
#1577. 言語変化の形式的説明と機能的説明[language_change][causation][methodology]


 言語変化を説明する原理や理論は数々提案されているが,すべての言語変化をきれいに説明できるものはない.また,ある1つの言語変化を説明するのに,いくつもの異なる説明が同等に有効であるという場合もある.言語変化の説明には,大きく分けて形式的なものと機能的なものがある.Newmeyer (32--33) がそれぞれの説明の特徴と問題を要領よくまとめている.

Formal explanations are those which appeal to mentally represented formal grammars and constraints on those grammars; functional explanations are those that appeal to properties of language users. Many, if not most, accounts of language change appeal to both types of explanation. The principal objection to formal explanation is to claim that it does little more than rearrange the data in more compact form --- such criticism embodies the idea that in order to explain the properties of some system, it is necessary to go outside of that system. The principal criticism of functional explanation is to claim that it is vacuous. Since for any functional factor there exists another factor whose operation would lead to the opposite consequence, the claim that some particular functional factor 'explains' some particular instance of language change has the danger of being empty.


 ・ Newmeyer, Frederick J. "Formal and Functional Motivation for Language Change." Motives for Language Change. Ed. Raymond Hickey. Cambridge: CUP, 2003. 18--36.

Referrer (Inside): [2016-05-25-1] [2013-08-25-1]

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