
#5164. 綴字体系は母語話者にヒントを与えるべく発達してきたものにすぎない[spelling][orthography][redundancy]


 Lass and Laing は,綴字体系の不完全性と余剰性について,"A spelling system is a mnemonic for native speakers." と喝破している.

A spelling system is a mnemonic for native speakers. . . . [A] literate native speaker can routinely understand spellings that may seem strikingly 'defective'.21 All spelling systems have built-in redundancy, and interpretation of even bizarre spellings is possible as long as the reader knows the system and has a good idea in advance of what a word is likely to be, or what the range of choices is. In the present context, no reader who knows English would have any difficulty reconstituting the defective representations <spllng> or <rthgrphc>.

21 For instance, the Cypriot syllabary failed to represent half the vowels and two-thirds of the consonantal contrasts . . . ; and Latin did not represent vowel length, which means that roughly half of the possible graphic word-forms available were potentially ambiguous.


 ・ Lass, Roger and Margaret Laing. "Interpreting Middle English." Chapter 2 of "A Linguistic Atlas of Early Middle English: Introduction." Available online at http://www.lel.ed.ac.uk/ihd/laeme2/laeme_intro_ch2.html .

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