
#5405. 言語多起源説を唱えた Maupertuis[homo_sapiens][origin_of_language][evolution][history_of_linguistics][language_myth][tower_of_babel]


 連日 Mufwene を参照しつつ言語の起源をめぐる学説史を振り返っている.今回は,言語多起源説を唱えたフランスの哲学者・数学者の Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698--1759) を取り上げたい.Maupertuis は言語の多様性を説明するのに「バベルの塔」 (tower_of_babel) という神の力に頼ることをせず,そもそも言語発生の原初から多様な言語があったと,つまり言語の起源は複数あったと論じた.言語単一起源説 (monogenesis) に対する言語多起源説 (polygenesis) の提唱である.Mufwene (22--23) より関連する解説部分を引用する.

Another important philosopher of the eighteenth century was Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, author of Réflexions sur l'origine des langues et la vie des mots (1748). Among other things, he sought to answer the question of whether modern languages can ultimately be traced back to one single common ancestor or whether current diversity reflects polygenesis, with different populations developing their own languages. Associating monogenesis with the Tower of Babel myth, which needs a deus ex machina, God, to account for the diversification of languages, he rejected it in favour of polygenesis. Note, however, that his position needs Cartesianism, which assumes that all humans are endowed with the same mental capacity and suggests that our hominin ancestors could have invented similar communicative technologies at the same or similar stages of our phylogenetic evolution. This position makes it natural to project the existence of language as the common essence of languages beyond their differences.

 人類の言語能力それ自体は世界のどこででもほぼ同時期に開花したが,そこから生み出されてきた個々の言語は互いに異なっており,全体として言語の多様性が現出した.これが Maupertuis の捉え方だろう.
 単一起源説と多起源説については「#2841. 人類の起源と言語の起源の関係」 ([2017-02-05-1]) の記事も参照.

 ・ Mufwene, Salikoko S. "The Origins and the Evolution of Language." Chapter 1 of The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics. Ed. Keith Allan. Oxford: OUP, 2013. 13--52.

Referrer (Inside): [2025-01-01-1]

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