Link:Google Scholar Page
Corresponding authors of each publication are marked with asterisks (*).


  1. Multimolecular Competition Effect as a Modulator of Protein Localization and Biochemical Networks in Cell-size Space
    S Nishikawa, G Sato, S Takada, S Kohyama, G Honda, M Yanagisawa, Y Hori, N Doi, N Yoshinaga, K Fujiwara*
    Advanced Science in press.

  2. Phase-Separated Giant Liposomes for Stable Elevation of α-Hemolysin Concentration in Lipid Membranes
    M Kobayashi,H Noguchi, G Sato, C Watanabe, K Fujiwara*, M Yanagisawa*
    Langmuir 39, 32, pp.11481?11489, DOI:10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c02019

  3. 2022

    1. Cytoplasmic delivery of siRNA using human-derived membrane penetration-enhancing peptide
      M Nakamura, K Fujiwara, N Doi*.
      J Nanobiotech 20, 458, DOI;10.1186/s12951-022-01667-4

    2. Controlling the periodicity of a reaction-diffusion wave in artificial cells by a two-way energy supplier
      S Takada, N Yoshinaga, N Doi, K Fujiwara*.
      ACS Nano, 16(10), 16853-16861, DOI:10.1021/acsnano.2c06756

    3. Mode selection mechanism in traveling and standing waves revealed by Min wave reconstituted in artificial cells
      S Takada, N Yoshinaga*, N Doi, K Fujiwara*.
      Science Advances, 8, eabm8460, DOI:10.1126/sciadv.abm8460

    4. Characterization of the membrane penetration-enhancing peptide S19 derived from human syncytin-1 for the intracellular delivery of TAT-fused proteins
      M Suzuki, K Iwaki, M Kikuchi, K Fujiwara, N Doi*.
      Biochem Biophys Res Comm, 586:63-67, DOI:10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.11.065
    5. 総説

    6. Min波の人工細胞内再構成とそこから見えた細胞サイズ空間効果
      光山 隼史、義永 那津人、藤原 慶
      生物物理, 62(1):19-23
    7. Review

    8. Cell-Size Space Regulates the Behavior of Confined Polymers: From Nano- and Micromaterials Science to Biology
      M Yanagisawa*, C Watanabe, N Yoshinaga, K Fujiwara*.
      Langmuir, 38(39), 11811?11827, DOI:10.1021/acs.langmuir.2c01397

    9. 2021

      1. Activation of a diluted E. coli cell-free transcription-translation system within liposomes by hypertonic concentration
        Y Matsui, T Akui, N Doi, K Fujiwara*.
        STAR protocols, 2(4):101003, doi:10.1016/j.xpro.2021.101003.

      2. Transcription-translation of Escherichia coli genome within artificial cells
        T Deyama, Y Matsui, Y Chadani, Y Sekine, N Doi, K Fujiwara*.
        Chemical Communications, 57, pp.10367-10370, DOI: 10.1039/d1cc04401j

      3. System concentration shift as a regulator of transcription-translation system within liposomes
        #T Akui, #K Fujiwara*, G Sato, M Takinoue, SM Nomura, N. Doi.
        (#: contributed equally to this work)
        iScience, 24(8), 102859, DOI:10.1016/j.isci.2021.102859

      4. Switching ON of transcription-translation system using GUV fusion by co-supplementation of calcium with long-chain polyethylene glycol
        Y Uwaguchi, K Fujiwara*, N Doi.
        ChemBioChem, 22, 2319-2324, DOI:10.1002/cbic.202100100

      5. A relationship between NTP and cell extract concentration for cell-free protein expression
        K Takahashi, G Sato, N Doi, K Fujiwara*
        Life, 11(3), 237, DOI:10.3390/life11030237
      6. 和文

      7. 大学の枠を越えたオンライン生体分子デザイン コン ペティションの 取り組み
        村田智、葛谷明紀、藤原 慶、平 順一、川又生吹、佐藤佑介、瀧ノ上正浩、野村 M. 慎一郎、角五 彰、堀 豊、安部桂太
        工学教育, 69 巻 4 号 pp. 4_31-4_39
      8. 翻訳

      9. Synthetic Biology 合成生物学 (ニュートンプレス)
        原著:Synthetic Biology: A Very Short Introduction (Jamie A. Davies)
        監訳: 藤原 慶、訳:徳永 美恵
      10. 著書

      11. これだけ! 生化学 第2版 (秀和システム)
        著:生化学若い研究者の会 (執筆、編集を分担)、監修:稲垣賢二

      12. 2020

        1. Conformational equilibrium of MinE regulates allowable concentration ranges of a protein wave for cell division
          S Kohyama, K Fujiwara*, N Yoshinaga, N Doi
          Nanoscale, 12, 11960 - 11970, doi: 10.1039/D0NR00242A

        2. Self-Organization Assay for Min Proteins of Escherichia coli in Micro-droplets Covered with Lipids
          S Kohyama, K Fujiwara*, N Yoshinaga, N Doi
          bio-protocol, 10(6): e3561, doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc.3561

        3. Microfluidic screening system based on boron-doped diamond electrodes and dielectrophoretic sorting for directed evolution of NAD(P)-dependent oxidoreductases.
          H Goto, Y Kanai, A Yotusui, S Shimokihara, S Shitara, R Oyobiki, K Fujiwara, T Watanabe, Y Einaga, Y Matsumoto, N Miki, N Doi*
          Lab on a chip, 20(4):852-861, doi: 10.1039/C9LC01263J

        4. 2019

          1. Regulation of spatiotemporal patterning in artificial cells by a defined protein expression system
            #A Yoshida, #S Kohyama, #K Fujiwara*, S Nishikawa, N Doi
            (#: contributed equally to this work)
            Chemical Science, 10, pp. 11064-11072 (2019), doi: 10.1039/C9SC02441G

          2. Cell-sized confinement controls generation and stability of a protein wave for spatiotemporal regulation in cells
            S Kohyama, N Yoshinaga*, M Yanagisawa, K Fujiwara*, N Doi
            eLife, doi: 10.7554/eLife.44591
          3. 展望記事

          4. 酵素を内包した人工細胞が拓く新しい醸造業や医薬品の開発
            藤原 慶, MDB 技術予測レポート, 項目36, (2019)

          5. 2018

            1. A dual system using compartmentalized partnered replication for selection of arsenic-responsive transcriptional regulator
              SL Aye, K Fujiwara, N Doi*
              J. Biochem., 164(5), pp. 341-348,

            2. Engineering of DNA polymerase I from Thermus thermophilus using compartmentalized self-replication
              SL Aye, K Fujiwara, A Ueki, N Doi*
              Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 499(2), pp. 170-176

            3. Increasing elasticity through changes in the secondary structure of gelatin by gelation in a microsized lipid space
              A Sakai, #Y Murayama, #K Fujiwara,T Fujisawa, S Sasaki, S Kidoaki, M Yanagisawa*
              (#: contributed equally to this work)
              ACS Central Science, 4(4), pp.477-483

            4. Artificial cell fermentation as a platform for highly efficient cascade conversion
              K Fujiwara*, T Adachi, N Doi
              ACS Synthetic Biology, 7(2), pp 363-370 (2018), doi: 10.1021/acssynbio.7b00365
            5. Review

            6. Single micrometer-sized gels: Unique mechanics and characters for applications
              M Yanagisawa*, C Watanabe, K Fujiwara
              Gels, 4(2), 29, (2018); doi:10.3390/gels4020029
            7. 総説

            8. 細胞サイズ脂質膜小胞による”発酵”生産の可能性
              藤原 慶, バイオサイエンスとインダストリ−, 76(4) pp. 302-303 (2018)

            9. 2017

              1. Liposomal internal viscosity affects the fate of membrane deformation induced by hypertonic treatment
                #K Fujiwara*, #M Yanagisawa*
                (#: contributed equally to this work)
                Soft Matter, 13, pp. 9192-9198 (2017)

              2. Universal glass-forming behavior of in vitro and living cytoplasm
                #K Nishizawa, #K Fujiwara, M Ikenaga, N Nakajo, M Yanagisawa, and D Mizuno*
                (#: contributed equally to this work)
                Scientific Report, 7, Article number: 15143 (2017). doi:10.1038/s41598-017-14883-y

              3. In vitro transcription-translation using bacterial genome as a template to reconstitute intracellular profile
                #K Fujiwara*, #T Sawamura, T Niwa, T Deyama, SM Nomura, H Taguchi, N Doi
                (#: contributed equally to this work)
                Nucleic Acids Research, 45(19), pp. 11449-11458 (2017) DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkx776

              4. DNA cytoskeleton for stabilizing artificial cells.
                C Kurokawa, K Fujiwara, M Morita, I Kawamata, Y Kawagishi, A Sakai, Y Murayama, S M. Nomura, S Murata, M Takinoue*, M Yanagisawa*
                Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114(28), pp. 7228-7233 (2017), doi: 10.1073/pnas.1702208114

              5. Human-derived fusogenic peptides for the intracellular delivery of proteins.
                K Sudo, K Niikura, K Iwaki, S Kohyama, K Fujiwara, N Doi*
                J. Control. Release, 255(10), pp. 1-11 (2017), doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2017.03.398
              6. 著書

              7. ペプチド医薬品のスクリーニング・安定化・製剤化技術
                技術情報協会, 「1-4. mRNAディスプレイ法によるペプチドのスクリーニング」
                須藤慧, 藤原 慶, 土居信英

              8. 人工細胞の創製とその応用
                CMC出版, 植田充美編,「3-4. 無細胞システムによる生命システムの理解」, 藤原 慶

              9. 2016

                1. In vitro selection of bispecific diabody fragments using covalent bicistronic DNA display.
                  M Nakayama, S Komiya, K Fujiwara, K Horisawa, N Doi*
                  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 478(16), pp. 606-611 (2016)

                2. Biochemical preparation of cell extract for cell-free protein synthesis without physical disruption.
                  K Fujiwara*, N Doi
                  PLOS ONE, 11(4): e0154614. (2016) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154614

                3. Identification of novel in vivo obligate GroEL/ES substrates based on data from a cell-free proteomics approach.
                  T Niwa, K Fujiwara, H Taguchi*
                  FEBS Lett., 590 (2), pp. 251-257 (2016)
                4. 翻訳

                5. 自然世界の高分子 (吉岡書店, 原題:Giant Molecules)
                  原著:Alexander Y. Grosberg and Alexei R. Khokhlov、監訳: 田中 基彦、鴇田 正之
                  訳: 田中 基彦、鴇田 正之、柳沢 実穂、坂上 貴洋、藤原 慶
                6. 著書

                7. DNA分子デザインのすべて〜BIOMOD虎の巻
                  CBT学会eBOOK、分子ロボティクス研究会編(1章3,4,5,11の執筆担当:藤原 慶)

                8. 2015

                  1. PURE mRNA display for in vitro selection of single-chain antibodies.
                    Y Nagumo, K Fujiwara, K Horisawa, H Yanagawa, N Doi*
                    J. Biochem., 159(5), pp. 519-526 (2015)

                  2. Droplet-Shooting and Size-Filtration (DSSF) Method for Synthesis of Cell-Sized Liposomes with Controlled Lipid Compositions.
                    M Morita, H Onoe, M Yanagisawa, H Ito, M Ichikawa, K Fujiwara, H Saito, M Takinoue*
                    ChemBioChem, 16 (14), pp. 2029-2035 (2015), DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201500354

                  3. Generation of monodisperse cell-sized microdroplets using a centrifuge-based axisymmetric co-flowing microfluidic device.
                    H Yamashita, M Morita, H Sugiura, K Fujiwara, H Onoe, M Takinoue*
                    J. Biosci. Bioeng., 119 (4), pp. 492-495 (2015), DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2014.09.018

                  4. Peptide sequences converting polyglutamine into a prion in yeast.
                    W Odani, K Urata, M Okuda, S Okuma, H Koyama, CG Pack, K Fujiwara, T Nojima, M Kinjo, S Kawai-Noma, H Taguchi*
                    FEBS Lett., 282 (3), pp. 477-490 (2015)
                  5. 総説

                  6. 高分子混雑効果を細胞モデル系から読み解く
                    柳澤 実穂, 藤原 慶
                    生物物理, 55(5) pp. 246-249 (2015)


                  1. Multiple patterns of polymer gels in microspheres due to the interplay among phase separation, wetting, and gelation.
                    M Yanagisawa*, S Nigorikawa, T Sakaue, K Fujiwara, M Tokita.
                    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 111 (45), 15894-15899 (2014)

                  2. Conversion of a Chaperonin GroEL-Independent Protein into an Obligate Substrate.
                    T Ishimoto, K Fujiwara, T Niwa, H Taguchi*.
                    J. Biol. Chem., 289: 32073-32080 (2014)

                  3. Introducing Micrometer-Sized Artificial Objects into Live Cells: A Method for Cell-Giant Unilamellar Vesicle Electrofusion.
                    AC Saito, T Ogura, K Fujiwara, S Murata, SM Nomura*.
                    PLoS ONE, (9), e106853 (2014)

                  4. Generation of Giant Unilamellar Liposomes Containing Biomacromolecules at Physiological Intracellular Concentrations using Hypertonic Conditions.
                    K Fujiwara*, M Yanagisawa*.
                    ACS Synthetic Biology, 3 (12), pp 870-874 (2014): 10.1021/sb4001917
                  5. Review

                  6. Reconstitution of intracellular environments in vitro and in artificial cells.
                    K Fujiwara*, M Yanagisawa, SM Nomura.
                    BIOPHYSICS, 10 (0), pp. 43-48 (2014)
                  7. 和文

                  8. DNAナノテクノロジーのためのアウトリーチツールの開発と評価.
                    吉澤 慧, 藤原 慶, 野村 M.慎一郎, 村田 智*
                    形の科学会誌, 2014, 29(2): 表紙を飾りました
                  9. 紀要

                  10. The rapid synthesis of cell-sized liposomes by centrifuge-based microfluidic device.
                    M Morita, H Onoe, M Yanagisawa, K Fujiwara, H Saito, M Takinoue.
                    18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014, pp. 336-338 (2014)
                  11. 著書

                  12. これだけ! 生化学 (秀和システム)
                    著:生化学若い研究者の会 (執筆、編集を分担)、監修:稲垣賢二


                  1. A bacterial salt sensor created by multiplying phenotypes of GroE-depleted Escherichia coli.
                    K Fujiwara*, KB Aoi, SM Nomura*.
                    Analytical methods, 5 (21), 5918-5922 (2013)

                  2. Cooperative working of bacterial chromosome replication proteins generated by a reconstituted protein expression system.
                    K Fujiwara*, T Katayama, SM Nomura.
                    Nucleic Acids Research, 41 (14): 7176-7183 (2013) doi:10.1093/nar/gkt489

                  3. Condensation of an additive-free cell extract to mimic the conditions of live cells.
                    K Fujiwara*, SM Nomura*.
                    PLoS ONE 8(1): e54155 (2013) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054155

                  4. Physicochemical analysis from real-time imaging of liposome tubulation reveals the characteristic of individual F-BAR domain proteins.
                    Y Takiguchi, T Itoh, K Tsujita, S Yamada, M Yanagisawa, K Fujiwara, M Ichikawa, A Yamamoto, K Takiguchi*.
                    Langmuir, Jan 8;29(1):328-36 (2013)
                  5. 紀要

                  6. Molecular robotics approach for constructing artificial cell model
                    SM Nomura*, Y Sato, K Fujiwara.
                    12th European Conference on Artificial Life, ECAL, 488-491 (2013)

                  7. Construction of remote-control supramolecular micro-crawler
                    D Komatsu, K Fujiwara, SM Nomura*.
                    12th European Conference on Artificial Life, ECAL, 208-209 (2013)
                  8. 総説

                  9. 細胞内濃厚環境に近づいた無細胞発現系
                    藤原 慶, 野村 M. 慎一郎, 生物物理, 53(5), pp.262-263 (2013)

                  10. 細胞抽出液の濃縮技術〜細胞再構築に向けた挑戦〜
                    野村 M. 慎一郎, 藤原 慶, 月刊バイオインダストリ, Vol. 30、No.8, p.59-65 (2013)


                  1. Cell-Sized Confinement in Microspheres Accelerate the Reaction of Gene Expression.
                    A Kato, M Yanagisawa, YT Sato, K Fujiwara, K Yoshikawa*.
                    Scientific Report, 2, Article number: 283 (2012)

                  2. Mechanism of overexpression of methionine synthase in chaperonin-depleted Escherichia coli.
                    K Fujiwara*, H Taguchi.
                    Microbiology, 158, 917-924 (2012)


                  1. A systematic survey of in vivo obligate chaperonin-dependent substrates.
                    K Fujiwara, Y Ishihama, K Nakahigashi, T Soga, H Taguchi*.
                    The EMBO Journal, Vol. 29, No.9, 1552-1564 (2010)

                  2. Filamentous morphology in GroE-depleted Escherichia coli induced by impaired folding of FtsE.
                    K Fujiwara, H Taguchi*.
                    J. Bacteriol., Vol. 189, No. 16, 5860-5966 (2007)

                  3. Involvement of the arginine repressor in lysine biosynthesis of Thermus thermophilus.
                    K Fujiwara, T Tsubouchi, T Kuzuyama, Nishiyama M*.
                    Microbiology, vol. 152, 3585-3594 (2006)

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