
#1528. 右は善良で,左は邪悪[ancrene_wisse][indo-european]


 「#329. 印欧語の右と左」 ([2010-03-22-1]) の記事で,印欧語における右優位の思想について取り上げた.英語にも同じ伝統が脈々と受け継がれているが,13世紀に著わされた修道女の手引き書 Ancrene Wisse (AW) を読んでいて,左右の差が道徳的な意味づけをされている箇所に出会った.その箇所は,写本でいえば Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 402 の fol. 57r19 -- r24 に相当する箇所,AW, Part 4 の「誘惑」についての文章に現われる.Kubouchi and Ikegami のパラレルエディションより引用する(現代英語の拙訳を付した).

. . . ȝef ei seið wel oðer deð wel ; ne mahen ha nanes/weis
lokin þider wið riht ehe of god heorte . ah winkið o þ+
half & bihaldeð o luft ȝef þer is eawt to edwiten . oðer lad/liche
þiderward schuleð mið eiðer . Hwen ha ihereð þ+ god ;
skleatteð þe earen adun . ah þe luft aȝein þ+ uuel ; is eauer
wid open . . . .

. . . if anyone says well or does well, they cannot ever look thither with the right eye of good heart, but wink in that eye and see in the left if there is anything to criticise, or squint evilly thither with either. When they here anything good, they flop the ears down, but the left ear is ever wide open towards the evil.

 ここでは,riht ehe (right eye) に「正しい目」と「右目」の両義が掛けてあり,対する (þe) luft (the left (eye/ear)) は「邪心」に喩えられている.

 ・ Kubouchi, Tadao and Keiko Ikegami, eds. The Ancrene Wisse : A Four-Manuscript Parallel Text, Preface and Parts 1--4. Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature 7. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2003.

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