【A summary】
Because they affect everyday life, many people are interested in weather.For example, according to the investigation of Yamasaki (2004* instructions 1), from primary schoolchildren to university students use a weather forecast once on 2nd on an averageAnd various science and the fastest computer are used for a weather forecast.For example, hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, computer science are applied to forecast weather.Choice physics, choice chemistry, choice earth science I (a geological feature), choice earth science II (the weather), choice earth science III (heavenly phenomena), experiment science are prepared for in Keio senior high school as a free elective subject.
And it is opened a course if there are study applicants more than ten people.Only choice earth science II (the weather)was able to open every year after the enforcement of an old course of study for ten years.
Therefore interest of students about the weather is high.
{Instructions 1:Yoshio Yamazaki,Yukimasa Tsubota, Nobuko Kakiuchi,2004,Fact-finding about consciousness and knowledge for the weather for children ,students.,Study bulletin of Chiba University Department of Education ,Vol. 52,1-11.}
A hypothesis of Super science I (Weather)
I made the following hypothesis.
・The weather that is an imminent object can maintain interest of students.
・It is possible for doing a thing to deepen understanding for "science" by learning science of weather.
・Students notice a scientific role in society by learning science of weather that has deep relationship with life.
・Students notice scientific essence by hearing a direct story from an expert.
・Natural experiences excite curiosity of students.
・Direct experiences let students deepen understanding.
I decided to examine the effectiveness about the next things for guidance methods and method of education supports.
・The use of audiovisual materials.
・The off campus training.
・Problem studies.
Keio senior high school was appointed in SSH and was to do "Studies about methods of education support to feed the creativeness and the originality that utilized curiosity" through the super science Ⅰ(weather).The first half year did experiment and practices, used audiovisual materials and learned the meteorological basics. The latter period did experiments observation, lectures, the off campus training, problem studies.
【Extracurricular study(At Mt.Daisetsu study institution of Hokkaido University of Education )】
Not only understanding of the large-scale weather system which called a high atmospheric pressure and a low pressure and a cold or warm front,but also scientific understanding of rainfall and snow are important.Therefore I cooperated with Mr.Tsuneya Takahashi,Assistant Professor of Hokkaido University of Education and observed the weather and snow crystallization in the outdoors and developed off campus training program to learn a weather condition and relation of a form of a snow crystal.
Observatory of low temperature is suitable so that snow crystals do not melt.In addition, because there are many cloud particles in the place that is near to the shore, It tend to become hail, and the inland region is good.Hokkaido University of Educationstudy institution in Daisetsu is near to Mt. Tokachi-dake, and it is the place that is most suitable for snow crystal observation. In the Mt. Daisetsu, Dr.Ukichirou Nakaya studied snow crystals. Therefore I chose it in a lodging training point.In Education practice synthesis center of Hokkaido University of Education, there is a plumb excessive cooling cloud wind tunnel only in the world.We can observe growth of the snow crystal which let control artificially and float here. There is also to be the training ahead.
Jan.5,2004:Observation of a snowfall, replica making of a snowy crystal, weather observation
Jan.6,2004:A lecture of a summary of the day before, observation of the snow, acid snowy observation
Jan.7,2004:After explanation, Divided into three groups and experiment on snowy crystal growth in a low temperature laboratory
Result of the off campus training is as follows.
・They deepened understanding about form of snowy crystals.
・Students were able to understand a snowy insulation effect for an experience from observation and an experiment of the snow.
・They deepened understanding about not taking in impurities by a snowy crystal process.
・Students did an experiment to demand density and deepened the understanding that difference of snowfalls and the snow, precipitation and snowfall.
・Students were able to sense a difference of getting chilled by radiative cooling of fine weather day and a cloudy sky day bodily.
01. 「The advanced science and weather -Learning from deepening of ozone hole science-」・・・Dr.Fumio Hasebe ,Professor of Hokkaido University
02. 「An introduction to Cloud Microphysics -In particular about growth of a cloud crystal-」・・・Dr.Tsuneya Takahashi,Assistant professor of Hokkaido University of Education
03. 「The meteorological numerical value model and mesoscale meteorological phenomena」・・・Dr.Hiroshi Niino ,Professor of Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
04. 「Science of a typhoon -The tropical atmosphere-」・・・;Mr.Testuo Nakazawa, Head of The 2nd Laboratory of Typhoon Research Department of Meteorological Research Institute
05. 「Climate model and earth environment」・・・Dr.Akimasa Sumi,Professor of Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo
06. 「Navigation management of planes and the weather」・・・Mr.Noriyuki Toudou, Manager of Japan Airlines
07. 「Wind-generated electricity」・・・Dr.Satoshi Hori ,Assistant professor of Institute of Technologists
08. 「The weather and the weather forecaster 」・・・Ms.Kyoko Makabe, Weather Anchor of Weathermap Co. Ltd.
I imposed a problem study by a group or individual in the latter period.I refer to presentation contents of a preliminary investigation result, poster announcement in Hiyoshi festival, intermediate announcement teaching, an intermediate report, a last report and I taught a problem study for students.(The details please refer to "SSH research and development enforcement report of first annual")