Original Papers
- Quantum Elliptic Calogero-Moser Systems from Gauge Origami
- Web Construction of ABCDEFG and Affine Quiver Gauge Theories
- Twisted reduction of quiver W-algebras
- Super instanton counting and localization
- Partition Functions of N = 1 Gauge Theories on S2 × R2ε and Duality
- Quantum mirror curve of periodic chain geometry
- Conformal field theory analysis for QCD Kondo effect
- Quantum integrability from non-simply laced quiver gauge theory
- Fractional quiver W-algebras
- Refined geometric transition and qq-characters
- Edge-of-edge states
- Fermi/non-Fermi mixing in SU(N) Kondo effect
- Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of topological phase transitions
- Boundary Conditions of Weyl Semimetals
- Quiver elliptic W-algebras
- Topological Number of Edge States
- Quiver W-algebras
- 2d partition function in Ω-background and vortex/instanton correspondence
- Band spectrum is D-brane
- Transport Process in Multi-Junctions of Quantum Systems
- Linking loops in ABJM and refined theory
- Duality and integrability of a supermatrix model with an external source
- Towards U(N|M) knot invariant from ABJM theory
- Bulk Angular Momentum and Hall Viscosity in Chiral Superconductors
- Current reflection and transmission at conformal defects:
applying BCFT to transport process
- Note on a duality of topological branes
- Towards holographic spintronics
- Phase structure of two-dimensional topological insulators by lattice strong coupling expansion
- Hofstadter problem in higher dimensions
- Euler products beyond the boundary
- T. Kimura, S. Koyama, and N. Kurokawa
- Lett. Math. Phys. 104 (2014) 1–19
- QCD phase diagram with two-flavor lattice fermion formulations
- Viscoelastic-electromagnetism and Hall viscosity
- Strong-coupling analysis of parity phase structure in staggered-Wilson fermions
- T. Misumi, T. Z. Nakano, T. Kimura, and A. Ohnishi
- Phys. Rev. D86 (2012) 034501
- Vortex counting from field theory
- Spinless basis for spin-singlet FQH states
- Revisiting symmetries of lattice fermions via spin-flavor representation
- T. Kimura, S. Komatsu, T. Misumi, T. Noumi, S. Torii, and S. Aoki
- JHEP 1201 (2012) 048
- The chiral heat effect
- β-ensemble for toric orbifold partition function
- Vortices on orbifolds
- Matrix model from N = 2 orbifold partition function
- Aoki phases in the lattice Gross-Neveu model with flavored mass terms
- Index theorem and overlap formalism with naive and minimally doubled fermions
- Hall and spin Hall viscosity ratio in topological insulators
- Lattice fermions based on higher-dimensional hyperdiamond lattices
- Character of lattice fermions based on the hyperdiamond lattice
- Vortex description of quantum Hall ferromagnets
Conference Proceedings
- Double quantization of Seiberg-Witten geometry and W-algebras
- Domain-wall, overlap, and topological insulators
- Phase structure of topological insulators by lattice strong-coupling expansion
- Y. Araki, T. Kimura, A. Sekine, K. Nomura, and T. Z. Nakano
- PoS: Lattice 2013 (2013) 050
- QCD Phase Diagram with two-flavor Lattice Fermion Formulations
- Strong coupling analysis of Aoki phase in Staggered-Wilson fermions
- T. Z. Nakano, T. Misumi, T. Kimura, and A. Ohnishi
- PoS: Lattice 2012 (2012) 203
- Index theorem and overlap formalism with naive and minimally doubled fermions
- Aoki phases in staggered-Wilson fermions
- T. Misumi, M. Creutz, T. Kimua, T. Z. Nakano, and A. Ohnishi
- PoS: Lattice 2011 (2011) 108
- Classification and generalization of minimal-doubling actions
Review Articles
- Quiver gauge theory and quiver W-algebra
- T. Kimura
- Prepared for MSJ Spring Meeting 2018
- Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Geometry, and Quantum Algebras
- Random matrices
- B. Eynard, T. Kimura, and S. Ribault
- Lecture series in IPhT, CEA Saclay, 2015
Book Chapters
- Analysis of Topological Material Surfaces
- T. Kimura
- Heterojunctions and Nanostructures, V. N. Stavrou (Ed.), InTech, 2018
- Gauge Theory, Combinatorics, and Matrix Models
- T. Kimura
- Linear Algebra – Theorems and Applications, H. A. Yasser (Ed.), InTech, 2012
Research Grants
- 2018 Apr – 2019 Mar:
Keio Gijuku Academic Development Funds
- Project Title: Quantum Algebraic Structure in Gauge Theory
- Role: PI
- 2017 Jun – 2022 Mar:
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, MEXT, Japan
- Project Title: Study of Topological Materials lead by quantum anomalies, branes and solitons
- Project Number: 17H06462
- Role: Co-Investigator
- 2017 Apr – 2020 Mar:
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), MEXT, Japan
- Project Title: Gauge theory duality and quiver W-algebras
- Project Number: 17K18090
- Role: PI
- 2016 Apr – 2018 Mar:
Keio Gijuku Academic Development Funds
- Project Title: Duality in quantum field theory and its applicatioins
- Role: PI
- 2013 Apr – 2016 Mar:
Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, MEXT, Japan
- Project Title: Universality of matrix model and its application
- Project Number: 13J04302
- Role: PI
- 2011 Apr – 2013 Mar:
Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, MEXT, Japan
- Project Title: Duality and topology in condensed-matter theory
- Project Number: 11J00593
- Role: PI