English Seminar “Α•Κγ‹‰ (Bridging Course)
Spring 2015:
Globalization and Japanese Popular Culture
Instructor: Helen Ballhatchet
Place and time: Wednesdays, 5th period, Rm J444; Fridays, 5th period, Rm J414.
Office hours: I will see students by appointment. You can arrange an appointment either in person (in the classroom) or by e-mail.

Method of Evaluation
Attendance + preparation/participation
(including quizzes)
First presentation 15%
Final presentation 20%
Term paper 25%
Short papers, other written assignments,
vocabulary test (?)

Textbook: Tsutsui, William M.(2010). Japanese Popular Culture and Globalization. Ann Arbor: Association for Asian Studies.
Note that the classes devoted to each section will involve:
1. Homework: reading relevant parts of the textbook and other selected readings + summarizing  / answering questions /defining of keywords etc.; research into the topic and other forms of preparation; a writing task.
2 General class work: activities based on homework; discussions; peer revision
3. Presentations on issues related to the topics, followed by question and answer sessions. (For advice on the use of PowerPoint, click here.)

Please also note:
1. To find out about the purpose of the course, see the outline. You should read, and follow, the guidelines.
2. You will give one mid-term presentation and one final presentation. Since your second presentation will be based on your term paper, your first presentation must not be on exactly the same topic as your term paper. However, it can be on a topic that is closely linked.
For example, if you want to focus on one particular product of Japanese popular culture, you can analyze its characteristics in the first presentation and examine its global impact in the term paper and final presentation.
4. There will be a regular small quizzes to make sure that you have done the readings, and to encourage you to continue to work on activating and expanding your vocabulary. There may also be a vocabulary test. For advice about vocabulary, click here.

@Note: The timetable below is subject to alteration. Please check this page before you prepare for each class.@@@
Theme@ Class No./
Classwork@ Homework@
Orientation and introduction to basic skills

no. 1
Wed. 4/15@@
Distribute and confirm guidelines, schedule etc.
Distribute record cards.
Explanation of basic class structure and discussion skills.
Explanation of homework.

Basic presentation skills.
Introducing a friend.
1.Fill in your record card (for submission in class no. 2, with the photograph)
2. Download the guidelines for discussions from Žφ‹ΖŽx‰‡ and review them.
3.Think about how you read. (See the links about reading on this page.)
4. Look at the instructions for Homework 1 and then read "Japan's Culture Industries: Cool or Cruel?".
no. 2 
Submit record card (with photograph!).
Skills: Reading.

Skills: Academic Writing

Explanation and preliminary discussion of the reading and writing assignments.
Explanation of "Analyzing images" and "Analyzing narratives"

Discuss activities for Class no. 13: Research into the roots of Japanese popular culture/aspects of cultural globalization (visiting specific museums in Yokohama and Tokyo, and doing some guided internet research)
1. Preparation for Writing 1.
Download "Review of Essay Writing" and "Basic Structure of an Essay or Report from Žφ‹ΖŽx‰‡ and read. Then read the instructions for Writing 1.

2.See Homework 2.
Analyzing images 
no. 3
Postreading activities: Each group should confirm that they understand the main points of what they have read, and prepare to explain these to members of other groups. 

Skills: Academic writing: choosing topics for presentations and written assignments ("Choosing a topic" can be downloaded from Žφ‹ΖŽx‰‡)
1. Brainstorm and write your plan for Writing 1. (Deadline Class no. 4)
2. Start to think about the topics for your first presentation and for your term paper. (Deadline for peer review of basic plan is Class no. 9.)
3. Prepare for the next class by a) revising the main points of the reading passage, and b) choosing and analysing at least one favourite image from a manga or anime. Follow the steps suggested in the Activity box on p.42. The questions on pp.46-47 are designed for advertisements, but they should still help you.
no. 4
Discuss the reading passage with the members of your new group and share your analyses of manga or anime images

Skills: Giving presentations.
Writing Workshop: peer-review plans for Writing 1
1. Review your plan and make the first draft of Writing 1 for peer review in Class no. 6. (For formatting, download "Tips for formatting with Microsoft Word" from Žφ‹ΖŽx‰‡ or use Google.docs.)
2. Read the guidelines for presentations (attached to the guidelines for discussions that you have already downloaded).
3. See Homework 3
Analyzing narrative  no. 5
Postreading activities: Each group should confirm that they understand the main points of what they have read, and prepare to explain these to members of other groups. 
Practice in peer revision. 
1. Complete first draft of Writing 1
2. Prepare for the next class by a) revising the main points of the reading passage, and b) choosing and analysing the narrative of a favourite manga or anime. 
no. 6
Peer review of Writing 1: Check for format, logic and structure, accuracy and plagiarism
Discuss the reading passage with the members of your new group and share your analyses of manga or anime narratives.
Explanation of "The globalization of culture".
1. Rewrite the first draft of Writing 1 and submit by e-mail by midnight on Saturday, 2 May.
2. Do the reading task as instructed.

REMEMBER the museums visit!
The Globalization of Culture no. 7
Fri. 5/08
Postreading activities: Each group should confirm that they understand the main points of what they have read, and prepare to explain these to members of other groups next week.

Writing skills: Choosing a topic for the term paper, finding sources and writing a plan. (Books versus the internet)
Prereading activities

1.Prepare for the next class as instructed.

2.Choose a topic for your term paper. Download Term Paper Plans A and B from Žφ‹ΖŽx‰‡ and fill in Plan A. (Peer review in Class no. 9)
no. 8
Wed. 5/13@
Postreading activities: In new groups, compare the main points of the different editions of the extracts. What is your response to these points (and to the differences in the three editions)?
Feedback on Writing 1 For an online version of my comments, click here.
(Discuss possible topics for a) Presentation 1 and b) the term paper and Presentation 2 in pairs?)
Prereading activities

Rewrite Writing 1 (deadline Class no. 10, when you must submit both the rewritten essay AND the first draft that contains my corrections!!)
For advice on how to do this, click here

Download the questions from Žφ‹ΖŽx‰‡ and read the Introduction and Chapter 1 of the textbook as instructed.
Forms and themes in Japanese Popular Culture
no. 9
Fri. 5/15

Postreading activities: Each group should confirm that they understand the main points of what they have read, and prepare to explain their responses to the text, and their answers to the questions, to members of other groups in the next class.

Peer review of Term Paper Plan A
Refine Term Paper Plan A for submission in Class 10.
If you wish to discuss your plan, please arrange an appointment.

2. Prepare for next class.

no. 10
Wed. 5/20
Submit Term Paper Plan A

Discussion of introduction and chapter 1 in different groups

Feedback on Writing 1?
Submit the rewrite of your essay AND the first draft that contains my corrections!

Download the questions from Žφ‹ΖŽx‰‡ and read Chapter 2 of the textbook. Skim first, and then read for detail.
 Sources of the Japanese Pop Imagination no. 11
Fri. 5/22@
Discussion about Chapter 2

Skills: How to write a summary
Rewrite Writing 1 (deadline Class no. 12)
For advice on how to do this, click here

(If you want more feedback on Writing 1, please arrange an appointment.)

Prepare to discuss your presentation plans with a partner
no. 12
Wed. 5/27
Feedback on Term Paper Plan A.
Advice on how to proceed with term paper.

Discuss your presentation plans with a partner.

Discussion of Chapter 2 continued
Rewrite Term Paper Plan A if necessary. Otherwise, start your research. (Deadline for Plan B: Between Classes no. 15 and 18; peer revision of first draft:Class no. 21) .

Write a summary (Peer review Class no. 13)
Peer review summary
Submit your presentation title.
Order of presentations?

.Discussion about museum visits and research activities

The timetable for presentations is here.
Other homework to be announced
Presentations   no. 14
Fri. 6/05@
Submit summary
Presentations 1 + Q&A
Homework to be announced

(If you wish to discuss your term paper plan, please arrange an appointment.)
no. 15
Wed. 6/10
Presentations 2 + Q&A
Homework to be announced
no. 16
Fri. 6/12
Presentations 3 + Q&A
For a model summary of the extract from Chapter 2, click here.
Download the questions for the next chapter (Chapter 3) from Žφ‹ΖŽx‰‡ and read the chapter.

(Submit Term Paper Plan B either now, or as soon as possible.)
The global appeal of Japanese popular culture 
no. 17
Wed. 6/17

Discussion of Chapter 3

Advice on how to proceed with term paper.
.Skills: How to avoid plagiarism; Citations 1
General feedback on the presentations
Download "Avoiding plagiarism" from Žφ‹ΖŽx‰‡ and read. Then do plagiarism quiz.

Other homework to be announced.
no. 18
Fri. 6/19

Activities to be announced
Writing skills: Coherence
Write a summary (Peer review, Class no. 19)?

Read chapter 4 (Questions to be uploaded)
Lost in Translation?   no. 19
Wed.. 6/24

Discuss term paper plans

Discuss Chapter 4
Peer review summary?

Continue to work on your term paper. (Choose one source to bring to the next class.)

See theHomework page for instructions for the reading assignment.
no. 20
Fri.. 6/26
Submit summary?
Discuss progress with term paper, using Plan B and other materials???

Continue discussions of Chapter 4

Skills: Citations II (relevant parts of my website) Practise with the source you have brought.
Practise citations. (Download "Bibliography (APA)" from Žφ‹ΖŽx‰‡ for examples of how to cite different types of source.)
Complete first draft. Add citations. Check that you have not plagiarised your sources. If you have, use quotation marks or paraphrase instead, and cite the source.
It does not matter if you cannot provide a complete draft. Instead, you can produce a detailed plan [thesis statement + (the main point + evidence) for each paragraph of the body], and write as many of the body paragraphs as possible. You do not need to write the introduction. In fact, most writers leave the introduction to the last, and do not add it to the beginning of the essay until they are satisfied with the conclusion (which they did not write until they were satisfied with the body.)
Read Chapter 5 and the conclusion. Download questions from Žφ‹ΖŽx‰‡.

Japan as soft superpower  no.21
Wed. 7/01
 Peer revision of term papers

Discuss Chapter 5 and the conclusion.
Revise first draft (Deadline, Class no. 22) This does not have to be complete (see above). It is better to give in part of the essay than nothing at all...

Fri. 7/04
Submit revised first draft of term paper
Skills: Turning a paper into a presentation

Discuss Chapter 5 and the conclusion
Discuss the cultural activities of the British and Japanese governments/the future of Japanese/Asian/global popular culture.  Complete preparations for your final presentation.@@
Final Presentations no. 24
Final presentations I .Continue to work on term paper.
no. 25
Wed. 7/15
Final presentations II@ @@
@@@@ no. 26
Final presentations III@
Feedback on term paper
Review citation methods.
Evaluation of class.@
Rewrite term paper. Please submit both the first draft and the rewrite by taking them to the ŠwΆ•” on 22 July before 16:45, and placing them in BOX 3. Do not take them to the Raiosha because the reception staff are not allowed to accept essays in this way. (If you wish me to return your paper with feedback, please sign up for an end-of-term meeting.)