
#5811. なぜ wind は短母音を示すのか? (3)[sobokunagimon][vowel][gvs][emode][variation][emode][orthoepy][orthography][variation]


 標記の問題について,「#5808. なぜ wind は短母音を示すのか?」 ([2025-03-22-1]) と「#5810. なぜ wind は短母音を示すのか? (2)」 ([2025-03-24-1]) で考えてきた.前者の記事で引いた OED の説明書きで Dobson が言及されていたので,そちらに当たってみた.Dobson (Vol. 2, §12) は,初期近代英語期における前舌高母音の長短の変異について,wind や関連する単語の事例を挙げながら論じている.議論の一部を引用しよう.

The variation occurs chiefly before OE lengthening groups. The most important class of word is those in -ind, which are normally recorded with ME ī; but there is some evidence of variation. Smith gives 'uīnd or uind' for wind sb. Mulcaster has ĭ in wind and bind against ī in kind, find, mind, and hind. Bullokar transcribes find with ī but rhymes it on ĭ. Coote says that some pronounce blind, find, and behind short, while others pronounce them long; Young's 'homophone' list shows variation in find. Hodges says that 'som men cal the winde, the wind'. It is clear that the variation was most common in wind, which has now come to have the short vowel; but in the sexteenth and seventeenth centuries it was more usually pronounced with ME ī given by Levins, Bullokar, Robinson, Gil, Willis, Wharton, Poole, J. Smith, Cooper, and Brown. Short ĭ (due to the separation of the n and d by the syllable-division) is apparently shown for winder by Fox and Hookes, who put it with window in their homophone list; but Bullokar has ī. (479)

 16--17世紀における -ind 語には,母音の長短の揺れがあったことがわかる.とりわけ問題の wind については揺れが激しかったようだ.個々の話者によっても,また時代や使用域によっても,揺れがあったにちがいない.当時の両発音の複雑な競合が,現代標準英語では「不規則」に思われる短母音に帰結してしまったということで,言語変異・変化の不思議さを思わずにはいられない.

 ・ Dobson, E. J. English Pronunciation 1500--1700. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Oxford: OUP, 1968.

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