Final Presentations

This is the schedule for the final presentations.

Some advice:
Speakers: Before you start speaking, check that your visuals are properly arranged, breathe deeply, and smile at the audience. Don't worry if you make a mistake. Everyone will understand.
Make sure that you have an overview visual and at least two visuals for the body. Remember the importance of eye contact. Do not look at your notes all the time, and do not look at your visuals while you speak.

Members of the audience: Listen quietly, clap, and evaluate. If you are put in the right-hand side of the class, evaluate people whose names are marked with R. If you are put in the left-hand side of the class, evaluate people whose names are marked with L.

The chairpersons take turns to introduce each speaker. I will explain how to do this.
The timekeepers tell the speakers how long they have talked. I will explain how to do this.

Wednesday, 8 July
Chairpersons: Yoshitoshi, Shunpei
Timekeepers: Hyung Jin and Toshihiro
Health I
Miyuki Adegawa R The Truth behind Flu Vaccinations
Takako Tanaka L The Cost of Using Ambulances
Takumi Saito R The Medical Bills of Old People
Yuta Suzuki L The Importance of Nuclear Power
Keisuke Amboi R Nuclear Power Generation in Japan
Shun Ikeda L The Dangers of Using Smartphones while Walking
Hiroki Uchide R The Future of Feature Phones
Naoki Kobayakawa L Students' Use of Smartphones
Riku Nishimura R Capital Punishment in Japan
Sayuri Hayashi L Amending the Juvenile Act
Ryo Kagami R Students and Part-Time Jobs
Jiyoon Choi L The Installation of Lockers in Keio
Koki Yasunaga R Humanities Deparments in National Universities

Friday, 1O July

Chairpersons: Riku, Jiyoon
Timekeepers: Yuta, Takako
   Health II
Hiroki Ishibashi R Euthanasia in Japan
Nariyama Seishu L The Negative Effects of Drinking
Shunpei Shikimori R Stress, Personality, and Mental Illness
  Technology II
Hyung Jin Kim L The Usage of Smartphones
Michitaka Ono R The Linear Shinkansen
Toshihiro Shimizu L GPS and the Right to Privacy
Gen Ueda R Nuclear Power Plants in Japan
Social Issues
Yasuhiro Sando L Reporting the Names of Juvenile Criminals
Sho Araki R Japanese Whaling Culture
Ryotaro Fujimoto L Non-Japanese Workers
Yoshitoshi Nakahara R An Aircraft Carrier for Japan
Nishioka Kohei L  
Nozomi Watanabe L