Feedback on the News Story Presentations

Everyone was able to finish successfully. There were no major mistakes!!

Please note the following:

Eye contact ‡@
This means that you had written the full text of your speech and read it out loud during the presentation. As a result, you looked at the text rather than at the audience. It is much better if you can speak to the audience rather than read the text!

Of course, if you decide to read the text, you need not worry that you will forget what to say. I understand this. My advice is:

1. It is not really necessary to prepare the full text of your speech. As you get more practice with the phrases used in presentations, you should be able to make notes rather than prepare a full text. If you want to begin by preparing the full text at the moment, please do so. BUT:

2. Practice making the speech many times. Each time you practice, cross out part of the full text and write it as a note instead.

For example:
Full text version:
My news story is about an important speech made by the Japanese prime minister


     Topic:   speech        prime minister

When you have practiced enough times, your full text should have become short notes. You may be able to make the notes even shorter.

3. If you are afraid that you might be too nervous to use the notes properly during the actual performance, take the full text with you just in case.

Eye contact ‡A and Fluency ‡@
You used notes, but they were hard to read. As a result, you did not have enough eye contact, or hesitated.

You should be able to glance quickly at your notes and then go back to looking at the audience. Therefore, you must make sure that your notes are easy to read. Make sure that they are neat. If necessary, write them again. Make sure that there are clear spaces between each part.

Practice using them!

Eye contact ‡B
This means that your notes were too detailed. If your notes are too detailed, you will spend too much time looking at them.

My advice: Each time you practice, cross out a detail. When you have practiced many times, you should be able to give your speech using very short notes. If you are afraid that you might forget the details during the actual performance, you can take your more detailed version with you just in case.

Voice ‡@
Your voice was too quiet. Do not be shy! The audience wants to hear your speech! Imagine that you are throwing your words to the back of the room. Breathe deeply and open your mouth wide. Practice your speech in a place where it is OK to speak loud. Practice speaking loudly in front of your friends.

(If you are female, please do not think that women should not speak in loud voices, or that women should not have strong opinions. It is not necessary to be ‚©‚í‚¢‚¢ to be attractive. )

Voice ‡A
This means that you did not use your voice effectively. Remember to stress the important words. Do not read your speech. Practice many times and make notes. As you practice, try to use your voice effectively.

Content ‡@
You did not follow the structure of the Worksheet. Did you download it from Žö‹ÆŽx‰‡? Did you use it properly when preparing your speech?

You were not meant to give your opinion of the news story and explain your opinion giving three reasons!

Content ‡A
You did not explain the news story clearly. You were meant to summarize the story before giving your opinion.