第3回 515通りの through
--- 中英語のスペリング


堀田 隆一

「hellog〜英語史ブログ」 url: http://user.keio.ac.jp/~rhotta/hellog/


  1. ノルマン征服と方言スペリング
  2. スペリングの様々な改変
  3. スペリングの再標準化の兆し

(1) ノルマン征服と方言スペリング

  1. ノルマン征服によりアングロサクソン王朝が滅びる
  2. 公的な書き言葉が英語からフランス語へ移行する
  3. 英語は話し言葉の世界に事実上閉じ込められる
  4. 英語が書かれなくなったので,後期古英語のウェストサクソン方言に基づく標準スペリングも無に
  5. 再び英語を書きだすようになったとき,書き手は自らの「訛った」英語方言に基づいたスペリングを用いた
  6. 無数の方言スペリングが乱立

ノルマン征服から英語の復権までの略史 (#131)

12--13世紀英語の文学作品などが現れ始める( Layamon's Brut, The Owl and the Nightingale, Ancrene Wisse, etc. )
1258年Simon de Monfort の反乱(政府機関へのフランス人の登用に対する抗議.英語の回復も強く要求される.その結果,Henry III は布行政改革の宣言書をラテン語,フランス語だけでなく英語でも出すこととなった.)
1272年Edward I がイングランド王として初めて英語を使用する
1337年Edward III,フランスの王位継承権を主張し百年戦争が始まる( 〜 1453年 )
1348--50年最初のペストの流行( 1361--62, 1369, 1375年にも流行)
1350年代Higden's Polychronicon で,上流貴族の子弟にとってもすでに英語が母語となっていたことが示唆される
1363年法廷での使用言語が英語となる (ただし、記録はラテン語)
1399年英語を母語とする最初の王 Henry IV 即位
1414年Henry V がイングランド王として初めて英語で手紙を書く(政府内でも英語の使用が奨励される)

515通りの through (#53, #54), 134通りの such (#2520)

  1. doruȝ-, dorw, dorwe, dorwgh, dourȝh, drowgȝ, durghe, durwe, -thogh, thorch, thorew, thorewe, thorffe, thorg, Thorgh, thorgh, -thorgh, thorgh, thorghe, thorght, thorghw, thorghwe, thorgth, thorh, thoro, thorogh, thoroghe, thoroght, -thoroght, thorohe, thoroo, thorou, Thorough, thorough, thorough-, thoroughe, thorought, Thorouh, thorouȝ, thorouȝh, Thorow, thorow, thorow-, Thorowe, thorowe, thorowg, thorowgh, thorowghe, thorowght, thorowh, thorowth, thorowut, thorowȝ, thorowȝt, thorrou, thorrow, thorth, thorthe, thoru, thoru-, thorue, thorugh, -thorugh, thorughe, thorught, -thorught, Thoruh, thoruh, thoruh-, thorur, thoruth, Thoruȝ, thoruȝ, thoruȝh, thorv, Thorw, thorw, -thorw, thorw, Thorwe, thorwe, thorwgh, thorwh, thorwȝ, -thorwȝ, thorwȝ, thorwȝe, Thorȝ, thorȝ, Thorȝe, thorȝe, thorȝh, thorȝoh, thorȝt, thorȝw, thorȝwe, thour, thour, thoure, thourgh, -thourgh, thourghe, thourght-, thourh, thourhe, thourow, thourr, thourth, thourw, thourw, thourwg, thourȝ, thourȝ, thourȝe, thow, thowe, thowffe, thowr, thowrgh, thowrow, thowur, thrawth, threw, thro, thro-, -thro, throch, throcht, throgh, throghe, throghet, throght, throght, throghte, throighe, throu, throuche, throue, throug, through, through-, throughe, throught, throuh, throuȝ, throuȝe, throuȝht, throve, throw, throw-, throw, throwe, throwe, throwe, throwg, throwgh, throwght, throwh, throwr, throwth, throwȝ, throwȝe, throȝ, -throȝe, throȝe, throȝgh, throȝghe, throȝh, throȝhe, throȝt, thruch, thrue-, thrug-, Thrugh, thrugh, thrughe, thrught, thrughte, thruh, thruth, thruȝ, thruȝe, thruȝhe, thrvoo, thrw, thrwe, thrwgh, thrwght, thrygh, thuht, thur, thurch, thurew, thurg, thurge, thurge-, thurgeh, Thurgh, thurgh, thurgh-, -thurgh, thurgh, thurghe, thurght, thurghte, thurgth, thurgwe, Thurh, thurh, thurhe, thurhge, thurhgh, thuro, thurow, thurowe, thurth, thurthe, thuru, thurv, thurw, -thurw, thurwe, Thurȝ, thurȝ, thurȝe, Thurȝh, thurȝh, Thurȝhg, thurȝt, thurȝth, thwrgh, thwrw, torgh, torghe, torw, -torwe, trghug, trogh, troght, trough, trow, trowe, trowffe, trowgh, trowght, trugh, trughe, trught, twrw, yerowe, yhorh, yhoru, yhrow, yhurgh, yhurght, yora, yorch, yorgh, yorghe, yorh, yoro, yorou, yoroue, yorough, yorour, yorow, yorow-, yorowe, yorowe, yoru, yorugh, yoruh, yoruȝ, yorw, yorwe, yorȝ, your, yourch, yourgh, yourghe, yourh, yourw-, yourȝ, yowr, yowrw, yoȝou, yrogh, yrou-, yrow, yrugh, yruȝ, yurch, yurg-, yurgh, yurghe, yurght, yurh, yurhg, yurht, yurowe, yurth, yurthe, yuru, yurw, yurwh, yurȝ, yurȝe, ðoru, þarȝ, þerew, þerew, þerow, þerue-, þhorow, þhurȝ, þor, þorch, þore, þoreu, þorew, þorewe, þorewȝ, þoreȝ, þorg, -þorgh, þorgh, þorghe, þorght, þorghȝ, þorguh, þorgȝ, þorh, þoro, þorogh, þoroghe, þorou, þorou, þoroue, þorough, þorought, þorouh, þorour, -þorouȝ, þorouȝ, þorouȝe, þorouȝh, þorouȝt, þorow, -þorow, þorow, þorow, þorowe, þorowgh, þorowghe, þorowh, þorowth, þorowþ, þorouwȝ, þoroȝ, þorrow, þorrughe, þorth, þoru, -þoru, þorue, þorug, þorugh, þorught, þorugȝ, þoruh, þoruhg, þoruth, þoruþ, þoruȝ, -þoruȝ, þoruȝe, þoruȝh, þoruȝt, þorv, þorw, þorw-, -þorw, þorwe, þorwgh, þorwgȝ, þorwh, -þorwh, þorwhe, þorwth, þorwtȝ, þorwȝ, þorwȝe, þorþ, þorȝ, þorȝe, þorȝh, þorȝhȝ, þorȝt, þough, þour, þour, þour, þourg, þourgh, þourght, þourgȝ, þourh, þourh, þourow, þourt, þourth, þouruȝ, þourw, þourw-, -þourw, þourwe, þourþ, þourȝ, t-þourȝ, þourȝ, þourȝe, þourȝh, þourȝt, þourȝw, þouȝ, þouȝt, þowr, þowre, þro, þrogh, þroghe, þrorow, þrorowe, þroth, þrou, þrough, þrought, þroughte-, þrouh, þrouhe, þrouht, þrouȝ, þrouȝe, þrouȝh, þrouȝt, þrouȝte, þrouȝth, þrow, þrow, þrowe, þrowgh, þrowghe, þrowh, -þrowþ, þrowȝ, þrowȝe, þroȝ, þroȝe, þroȝgh, þroȝh, þroȝt, þroȝth, þrugh, -þruh, þruȝ, þruȝe, þur, þurch, þureh, þureȝ, þurf, þurg, þurgh, -þurgh, þurghe, þurght, þurghȝ, þurgȝh, þurh, þurh, þurhg, þurht, þuro, þurow, þurru, þurth, þurthe, þuru, þuruch, þurugh, þurughe, þurut, þuruȝ, þurw, þurw-, þurwe, þurwȝ, þurwȝ, þurþ, þurȝ, þurȝe, þurȝg, þurȝh, þurȝhg, þurȝt, þurȝth, þwrgh, ȝorgh, ȝoru, ȝoruȝ, ȝoruȝt, ȝorw, ȝour, ȝowr, ȝurch
  2. asoche, aswyche, schch, schech, scheche, schiche, schoche, scht, schuc, schuch, schuche, schut, schute, sclik, sclike, sclyk, sclyke, scoche, scwche, sech, seche, sewyche, shich, shiche, shoch, shoche, shuch, shuche, shych, sic, sic-, sich, siche, sick, sɩͨh, sik, sik-, sike, silk, sli, slieke, slik, slike, slilk, slkyke, slyk, slyke, soch, soche, souche, sowche, soyche, squike, squilk, squylk, sqwych, sqwyche, sswiche, suc, succh, sucche, such, suche, suchee, sucheȝ, suchet, sucht, suchte, suech, sueche, suhc, suhe, suich, suiche, suilk, suilk-, suilke, suilkin, sulc, sulk, sulke, sutche, suth, suuch, suuche, suuech, suueche, suych, suyche, suylk, suylke, svche, sviche, swc, swch, swche, swech, sweche, swelk, swhiche, swhilke, swhych, swhyche, swic, swich, swiche, swichee, swilc, swilk, swilke, swilkes, swisɩͨhe, swlk, swlke, swuch, swuche, swych, swyche, swyeche, swyk, swyke, swyl, swylk, swylke, swylle, syc-, sych, syche, syge, syk, syk-, syke, sylk, sylke

6単語でみる中英語の方言スペリング (#1812)

ME Dialect with Six Words

busy, bury, merry (#562)

ME Dialect for i, y, e
 Southwestern, West-MidlandNorth, East-MidlandSoutheastern (Kentish)
OE forms/y//ɪ//ɛ/
byrgan "bury"burybirybery
bysig "busy"busybisybesy
cynn "kin"kunkinken
lystan "lust"luste(n)liste(n)leste(n)
myrge "merry"muriemyrymery
synn "sin"sunnesynnesenne, zenne

Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales の冒頭より (#534)

    Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote
 The droghte of March hath perced to the roote,
 And bathed every veyne in swich licour
 Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
5Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth
 Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
 The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
 Hath in the Ram his half cours yronne,
 And smale foweles maken melodye,
10That slepen al the nyght with open ye
 (So priketh hem nature in hir corages),
 Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,
 And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes,
 To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;
15And specially from every shires ende
 Of Engelond to Caunterbury they wende,
 The hooly blisful martir for to seke,
 That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke.

第7行目の写本間比較 (#2788)

第1期 (C15a1) 
ElThe tendre croppes / and the yonge sonne
Ha4The tendre croppes and þe ȝonge sonne
HgThe tendre croppes / and the yonge sonne
LaThe tendre croppes 7 þe ȝonge sonne .
第2期 (C15a2) 
Bo2The tendre Croppes and the yong sonne
En1The tendre croppes and' the yonge son
IiThe tendre croppes and the yong sonne
LcThe tendir croppis 7 þe yonge sonne
PsThe tendre croppes and the yong sonne
PwThe tendre croppis 7 þe yonge sonne
Ry2The tendre croppes 7 the ȝonge sonne
第3期 (C15mid) 
MgThe tendre croppes / and the yonge sonne
第4期 (C15b1) 
ChThe tendre Croppes . and the yonge sonne
Ds1The tender croppis 7 the yong' sonne
FiThe tender croppes and þe yonge sonne
Ha2The tendre croppes . 7 the yong sonne .
Ha3The tendre croppys . And þe yownge sonne
HtThe tendre croppes and the yong' sonne
Ld1The tendre croppes and the yong sonne
Ph2The tendir croppis and the yong Sūne
PyThe tendre croppis . and the yong' sonne
SeThe tendre croppis / 7 the yonge sonne
Tc1The tendre croppis and th yong sonne
To1the tendre Croppis . and the yonge sonne
第5期 (C15b2) 
Ad1The tendre croppys / and the yong sonne
Bo1The tendir croppis and the yong Sūne .
Cx1The tendir croppis / and' the yong sonne
Cx2The tendyr croppis / and' the yong' sonne
En3The tendre croppis and the yonge sonne
Ld2The tendre croppys and the yong sōne .
Ma¶ The tenþir Croppis . and' þe yonge son
PnThe tendre croppes and the yong sonne
Tc2The tendre croppes / and the yonge sonne
WyThe tendre croppys and the yonge sonne

(2) スペリングの様々な改変

  1. フランス語のスペリング習慣より (#3108)
    1. ones, tweies, is → once, twice, ice (#81)
    2. cwen, cwic → queen, qui(c)k
    3. cirice, ciese → chirche, chese
  2. 縦棒回避の傾向 (#3069)
    1. 堀田による連載「現代英語を英語史の視点から考える」第9回「なぜ try が tried となり,die が dying となるのか?(2017/09/20)」も参照)
    2. <i, m, n, u, v, w> の縦棒 (minim) 問題
    3. "minster" は <ııııııster> か <ıııyııster> か?
    4. "him" は <hıııı> か <hyııı> か?
    5. 1人称代名詞 <I> のスペリングについて (#91)
    6. luue, sume, wunder → loue, some, wonder (#2450)
    7. <u> → <o> のその他の例:won, wonder, worry, woman, monk, monkey, sponge, ton, tongue, Somerset, honey, cover, above
  3. 2重字 <sh> の歴史 (#2049)
  4. How to Spell <sh>
  5. hwæt, hwa, hwenne, hwære, hwy → what, who, when, where, why (#51)
  6. <þ, ð, th> の盛衰 (#1329)
  7. ye = the (#13)

(3) スペリングの再標準化の兆し

  1. 14世紀中に英語の地位が向上し,公的な様々な状況で英語が再び用いられるようになる
  2. 共通方言としてロンドン英語の重要性が増してくる (#929)
  3. 書き言葉も緩やかに標準化の兆しを示す
  4. 15世紀前半に "Chancery Standard" が出現し,公文書に採用されるようになる (#193)
  5. しかし,それとていまだ14種類の "through" が (through, thurgh, tþurgh, thorugh, thourgh, throu, thorogh, throgh, thorwe, thorwgh, thorw, thorow, þorow, þorowe)
  6. あくまで再標準化の「兆し」にすぎない(その完成は早くとも17世紀半ば以降)
  7. 現代的な「正しいスペリング」という正書法の発想は,いまだ稀薄


  1. ノルマン征服による標準綴字の崩壊 → 方言スペリングの繁栄
  2. 主として実用性に基づくスペリングの様々な改変
  3. 中英語後期,スペリング再標準化の兆しが
