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2024-08-05 Mon

#5579. 間投詞とは何か? [interjection][pos][category][exclamation][syntax][onomatopoeia][terminology][exclamation][pragmatics][syntax]

 間投詞 (interjection) というマイナーな品詞は,おおよそ統語規則に縛られない唯一の語類ということで,どこか自由な魅力がある.定期的に惹かれ,この話題を取り上げてきた気がする.過去の記事としては「#3689. 英語の間投詞」 ([2019-06-03-1]),「#3712. 英語の間投詞 (2)」 ([2019-06-26-1]),「#3688. 日本語の感動詞の分類」 ([2019-06-02-1]) などを参照されたい.
 今回は Crystal, McArthur, Bussmann の各々の用語辞典で interjection を引いてみた.

interjection (n.) A term used in the TRADITIONAL CLASSIFICATION of PARTS OF SPEECH, referring to a CLASS of WORDs which are UNPRODUCTIVE, do not enter into SYNTACTIC relationships with other classes, and whose FUNCTION is purely EMOTIVE, e.g., Yuk!, Strewth!, Blast!, Tut tut! There is an unclear boundary between these ITEMS and other types of EXCLAMATION, where some REFERENTIAL MEANING may be involved, and where there may be more than one word, e.g. Excellent!, Lucky devil!, Cheers!, Well well! Several alternative ways of analysing these items have been suggested, using such notions as MINOR SENTENCE, FORMULAIC LANGUAGE, etc. (Crystal)

INTERJECTION [15c: through French from Latin interiectio/interiectionis something thrown in]. A part of speech and a term often used in dictionaries for marginal items functioning alone and not as conventional elements of sentence structure. They are sometimes emotive and situational: oops, expressing surprise, often at something mildly embarrassing, yuk/yuck, usually with a grimace and expressing disgust, ow, ouch, expressing pain, wow, expressing admiration and wonder, sometimes mixed with surprise. They sometimes use sounds outside the normal range of a language: for example, the sounds represented as ugh, whew, tut-tut/tsk-tsk. The spelling of ugh has produced a variant of the original, pronounced ugg. Such greetings as Hello, Hi, Goodbye and such exclamations as Cheers, Hurra, Well are also interjections. (McArthur)

interjection [Lat. intericere 'to throw between']
Group of words which express feelings, curse, and wishes or are used to initiate conversation (Ouch!, Darn!, Hi!). Their status as a grammatical category is debatable, as they behave strangely in respect to morphology, syntax, and semantics: they are formally indeclinable, stand outside the syntactic frame, and have no lexical meaning, strictly speaking. Interjections often have onomatopoeic characteristics: Brrrrr!, Whoops!, Pow! (Bussmann)


 ・ Crystal, David, ed. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. 6th ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2008. 295--96.
 ・ McArthur, Tom, ed. The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford: OUP, 1992.
 ・ Bussmann, Hadumod. Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics. Trans. and ed. Gregory Trauth and Kerstin Kazzizi. London: Routledge, 1996.

Referrer (Inside): [2025-01-01-1]

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2024-08-05 Mon

#5579. 間投詞とは何か? [interjection][pos][category][exclamation][syntax][onomatopoeia][terminology][exclamation][pragmatics][syntax]

 間投詞 (interjection) というマイナーな品詞は,おおよそ統語規則に縛られない唯一の語類ということで,どこか自由な魅力がある.定期的に惹かれ,この話題を取り上げてきた気がする.過去の記事としては「#3689. 英語の間投詞」 ([2019-06-03-1]),「#3712. 英語の間投詞 (2)」 ([2019-06-26-1]),「#3688. 日本語の感動詞の分類」 ([2019-06-02-1]) などを参照されたい.
 今回は Crystal, McArthur, Bussmann の各々の用語辞典で interjection を引いてみた.

interjection (n.) A term used in the TRADITIONAL CLASSIFICATION of PARTS OF SPEECH, referring to a CLASS of WORDs which are UNPRODUCTIVE, do not enter into SYNTACTIC relationships with other classes, and whose FUNCTION is purely EMOTIVE, e.g., Yuk!, Strewth!, Blast!, Tut tut! There is an unclear boundary between these ITEMS and other types of EXCLAMATION, where some REFERENTIAL MEANING may be involved, and where there may be more than one word, e.g. Excellent!, Lucky devil!, Cheers!, Well well! Several alternative ways of analysing these items have been suggested, using such notions as MINOR SENTENCE, FORMULAIC LANGUAGE, etc. (Crystal)

INTERJECTION [15c: through French from Latin interiectio/interiectionis something thrown in]. A part of speech and a term often used in dictionaries for marginal items functioning alone and not as conventional elements of sentence structure. They are sometimes emotive and situational: oops, expressing surprise, often at something mildly embarrassing, yuk/yuck, usually with a grimace and expressing disgust, ow, ouch, expressing pain, wow, expressing admiration and wonder, sometimes mixed with surprise. They sometimes use sounds outside the normal range of a language: for example, the sounds represented as ugh, whew, tut-tut/tsk-tsk. The spelling of ugh has produced a variant of the original, pronounced ugg. Such greetings as Hello, Hi, Goodbye and such exclamations as Cheers, Hurra, Well are also interjections. (McArthur)

interjection [Lat. intericere 'to throw between']
Group of words which express feelings, curse, and wishes or are used to initiate conversation (Ouch!, Darn!, Hi!). Their status as a grammatical category is debatable, as they behave strangely in respect to morphology, syntax, and semantics: they are formally indeclinable, stand outside the syntactic frame, and have no lexical meaning, strictly speaking. Interjections often have onomatopoeic characteristics: Brrrrr!, Whoops!, Pow! (Bussmann)


 ・ Crystal, David, ed. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. 6th ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2008. 295--96.
 ・ McArthur, Tom, ed. The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford: OUP, 1992.
 ・ Bussmann, Hadumod. Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics. Trans. and ed. Gregory Trauth and Kerstin Kazzizi. London: Routledge, 1996.

Referrer (Inside): [2025-01-01-1]

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2021-02-16 Tue

#4313. 呼格,主格,対格の関係について一考 [greetings][interjection][formula][syntax][exclamation][pragmatics][syncretism][latin][case]

 昨日の記事「#4312. 「呼格」を認めるか否か」 ([2021-02-15-1]) で話題にしたように,呼格 (vocative) は,伝統的な印欧語比較言語学では1つの独立した格として認められてきた.しかし,ラテン語などの古典語ですら,第2活用の -us で終わる単数にのみ独立した呼格形が認められるにすぎず,それ以外では形態的に主格に融合 (syncretism) している.「呼格」というよりも「主格の呼びかけ用法」と考えたほうがスッキリするというのも事実である.
 このように呼格が形態的に主格に融合してきたことを認める一方で,語用的機能の観点から「呼びかけ」と近い関係にあるとおぼしき「感嘆」 (exclamation) においては,むしろ対格に由来する形態を用いることが多いという印欧諸語の特徴に関心を抱いている.Poor me!Lucky you! のような表現である.
 細江 (157--58) より,統語的に何らかの省略が関わる7つの感嘆文の例を挙げたい.各文の名詞句は形式的には通格というべきだが,機能的にしいていうならば,主格だろうか対格だろうか.続けて,細江の解説も引用する.

  How unlike their Belgic sires of old!---Goldsmith.
  Wonderful civility this!---Charlotte Brontë.
  A lively lad that!---Lord Lytton.
  A theatrical people, the French?---Galsworthy.
  Strange institution, the English club.---Albington.
  This wish I have, then ten times happy me!---Shakespeare.

 この最後の me は元来文の主語であるべきものを表わすものであるが,一人称単数の代名詞は感動文では主格の代わりに対格を用いることがあるので,これには種々の理由があるらしい(§130参照)が,ラテン語の語法をまねたことも一原因であったと見られる.たとえば,

  Me miserable!---Milton, Paradise Lost, IV. 73.

は全くラテン語の Me miserum! (Ovid, Heroides, V. 149) と一致する.

 引用最後のラテン語 me miserum と関連して,Blake の格に関する理論解説書より "ungoverned case" と題する1節も引用しておこう (9) .

In case languages one sometimes encounters phrases in an oblique case used as interjections, i.e. apart from sentence constructions. Mel'cuk (1986: 46) gives a Russian example Aristokratov na fonar! 'Aristocrats on the street-lamps!' where Aristokratov is accusative. One would guess that some expressions of this type have developed from governed expressions, but that the governor has been lost. A standard Latin example is mē miserum (1SG.ACC miserable.ACC) 'Oh, unhappy me!' As the translation illustrates, English uses the oblique form of pronouns in exclamations, and outside constructions generally.

 さらに議論を挨拶のような決り文句にも引っかけていきたい.「#4284. 決り文句はほとんど無冠詞」 ([2021-01-18-1]) でみたように,挨拶の多くは,歴史的には主語と動詞が省略され,対格の名詞句からなっているのだ.

 ・ 細江 逸記 『英文法汎論』3版 泰文堂,1926年.
 ・ Blake, Barry J. Case. 2nd ed. Cambridge: CUP, 2001.

Referrer (Inside): [2021-02-21-1]

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2021-01-18 Mon

#4284. 決り文句はほとんど無冠詞 [greetings][interjection][formula][syntax][article][exclamation][pragmatics][christmas]

 正式な I wish you a merry Christmas! という挨拶を省略すると Merry Christmas! となり,I wish you a good morning. を省略すると Good morning! となる.身近すぎて気に留めることもないかもしれないが,挨拶のような決り文句 (formula) を名詞句へ省略する場合には,冠詞を切り落とすことが多い.前置詞句などを伴うケースで A merry Christmas to you! のように冠詞が残ることもあり,水を漏らさぬルールではないものの,決り文句性が高ければ高いほど冠詞まで含めて省略されるようだ.感嘆句的な Charming couple!, Dirty place!, Excellent meal!, Poor thing!, Good idea!, Lovely evening! とも通じ合うし,その他 Cigarette?, Good flight?, Next slide? などの疑問句にも通じる冠詞の省略といえる.代表的な決り文句を,Quirk et al (§11.54) より一覧しよう.

GREETINGS: Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening <all formal>; Hello; Hi <familiar>
FAREWELLS: Goodbye, Good night, All the best <informal>, Cheers, Cheerio <BrE, familiar>, See you <familiar>, Bye(-bye) <familiar>, So long <familiar>
INTRODUCTIONS: How do you do? <formal>, How are you?, Glad to meet you, Hi <familiar>
   (a) assent, agreement: Yes, Yeah /je/; All right, OK <informal>, Certainly, Absolutely, Right, Exactly, Quite <BrE>, Sure <esp AmE>
   (b) denial, disagreement: No, Certainly not, Definitely not, Not at all, Not likely
THANKS: Thank you (very much), Thanks (very much), Many thanks, Ta <BrE slang>, Thanks a lot, Cheers <familiar BrE>
TOASTS: Good health <formal>, Your good health <formal>, Cheers <familiar>, Here's to you, Here's to the future, Here's to your new job
SEASONAL GREETINGS: Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Birthday, Many happy returns (of your birthday), Happy Anniversary
ALARM CALLS: Help! Fire!
WARNINGS: Mind, (Be) careful!, Watch out!, Watch it! <familiar>
APOLOGIES: (I'm) sorry, (I beg your) pardon <formal>, My mistake
RESPONSES TO APOLOGIES: That's OK <informal>, Don't mention it, Not matter <formal>, Never mind, No hard feelings <informal>
CONGRATULATIONS: Congratulations, Well done, Right on <AmE slang>
EXPRESSIONS OF ANGER OR DISMISSAL (familiar; graded in order from expressions of dismissal to taboo curses): Beat it <esp AmE>, Get lost, Blast you <BrE>, Damn you, Go to hell, Bugger off <BrE>, Fuck off, Fuck you
EXPLETIVES (familiar; likewise graded in order of increasing strength): My Gosh, (By) Golly, (Good) Heavens, Doggone (it) <AmE>, Darn (it), Heck, Blast (it) <BrE>, Good Lord, (Good) God, Christ Almighty, Oh hell, Damn (it), Bugger (it) <esp BrE>, Shit, Fuck (it)
MISCELLANEOUS EXCLAMATIONS: Shame <familiar>, Encore, Hear, hear, Over my dead body <familiar>, Nothing doing <informal>, Big deal <familiar, ironic>, Oh dear, Goal, Checkmate

 決り文句の多くは何らかの統語的省略を経たものであり,それだけでも不規則と言い得るが,加えて様々な統語的制約が課されるという特徴もある.例えば,過去形にすることはできない,主語を別の人称に変えることはできない,間接疑問に埋め込むことができない等々の性質をもつものが多い.ただし,決り文句性というのも程度問題で,(A) happy new year! のように,不定冠詞の有無などに関して variation を残すものもあるだろうと考えている.

 ・ Quirk, Randolph, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman, 1985.

Referrer (Inside): [2022-12-24-1] [2021-02-16-1]

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2019-06-26 Wed

#3712. 英語の間投詞 (2) [interjection][exclamation]

 「#3689. 英語の間投詞」 ([2019-06-03-1]) に引き続いての話題.The Oxford Dictionary of Word Histories の p. 554 に,"Natural exclamations" と題するボキャビル欄がある.主要な英語の間投詞 (interjection) が初出時代や起源の記述とともに列挙されているものだが,現代も含め各時代に次々と新しい間投詞が生まれているものなのだなあと発見でき,なかなかおもしろい.

InterjectionFirst AttestationUsage
awmid 19th century in American Englishexpressing mild protest
faughmid 16th centuryexpressing disgust
heyMiddle Englishsaid in attracting attention
hilate Middle Englishsaid in greeting
hoMiddle Englishexpressing surprise or derision
hootsearly 19th century, but mid 16th century as hootexpressing impatience
hoylate Middle Englishsaid to attract attention
loOld English as said to indicate an amazing event.
ohMiddle Englishexpressing entreaty or mild surprise
oofmid 19th centuryexpressing alarm or annoyance
oohearly 20th centuryexpressing delight or pain
oops1930ssaid on making an error
ouchmid 17th centuryexpressing pain
owmid 19th centuryexpressing pain
poohlate 16th centuryexpressing disgust
pshawlate 17th centuryexpressing impatience or contempt
shoolate Middle Englishsaid to frighten off the hearer
whee1920sexpressing delight
whishtmid 16th centurysaid to hush the hearer
whooearly 17th centuryexpressing surprise or delight
wowearly 16th centuryexpressing admiration
yahearly 17th centuryexpressing derision
yahoo1970sexpressing excitement
yeehaw1970s in American Englishexpressing exuberance
yeow1920s in American Englishexpressing shock
yippee1920s in American Englishexpressing wild excitement
yolate Middle Englishsaid in greeting
yoo-hoo1920ssaid to attract attention
zowieearly 20th century in American Englishexpressing astonishment

 oops, ouch, pooh, wow など,よく知られているものでも,近代英語以降の初出と,意外に遅いことに気づく.間投詞が開かれた語類であることを再認識できた.

 ・ Chantrell, Glynnis, ed. The Oxford Dictionary of Word Histories. Oxford: OUP, 2002.

Referrer (Inside): [2024-08-05-1]

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2018-12-15 Sat

#3519. ???????????????????????????? [optative][interrogative][exclamation][tag_question][syntax][word_order][construction_grammar][inversion]

 この2日間の記事「#3517. if を使わずに V + S とする条件節」 ([2018-12-13-1]),「#3518. 条件節と疑問文の近さ」 ([2018-12-14-1]) で,統語的・意味論的な観点から「疑問」「接続法」「願望」「条件」の接点を探ってきた.この仲間に,もう1つ「感嘆」というキーワードも参加させたい.
 感嘆文では,疑問文で典型的に起こる V + S の語順がしばしば採用される.Jespersen (499) から例文を挙げよう.

 ・ Sh Merch II. 2. 106 Lord, how art thou chang'd
 ・ Sh Merch II. 3.16 Alacke, what heinous sinne is it in me To be ashamed to be my Fathers childe
 ・ BJo 3.133 what a vile wretch was I
 ・ Farquhar B 321 What a rogue is my father!
 ・ Defoe G 44 what fool must he be now that they have given him a place!
 ・ Goldsm 658 What a fool was I, to think a young man could learn modesty by travelling
 ・ Macaulay H 2.209 What a generation of vipers do we live among!
 ・ Thack N 180 What a festival is that day to her | What (how great) was my surprise when they were engaged!
 ・ Bennett C 2.12 What a night, isn't it?

 最後の例文では付加疑問がついているが,これなどはまさに感嘆文と疑問文の融合ともいうべき例だろう.感嘆と疑問が合わさった「#2258. 感嘆疑問文」 ([2015-07-03-1]) も例が豊富である.
 また,感嘆と願望が互いに近しいことは説明を要しないだろう.may 祈願文が V + S 語順を示すのも,感嘆の V + S 語順と何らかの関係があるからかもしれない.
 may 祈願文と関連して,Jespersen (502) に,Dickinson, European Anarchy 74 からの興味深い例文があったので挙げておこう.

"The war may come", says one party. "Yes", says the other; and secretly mutters, "May the war come!"

 may 祈願は,疑問文に典型的な V + S 語順を,願望や感嘆のためにリクルートした例と考えてみるのもおもしろそうだ.

 ・ Jespersen, Otto. A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. Part 5. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1954.

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2018-08-31 Fri

#3413. 「主語+助動詞」が「助動詞+主語」となる場合 (1) [syntax][auxiliary_verb][inversion][word_order][exclamation][optative][may]

 現代英語の最も普通の語順は「主語+(助)動詞」である.ただし,いくつかのケースでは,統語的,意味的,語用的な動機づけにより,この語順が倒置 (inversion) されることがあり「(助)動詞+主語」となり得る.ここでは動詞を助動詞に限定した上で,どのようなケースがあるか,Huddleston and Pullum (94--96) の分類から要約してみよう.

 (1) 閉じた疑問文 (Closed interrogatives)
   - Can she speak French?
   - Does she speak French?

 (2) 開かれた疑問文 (Open interrogatives)
   - What did she tell you?
   - Where did you go after that?
   - What is she doing?

 (3) 感嘆文 (Exclamatives) (ただし,主語+助動詞の語順も可能)
   - What a fool have I been?
   - How hard did she try?

 (4) 否定要素が前置される場合 (Initial negative)
   - Not one of them did he find useful.
   - Nowhere does he mention my book.

 (5) only が前置される場合 (Initial only)
   - Only two of them did he find useful.
   - Only once had she complained.

 (6) so/such が前置される場合 (Initial so/such)
   - So little time did we have that we had to cut corners.
   - Such a fuss would he make that we'd all agree.
   - You got it wrong and so did I.

 (7) その他の要素が前置される場合 (Other fronted elements)
   - Thus had they parted the previous evening.
   - Many another poem could I speak of which sang itself into my heart.
   - The more wives he had, the more children could he beget.
   - Well did I remember the crisis of emotion into which he was plunged that night.

 (8) 条件節 (Conditional inversion)
   - Had he seen the incident he'd have reported it to the police.

 (9) 祈願の may (Optative may)
   - May you both enjoy the long and happy retirement that you so richly deserve.
   - May the best man win!
   - May you be forgiven!


 ・ Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K. Pullum. The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge: CUP, 2002.

Referrer (Inside): [2018-09-02-1] [2018-09-01-1]

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2017-06-20 Tue

#2976. 古英語・中英語の感嘆節 which a ? [ancrene_wisse][syntax][exclamation][article]

 Bennett and Smithers 版で Ancrene Wisse の一部を読んでいたときに,この表現に出会った.A. 147--48 に,次のようにある.

Lokið nu ȝeorne, for his deorewurðe luue, hwuch a mearke he leide upon his icorene þa he steah to heouene

 hwuch a mearke 以下の部分はいわゆる間接疑問節を導く which だが,直後に不定冠詞が現われるということは,感嘆の含意もいくらか含んでいるということだろうか.もしそうだとすると,現代英語では感嘆は what a ? となるのが普通なので,かつては which a ? なる形式もあったということになる.
 そこで調べてみると,古英語と中英語には "exclamatory which" なる用法があったとのことだ.Mustanoja (186) の解説を引こう.


.' --- The original meaning of the pronoun, 'of what kind,' is also reflected in its dependent exclamatory use found in OE and ME (it is often separated from the governing noun by a)] --- ah loke wulche wæstres . . . Whulche wurþliche wude, Whulche wilde deores (Lawman A 11770--73); --- whiche lordes beth þis shrewes! (PPl. B x 27); --- lo which a wyf was Alceste (Ch. CT F Fkl. 1442); --- and whiche eyen my lady hadde! (Ch. BD 859); --- he seide, 'O whiche sorwes glade, O which wofull prosperite Belongeth to the proprete Of love!' (Gower CA iv 1212--13). In late ME which is superseded in this function by what.

 MEDwhich (adj.) の語義7にも,この用法について次のように記述がある.

7. In exclamations, with emphatic force, indicating the striking or extraordinary character of the noun modified: what a remarkable, an excellent, or an impressive; what remarkable or fine:

 さらに OED で which, pron. and adj. を調べてみると,この用法が語義5に,現代では廃用として挙げられている.例文は,古英語は Ælfred 訳の Boethius De Consol. Philos. からの例に始まり,中英語末期からの例に終わっている.

 ・ c888 Ælfred tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. xvi. §2 Gif ge nu gesawan hwelce mus þæt wære hlaford ofer oðre mys,..mid hwelce hleahtre ge woldon bion astered.
 . . . .
 ・ c1450 Jacob's Well (1900) 102 Lo, whiche a worschip sche hadde, & whiche a ioye.

 感嘆節 which a ? は,古い英語で普通に見られたことが分かる.

 ・ Bennett, J. A. W. and G. V. Smithers, eds. Early Middle English Verse and Prose. 2nd ed. Oxford: OUP, 1968.
 ・ Mustanoja, T. F. A Middle English Syntax. Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, 1960.

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2016-02-10 Wed

#2480. 命令にはなぜ動詞の原形が用いられるのか (2) [imperative][exclamation][inflection][speech_act][verb][interjection][sobokunagimon]

 [2016-02-05-1]の記事に引き続き,命令に動詞の原形が用いられる件について.先の記事の引用中にあったが,Mustanoja (473--74) が命令形と間投詞 (interjection) の近似に言及している.その箇所を引用しよう.

There is a striking functional resemblance between the imperative and the interjections. Both are functionally self-contained exclamatory expressions, both are little articulate (the singular imperative has no ending or has only -e, and the subject-pronoun is seldom expressed), and both are greatly dependent on intonation. In fact many interjections, primary and secondary, are used to express exhortations and commands (a-ha, hay, hi, harrow, out, etc. . . .), and many imperatives are used as interjections (abide, come, go bet, help, look . . . cf. present-day interjections like come on, go away, hear hear, say, say there, etc.)

 さらに,Mustanoja (630--31) では,動詞の命令形が事実上の間投詞となっている例が多く挙げられている.

Brief commands, exhortations, and entreaties are comparable to interjections. Thus in certain circumstances the imperative mood of verbs may serve as a kind of interjection: --- abyd, Robyn, my leeve brother (Ch. CT A Mil. 3129); --- come, þou art mysbilevyd (Cursor App. ii 823); --- go bet, peny, go bet, go! (Sec. Lyr. lvii refrain); --- quad Moyses, 'loc, her nu [is] bread' (Gen. & Ex. 3331); --- help, hooly croys of Bromeholm! (Ch. CT A Rv. 4286; in this and many other cases help might equally well be interpreted as a noun). Somewhat similar stereotyped uses of the imperative are herken and listen, which occur as conventional opening exclamations in numerous ME poems (herkneþ, boþe yonge and olde; --- lystenyþ, lordynges . . . .


 ・ Mustanoja, T. F. A Middle English Syntax. Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, 1960.

Referrer (Inside): [2023-06-01-1]

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2016-02-05 Fri

#2475. 命令にはなぜ動詞の原形が用いられるのか [imperative][exclamation][inflection][speech_act][verb][interjection][sobokunagimon]

 標題は,英語の命令文に関して,「#2289. 命令文に主語が現われない件」 ([2015-08-03-1]) と並んで,長らく疑問に感じていることである.
 歴史的には,命令形と不定形は別個のものである.例えば,古英語の「行く」を表わす動詞について,2人称単数への命令は ,2人称複数への命令は gāþ,不定形は gān であり,それぞれ形態は異なっていた.中英語以降,これらの屈折語尾が水平化し,形態的に軒並み go へと収斂した.
 この問題について,松瀬 (83) で参照されていた Fischer (249) のコメントに当たってみた.

The imperative has a tendency to become invariant in form (this happened also in other Germanic languages), because it functions like a self-contained, exclamatory expression. Mustanoja (1960: 473) compares its function to that of (invariable) interjections. In an example like,

   (109) Help! Water! Water! Help, for Goddes herte! (CT I.3815 [1:3807])

help is as much an interjection as an imperative.

 命令と感嘆はある種の感情の発露として機能的に似通っており,それゆえに裸の語根そのもの(英語の場合には,すなわち原形)が用いられると解釈できるだろうか.細江 (157) が感嘆文との関連で述べている言葉を借りれば,このような語根形は「言語が文法的形式にとらわれず,その情の急なままに原始的自然の言い方に還元された」ものととらえることができる.

 ・ 松瀬 憲司 「"May the Force Be with You!"――英語の may 祈願文について――」『熊本大学教育学部紀要』64巻,2015年.77--84頁.
 ・ Fischer, O. Syntax. In The Cambridge History of the English Language. Vol. 2. Ed. N. Blake. Cambridge, CUP, 1992. 207--398.
 ・ 細江 逸記 『英文法汎論』3版 泰文堂,1926年.

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2015-07-03 Fri

#2258. 諢溷??逍大撫譁? [interrogative][exclamation][tag_question][syntax][word_order][negative]

 Hasn't she grown! のような,疑問文の体裁をしているが発話内の力 (illocutionary force) としては感嘆を示す文について考える機会があり,現代英語における感嘆疑問文 (exclamatory question) について調べてみた.以下に Quirk et al. (825) の記述をまとめる.
 典型的には,Hasn't she GRÒWN!Wasn't it a marvellous CÒNcert! のように否定の yes-no 疑問文の形を取り,下降調のイントネーションで発話される(アメリカ英語では上昇調も可).意味的には非常に強い肯定の感嘆を示し,下降調の付加疑問と同様に,聞き手に対して回答というよりは同意を期待している.
 否定 yes-no 疑問文ほど頻繁ではないが,肯定 yes-no 疑問文でも,やはり下降調に発話されて,同様の感嘆を示すことができる(アメリカ英語では上昇調も可).ˈAm ˈI HÙNGry!, ˈ Did ˈhe look anNÒYED!, ˈHas ˈshe GRÒWN! の如くである.
 統語的には否定であっても肯定であっても,意味としては肯定の感嘆になるというのがおもしろい.統語的な極性が意味的にあたかも中和するかのような例の1つである (cf. 「#950. Be it never so humble, there's no place like home. (3)」 ([2011-12-03-1])) .しかし,Has she grown!Hasn't she grown! の間には若干の違いがある.否定版は明らかに聞き手に同意や確認を求めるものだが,肯定版は命題を自明のものとみなしており聞き手の同意や確認を求めているわけではないという点である.したがって,自らのことを述べる Am I hungry! などにおいては,同意や確認を求める必要がないために,統語的に肯定版が選ばれる.否定版と肯定版の微妙な差異は,次のようなパラフレーズを通じてつかむことができるだろう.

 ・ Wasn't it a marvelous CÒNcert! = 'What a marvelous CÒNcert it was!'
 ・ Has she GRÒWN! = 'She HÀS grown!'

 否定版と肯定版とで,発話に際する話者の前提 (presupposition) が関わってくるということである.語用論的にも興味深い統語現象だ.

 ・ Quirk, Randolph, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman, 1985.

Referrer (Inside): [2018-12-15-1]

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