
#5543. syntagmatic contaminationparadigmatic contamination[language_change][analogy][folk_etymology][contamination][assimilation][numeral][collocation][semantics][antonymy]


 言語変化 (language_change) の基本的な原動力の1つである類推作用 (analogy) に関する本格的な研究書,Fertig の Analogy and Morphological Change についてはこちらの記事群で取り上げてきた.
 今回は Fertig を参照し,contamination (混成)と呼ばれるタイプの類推作用について考えてみたい.「混成」とその周辺の現象が明確に分けられるかどうかについては議論があり,「#5419. blendingcontamination」 ([2024-02-27-1]) でも関連する話題を取り上げたが,ひとまず contamination を区別できるものと理解し,そのなかに2つのタイプがあるという議論を導入したい.syntagmatic contaminationparadigmatic contamination である.具体例とともに Fertig からの関連箇所を引用する (64) .

   Paul's initial conception of contamination (1886) involved influence attributable exclusively to paradigmatic (semantic) relations between forms, but he later (1920) recognized that lexical contamination often involves items that are not only semantically related but also frequently occur in close proximity in utterances. The importance of these syntagmatic relationships is emphasized in almost all modern accounts of contamination (Campbell 2004: 118--20 being the only exception that I am aware of). The most frequently cited examples involve adjacent numerals, which often influence each other's phonetic make-up: English eleven < Proto-Gmc. *ainlif under the influence of ten; Latin novem 'nine' instead of expected *noven under the influence of decem 'ten'; Greek dialectal hoktō 'eight' under the influence of hepta 'seven' (Osthoff 1878b; Trask 1996: 111--12; Hock and Joseph 2009: 163). Similar effects are attested in a number of languages among days of the week and months of the year, e.g. post-classical Latin Octember < Octōber under the influence of November and December.
   Such contamination attributable to syntagmatic proximity of the affecting and affected items is often characterized as distant assimilation. Some scholars characterize contamination as a kind of assimilation even when it is purely paradigmatically motivated. Anttila calls it 'assimilation . . . toward another word in the semantic field' (1989: 76). Andersen (1980: 16--17) explicitly distinguishes such 'paradigmatic assimilation' from the more familiar 'syntagmatic assimilation'. As an unambiguous example of the latter, he mentions the influence of one word on another within a formulaic expression, such as French au fur et à mesure 'as, in due course' < Old French au feur et mesure (Wackernagel 1926: 49--50). Contamination involving antonyms, such as Late Latin sinexter < sinister 'left' under the influence of dexter 'right' or Vulgar Latin grevis < gravis 'heavy' under the influence of levis 'light', could be both paradigmatically and syntagmatically motivated since antonyms frequently co-occur in close proximity within an utterance, especially in questions: Is that thing heavy or light? Should I turn right or left? Wundt's view of paradigm leveling as a type of assimilation should also be mentioned in this context (Paul 1920: 116n 1).

 syntagmatic contamination と paradigmatic contamination の2種類を区別しておくことは,理論的には重要だろう.しかし,実際的には両者は互いに乗り入れており,分別は難しいのではないかと思われる.paradigmatic な関係にある2者は syntagmatic には and などの等位接続詞で結ばれることも多いし,逆に syntagmatic に共起しやすい2者は paradigmatic にも意味論的に強固に結びつけられているのが普通だろう.
 個々の事例が,いずれかのタイプの contamination であると明言することができるのかどうか,あるいはできるとしても,そう判断してよい条件は何か,という問題が残っているように思われる.

 ・ Fertig, David. Analogy and Morphological Change. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2013.

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