幽霊語について ghost_word のタグで記事をいくつか書いてきた.一昨日の記事「#5800. ghost word --- Skeat 曰く「辞書に採録してはいけない語」」 ([2025-03-14-1]) で触れたように,ghost word なる用語を造り出したのは,文献学者 Walter W. Skeat (1835--1912) である.
先の記事で触れたように,abacot なる単語が bycocket の崩れた形(誤記や異分析が関わっているか?)として幽霊のように生じたと考えられている.Skeat は,このような語を典型的な幽霊語と考えた.Skeat はまた,幽霊語は既存の単語の単なる誤用と混同すべきではないとも説く.ghost word の定義に相当する1節 (p. 352) を Skeat より引用しよう.
I propose, therefore, to bring under your notice a few more words of the abacot type; words which will come under our Editor's notice in course of time, and which I have little doubt that he will reject. As it is convenient to have a short name for words of this character, I shall take leave to call them "ghost-words." Like ghosts, we may seem to see them, or may fancy that they exist; but they have no real entity. We cannot grasp them; when we would do so, they disappear. Such forms are quite different, I would remark, from such as are produced by misuse of words that are well known. When, according to the story, a newspaper intended to say that Sir Robert Peel had been out with a party of friends shooting pheasants, and the compositor turned this harmless piece of intelligence into the alarming statement that "Sir Robert Peel had been out with a party of fiends shooting peasants," we have mere instances of misuse. The words fiends and peasants, though unintended in such a context, are real enough in themselves. I only allow the title of ghost-words to such words, or rather forms, as have no meaning whatever. (352)
この主張の後,Skeat は主に中英語期の文字の読み違いによって生じた幽霊語の例を挙げていく.単発の読み違いが,その後,誤ったまま連綿と受け継がれていき,いつしか幽霊語と気づかれることのない本当に恐ろしい幽霊語へと発展していくものだ,と警鐘を鳴らしている.Skeat はいったい何を恐れていたのだろうか(筆者は,このような単語はそれ自体が歴史をもっており,おもしろくて好きである).
・ Skeat, Walter W. "Report upon 'Ghost-words,' or Words which Have no Real Existence." in the President's Address for 1886. Transactions of the Philological Society for 1885--87. Vol. 2. 350--80.
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