not yet made your presentation, continue rehearsing.
Start to prepare for the written exam by revising Part I of the course
Performance of final presentations in front of the class.
#24 Final Presentation II (Persuasive Speech) (3-3.5 min.) Revise the Paragraph Checklist and summarizing techniques. Download the exercise for revising the format and spelling/grammar parts of the Paragraph Checklist from 授業支援 and complete it.
Performance of final presentations in front of the class.
#25 Return essay; Prepare for Final Exam (Reading and Writing) Optional rewrite of essay. If you decide to rewrite the essay, you must submit the rewrite, and the original with my corrections in red, on 22 July. Take them to 学生部 and put them in BOX 3 before 16:45. 来往舎の受付に持っていっても受け取りませんので、ご注意ください。(If you decide not to rewrite, make sure that you give the essay back at the beginning of Session #26.)
@ Return essay; feedback from instructor. (Decide whether to rewrite.)
A Prepare for exam (revise summarizing and paragraph-writing); review the downloaded exercise. Information about the exam is here.
#26 Final Exam (Reading and Writing) 70 minutes If you have decided to rewrite the essay, make sure that you can meet the deadline! Remember to submit your first draft as well as your final one. Even if you decide not to do the rewrite after all, you must submit your first draft.
After the exam: class evaluation.
Submit your essay if you have decided not to do a rewrite.