Instructions for the homeworks related to the section on the globalization of culture

Preparation for Class 7

Members of Group A should download and read the extracts from the 2003 edition of Globalization: A Very Short Introduction and download and answer the questions for that edition; members of Group B should download and read the extracts from the 2009 edition and download and answer the questions for that edition; members of Group C should download and read the extracts from the 2013 edition and download and answer the questions for that edition.

(The parts in brackets indicate the paragraphs that you are responsible for. Note that "p. 1, para.1" means "the first complete paragraph on page 1", and so on. In the class discussions, each group will be split into two. Do not, therefore, expect your partner to do the reading for you!)

Group A  Group B   Group C
Takaya and Shiori (p. 2, paras 1 and 2; p. 69, para.1; p. 73, para. 1; p. 75, para.1; click here to update the information about the biggest media conglomerates in 2014 ) Seiji and Keitaro (p. 2, para. 2; p.7, para.1; p. 71, para.1; p. 75, paras 1 and 2; p.79, para. 1) Chihiro and Yuunei (p. 2, para. 1; p. 6, para.1; p. 74, paras. 1 and 2; p. 77, para. 1; p. 82, para. 2)
Gaku and Seito (p. 4, paras 1 and 2; p.69 para 2; p. 70, para.1; p.73, para. 2; p. 75, para.2; p. 81, para. 1) Taiki and Haruki (p. 4, paras 1 and 2; p.71, para 2 and p. 72, para.1; p. 73, para. 2 + table on p. 74; p. 77, paras 1 and 2; p. 80, para. 1) Ryota and Gen(p. 2, para. 2 and p. 3, para. 1 + table; p. 6, para. 2; p.75, para. 2; p . 76, para. 2; p.77, para. 2 + table pp. 78-79; p. 83, para. 1)
Ryohei and Yosuke (p. 5, para. 1; p.70, para. 2; p.75, para.3; p.77, para. 1; p. 82, para. 1 + table, and diagram on p.84) Kaoru and Mami (p. 5, paras 2 and 3; p.72, para. 2; p.75, para.3; p. 78, para. 1; p. 81, para. 1) Sean and Nanami (p. 4, paras 1 and 2; p.5, paras 2 and 3; p.7, para. 1; p.75, para.3; p. 80, para. 1; p. 83, para. 2)
Kaya and Kaho  (p. 7, para.1; p.71, paras1 and 2 + table on p.72; p.76, para.1; p. 83, para. 1 to the end, including p. 85) Yudai and Mai (p. 6, paras 1 and 2; p.73, para. 1; p.78, para.2; p. 81, para. 2 to the end, including p. 82) Takumi and Miku (p. 4, para. 3 and p.5, para. 1; p.7, para. 2; p.76, para. 1; p.80, para.2; p. 84, para. 1 to the end, including p. 85)

Preparation for Class no. 8
Members of Group 1 should scan the extracts from the 2003 edition of Globalization: A Very Short Introduction in order to find the differences with the edition that they read first. They should then note the differences and think why the author made these changes. Members of Group 2 should do the same with the 2009 edition, and members of Group 3 should do the same with the extracts from the 2013 edition. Should anything else have been changed? Be ready to discuss these points.

You should also revise your notes from Class no. 3 so that you can give a clear account of the main points of a) your original edition and b) the other ideas that you exchanged with the other members of your group on that day.

Steger gives various attitudes to the effect of globalization on culture. What are they? Which view, or combination of views, offers the best explanation for globalization as it is affecting Japanese popular culture, both within Japan itself, and on an international scale? What about the popular culture in and of other countries where you have lived?

Group 1   Group 2  Group 3
 Seiji and Haruki  Chihiro and Gen  Gaku and Shiori
 Keitaro and Taiki  Yuunei and Ryota  Kaya and Yosuke
 Sean and Miku Takaya and Seito   Kaoru and Mai
 Takumi and Nanami  Ryohei and Kaho  Yudai and Mami