「#5633. 形容詞補文として to 不定詞が続く7つのタイプ --- Quirk et al. より」 ([2024-09-28-1]) に引き続き,同構文について.別の文法書を参照すると,異なる分類がなされている.今回は LGSWE (= Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English) の § を参照した.ここでは問題の形容詞の意味にしたがって,6タイプが区別されている. Adjectives taking post-predicate to-clauses
- Only one adjectival predicate is notably common controling to-clauses in post-predicate position: (un)likely. This form occurs more than 50 times per million words in the LSWE Corpus.
- Other adjectival predicates occurring more than ten times per million words in the LSWE Corpus are: (un)able, determined, difficult, due, east, free, glad, hard, ready, used, (un)willing.
- Other adjectival predicates attested in the LSWE Corpus:
Degree of certainty: apt, certain, due, guaranteed, liable, (un)likely, prone, sure
Ability or willingness: (un)able, anxious, bound, careful, competent, determined, disposed, doomed, eager, eligible, fit, greedy, hesitant, inclined, keen, loath, obliged, prepared, quick, ready, reluctant, (all) set, slow, (in)sufficient, welcome, (un)willing
Personal affective stance: afraid, amazed, angry, annoyed, ashamed, astonished, careful, concerned, content, curious, delighted, disappointed, disgusted, embarrassed, free, furious, glad, grateful, happy, impatient, indignant, nervous, perturbed, pleased, proud, puzzled, relieved, sorry, surprised, worried
Ease or difficulty: awkward, difficult, easy, hard, (un)pleasant, (im)possible, tough
Evaluation: bad, brave, careless, crazy, expensive, good, lucky, mad, nice, right, silly, smart, (un)wise, wrong
Habitual behavior: (un)accustomed, (un)used
ここでは,それぞれのタイプの形容詞が用いられる場合に to 不定詞がどのような意味役割を担っているのか,という点については触れられていない.しかし,LGSWE の続く箇所にさらなる解説があるので,ぜひご参照を.
・ Biber, Douglas, Stig Johansson, Geoffrey Leech, Susan Conrad, and Edward Finegan, eds. Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Harlow: Pearson Education, 1999.
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