
#5369. 日常会話と文学における「名前」の役割の違い[name_project][onomastics][literature][rhetoric]


 目下読み進めている名前学 (onomastics) のハンドブックの第20章が,この問いを扱っている.同章を書いた Smith は3点を挙げている (296) .

By focusing on the types of associative relationships within a communicative transaction, we can also observe at least three important differences between the ways in which names function in daily speech vis-à-vis imaginative literature. One difference can be seen in the greater degree of prosodic inventiveness in literature. Although we may observe increasing coinages of personal names in recent years, these follow recognizable morphological patterns, but in literature, especially children's literature, we find more play with the sounds of language and fewer restraints --- for example Pooh. Another difference lies in the rhetorical uses of references, the ways in which authors sometimes manipulate the interpretive associations by delaying or totally withholding the identification of people, places, or things. A third difference is the greater frequency and degree to which names in literature may be interpreted symbolically. Our thematic understanding of literature arises largely from the symbolic nature of language, including the many associations possibly evoked by names.

 3点目は,この記事の冒頭で述べたように,文学では名前に象徴的な意味が付されることが多いという点だ.ここには引喩,翻案,パロディーなどの間テキスト性 (intertextuality) も関わってくるだろう.
 日常会話と文学における名前の役割の違いは,ほかにも多々あるだろう.「名前プロジェクト」 (name_project) の一環として,じっくり考えてみるのもおもしろそうだ.

 ・ Smith, Grant W. "Theoretical Foundations of Literary Onomastics." Chapter 20 of The Oxford Handbook of Names and Naming. Ed. Carole Hough. Oxford: OUP, 2016. 371--81.

Referrer (Inside): [2025-01-01-1]

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